WYM Pages

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Jonathan Coulton Is A Biden Administration Fan

The pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ recently indicated he is a fan of the singer/songwriter Jonathan Coulton. Via a number of links to YouTubes featuring his music. Apparently Minus believed he was making a point, but I can not say I know what the point was. I did look at the links and found the music to my liking.

Also to my liking is the following Jonathan Coulton tweet.

Accoring to the song "Nobody's Above The Law", Dotard should have been impeached for obstructing justice and perjury. Also violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution. As well as "Russian puppetry". Because "treason is also a crime".

"Maybe this will stick in your craw, but nobody's above the law". Especially now that the voters have given Dotard the boot for his terrible presidenting.

This one explains how Russian troll farms assisted Dotard in the runup to the 2016 election (and beyond).

Hmmm, it looks like Coulton has brought in completely to the "hoax" that Dotard's campaign was assisted by Russia at the direction of Putin. Explaining why Dotard was so deferential to Putin during his presidency. Why, when he was informed that Russia had paid bounties to Afghanis to kill US soliders, he did nothing. Also why, when Russia was deemed responsible for a massive cyber attack against the United States, Dotard again did nothing.

"I don't like to make political statements" Jonathan Coulton claimed on 2/4/2008. Then he said "I support Barack Obama and so should you". Being a smart guy (for supporting Barack Obama), Coulton was able to easily deduce that Dotard is a huckster and criminal. Explaining his enthusiasm for Joe Biden's competence. Also explaining why he wrote a couple of tunes about how terrible Dotard is (and has always been).

"Roy Cohn Came To Party" is a song about the disbarred attorney who taught a young Dotard how to abuse the legal system in order to get away with things ordinary people would get in bigly trouble for. In the video (an animated) Dotard wiggles his naked behind to mock us plebs who have to follow the rules.

In this (last one) Coulton sings about John Barron. This is the alias Dotard used on the horn when he would phone the media to fill them in re how awesome Donald tRump was. While pretending to be his own publicist, a fellow with the same voice as Dotard, but was definitely not him.

As per Minus, his favorite Jonathan Coulton tune is Chiron Beta Prime, which the JoCopedia says "tells the story of Christmastime on a planet where all humans have been enslaved by uncaring and violent robots". Maybe one of the 4 songs I posted the YouTubes of above will become his new favorite? Because (imo) they're all a lot funnier than the one he chose.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-235.


  1. Jonathan fell into a bad crowd @ NPR. He now writes songs for liberals, and they pay him big money.

    1. He didn't "fall in" with a crowd. Clearly this is who he is politically. One of the good guys :)

      The "John Barron" song is hilarious. The animation really sells it.

    2. He was never a lowly "programmer"? Who knew?

    3. The NPR bio you linked to says he had a "a perfectly good software career".

    4. I put Coulton in the same category as Amanda F'n Palmer.... extremely talented and funny.

    5. I'm pretty sure Coulton was never a coder for NPR. I don't know where you're getting that from. It certainly does not fit in with your "he fell in with a bad crowd" narrative (if he worked for NPR as a coder then continued to work for NPR as an in-house musician).

      I have never heard of Amanda Palmer.

    6. That's Amanda F'n Palmer to you, Dervy.

    7. Nope, a former Dresden Doll, and currently Neil Gaiman's wife. She practically invented crowd funding.

  2. Replies
    1. Meh. Most zombie shows/movies have zombies craving human flesh. Or flesh of any kind (living or freshly deceased).

      Quote: George A. Romero is noted as the source for many of the common zombie tropes, shambolic movement and a hunger for human flesh being the most prominent, zombies don't actually eat brains in any of the six "Of the Dead" series of films he directed.

      The origins of the "zombies eating brains" trope didn't actually appear in media until well after Romero's film debuted in the 60's, first being featured in the 1985 movie, Return of the Living Dead. While you could be forgiven for thinking Romero had a hand in making this film due to its title, it was actually released entirely independent of his input. You see, after the release of Night of the Living Dead in '68, Romero and his co-writer, John Russo parted ways and reached the agreement that Russo would retain the rights to the "living dead" suffix whilst Romero agreed to use "of the dead" in any subsequent media he produced.

