WYM Pages

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Consequences For Two "Election Stolen" Liars (Rudy And Lou)

Rudy Guiliani has a radio show? I thought it was just a podcast. Anway, instead of cancelling him, WABC just slapped a "fake news" disclaimer on the opening of his program. Sam Seeder of the Majority Report and co-host Emma Vigeland discuss.

So, it's "insulting" for WABC to not want to have Rudy's lies attributed to them? Rudy says he's going to "have to give that a lot of consideration". I think WABC should have given it more consideration and concluded that the best course of action would be to cancel his lying ass. Like Fox did with Lou Dobbs.

While Lou Dobbs Tonight may be the highest rated show on Fox, according to CNN's Brian Stelter, "advertizers didn't want to be anywhere near him, so the show wasn't acutally profitable for the network".

The free market has spoken (at least in the case of Dobbs), trumpers. Advertisers don't want to be associated with liars. Here's hoping that more serious consequences come to ALL those lying about Joe Biden's big win. I am eager to see some bigly judgements against individuals (like Rudy and Lou) as well as Dotard-friendly nooz outlets. LOL.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-241.


  1. “But thus I counsel you, my friends: Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. They are people of a low sort and stock; the hangmen and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all who talk much of their justice! Verily, their souls lack more than honey. And when they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had—power.”

    ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    1. "Lock her up"? John Durham report which was going to result in many Obama administration officials being arrested, put on trial and convicted (in your delusions)? Holding the election liars/inciters accountable isn't about punishment, it is about justice.

      My impulse isn't "powerful". I am a strong proponent of leniency, but a-holes who foment violence with their lies deserve no leniency. QED: f*ck off.

    2. Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Perro, Rudy Guliani, and Sydney Powell have EARNED (with their lies) some judicial "wood shampoos". Former predisent Dotard, Mike Lindell, OAN, NewsMax, Fox, etc should also be sued. I PRAY these lawsuits go forward and Smartmatic and Dominion take these liars to the cleaners/ruin them/put them out of business :)

    3. btw, YOU are the one whose impulse to punish is powerful. I'm going to have to find your comment (on your "Tea Leaves" blog) where you talk about the extremely harsh punishment you want for poor offenders. Obviously you believe the Nietzsche comment ONLY applies to rich offenders. And White Dotard-supporters angry about phony election fraud. They (in your opinion) are the ones who should get leniency. BLM protesters, Democrats, etc should receive the harshest penalties possible.

    4. Fresh from a Russian troll farm... Minus FJ aka Thersites aka Joe Conservative. Little of your first video, none of your second video watched, btw. Neither has anything to do with my post. Except to prove (?) you speak Russia/are a Russian troll.

    5. It be you (and many other Q-Trumpublicans that are filled with BOTH hatred and fear. Reasoned rational folks have NOTHING to fear (except Covid, eapecially in tRump country) while the wee whittle cultists fear EVERYTHING. Especially losing their racist culture.

    6. ...that fires un-pc commentators like Lou Dobbs for having actual "thoughts".

      JUST OBEY! Don't THINK!

    7. Progressive's, promoting Grundyism since 1900.

    8. All of Lou's "actual thoughts" are of kissing Dotard's ass or licking his boots.

    9. So he SHOULD be fired.... how DARE he think for himself!

    10. Yup minus, that's exactly what YOU do. Show total complete fealty to your Moron Orange Turd cult leader.

    11. You certainly would be the expert on "not thinking for themselves".

    12. Yes, but Joe Con sure the hell is Dervish. He really doesn't think for himself. He simply regurgitates the G-GOP Q-Trumpublican false talling points. And thaat's it.
