WYM Pages

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Pence Will Refuse To Certify The Electoral College Vote (Which Will Determine Joe Biden Is The Next President) Throwing The Election To The House (Which Will Select Dotard). aka The 12th Amendment Gambit

According to Dotard-supporter Minus FJ, Obi-Wan Pence will save the day by refusing to certify Joe Biden's electoral college win.

Chad Pergram of Fox News: The Constitution makes Congress the ultimate arbiter determining which candidate wins each state. Congress must approve certificates of election from all 50 states. ...the House and Senate to meet in a joint session of Congress on January 6 to formally sign off on the results. Presuming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is re-elected to her leadership role, she and Vice President Mike Pence, in his capacity as President of the Senate, would co-preside over the joint session.

the 12th Amendment to the Constitution mandates that "the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall be counted". The 12th Amendment also says "the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be President". But Congress must agree to all of this. And remember, Pence is the one running the show... Do not underestimate the role of the vice president at this critical stage.

The Constitution does not mandate what the House and Senate must do to establish whether it "certifies" an electoral slate. And if the House and Senate actually debate or even vote on a disputed slate of electors from a state, what happens if each body reaches a different conclusion? It's mathematically possible the presidential candidates fall shy of the required 270 votes to assume the presidency? (12/7/2020).

Minus says (re my comment that it will all be over when the electors vote on Dec 14) "were they to be no contention in the college, you would be correct". But what is the contention? All the swing states have certified their vote and say their electors must select Joe Biden.

So HOW would this play out? Given there there will be no contention in the electoral college. Me, I think it is very unlikely there will be a Pence-lead coup. Clearly Minus is hoping there will be.

Despite the fact that Joe Biden decisively won the election and throwing out that result would require republicans in the House to all do the wrong thing. Which so far hasn't been the case. The republican-controlled swing states having certified Joe Biden the winner (GA and AZ).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-206.


  1. There seems to be no end to Minus and his sock puppets' fevered dreams.

    None of that will happen.

  2. Point of fact Derv... Nevada has in fact certified Biden as the winner, but we are not a Republican State. The Dems control the house, senate and governor's seat.

    1. You are correct. I meant Arizona. Post changed.

    2. And Derv... therein lies the difference among many on the left, and the right. You acknowledged the error and fixed it. You did not, as the sailors on the HMS Mothership of Denial do and rail against someone for pointing out an error.

      We can all have differences of opinion, but the right seems to eschewed the need to be accurate, honest and truthful in many of their posts and refusing to fix obvious factual errors, falsehood, alternative or false facts.

      I wonder why that is?

  3. Is this what the Trumpers are pinning all their hopes on????

    A demented lawsuit

    What’s more, Loeffler and Perdue have now endorsed this new Texas lawsuit. It literally asks the Supreme Court to step in and invalidate Biden’s electors in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, on the fictitious grounds that the voting was administered fraudulently in them — echoing claims that numerous courts have shot down already.

    This could clear the way for GOP state legislatures in all four states to appoint Trump electors, overturning the results, as Trump himself has repeatedly demanded.

    This is insane. As University of Texas law professor Steve Vladeck points out, the suit seeks to exploit the fact that the Supreme Court does have jurisdiction to hear disputes between states, but it does not automatically hear such complaints, and in this case, it won’t. The high court already declined to hear a somewhat less crazy lawsuit seeking to overturn results in Pennsylvania.

    But the fact that this is a stunt doesn’t make it less disgusting that Loeffler and Perdue have endorsed it. Their statement declares that they “fully support” this lawsuit on the grounds that Trump has “every right” to exercise his “legal recourse.”

    Again, here they are declaring this effort to subvert the will of the voters to be a legitimate tactic. Since one of the states is Georgia, this is in effect a declaration of war on their own state’s electorate.

    “The central argument here is that we should let the election be decided by unelected judges and partisan state legislators, rather than the 150 million Americans who cast legitimate ballots,” Vladeck told me. “That would be the end of democracy as we know it.”

  4. Trump knows he lost. All of what he's doing is nothing more than a dog and pony show for his gullible cultists and to soothe his voracious ego.

    What’s going on inside our White House is the real story and the fact Barron is enrolled in school in Florida already starting in January and Melania has been busy with movers sending their personal items to Mara Lago from the residence and from Trump Tower.

    Do the Trump cultists still believe this Texas joke is going anywhere? Really?

    1. Why do BIden cultists so sincerely believe that he won? He just ran a very strong campaign, spoke eloquently and he and his family remained free of any form of scandal.


    2. "Biden cultists"... LOL! You're the one in the cult, Minus. As proven by your inability to accept reality. Meanwhile the Biden transition continues. Although I'd certainly be happier if it were a Sanders transition. I voted for Biden because he is better than Dotard. Not a high bar, given what a terrible job Dotard has done.

      See your blog is still restricted to "team members" btw. Because you simply can't take any criticism of your cult leader now that he has LOST. Are you as done with voting as you are with blogging. Because you not voting is something I approve of. But I don't know if I can believe you.

    3. I can't stand criticism? Then why can't anyone post a YouTube showing voter fraud in the last election?

      You don't like NOT being able to post? Think of my blog policy as an inverted extension of YouTube's.

    4. Because YouTube doesn't want to be a forum for disinformation. Disinformation isn't criticism.

    5. Maybe Google should remove your blog, given that it's chock full of disinformation. I think flagging it would be good enough, however. LOL.

    6. Fraud in the last election isn't disinformation. It used to be seen all over YouTube. But some people just can't handle the truth...

    7. It is 100% disinformation. Voter fraud has been proven to be statistically insignificant.

    8. Voter fraud in the last election has also been absolutely proven, statistically speaking.

    9. Bullshit. If it were "proven", Dotard's "legal team" wouldn't have lost all it's cases.

  5. Fraud? Like Minus FJ's claim of "suitcases full of ballots?" Or was that you?
    In any case, this is why fake videos are not allowed on YouTube:

    FACT CHECK: Video Doesn’t Show ‘Suitcases’ of Illegal Ballots in Georgia

    The Trump campaign is falsely claiming that surveillance camera footage captured election workers in Georgia adding thousands of illegal ballots that were brought into an Atlanta facility in suspicious “suitcases” on election night.

    The campaign presented the video to Georgia state lawmakers on Dec. 3. President Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, wrote on Twitter the same day: “The video tape doesn’t lie. Fulton County Democrats stole the election. It’s now beyond doubt.” Trump himself later amplified the claim at a rally in Georgia on Dec. 5.

    But state officials (Conservative Republicans!) told us that the full video shows the supposed “suitcases” were actually standard containers used to secure ballots, and that the ballots in question were opened and prepared for counting earlier in the night in full view of observers. They said the campaign presented limited, selective parts of the footage.

    Those videos are NOT being published on YouTube because they're full of lies, manipulations, and disinformation. That you can't accept or understand this simple fact shows us, once again, how deeply rooted you are in this deplorable Trump Cult.


    1. Right! And Rudy saw the entire video, so he KNEW that legal ballot counting is what the video showed. Before he dishonestly presented that clip as "proof" of fraud. He should be disbarred.

  6. Also, Minus FJ and JoeCon need to internalize these truths:

    Democrat Joseph R. Biden won the election by more than 7 million votes and by 306 to 232 electoral votes.

    Trump has lost 55 of the 56 court cases he has brought to change the election’s outcome, and all 50 states have certified their election results.

    This election is not close; attempts to overturn it reject the central concept of democracy: that voters choose their leaders.
