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Sunday, January 24, 2021

You Can't Get There With Logic

KPRC 2 Houston Video: This week's guest on Houston Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall says many of those rioting and millions more in the country fell victim lies and conspiracy theories about the election (7:37). 1/17/2021.

According to the pro-Dotard blogger, Minus FJ, out of the 81 million votes Biden received, all but a few thousand were fraudulent.

Bonus Majority Report Video: Trump Children Cry As Loser Father Leaves Office (4:47). 1/20/2021.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-234.


  1. Replies
    1. When's the Placeholder *President scheduled to step down and the reign of Cameltoe to begin?

    2. You are a misogynist rascist f^ckwad that belongs in a padded cell with your immediately previous inept, incomperent, corrupt corrupt orange sh^t president.

    3. Is that a "corrupt" for every failed impeachment? LOL!

    4. ps - You've been hypnotized by your feminine side, RN. You know not its' "nature".

    5. btw - How are things going in your lab over at the Grand Academy in Lagado? Have you solved the problem of the Struldbrugs?

    6. minus fj, king of DELUSIONS and GENERAL BULLS^T.

      There, fixed it fer ya.

    7. Minus surely is a misogynist rascist f^ckwad. btw, Joe Biden isn't stepping aside. He won the nomination and the presidency and will serve for at least the next 4 years. And no, he can't erase the immense damage inflicted on our nation by the incompetent Dotard administration in 4 days. It will likely take more than one term to fix what Dotard broke.

    8. Joe Biden and his Democratic congressional allies will be pushing legislation to curtail institutional racism (the
      George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, etc).

    9. ...whilst banning all immigrants from Africa. How anti-racist!

    10. Racism isn't a factor. Joe Biden is five-eighths Irish. Ireland is on the list.

      Quote: Based on developments with respect to the variants and the continued spread of the disease, CDC has reexamined its policies on international travel and, after reviewing the public health situations within the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom (excluding overseas territories outside of Europe), the Republic of Ireland, the Federative Republic of Brazil, and the Republic of South Africa, has concluded that continued and further measures are required to protect the public health from travelers entering the United States from those jurisdictions.

    11. If you're referring to Dotard supporters, I agree. "Kung flu" isn't funny or clever... except to a racist.

  2. Replies
    1. Jonathan Coulton 2/4/2008: "I Don't Like to Make Political Statements... as you all know. And yet, there is this: I support Barack Obama and so should you".

      As per his song, Nobody's Above the Law, one of the reasons to impeach Dotard was "Russian puppetry".

    2. Because the evidence presented in the Mueller Report for Russian collusion was so overwhelming that they ignored it for BOTH his B.S. Impeachments...

    3. republicans (who decided they loved Russian disinformation) ignored the overwhelming evidence.

    4. If Republicans had ANY influence or had help draft the articles of impeachment in the House, why did zero house republicans vote for them? Should one have crossed over simply by leaving out mention of Russia? LOL!

    5. They made a political and not evidence-based decision.

    6. The democrats changed the articles of impeachment before obtaining a single commitment? Talk about stupid...

  3. Minus FJ has been wrong about EVERYTHING he's predicted! WRONG, as in W. R. O. N. G. Why listen to anything a conspiracist has to say? Don't get angry at him, RN.

    Laugh at him. He's a highly entertaining pissant pedantic.

    Trump is gone, beaten like an bad egg by Joe Biden. Who really cares what Minus says about anything or anyone.


    But like that crazy uncle every family has, he needs to keep talking about his fantasies. He needs the attention. Like a little toddler no one will listen to.

    1. pShaw, Queen of Internet Censorship, whom nobody speaks to but her robot minion slave workforce... stick your widgets where the sun don't shine. You really think people listen to YOU?

    2. ps - RN and his minion robots living at his lab on Skull Crusher Mountain aren't ready to kill you yet. You need to give it some time.

    3. Hey f^ckwad minus. I take that as a direct threat as^hole. And, let be clear, I am reasy for you or your f^ckwad buddies. So, bring it on a^sholes. I am waiting for your sh^tbrain bullsh^t. You're nothing but one very large POS, one that rivals your f^ckwad corrupt previous presnit.

      Bring ut on, or, f^ck off. POS

    4. pShaw, have you told your redshirt here which end of the bus you're going to throw him under now that the election is over, yet?

