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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Magamorons Praying For A Coup That Keeps Dotard In The White House

Although, according to the podcaster "TimCast", it wouldn't be a coup but a 2nd revolution -- akin to the colonies declaring independance from the British Empire.

The following is from a YouTube the Dotard-supporting blogger Minus FJ posted recently (transcribed by me).

@Timcast: I want to express, to an extreme degree, human beings can just do things. ... what if Mike Pence says "I will not be involved in this, because as a candidate in this race, it would be a conflict of interest" -- passes it off to Chuck Grassley, Chuck Grassley says, "Trump wins"...

I can't tell you what anyone would do. They [Democrats] would file a suit at the Supreme Court, saying it's not legitimate. The Supreme Court would probably agree. But by when? And then what?

If millions of people show up in DC, Trump isn't going anywhere. If 10 million people really do show up in DC, I believe Trump will be president for another four years. And I mean it.

...the Founding Fathers signed a declaration of independence -- under what authority? The colonies were under the government of the British empire. ... I certaninly imagine that, when King George III received the declaration of independence and read it, he thought to himself "under what authority can they claim they're independant? Parliment doesn't allow this. There hasn't been a vote. They can't do that".

But they did it anyway! Because people can just do things.

So, the "big protest" in Washington that Dotard tweeted about could lead to the overturning of the election of Joe Biden. If enough people show up, it won't matter if the Supreme Court rules that Biden won. Because Dotard will have been inaugurated already (after Chuck Grassley declares him the winner).

This is according to Timcast (Pence or Grassley declares Dotard the victor, Dotard is inaugurated, Democrats sue, SCOTUS rules in their favor but it's too late).

Because 10 million people showing up on January 6th will be an "occupy" movement on the Right. They won't go anywhere until Dotard is recgonized as the winner. I guess. I'm not really sure how Timcast thinks this would play out.

But (if this does happen) it won't be an overthrow of democracy, it will be a second revolution. Because, as everyone knows, the crooked Democrat machine cheated (bigly voter fraud) to install "Sundowner Joe and the Horizontal Ho".

btw, I thought the Supreme Court was on Dotard's side? Why Amy needed to be seated ASAP. Because she was going to rule that Dotard had really won. LOL?

Lastly... Minus posted this video under the title "More Votes than Voters in PA". He also made this claim on WYD (where he wrote) "So where'd the extra 200,000 votes in PA come from?".

However, according to Snopes (which ruled the claim false) "As the DoS observed, a few counties have not completed uploading their vote histories, and that those as-yet-unreported numbers would account for a significant number of voters.

PA lieutenant Governor John Fetterman also tweeted "Let's be absolutely clear: This is 100% false".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. See also PE post "Be there, will be wild!". WYM-218.


  1. Derv... Magamorons is the perfect name for a lot of these folks/trolls...

    How else to explain a comment like this found at the "False Facts Stench Trench"...

    "Despite 40 months of economic recovery, the number of payroll jobs today is just 0.1% above where it stood when Obama took office, and it resulted in 4.3 million below the previous peak."

    Without even thinking, the poster isn't even aware that his comment is in fact, a slam on his favorite president, Trump. The self awareness is strong with this crowd.

  2. Derv and Dave,

    It doesn't matter how many times state governors and secretaries of state repeat that there was no fraud, folks like Minus FJ will NEVER believe them because their minds are set in cemented conspiracy theories pulled from the posteriors of charlatans with no care about what weak-minded mobs will do to our democracy.

    There was no fraud. But you can't reason with people who've lost touch with reality.

    People like Minus are truly the definition of a lost cause.

    PS Trump will soon be an ex-president, and Joe Biden will be the POTUS after he takes the Oath of Office at noon on January 20, 2021 -- ending Trump's Reign of Error!
