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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Crack Addict's "Absolute Proof" Is Not Intended To Be Taken Or Interpreted By The Viewer As Established Fact

The admitted former (?) crack addict Mike Lindell paid One America News (OAN) to air a 3 hour fakeumentary he titled "Absolute Proof". Before the fakeumentary aired a "disclaimer" (with voiceover) indicated that everything the viewer was about to see is total bullshit.

I don't think this disclaimer is going to prevent Dominion from suing OAN. In fact, I think them airing Mike's crack-induced delusions makes it much more likely that they get sued.

A Dominion spokesperson said in a statement to Forbes that Lindell's film is a "repackaging of lies which have been repeatedly debunked" and the company will continue to seek retribution for the allegedly defamatory statements in court. Dominion's attorney Thomas Clare told legal outlet Law & Crime that the disclaimer on Lindell's film would not help OAN avoid legal action from the voting company. "Nice try by OAN, but it definitely does not relieve them of liability", Clare said, saying the company "warned them specifically" not to air the film and they decided to "broadcast it anyway". (excerpt from a 2/5/2021 Forbes article by Alison Durkee).

Cenk Uygur, Jayar Jackson, and Adrienne Lawrence of The Young Turks (who watched the entire 3 hours, apparently) discuss the Mike Lindell fakeumentary (including the absurd disclaimer) in the following video.

Does Mike Lindell have brain damage that causes him to suffer from auditory hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis? One thing we can be sure of is that Lindell's "absolute proof" (which the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ says he watched when it aired on OAN) is absolute bullshit.

Mike thinks he was punished for supporting Dotard. I say he's punishing himself more. If he was a former "crack addict to millionaire" success story (and that was the end of the story) I'd say "good for him". Instead he tried to convince Dotard to declare martial law and continues to promote baseless conspiracy theories about how Joe Biden cheated to win (running against the worst president in American history).

Yes, Dotard ran on bringing manufacturing jobs back to America and Lindell employs Americans to make his pillows right here in America. I can see why Mike supported Dotard. But WAKE UP, Dotard lied. He lied about bringing back US manufacturing jobs and he lied about the election being stolen (telling tens of thousands of other lies in between). :(

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-244.


  1. Nope, no challenge of the evidence, just pure unadulterated ad hominem...

    1. If I were to claim that I have absolute proof that Bigfoot exists, then threw up a chart that stated there were 1000 Bigfoot sightings last year and I said I have affidavits from the people who saw Bigfoot, would you take my claims seriously? What would be your no ad hominem "challenge of the evidence"?

    2. He presented evidence out the yang. You can refute none of it.

    3. He did not. I watched for like 10 minutes. He made allegations. Allegations are not evidence! You can PROVE none of it. If it was provable Dotard's lawyers would have done so in court.

      Election officials in GA (on the phone call with Dotard) said the bullshit allegations referenced by the predisent were NOT TRUE.

    4. Trucks showing up at voting centers at 3:30 am with carts full of ballots caught on video are hardly "allegations". They are FACTS. The windows were taped up inside the self-same voting center to keep people from watching the count. That's not an allegation. THAT is a FACT!

    5. A hand recount in Windham VT of votes counted by machine showed a -300 vote discrepency for every Republican on the ballot. That's not an allegation. That's a FACT.

    6. Trucks did not show up at voting centers at 3:30 am with carts full of ballots caught on video. It is not a fact, it's bullshit. I saw it debunked on Snopes. There was a truck, but there were no ballots inside.

      If these allegations could be proven, Dotard's legal team would have done so in court. They declined. They declined because they know the allegations are false. Why (if this case goes to court) Dominion will win. And then you will claim the judge who rules in Dominion's favor is crooked/deep state.

    7. You didn't watch the video, because they came out of the truck twice on carts.

    8. Ballots being collected from drop boxes/the usps and delivered by truck so they could be counted isn't fraud.

    9. Delivered... is the operative criteria for legal ballots.

    10. ...and the deadline for "delivery" is midnight, Tuesday, not 4 am Wednesday.

    11. ...Biden still won Michigan by just under 146,800 votes.

  2. The EVIDENCE clearly and factually supports the FACT that Crack Man Lindell is, as is his Turd Bigrade Leader Dotard, FULL IF SHIT.

    And so minus fj naturalky believes Lindell & Orange Turd Dotard.

    1. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE spending the time to watch and earnestly listen to the 2'nd Impeachment Trial and observe the live footage captured on tape of tRump's coordinated actions and words over 4 years KNOWS PERFRCTLY WELL what the truth and reality is minus fj. I'm sorry you choose NOT to embrace TRUTH, but that is your choice. Enjoy your lies minus fj. They belong to you

    2. ALL the arguments have been refuted. By Dotard's legal team. They declined to present these "facts" in court because they know they'd be caught lying. The liars didn't figure Dominion would fight back. I really hope they add Dotard to the list of those they are suing the pants off of :)

    3. They absolutely should Dervish. IMO.

    4. Once again, appeals to "authority" yet no arguments or evidence refuted... what a bunch of losers!

    5. Right. Dotard lost. And, AGAIN, Mike Lindell presented NO EVIDENCE. Allegations are NOT evidence.

    6. Then no words are EVER evidence in your book Dervy. Take your tin foil hat off once in a while, your scalp has suffocated.