    5. Yes, you were f^ckwad minus, above. More than once. Read up thread a bit.

      I know you're a f^cking liar already a^shole, but thanks for once again proving it.

      As for my "feminine" side? You f^cking jealous f^ckwad? Or just stupid to boot? Actually, it doesn't matter, you know s^it and not much else..

      So, either bring it on, or, STFU a^shole. I' m getting sick and tired of your f^cking bulls^it. As^hole.

    6. Bring it on? I already brought it off.

    7. Apparently Minus is a big Jonathan Coulton fan. But Jonathan Coulton is not a Dotard fan. He voted for Barack Obama. Apparently he is/was less of a Biden fan, but I think he would agree (as everyone who is not an authoritarian follower would) that Joe Biden is better than Dotard.

      Anyway thanks for the links. I listened to some Jonathan Coulton songs years ago and didn't really care for them. These are better. I'll have to download some more of his recent stuff and listen.

  4. Hi Minus FJ, You're adorably funny. If you think I care a flying fig what you think or say about me, that's even funnier.

    Joe Biden is POTUS and Donald Trump is impeached TWICE! So far, this is a spectacular 2021!

    1. Accused twice, but never convicted. That shows just howstupid Nancy and Chuck are. As for your Placeholder *President, LOL!

    2. If Senate republicans are too chickenshit it convict that does not change the fact that Dotard is GUILTY. In any case, there is still the (very much more likely) prospect of a conviction in NY for tax evasion/fraud and other frauds... looking forward to the charges :)

      btw, there is no such thing as a "placeholder president". Joe Biden is signing EOs to undo Dotard's EOs. Next up, pushing his agenda though Congress. Joe Biden is a working president -- he isn't going to waste a third of his time in office playing golf (as the former illegitimate president did).

    3. Innocent until proven guilty. I know that you'd like to change it, but you can't. :)

    4. ps - If I were Mitch the Turtle, I'd move Biden's nominees at the same pace Schummer moved Trumps...

    5. ....so don't talk to me about "wasted time".

    6. LOTS of guilty people are never convicted in a court of law. And that isn't even what Dotard is facing (currently). He's facing a Senate full of republicans scared of Dotard's cult base. Not being convicted by them hardly proves innocence.

      btw, I would NOT like to change that. I hope Dotard gets his day in court. Or many days in court (due to many charges being brought). Which is looking more likely than Hunter Biden ever being charged with anything. I know you'd like to change that, but you can't. That goes double re the "Obamagate" conspiracy theory. I don't think Obama is going to be tried/imprisoned at Gitmo. LOL.

    7. I SAW with my own eyes and HEARD with my own ears Dotard inciting a riot. I heard the audio tape of him urging GA officials to "recalculate" the GA vote in his favor (fabricate enough votes for him to win in GA). Regardless of what happens I know he's guilty. The evidence proving his guilt is mostly public knowledge.

    8. He's facing a fake impeachment with a crooked judge.

    9. The impeachment is real. I don't know what "crooked judge" you're referring to. Quote: U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will not preside over Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial since Trump is now a former president... Instead, Senator Patrick Leahy, the president pro tempore of the Senate which is a constitutional role given to the longest-serving lawmaker in the majority party, is expected to preside at the trial...

  5. The case could be made that the corrupt immediately previous presnit was actually the "Placeholder" presnit. Holding place (for 4 years) until America woke up and actually elected an intelligent, competent, capable, engaged, thoughtful, respectful, and decent Real President to actually do the work of the American people.

    Which is to say comical idiots like minus had their 4 years of choas, division, active overt racism by an ignorant presnit, sedition and insurrection by an ignorant aythoritarian presnit, and then America gave them ALL the big middle finger.

    Decency, honesty, integrity, and empathy has returned to the executive branch after a four year nightmare.

  6. Logic?

    How can we get to a logical point when some people truly believe there are two sides to everything? It used to be the GOP said there was objective truth, no longer. Just ask Rand Paul who said yesterday "there are two sides to everything."

    Except there are not, not matter how often or loud you say it.

