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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Trust The Plan. The Storm Is Upon Us. LOL!

According to a Crypto Karaoke Beastie Boys "parody" YouTube posted by the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ to his Wank Files blog, magamorons should continue to "trust the plan, it's QAnon" (line from the 2:44 mark).

"The storm is upon us" a voice says at the video's end.

The Storm Is the New Pizzagate -- Only Worse. 12/19/2017 Intelligencer article by Paris Martineau (excerpts).

A new conspiracy theory called "The Storm" has taken the grimiest parts of the internet by, well, storm. Like Pizzagate, the Storm conspiracy features secret cabals, a child sex-trafficking ring led (in part) by the satanic Democratic Party, and of course, countless logical leaps and paranoid assumptions that fail to hold up under the slightest fact-based scrutiny.

...this story begins with a post on /pol/, a sub-board of the more-or-less-anonymous, anything-goes website 4chan. Over the last few years, /pol/ — which technically stands for "politically incorrect" — has slowly but surely become a top contender for the ever-coveted title of the most upsetting community online.

On October 28, someone calling themselves Q began posting a series of cryptic messages in a /pol/ thread titled "Calm Before the Storm" (assumedly in reference to that creepy Trump quote from early October). Q claimed to be a high-level government insider with Q clearance (hence the name) tasked with posting intel drops — which he, for some reason, called "crumbs" -- straight to 4chan in order to covertly inform the public about POTUS's master plan to stage a countercoup against members of the deep state.

So "The Storm" should entail Dotard defeating the "deep state". But, with Joe Biden's win and Dotard's defeat (and removal), how can the "storm" be upon us? The video was posted on 2/7/2021. After Joe Biden was inaugurated.

"No plan, no Q, nothing": QAnon followers reel as Biden inaugurated. 1/20/2021 Reuters article by Joseph Menn, Elizabeth Culliford, Katie Paul, Carrie Monahan. (excerpts).

[QAnon dupes] grappled with a harsh reality check: Trump had left office with no mass arrests or other victories against the supposed cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophile cannibal elites, especially Democrats, he was ostensibly fighting. Instead, Democratic President Joseph Biden was calmly sworn into office, leaving legions of QAnon faithful struggling to make sense of what had transpired.

In one Telegram channel with more than 18,400 members, QAnon believers were split between those still urging others to "trust the plan" and those saying they felt betrayed. ... Some messages referenced theories that a coup was going to take place before the end of Inauguration Day. Others moved the goalposts again, speculating that Trump would be sworn into office on Mar. 4.

...34% believe "the military & Trump have a plan coming in the near future", even while acknowledging the transfer of presidential power.

Is Minus a QAnon adherent who believes he should continue to trust "the plan" and that Dotard will return to power on 3/4/2021? I doubt it. Yet there are nutters who continue to believe. Despite NONE of Q's predictions proving to be accurate.

Wikipedia: The [QAnon] conspiracy theory has been widely characterized as "baseless" and "evidence-free". Its proponents have been called "a deranged conspiracy cult" ... It is disseminated mainly by supporters of Trump, who refer to the Storm and the Great Awakening -- QAnon's precepts and vocabulary are closely related to the religious concepts of millenarianism and apocalypticism, leading it to be sometimes construed as an emerging religious movement. QAnon's adherents, while seeing Trump as a flawed Christian, also view him as a messiah sent by God.

Note: Minus also posted the same video to his Political Tea Leaves blog. Under the post title "Embrace the Irreverent Q!". Does this mean Minus IS a Q adherent? Who can say. I think he just likes any lie that might help his cause.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-243.


  1. Personally, I must ask, why would anyone even care WTF a mega-moron trumper's motivation might be. One would thaink what motivates someone to adhere to a lunatics conspiracy theory would be of no interest. To suffer fools is, a fools errand.

    1. And, so prepare. Underground. In ways that are useen and unheard. Be in touch and understand the enemies intent and true motivation, ABSOKUTE POWER. Gather intelligence. Arm. Launch when the advantage is ours.

  2. Did either of you watch that pathetic defense attorney at the impeachment hearing today? Did he get his law degree at Uncle Goopie's Law School and Screen Door Repair Shop? Is that all Trump's got? I guess that's all he can get to defend him because Trump has a reputation for not paying people who do work for him. LOL!

  3. Yeah Shaw, I watched. I must say that tRump must be livid. The rambling in and of itself was maddening. As for effective argument, all I can say is this... I'd represent myself before I'd hire either of tRump's attorneys.

    BUT... that ain't going to change the outcome. Dotard donnie us in verh FIRM control of the Q-GOP.

  4. I did not watch. Clips are currently being played on "Morning Joe" and the consensus is that Dotard's lawyers did a bad job. Which the clips confirm. Yet there likely will be no conviction -- the only way (according to Joe) that the stain can be removed.

    I liked Bruce Castor's suggestion that the DOJ arrest Dotard. Didn't sound like a suggestion someone working for the DEFENSE should be making, however.

  5. Replies
    1. Yup.Truth is Truth. Wether minus fj and his fellow Orange Turd worshipers accept it or not.

    2. The evidence of "widespread" fraud slowly mounts... turning a soft Democrat "fiction" INTO a HARD Republican TRUTH. :)

    3. As we laugh our asses off over HOUR delusions minus fj.

    4. YOUR link, Minus, says 4 republicans won by a small number of votes -- and that (after a hand recount) those 4 republicans won by a slightly larger number of votes. HOW THE F*CK is that proof that Democrats cheated?

    5. Minus: Beating the QAnon Strawman again? LOL!

      HUH? The video YOU posted (twice) references QAnon. If you disagreed with what the song said (in part) you should have noted that in your post. There was no "I'm not in agreement with the QAnon conspiracy theory" attached, so I concluded that you agreed with the song in it's entirety.

    6. The question, Dervy, is why the machines lost the votes.