      Though Russo had a hand in the creation of the original Night of the Living Dead, Return of the Living Dead isn't considered to be linked to the official "of the dead" series. This is mainly due to the numerous discrepancies between the zombies in both men's films. While the zombies in Romero's films can be "killed" in a sense by destroying their brain, Russo's zombies are effectively immortal, being shown to survive being decapitated and even burned to a crisp.

      In regards to why the zombies feed on brains, the closest we've ever come to an official explanation is a quote from Return of the Living Dead's writer and director, Dan O'Bannon, who suggested that the undead felt the need to feed on the brains of the recently living because it somehow made them feel better by easing their pain.

    2. Zombies eating brains was popularized with the Simpsons.

    3. Tracy Ullman didn't vote 'Labour'?

    4. Ullman loses Simpsons suit... Those connected with developing "The Simpsons", including exec producer James L. Brooks, testified during the trial that the characters were created by cartoonist Matt Groening and that Ullman wasn't involved. (Variety 10/22/1992).

    5. The world would have known of The Simpsons w/o Tracy? Whodda Thunkit?

    6. She would be richer today if her lawsuit had been successful. But it wasn't.

    7. Winning lawsuits confers truth? Who knew?

    8. Sometimes. In the case of Dotard's lawsuits re the "election theft", his team's losses revealed truth.

    9. Only in the eyes and minds of SANE folks. Trumpers remain insane.

    10. I thought that the legal system was only "due process" and not a guarantee of truth.

  3. Derv... how can you call say we even have a Biden Admin? Some of the wackos believe this, posted at one of barometer sites I read to keep up on the craziness...

    "a very Conservative acquaintance across the street texted me that she’s hearing that the Inauguration was done earlier then taped and fed to the MSM………..And that the military swore Trump in as president on the 20th, and that Lin WOod has real big dirt on Justice Roberts and Pence and some others AND Biden isn’t REALLY sitting at the Oval Office desk, not only was it a FAUX INAUGURATION, as she calls it but it’s a FAUX OVAL OFFICE."

    How can we move forward when there are significant numbers of people who believe this stuff and are willing to act based on those beliefs?

    They don't just live in crazy town, they build the place...

    1. Try not stealing the election next time.

    2. That is what republicans should do, but won't. You should try not to believe crazy, baseless bullshit lies next time. And this time. You could still accept that truth of Biden's win. If you wanted to. Or got on the right medication.

      Looks like Rudy might end up regretting his lies (disbarred, sued for bigly $s). A lawsuit isn't a guarantee of truth, but you usually can't win when your "defense" is baseless absurd nonsense.

      A lawyer representing Dominion was on MSNBC recently. He said they were confident re their case against Rudy. Another commentator said that, while these kinds of suits are usually settled out of court, he thought this one could go to trial. Even if the judgement against him is less than the billion+ they are suing for, Rudy will be ruined :)

    3. Joe Conservative = Ignorance as well az stupidity.

    4. Reuters Fact check: Clip of Biden taken out of context to portray him as plotting a voter fraud scheme.

      ...a clip of Joe Biden saying, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"... falsely ask if the video shows the Democratic presidential candidate "admitting voter fraud". It was a slip of the tongue - Biden was describing the voter protection program his campaign has launched in anticipation of potential legal fights over the outcome of the Nov. 3 election against... Donald Trump.

      [Biden meant] to say "voter protection" instead of "voter fraud" ... the former vice president is referring to the special litigation team his campaign has launched as it braces for potential legal fights over the outcome of the election...

    5. What does Reuters say about "Russia, are you listening?"

      ...or in your own words, "On The Moronic Assertion That President (DJT) Joe Biden Would, Prior To The Election He Won, Admit To (Russian collusion) Organizing Extensive Voter Fraud" (My alterations in parens).

    6. ...and for how many years (and to this day), you still use the chicane?

    7. Except that Russian collusion has been confirmed. While there is absolutely no evidence of any "voter fraud organization".

      No chicane, only facts. You're the one who will keep pounding the chicane.