    No matter what, the sky is not yellow, Nazis were not good people, we did land on the moon, the earth is not flat, and millions of Jews were murdered in Germany during WWII. And... while there might have been some regularities resulting in minor vote tabulation errors, mostly corrected by recounts, there is no evidence, apart from loud clamoring from Trump loving partisans.

    The level of conspiracy to get all 50 Secs of State, election officials from across the land and a diverse judiciary in on this makes the supposed conspiracy of Jesus' disciples look like the work of pikers.

    Folks need to wake up...

    1. lol! The truth isn't relative? Somebody should have told Einstein.

    2. ps - Oskar Schindler wasn't a good person? Why'd they make a movie about him then?

    3. The sky isn't yellow on Venus or red on Mars? Who knew?

    4. pps - I didn't land on the moon, and the Earth's pretty flat where I'm standing.

    5. ppps - Ruby Freeman. A hundred thousand votes.

    6. Ruby Freeman hasn't been charged with a crime and never will be. Because there is no evidence a crime was committed. The video shows no wrongdoing.

    7. Just a verbal confession to being paid $100/hr to run fake ballots.

    8. Snopes: After the suitcase-of-fraud claims were dismissed by election officials, social media users started sharing a "confession" that Freeman supposedly posted to her Instagram account. This Instagram account, however, does not actually belong to Freeman. Shortly after this "confession" went viral, the @RubyFreeman_Georgia Instagram account (which was created on the same day this message was posted), started sharing content that mocked those who fell for its ruse.

  7. The TRUTH is relative to FACTS. Scientic and otherwise.

    Lies, fabrications, conspiracies, all things YOU minus travel in hourly, if not by the minute.

    That bozo is relative ONLY to YOUR delusions.

  8. We cannot “find middle ground” with cultists. There is no argument for “both sides” when the choices are truth or fiction.

    They need to be deprogrammed.

    We need to stop trying to “get inside the minds” of Trump voters/cultists, there’s nothing but bitterness and FunYuns in there.

    1. You'll never de-program us enough to accept your ridiculous "desires" as "facts".

    2. Yeah, that and a lot of emptiness methinks.

    3. You ABSOLUTELY ARE a certifiable idiot. As dumb as a bag of rocks.

    4. NO!

      Using Bold Caps isn't a determinant of truth.

    5. It signifies that you have STRONGLY convinced RN that you are a certifiable idiot. Something supporting Dotard will convince a lot of people of (stupidity and gullibility). That Dotard is stupid ABSOLUTELY IS truth :P

  9. Here's a fact Minus and his sock puppets can certify:

    Joe Biden is POTUS. Donald J. Trump is no longer the president. He's in Mar-a-Lago with his sycophants and dead-enders. Trump lost.

    Simple irrefutable fact.

    You're welcome.

  10. Time is relative too. It's simply a matter of your velocity.

  11. There is no explaining the depth of the hypocrisy and mendacity of cons like minus. They're all frigging crazy crazed cultists for which reality has no meaning.

    1. Time isn't relative? Biden will be the Placeholder *President FOREVER! Who knew?

    2. Dotard will be the twice impeached president forever. Biden will be known as the president who had to deal with the mess left behind by the worst president ever forever. Unless there is a worse one in the future. Although that would be a very high bar.

    3. Derv, since the bar for corruption was set so low during Dotard's disaster single term it's hard to believe it could and would be set lower. But after 1/6/21 I suppose anything is possible.

    4. How much money did the Biden Foundation take in from China last year? The Beau Biden Foundation? What about other foundations Biden-related and derivative foundations?

      Gotta LOVE the DC Congressional Foundation money shell game.

    5. There is NOTHING as egrediously corrupt as tRump the Seditionist/Insurrectionist presnit and HIS PARTY.

    6. I don't know how much money the Biden or Beau Biden foundation received from any Chinese source last year. Your links are only to the foundation websites, not to any accusations. btw, Beau Biden (being deceased) can't be bribed.

  12. As President Biden’s inauguration ticked closer, some of Donald Trump’s supporters were feeling gleeful. Mr. Trump was on the cusp of declaring martial law, they believed. Military tribunals would follow, then televised executions, then Democrats and other deep state operatives would finally be brought to justice.

    These were honestly held beliefs. Dozens of Trump supporters spoke regularly over the past three weeks on a public audio chat room app, where they uploaded short recordings instead of typing. In these candid digital confessionals, participants would crack jokes, share hopes and make predictions.

