WYM Pages

Sunday, February 7, 2021

DC Riot Was Staged (Rioters Were Actors). Ashli Babbit (Woman Shot And Killed) Isn't Dead (She Is A "Crisis Actor")

At least according to a video from Wooz News posted by the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ to his blog, "Political Tea Leaves".

According to YouTube, this video was posted on 2/4/2021. I bring the posting date up because I suspect this video may be removed as obvious disinformation. The narrator goes on and on about how the shooting of Ashli Babbitt was "acted". Everyone there was an actor. So she isn't dead. Apparently it was all a "deep state" opperation and she was moved/given a new identity.

Shit like this (and Minus posting it) is proof that some trumpers are mentally ill and live in an alternate reality where delusions like this are to be believed. While Minus posted this video without comment (to his blog), he did link to the same video on WYD, writing "The Faked coup?". This was in response to a comment of mine about the DC riot, so Minus isn't asking a question, he is stating definitively that the coup was fake.

Bob Roberts: If you watched what happen to our Cities over the past summer you can see the difference between what happen at the Capitol Building. I'm sorry, you can say whatever you want to, but Trump Supporters DON'T do those things. (2/4/2021 at 11:53am).

Dervish Sanders: "Bob Roberts" lies. The Capitol riot proves that Dotard supporters DO do those things. While trying to overthrow the government (which wasn't the goal of any of the BLM protests). And a police officer was murdered. Despite lies by Minus that the officer died from a pre-existing medical condition. Officer Sicknick's death is being investigated as a MURDER. (2/5/2021 at 6:17 AM.

Joe Conservative: The Faked coup? (2/6/2021 at 6:19 AM).

This is akin to the Marjorie-Taylor-Greene-believed Alex Jones (highly offensive) BS about how school shootings are faked by "crisis actors". Honestly, I don't know wheter Minus believes this or not. I don't think he cares. He posts it because he likes that it shifts the blame away from Dotard and Dotard-supporters. They didn't riot, it was actors hired by the "deep state" to make the trumper movement look bad and make SURE Dotard left office.

Are Dotard's lawyers going to present this at his 2nd impeachment trial? He is being impeached for inciting this riot, so if it was FAKE the case against him is finished. And an impeachment case against Joe Biden might be next on the docket. If Joe was behind this staged event (as he was behind the extensive election fraud that allowed him to steal the election from Dotard) he certainly should be impeached and removed.

Or at least fully revealed to be illegitimate. Which will cause The People to rise up and demand Dotard be reinstated. Because he "won" the election. As revealed by My Pillow guy's "100% proof" that the election was stolen.

Update 2/8/2021: The fake video in question was removed. YouTube says "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying". Possibly because this bullshit harasses the grieving family of Ashli Babbitt by falsely asserting she isn't dead but a "crisis actor"? That would be my guess. The video is available on Bitchute, but there is no embed code (like on YouTube). Can you embed a Bitchute video? Apparently you can if you have a WordPress blog. If you have a Blogger blog Google says... no. Or maybe. I'm not clear on that. In any case, I couldn't figure it out (or if it is even possible). Use the link if you want to watch the video on Bitchute.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-242.


  1. Replies
    1. According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.

    2. I can't look right now, but what are your links to? More "banned" YouTube videos?

    3. Within an hour, VOTAFRAUD disappeared from YouTube search results for parody. Shadowbans are just as bad as video take downs.

    4. I searched "parody", found the vid, posted it, returned to my search results where it was now "missing"... search again under "parody" and saw that the same list came up EXCEPT for the VOTAFRAUD parody. It had be algorythmetically "shadow banned" under parody, but still findable under "fraud" search terms.

    5. The (now removed) video was labeled as "parody" (aka they were admitting it was fake)? I thought it was serious? Also, you were serious in posting it. You admit Ashil Babbitt is dead and not a "crisis actor"?

      btw, YouTube says, "this video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying"... and not for being misinformation (my prediction). ??

    6. I admit only that the story in the video is MUCH more plausible than the House Impeachment Manager's Story of "Revolution".

