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Monday, February 1, 2021

Remember When Jimmy Carter Claimed (Loudly And Often) The 1980 Election Was Stolen By Ronald Reagan, Inciting A Bombing Of The Capitol?

A false equlivency posted by Lisa on her blog, Who's Your Daddy.

The answer to my question about Jimmy Carter inciting the bombing is NO. Jimmy Carter didn't incite the bombing. Although "on 1/20/2001, his last day in office, President Bill Clinton commuted Rosenberg's sentence, and she was released from prison".

For the record, the Capitol rioters didn't just break glass. Police officers were beaten and one died. As per the police union 140 officers were injured in the riot. Including brain injuries (from the beatings) and, quote: "two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs. One officer is going to lose his eye, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake".

There was also the fact that a gallows was constructed to hang Mike Pence as well as any other members of Congress they could catch (because they had comitted "treason" by "stealing" the election from Dotard).

This is more downplaying of the severity of what happened. This time by falsely conflating a Leftwing terrorist movement that died out with Rightwing terrorism (which continues to be a major problem today).

Center for Strategic and International Studies: The United States faces a growing terrorism problem that will likely worsen over the next year. Based on a CSIS data set of terrorist incidents, the most significant threat likely comes from white supremacists, though anarchists and religious extremists inspired by the Islamic State and al-Qaeda could present a potential threat as well. Over the rest of 2020, the terrorist threat in the United States will likely rise based on several factors, including the November 2020 presidential election.

[Wikipedia: CSIS is a think tank based in Washington DC ... In the University of Pennsylvania's 2019 Global Go To Think Tanks Report, CSIS is ranked the number one think tank in the United States across all fields, the "Top Defense and National Security Think Tank" in the world, and the 4th best think tank in the world overall. CSIS has been named the number one think tank for Defense and National Security for the past seven years...].

btw, Susan Rosenberg is not the "head of the Black Lives Matter global network". According to her Wikipedia page "as of 2020, Rosenberg serves as vice chair of the board of directors of Thousand Currents, a non-profit foundation that sponsors the fundraising and does administrative work for the Black Lives Matter global network, among other clients".

Additionally, "after living as a fugitive for two years, Rosenberg was arrested in 1984 while in possession of a large cache of explosives and firearms over 750 lbs and automatic weapons". But Rosenberg didn't plant the Capitol bomb, nor was she charged in connection with the bombing. The charges were dropped as part of a plea deal involving other suspects.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-237.


  1. It's hard to be as hypocritical as possible, but you succeed.

    1. By pointing out that Dotard incited the riot (why he is being impeached a second time)? How is that "hypocritical"?

    2. By justifying Susan Rosenberg, that's how.

    3. She got caught with bombs in her possession, but NOT the ones that went off in the Capitol...


    4. ps - Is the gallows that was a serious threat tyo Mike Pence's life? LOL!

    5. By justifying Susan Rosenberg, that's how.

      I didn't. She went to prison, as she should have. Planting bombs, or participating in plots to plant bombs (even if you didn't personally plant them) is a serious crime. Even if you try to make sure nobody is injured (by calling in threats ahead of time, as the Weather Underground did).

      A noose can kill without a trap door. I don't know what your picture is supposed to prove. I can't see if there is one or not. Given the person with the Dotard flag draped around their shoulders standing right in the middle of the pic. All they would have had to do is put the noose at a height where Pence could only have his head through it if he were standing on a small stool. Then kick the stool out from under his feet.

    6. Bubba Wallace, maybe?

      Because someone on his team (not him) reported finding the noose? How terrible that he got NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag. He definitely deserves to be lynched. F*ck you, you racist asshole.

    7. That gallows would have toppled over if anybody got serious about using it. The posts aren't even plumb. The noose wouldn't have killed anybody, they'd have died from being struck in the head by a falling 4x4 crossbeam.

    8. btw - a stool? Is Mike Pence a midget? The noose level isn't even 6' off the platform.

    9. ps - Is the noose rope wrapped around a can of beans or something? LOL!

    10. ...cuz that an AWFULLY poorly tied hangman's knot.

    11. You really should learn to distinguish between the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real. Because you Jouissance keeps leading you astray.

    12. Contrary to your assertion that most liberal rioting is "peaceful"... and that police only get hurt at DJT Rally's.

    13. ...versus 140 at the capitol. Looks like you out-violenced the Right by about 15:1 in 2020.

    14. The rioters were chanting "hang Mike Pence". Also, "hang Mike Pence" was trending on Twitter that day until Twitter shut it down. If the gallows were symbolic, whoever constructed it could have put in a LOT less work. QED you're full of shit. There were people there who would have hung Pence had they caught him.

      As for your link, it's another false equivalency from you. Something magaturds obviously specialize in. You compare 574 riots (that started as protests) to one riot/insurrection. BWHAAAA! btw that's 574 out of 8,700 protests. aka BLM protests have been 93.4% peaceful.

    15. YOUR link: "This violence was limited to only 7% of all protests and in most cases, the acts were perpetrated by individuals or small groups that infiltrated the larger protests".

    16. It's very rare for effigies to be erected at political protests or threats to rulers made...


    17. ...and BLM protestors don't like to shout, "Pigs in a blanket (body bag), fry 'em like bacon (throw molotov cocktails)"? Who knew?

    18. Get a grip, Dervy. I worry for your sanity.

    19. You implying that Antifa infiltrated the Capitol Hill riots and did all the violence? lol!

    20. BuzzFeed: Trump Once Again Mischaracterized The Black Lives Matter Movement By Falsely Linking It To An Anti-Police Chant... Rashad Turner, the organizer of the protest, told the St. Paul Pioneer Press at the time that the chant was not promoting violence against police, but to express that police who kill Black people should "fry" as other murderers do. The chant lasted about 30 seconds during the hours long march, protesters told the paper. ... CNN's fact-checkers reported that they could find no evidence that chant was used by the Black Lives Matter national organization or by BLM activists outside Minnesota.

      Since the 2015 protest, there have been thousands of Black Lives Matter protests, many of which are organized by independent groups or individuals who align themselves with the movement's call for racial justice, but who are not affiliated with the national organization.

    21. You implying that Antifa infiltrated the Capitol Hill riots and did all the violence? lol!

      That would be a laughable thing to imply. At least you admit that it was Dotard supporters who rioted. Even though you falsely refer to what happened as "LARPing".

    22. You say "hang Mike Pence" wasn't a threat. So how the f*ck is imagining that a police officer who murders a suspect is actually convicted and sentenced to death in the electric chair a threat? The protesters in the video you linked to where just LARPing... pretending they lived in a world were everyone (even police officers) are held accountable for their crimes.

    23. lol! I'm sure that THAT was their meaning.... BWAH!

  2. Re the gallows which would have been used to hang Mike Pence, as you can see in this picture, all the executioner would have had to do was push him off the edge. And you can see from the bolts that it was sturdily constructed.

    1. It's not "Art" like the sign says? Who knew?

    2. Without the sign nobody would know. Because it isn't. That isn't how "art" works.

    3. What "art" are you talking about? There aren't little signs next to each exhibit in a gallery? Who knew?

    4. It doesn't say "art" on the image you linked to. Labeling the gallows "art" was clearly a magamoron's pre-planned "defense" if arrested.

  3. You JC would not recognize truth or sanity.

    1. ...I can, however, read signs that say, "This is Art".

    2. Highly questionable assertion that you make. Meaning you may be able to read however your coprehension ability is near zero.
