WYM Pages

Sunday, January 31, 2021

On The Moronic Assertion That President Joe Biden Would (Prior To The Election He Won) Admit To Organizing Extensive Voter Fraud

If Joe Biden had been organizing a "voter fraud organization", he'd admit it in an interview? According to delusional magamorons (who believe Joe Biden cheated) it was a Freudian slip. Like when Biden admitted to demanding a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor be fired in exchange for aid money to protect his son.

Fact check: Clip of Biden taken out of context to portray him as plotting a voter fraud scheme.

Shared on Facebook and Instagram days leading up to the 2020 U.S. general election, posts show a clip of Joe Biden saying, "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics". The posts falsely ask if the video shows the Democratic presidential candidate "admitting voter fraud".

It was a slip of the tongue -- Biden was describing the voter protection program his campaign has launched in anticipation of potential legal fights over the outcome of the Nov. 3 election against... Donald Trump.

[Biden meant] to say "voter protection" instead of "voter fraud" ... the former vice president is referring to the special litigation team his campaign has launched as it braces for potential legal fights over the outcome of the election... (Reuters 10/29/2020).

The pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ posted this clip (for the umpteenth time) most recently in response to a comment by me in which I say Rudy Giuliani is in bigly trouble for lying about Dominion (re their lawsuit against him defamation).

So... Rudy is going to present the above clip at trial as evidence? Because Dominion was central to Joe Biden's "voter fraud organization"? If that was the case, what explains the fact that (in PA) "Dominion machines weren't used in the counties that Trump has falsely claimed rigged the election -- Allegheny and Philadelphia"?

There is also the fact that "Dominion's machines in early 2019... were examined by third-party consultants [and only certified after] exhaustive and very, very thorough [tests which included] a line-by-line review of the code".

In Georgia (which used Dominion machines in all of it's counties) you'll likely rememeber that a hand-recount of the vote was conducted. And the hand recount confirmed Joe Biden as the winner.

As per Dominion itself, "all Dominion systems are capable of producing paper records and are 100% auditable, with testing, reviews, audits, and recounts subject to oversight and verification by all political parties".

This is why, if Dominion lawsuits defamation lawsuits go to trial, Dominion will win. Why numerous "tRump-media" outlets that were pushing this absurd bullshit previously have since issued retractions.

Because it can be intimidating knowing that -- if you're sued for knowingly repeating debunked conspiracy theories -- you're going to on the hook for a bigly judgement.

btw, the clip of President Joe Biden "admitting" voter fraud is from a 10/24/2020 Pod Save America interview with then-candidate Biden (26:50).

On YouTube commenters are pointing out that the video was posted by Crooked Media. Clearly this is another "admission". Even though (as per their Wikipedia page) "Crooked Media is named after a favorite term used by President Trump". QED the name is intended to be taken ironically.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-236.


  1. Sorry, but "Russia are you listening?" conspiracy theorists should really shut up about explaining "slips of the tongue".

    1. Except that conspiracy isn't a theory. It has been confirmed multiple times. Besides, there is absolutely no evidence of a "voter fraud organization". Why all Dotard's legal team lost all the cases they filed.

    2. Ruby Freeman didn't run a Voter fraud organization? Who knew?

    3. ps - Which Court examined voter fraud evidence again? lol!

    4. Everyone who is sane knows Ruby Freeman didn't run a "voter fraud organization". I've linked you to the Snopes debunking multiple times. As for courts examining voter fraud "evidence", WHY would they? Trump's lawyers said there wasn't any.

      Time: In a recent Pennsylvania federal case, Giuliani alleged "widespread, nationwide voter fraud" in his opening remarks. But under questioning from the judge, he retreated. "This is not a fraud case", Giuliani later admitted. In the same case, Trump lawyer Linda Kearns said explicitly that she is "not proceeding" on allegations of fraud.

      In a separate state case in Montgomery County PA, a judge asked Trump lawyer Jonathan S. Goldstein whether he was alleging fraud. "Your honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step", Goldstein said. ... The judge pressed Goldstein to answer the specific question: "Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?" To which Goldstein replied: "To my knowledge at present, no".

      Snopes: Ruby Freeman [is] not suspected (outside of conspiracy-minded circles) of any illegal activity related to the 2020 election.

    5. lol! So no evidence has been heard, but you can assure the world that there was no fraud. Amazing that you can prove a negative.

  2. How do you explain the fact that "the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they've received, but to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election".

    Given that Joe Biden "admitted" to creating the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics", it should have been easy for Bill Barr to gather the evidence.

    You were VERY happy (at the time) with the work Barr did spinning and discrediting the Mueller report. You gloated about it many times. Now (I suppose) Bill Barr was actually "deep state" all along? Or did he only flip "deep state" at the end of Dotard's time in office?

    1. That was before I heard just "who" recommended Barr to DJT and slipped the Barr Memo on the faulty Mueller Report to him to get him nominated as AG. Rosenstein.

    2. Barr was an extremely loyal toady. He simply knew he couldn't get away with going along with Dotard's zero evidence claims of "voter fraud". If he could have, I'm sure he would have. As with all assholes, Barr was looking out for himself first. Dotard was a close second, but he wasn't going to risk prison for Dotard's absurd lies. Not that Barr shouldn't be charged for his actions as Dotard's AG. But even he knew "massive voter fraud" was 100% obvious bullshit.

    3. fyi, Rosenstein was also a loyal Dotard toady. He forbade Muller from looking into Dotard's financial ties to Russia.

    4. lol! Were that true, many Deep State Democrats would be serving jail time today, not just serving "probation".

  3. Snopes: Did Biden "Admit" to Voter Fraud? Was the Democratic U.S. presidential nominee caught red-handed confessing to large-scale voter fraud less than two weeks before Election Day? Hardly. ... The footage was not digitally altered, but it was stripped from its original context. That context, along with clarifications provided by the Biden campaign, clearly show that Biden did not "admit" to perpetrating voter fraud, but rather was referring to his campaign's efforts to protect the ballots of voters from what they presented as voter intimidation and false claims of voter fraud.

    Ruling: FALSE.

    1. Snopes = The fox in the news verification chicken coop.

    2. ...you say because you don't like the truths they uncover.

    3. I say that because they don't publish uncovered truths that they don't like.

  4. -FJ asks... "Which Court examined voter fraud evidence again?"

    Maybe no one has examined the evidence, because none of the complainants, knowing none existed, cited any...

    And that includes the US Justice Dept, Secs of State across the country and Trumps own lawyers.

    1. Affidavits aren't evidence? Who knew?

    2. Video's aren't evidence? Who doubly knew?

    3. Deceptively edited video clips aren't evidence. FULL videos are evidence (that Ruby Freeman committed no fraud).

      "Affidavits" are people's wrong opinions/interpretations of things they THOUGHT they saw. Or I'd guess most of them were. If there were any outright liars those people should be prosecuted (although that would be hard to prove). Regardless, Dotard's lawyers didn't even allege fraud IN COURT. A fact you will obviously never acknowledge.

    4. They were never permitted to present their evidence.