    7. It is 100 percent implausible. And the riot wasn't a "revolution". But that didn't mean many of the magamorons didn't think it was. You keep insisting people trying to commit crimes should get a free pass (although only on the right). Cesar Sayoc's pipe bombs failed, yet he is still in prison for some strange reason. Obviously he was also "LARPing".

  2. If Officer Sicknick died from a pre-existing medical condition, his death would NOT be being investigated as a murder. Which it is.

    And, if the capitol riot was fake, is that going to be Dotard's legal team's defense? How can he be impeached for a fake riot? fyi, I GUARANTEE you that the "crisis actor" conspiracy theory will NOT be presented as a defense. I'd like to see them try it, though. I think the chances of conviction would increase if they did.

    1. Who say's it's being investigated as a murder? The same people who say he got konked on the head with a fire extinguisher? LOL!

    2. Fox 1/14/2021: The retired firefighter who appears to be the man caught on camera throwing a fire extinguisher that hit at least three officers at the Capitol during a riot was arrested Thursday, officials said. Robert Sanford, of Chester PA, faces three federal felony charges including assaulting a police officer, the Wall Street Journal reported. ... The deceased officer, Brian Sicknick, a 12-year veteran of the police force, was also struck in the head by a fire extinguisher and collapsed after the incident. He was taken to the hospital where he later succumbed to his injuries.

      Fox 2/6/2021: That day, North America's Building Trades Unions (NABTU) also announced a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for Sicknick's murder.

    3. Reuters 1/8/2021: Homicide investigation opened into death of Capitol Police officer. ... Sicknick's death will be investigated by the Washington Metropolitan Police Department's Homicide Branch, the Capitol Police said in a statement. The FBI will help in the investigation of Sicknick's death, Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen said on Friday.

      NY Post 1/15/2021: FBI probing over 30 suspects in Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick's murder. ... The disclosure followed Thursday's arrest of Robert Sanford, a retired Pennsylvania firefighter who was allegedly caught on camera tossing a fire extinguisher off a balcony on the west side of the Capitol amid the Jan. 6 chaos. The device struck the heads of three Capitol cops, only two of whom were wearing helmets, according to authorities. Sicknick died a day after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher...

    4. ...and the FBI "investigated" Russian collusion. BWAH!

    5. When the autopsy report gets released, you sure are going to look stupid, Dervy.

    6. ...especially after his brother admitted that he had talked to him, had never mentioned being hit with an extinguisher, but was told he had been "maced" twice but was otherwise okay, and later the hospital told him that he had had a stroke.

    7. You know Brian Sicknick's brother? He phoned you up and told you that? Also, the article excerpt I posted says the Washington Metropolitan Police Department's Homicide Branch is investigating Sicknick's murder. Can you discount that because they also investigated the Dotard campaign's collusion with Russia? No.

    8. He told reporters at the Washington Times. There is real media who cover stories. It's not all news faked by the WaPo or NY Times.

    9. Link?

      btw (as per Wikipedia) The Washington Times... "has been accused of publishing racist content including conspiracy theories about U.S. President Barack Obama, supporting neo-Confederate historical revisionism,[20][21] and promoting Islamophobia".

      aka the Washington Times is a fake news source.

    10. lol! Wiki Leftists think EVERYTHING on the Right is a conspiracy theory.

    11. your link: His eldest brother, Brian Sicknick, told ProPublica in an interview published Jan. 8 that Sicknick had texted him on the night on Jan. 6 to tell him he had been pepper-sprayed but felt fine. He told the outlet his brother was dead by the next night, after suffering a stroke. [end]

      Brian Sicknick has an older brother also named Brian? And pepper spray causes strokes? Definitive proof, to be SURE!

      Authorities have not verified his account, and Ken Sicknick has not returned a Fox News request for comment.

      Oh, I guess his brother's name is "Ken" and that prior paragraph is just poorly worded. So, Fox couldn't reach Ken for comment and all they have is ProPublica hearsay? Obviously that Brian texted Ken as per ProPublica MUST be 100% accurate. Even though "exactly how Sicknick died still remains a mystery to the public, as an official cause of death has not been released".

      As for your "lol" about conspiracy theories, YOU'RE the one who thinks tens of millions of fraudulent ballots gave Joe Biden the win. And that China was involved.