  3. Hey Derv and RN,

    Nothing. NOTHING, as in no evidence you present to Minus FJ will dissuade him from his conspiracies. Minus is a conspiracy-addicted Trumper. Trump, if you recall, was a pathological liar. Lindell the Pillowman was a meth crackhead.

    Minus believes both of them and their claims of fraud and "proof" of it, wherever he finds it on the internet.

    Need I say more?

    It doesn't take a genius to understand that if ANY of this conspiracy rubbish were true and if there were evidence of it, TRUMP'S OWN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE would have exposed it all in order to keep him in power and "get" his enemies.

    That didn't happen. Even Trump's hand-picked AG who kissed Trump's ass and ran interference for him on the Mueller Report -- even Barr said there was no voter fraud.

    Minus is a hopeless conspiracy nut. Just like Robert Kennedy, who's been suspended from social media because he's bonkers. Just like your friend here, Minus FJ.

    May I remind you both that NOTHING, NOT ONE THING, Minus predicted about uncovering crimes by President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden, etc., happened. Even with Trump's people in charge of the DoJ and all the mechanisms they had to investigate, subpoena, and indict. No one from the Obama administration was indicted for ANYTHING. Joe and Hunter Biden weren't arrested and put on trial for ANYTHING.

    There was no voting fraud that stole the election from Trump.

    He was beaten, but good, in an electoral LANDSLIDE, and by 7 million more popular votes than Trump got.

    Minus will keep up his bleating about fraud, and "Deep State," and "cabals," and everything else his conspiratorial mind can conjure up.

    It's. All. Bullshit.

    But I guess it amuses you, Derv, to let him spread his manure around here?

    Maybe that's it. Oh well. I find him pathetic in an amusing sort of way too.

    1. They present NO evidence, just repeat tired ad hominems... like you...yawn!

    2. Yup, you minus fj are one VERY big yawn. Now, go trump up some more conspiracy theories. Your specialty.

    3. Where is the EVIDENCE that Joe Biden is "sleepy", Minus! There is none. It's just tired ad hominem, which both you and Dotard LOVE. There is also no evidence that the election was stolen. You (as I already pointed out) only have baseless allegations. Why Dominion is suing Lindell. I am positive they have refuted every one of Lindell's phony allegations in the documents they submitted to the court.

      My post concerns the disclaimer OAN ran before Lindell's fakumentary, which CLEARLY points out that Lindell is espousing OPINION only. As opposed to FACT. aka the disclaimer refutes everything Lindell says.

    4. Progressing to a tu tuoque argument from ad hominem simply reveals the absence of any refutation...

    5. I agree. So, why do you and the rest of the Q-Trumpanzees do so continously? With lies nontheless.

    6. Tu tuoque plus ad hominem still isn't an argument or a refutation.

    7. You REALLY need to start paying attention, Minus. OAN refuted Mike Lindell's claims before they aired his fakeumentary.

      Quote: "The statement and claims presented in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be take or interpreted by the viewer as established fact".

    8. Appeal to Authority again. Try direct refutation of at LEAST ONE single item in his presentation.

    9. I am thoroughly enjoying your obvious attempt at spin. Laughable as always!

    10. I'm not the one walking the ocean waves chicane.

    11. ...and a reminder of just how far the "Mainstream" media has fallen. :)

    12. Clowns and goofs now saturate the fascist rightwing Q-Trumpublican Q-GOP. And they are dangerous cause they're as crazy as loons.

  4. "Appeal to Authority again. Try direct refutation of at LEAST ONE single item in his presentation."

    Sorry. It doesn't work that way. YOU have to prove what Pillowman produced is TRUTH. You. Can. Not.

    60 different law suits brought before the courts -- some before judges appointed by Trump -- were thrown out. TRUTH. Trump's own AG said there was no widespread fraud. TRUTH. Trump's own chief of cyber security said the election was THE MOST SECURE in years. TRUTH.

    And Thersites and JoeCon reject all of that, all of those verifiable TRUTHS and believe The Pillowman, whose video had a disclaimer attached to it because it is a pile of unproved claims, no facts, unproved claims. No court has adjudicated it or deemed it FACTUAL, TRUTH. Not one. It's a fantasy put together by a disgraced Pillowman and believed by fools.

    1. lol! Dervish failed to disprove a single Pillowman assertion, so I need "prove" nothing. Pillowman's original assertions remain scaythed.

  5. Replies
    1. ps - Who elected pShaw judge of what need be proven in arguments? The Whozyomama Idiot Council?

    2. Well minus man, Shaw is right. You on the other hand have never been right.
