WYM Pages

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Cult Of Dotard (aka The Orange Turd Cult) Lives

The Orange Turd may be out of office, but his cult lives.

The second image (re Dotard being responsible for the riot at the Capitol in DC) was my SIL's response after I posted the following to my Facebook.

The Democrats incited the trumper riot? No, it was Dotard. The reason he is being impeached. Will Dotard's lawyers argue that the Democrats are responsible? I doubt it. According to what I've heard, Dotard wanted his lawyers to argue that the election was stolen, and they quit. His new lawyers main argument is going to be that impeaching an ex-president is "unconstitutional".

Which is nonsense. Obviously Dotard can't be removed. The voters already did that. But JUSTICE demands accountability. Dotard sent a mob to the Capitol to attempt a coup! He absolutely should be barred for life from holding public office.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-240.


  1. One would, and should, expect nothing less from the likes of the Queen of Lisa's Latrine. Lisa herself.

    The byproducts of blind faith in an orange sociopath combined with willful ignorance and boundless racism has created a political class and movement of blathering idiots.

    Such is America in the aftermath of the Great Orange Insurgency. It will be a very long time before this nation shakes off the stench and danage created by Dotard donnie.

    1. Yes. The "GOP" defense of MTG is proof of that.

    2. Just tried to comment on your blog, RN. "Comments on this blog are restricted to team members"?

    3. Don't know what your video is about. Can't watch it now because of my data cap, but YES, the issue continues to be "circled". Given that the second impeachment of Dotard for inciting an insurrection is about to start. Expect more circling. I expect you will do some yourself.

    4. Re "circling back"... if she doesn't know the answer, she's supposed to lie (like Dotard's press secretaries)? "You never circle back", BarryMode claims... She never gets back to anyone on any question she doesn't (at that moment) know the answer to? Proof?

      btw, wtf does your comment and link have to do with my post? I gave you a definitive answer. Dotard IS responsible for the Capitol riot. I didn't say I didn't know the answer to something and would have to get back to you.

    5. He needs to be barred from running again, because HE WOULD HAND-DOWN WIN!

    6. How? Aren't the Democrats going to win every election going forward due to their "extensive voter fraud organization"?

    7. And you minus man are one fucked in the head moron

    8. In your Q-Trumpublican delusions pussy boy.