    12. I never said China. I only know that tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots flipped the races in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. There's videos of fraud proving Biden won NONE of those states.

    13. Mike Lindell did. He mentioned it in the video you linked to. I don't know how you can disagree with his "absolute proof".

  3. Replies
    1. Mike Lindell is a f*cking liar. His video isn't "absolute proof", it's absolute bullshit. Looks like he paid himself to shoot and host this video? I hope he is RUINED by Dominion. This video should be presented as evidence in their lawsuit against him.

      I stopped watching when he threw up a chart that says 36400 illegal aliens voted in Arizona. According to WHO? Mike Lindell's delusions? Mike Lindell made-up delusions (or whoever made up these figures) are not "absolute proof". Except (perhaps) of Lindell's insanity.

      Is Mike's video going to be presented as evidence at Dotard's impeachment trial? I heard that is the defense Dotard wants.

    2. Why didn't NewsMax or OAN air this video??? You say they are being "intimidated", but wouldn't "absolute proof" result in Dominion's lawsuit being dismissed. Who can argue with "absolute proof"??? btw, are you going to answer that question or dodge it?

      btw, given the "absolute proof" Lindell has, I'd think Dominion would be too scarred to have their fraud revealed to have this aired in court. Ye the lawsuit was filed and proceeds. How do you explain that?

    3. Oooops, your video just got CENSORED. BWAH!

    4. ps - and the video was aired. I watched it on OAN.

    5. OAN = Soon to be out of business :)

      My Pillow = Soon to be out of business :)

    6. Democrats, soon to be out of business.

    7. Counting ballots isn't illegal, it is how elections work.

    8. Delivering tens of thousands of ballots to a voting center after kicking out all Republican observers and after the deadline for receiving them is past and then counting those ballots the next day IS illegal and not how elections are supposed to work.

    9. But that didn't happen. Dotard's lawyers tried to get ballots tossed for that reason in court. The judge rejected their argument.

    10. The video was fake? There was no truck full of ballots? Wow, Don't believe your eyes, trust in Democracy. BWAH!

    11. I'm not positive what "truck full of ballots" you're referring to. I watched only a few minutes of Mike's bullshit, as I said previously. As for believing your eyes, do you have x-ray vision (can see inside trucks)?

      Maybe (if this is what you are referring to) the truck was just filled with printing waste instead of "shredded mail-in ballots".

      btw, it was Dotard who said not to believe what you're seeing.

      Donald Trump: "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening".

  4. I couldn't read through this whole thread, Derv. But I did get a take-away by reading most of it by Minus FJ and his sock puppet JoeCon.

    They're actually "Crisis Blogger Actors" who live off of posting stupid and ridiculous conspiracy videos to liberal blogs. He, Minus FJ, or JoeCon, or the other iterations of this character, is a provocateur. He loves to throw crap out there, especially on your blog, to get a reaction.

    It's all theater and fun and games. It's what helps a shut-in cope with his unhappy, dreary, Trumpian life.

    But even I have to admit it's kinda funny.

    1. Their story is much more plausible than the one being peddled by the House Impeachment Managers of an Insurrection that failed because Mike Pence wasn't hanged.

    2. He wasn't because they didn't find him. But they were looking for him. And chanting "hang Mike Pence". If they had found him you think they'd have just told him they were angry?

  5. Also, this:

    "First, Republicans’ process arguments are invariably false. The law and the precedent for convicting a president impeached while in office is clear. Those voting to acquit simply cannot bring themselves to condemn him for instigating a violent insurrection.

    Second, it behooves the mainstream media to point out that Republicans have no policy positions. As such they are not conducting themselves as a legitimate party in the battle of ideas. They spend their time whining about “censorship” (from the floor of the House and on the largest cable news outlet). It is noteworthy that other than 10 Republican senators, congressional Republicans have no proposals for attacking the covid-19 pandemic, reviving the economy or anything that would alleviate Americans’ immediate or long-term hardships.

