WYM Pages

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Magamoron Who Calls Himself Mystere Using The Alias "Qanon" On WYD

The following comments are from the pro-Dotard blog Who's Your Daddy.

Qanon: Braindead Dervish Sanders asks "Did Jimmy Carter incite her to plot the bombing by claiming the 1980 election was stolen from him?" Where did you yank that whopper from, Dervish? And you call yourself a Judge with a high IQ? (2/1/2021 at 8:40am).

Dervish Sanders: "Qanon" = Mystere. (2/1/2021 at 9:14am).

Qanon: You are mistaken, Dervish Sanders. My name is Qanon. I have been following this blog for at least 2 years without leaving comments. I have seen you viciously attack and smear others with your deep seated Satanic hate. You, RN USA and other lefty trolls are on my radar. Guys like Joe Conservative and FJ keep calling you and your buddies out. I watched you viciously attack an elderly man named Franco even after he died. I've seen your hate blogs, attacking the people on this site behind their backs. One day, when you least expect it, God will take you at the worst possible moment and it will be game over for you. You will send yourself into the eternal black hole, with demons prodding your sad excuse of a soul, and you won't be able to stop the excruciating pain you feel throughout your whole body. Franco is in paradise, ready to see you face to face on the day you leave your rotting carcass behind. You will be either terrified or glad, depending on what you choose in the future. I'm not going to suggest anything to you because you need to choose your own way. (2/1/2021 at 9:52am).

Dervish Sanders: "Qanon" = DEFINITELY Mystere. (2/1/2021 at 9:57am).

Qanon: #%€£ you Qanon... Why good morning RN USA! Did you sleep well in the Liberty Mutual Married With Children recycled Dodge last night? My sources tell me you refused to accept the MyPillow Giza Dream Sheets and pillows. You told them you prefer sleeping on ISIS the rubber woman once used by Bud Bundy in the back seat of the car. Is that why you are hiding behind the anonymous screen, Lester Carpenter? (2/1/2021 at 8:52am).

Mystere is a rightwing religious nutter who thinks Dotard was sent by God to save this nation. He says "Qanon" watched for 2 YEARS without commenting? This is an obvious lie. Another lie is that I viciously attacked Franco. Franco viciously attacked me.

Mystere is obsessed with Liberty Mutual and the television program Married with Children. The last comment (above) is definitive evidence that Mystere is posting using the alias "Qanon".

Mystere has also previously denied that he posts as donkey's revenge, Porky Da Badd Ass and ratrapper. Yet, when he disappeared for over a year, his three "friends" also decided to quit blogging and haven't been seen since.

btw, Mystere, I am not worried about the eternal black hole where demons will prod me. If anyone should be worried about that being their ultimate fate, it is YOU. Given your support for the evil Dotard and lies about Democrats. I saw the post on your blog where you claim that Bo Biden is currently in Hell, yet somehow conversing with his father (is he out on a day-pass?).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-238.


  1. Re the Fartbreath Mystere post in which he claims Bo Biden went to Hell after he passed away, Fartbreath writes (in a comment attached to his post), "...Dervish Sanders is having a heart attack over this post".

    I wrote "No, he isn't" but Mystere declined to publish my reply.

  2. Sounds like Mystere certainly has you number. ;)

    1. SO you find it acceptable to Dox people. I can't wait until they dox you.

    2. Mystere already did. Remember, he identified me as "Anthony Sanders" a juvenile court judge in Waverly TN. He posted a picture me and of my house on his blog. Turnabout is fair play.

    3. I am a tit-for-tat man, but that applies to quantity of doxing incidents as well. This one seems a bit more doxical, and not a direct response action.

    4. You're the one who brought up having people's numbers.

    5. ...proving once again that he CERTAINLY has yours (rhetorically).

    6. No. I laugh at Mystere. He doesn't get under my skin or anger me (as he is claiming on WYD). His stupidity makes me sad for him.

    7. Sure, that's why you devote half your blog to him...

    8. Jealous? I've also devoted a lot of commentaries to you. Anyway, given you're so bent out of shape about me blogging about Mystere (even though he took a YEAR off and therefore gave me no material during that time), I've added your picture to my sidebar. Click the image to bring up all the posts I've written about you.

  3. Engaging with Qanon, Mystere, and certain other far right conspiracy nuts is like trying to have a conversation with a baked potato. Why bother?

    1. Because (according to Mystere posting as "Qanon" on WYD) I am filled with "Satanic hate". Although the real reason is because it's funny. Mystere is the one who is obviously angry that I (easily) deduced he is "Qanon".

  4. Attempting to have any discussion with the absolute nut jobs you reference is nothing short of an exercise in complete and utter futility. Its like talking with a bag of rocks. Only the bag of rocks are undoubtedly smarter.

  5. Sticking to somewhat Mike MyPillowGuy Lindell theme of the post, have you seen him today on NewsMax? The guy interviewing him just got up and walked out as Mr Pillow was promising to show everyone the 100% true evidence of the Dominion Vote switching this Friday. As the talking pillow was yelling, the host read his legal disclaimer saying there's no proof and then got up and walked out.

    Apparently there is a limit to the amount of lies even the NewsMax ppl will support.

    But wait, there's more. It looks like Lin Wood, one of Trump's voter fraud lawyers in Georgia has indeed found actual voter fraud in the state. Georgia officials are looking into whether Wood himself voted illegally since he is a resident of So Carolina.

    The stupid runs deep with this crowd, even before you see that Trump's new and improved impeachment lawyers misspelled United States in their brief to the Senate.

    1. This interview? That's pretty funny. Pillow guy keeps blabbing while the host talks over him. NewMax doesn't want to be sued. Pillow guy wants to destroy his business for some reason.

    2. btw, the first interview was posted to YouTube by "Cutter J". NewsMax didn't post that one, but another where they had him back later in the day to clean up the fallout from the first interview. Obviously, while NewsMax didn't want to be sued, they also felt sorry for how pillow guy came off as a raving lunatic.

      "Obviously you were on the show earlier in the day. You made some waves, we'll leave it at that. But you and NewsMax have always had a really good relationship". LOL.