    “Look at the last four years. They haven’t listened to a thing we’ve said. Um … there’s going to have to be some serious anarchy that goes on. Otherwise, nothing is going to change.”

    I spent the past three weeks listening to the channel — from before the Jan. 6 Washington protest to after Mr. Biden’s inauguration. It became an obsession, something I’d check first thing every morning and listen to as I fell asleep at night. Participants tend to revere Mr. Trump and believe he’ll end the crisis outlined by Q: that the world is run by a cabal of pedophiles who operate a sex-trafficking ring, among other crimes. While the chat room group is relatively small, with only about 900 subscribers, it offers a glimpse into a worrying sect of Trump supporters. Some conspiracists like them have turned to violent language in the wake of Mr. Trump’s electoral loss."
    --Stuart Thompson

    "Participants tend to revere Mr. Trump and believe he’ll end the crisis outlined by Q: that the world is run by a cabal of pedophiles who operate a sex-trafficking ring, among other crimes."

    This is how mentally deranged those people are. Donald Trump and his third wife were close friends with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell were pedophiles and rapists and ran a sex trafficking ring. And Trump actually wished Maxwell "well" when she was arrested and had her pedophile ass thrown in jail. He wished her "well."

    Trump wished a pedophile, rapist, and sex trafficker "well!" And those people in Qanon believe there are pedophiles in the "Deep State" and in the Democratic Party?

    The pedophiles are right there in plain sight in photos all over the 'net, and Donald Trump and his 3rd wife partied with them. There's even a photo on the 'net of Trump taking his daughter Ivanka when she was a girl to meet with Epstein!

    The Qanon and Deep Staters have serious mental problems. What the hell happened to this country?

    1. There were no Democrat paedophiles on Epstein's Lolita Express? Prince Andrew, you're my hero!

    2. Prince Andrew isn't a Democrat. The Democratic Party is an American party. Prince Andrew isn't an American.

      As for Bill Clinton... a spokesman for the former president tweeted this statement: "President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York. In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane: one to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation" (PolitiFact).

      Do I believe that statement? I don't know. I do know Dotard has had significantly more women accuse him of sexual harrassment. And that he admitted to grabbing women by their privates (on audio/video).

    3. ...sexual harrassment AND worse. Re both Clinton and tRump. btw, I absolutely do not believe Joe Biden's accuser. She (as has been documented) has mental problems. And told her story to any "conservative" outlet that would hear her. Including OAN. Come on. OAN? If you want to tell the truth I find it suspect that you'd do so though a "news" channel that specializes in lies (OAN being so much worse than fox).

    4. You believed Bret Kavanaugh's accuser? LOL!

    5. She should have been involuntarily "committed" to the crazy farm.

    6. Yes, I believed her. There were others who confirmed the behavior. The second background check would have confirmed that. Except Dotard ordered the FBI not to interview anyone other than the same people they had previously interviewed. If Kavanaugh were innocent there would have been no need for a cover up.

  13. Derv... getting there with logic? How so? Many of these folks can't reason in high school language. Today's harangue on the SS Mothership of Denial cited Denmark's move to limit immigration through asylum shows what I mean.

    The Capitan wondered why a little country like Denmark could limit "illegal" immigration, using the asylum story as evidence, and the US under Biden she said, will soon be seeing more illegal immigration. She also went on to say that no conservative wants to limit legal immigration.

    Except this... limiting asylum cases does limit legal immigration. Someone who comes to the US through the asylum process, is a, wait for it sock puppets, legal immigrant.

    There is no logic with a group that thinks limiting illegal immigration is done through clamping down on asylum cases, who respond respond with silly videos and who believe 4th qtr economic results are YTD numbers [see comments from the Mothership Lido Deck]

    They are not serious people interested in logic.

    1. lol! You can't reject Asylum requests and deport the petitioner? And Temporary Protected Status is equivalent to permanent immigration? Who knew?

    2. ps - And requesting Asylum on US soil means that they came here... wait for it... ILLEGALLY. :)

    3. ...requesting Asylum on US soil means that they came here... ILLEGALLY.

      It doesn't. If you present yourself and ask for asylum you've done everything legally.