    Third, the individual and corporate donors, news outlets, think tanks and other political organizations that continue to treat the GOP as a normal political party are contributing to the erosion of our democracy and the elevation of authoritarian-minded racists and conspiracy-mongers. They too should be held accountable. Consumers, stockholders, legitimate scholars, real media and ordinary individuals should withdraw support from and recognition of the enablers. The twin powers of the purse and of public shunning are useful tools in knocking down the pillars that support a decrepit party.

    Finally, there are normal Republicans — aside from the rump group in Congress. There are many mayors, governors and statewide officials (e.g., secretaries of state). When we want to know “what Republicans think,” we should go to them if we want an honest, fact-based response. Some of them (e.g., Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan) have made clear, for example, that federal covid aid is badly needed. Republican Govs. Phil Scott of Vermont and Charlie Baker of Massachusetts supported the first impeachment of Trump. In addition, Alabama’s Republican Gov. Kay Ivey “suggested Rep. Mo Brooks deserved a primary challenger for his role in riling up President Donald Trump’s supporters Wednesday before they barged into the Capitol Building,” the Daily Mail reported. If there is to be a sane alternative party to the Democrats, it will be made up of such figures. We should follow their actions and rhetoric, if we want to know what a normal center-right party would act like."
    --Conservative and sane Republican columnist, Jennifer Rubin

    This is your blog, of course, and you can host anyone you wish; but, just so we're clear, Minus FJ is one of those insane, conspiracy mongering nut cases that Rubin calls the "Rump" of the Republican Party. They are NOT mainstream, they're the crazed Trumpers who live off of conspiracy garbage and Trumpian lies.

  6. Replies
    1. Are you a House Impeachment Fairy Tale Constructor, Dervy?

    2. The "fairy tale" is that Ashli Babbit (and other rioters) were either LARPing or "crisis actors".

  7. JoeCon: "Are you a House Impeachment Fairy Tale Constructor?"

    Um. No. Since tomorrow Trump's SECOND IMPEACHMENT TRIAL will begin. No "Fairy Tale" there. That's reality. Not a stupid conspiracy theory. Trump is really, really, really going to have a SECOND impeachment trial. Trump makes history again!

    1. The Ukrainian Fairy Tale didn't work. The Russian Fairy Tale didn't work. Let's just face facts, Democrats concoct unbelievably bad Fairy Tales.

    2. Here's an unbelievably bad Fairy Tale: The election was stolen from Trump.

      Here's reality: Joe Biden won the popular vote by 7 million and he won the electoral college with 302 to Trump's 232.

      Here's an unbelievably bad Fairy Tale: Trump was a fantastic preznit.

      Here's reality: He lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020 and 500,000 Americans lost their lives because of Trump's incompetence and lies in handling the COVID pandemic. He left office with the worst jobs record for a post WWII president. And he instigated an insurgency against his own government, inciting his mobs to "hang Pence" and assassinate the Speaker of the House.

      The only reason he wasn't indicted in the first impeachment (and probably won't be in the second) is because the current Republicans in the Senate are corrupt, spineless sycophantic cultists.

      Here's more reality, not Fairy Tales: A majority of Americans want Trump convicted for his treachery and prevented from ever hold public office again. But if the corrupt spineless sycophantic Republicans in the Senate don't act like patriotic Americans, the SDNY will finish the job.

      70% of Americans are hoping for this outcome.


  8. minus fj - Excelling in Bad Fairy Tales with great pride and ferocious energy. Makkng his Fat Lying Orange Shit proud.

    1. Ayup, truth, something lacking in over 30,000, yes that's right, over 30,000 statements by tRump. The majority were outright LIES. And yes, even the tRump turds like minus fj know it deep down.

      But tRump cultists like minu fj will continue to deny the truth that has been staring them in their faces for the past 5 years.

      tRump cultists like minus fj will always support jackasses and racists like tRump because belief in those jackasses support their already existng biases and prejudices.

      But if justice is eventually realized, and I believe it may someday in the future, the tRump turd guzzlers like minus fj will be very disappointed whittle cultists.




    2. If not for ad hominem, the Left would have NO arguments.

    3. You have defined your own well minus fj.

    4. "Sleepy Joe" isn't ad hominem, who knew? If not for ad hominem, the RIGHT would have NO arguments.
