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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Magamoron MyPillow Guy (Mike Lindell) Trying To Destroy His Business For Some Reason (Insanity)

So, I'm signed up for texts from NewsMax and at 9:47 last night I get one that says Mike Lindell is going to guest on "Rob Schmitt" (whoever that is). Instead of watching it I went to bed. Wish I had seen it, because according to Dave Miller, it was pretty funny.

So I went looking for it on YouTube. Not posted by NewsMax (which has a YouTube channel) but by Cutter J.

Strange that Rob Schmitt talks over Mike after Mike says he has "100% proof" the election was stolen. You'd think that someone working for NewsMax would definitely want to hear "100% proof". Given that NewsMax is "Trump Media" (an outlet that amplifies Dotard-friendly lies).

Obviously NewsMax is "intimidated" by the lawsuits Dominion is filing for defamation against those who won't stop lying about how they helped Joe Biden steal the election.

But wouldn't "100% proof" be a failsafe defense against a Dominion lawsuit? If they're a serious news organization, SURELY they owe it to their viewers to let "100% proof" be heard. Maybe Rob Schmitt wouldn't let Mike present his proof because he knows it's bullplop?

Even though talking over Mike Lindell likely made some (all?) NewsMax viewers angry. I can imagine magamorons yelling at their teevees, "let him talk!!". Probably why Rob Schmitt had Mike back for a second interview.

In this one Mike stays on topic, which is him getting banned from Twitter. Due to the fact that he wouldn't stop spreading election fraud falsehoods the Liberal owers of Twitter want to stiffle his free speech rights. Because they're fascists. Also participants in the coverup re Joe Biden stealing the election, as he (in a Freudian slip of the tongue) confessed to.

Note that Mike admits, after his personal Twitter account was banned, he stupidly posted the same "100% proof" of election fraud bullplop to his corporate MyPillow account, which was then (of course) banned as well. Mike says he had to hire more people to help ship orders from customers ordering directly from MyPillow. Sure, I believe him.

But that would only be because all (most?) of the stores that carried his product are dropping it. So some of those customers are going to the MyPillow website to place their orders. But (for sure) it isn't all of the customers who would have previously purchased his product in a retail brick-and-mortar location. QED MyPillow is going to lose a lot of business due to their founder's insanity.

For the record, Mike Lindell (as the SNL video above says) actually is a former (?) crack addict. As per a CNBC story "The self-made multimillionaire and infomercial superstar created the MyPillow empire from scratch in 2004. He did it while addicted to drugs".

Now he's trying to destroy his business... defending Dotard? Even if he believes these lies (which he clearly does) you'd think he'd have the good sense to shut up. It isn't as if he efforts to expose the (imaginary) election theft will result in Joe Biden being removed and Dotard being reinstated.

btw, the snl video mentions how Mike Lindell and the 30 Rock actress Jane Krakowski supposedly had an affair. Me, I think it's Krakowski who should be more offended, but Mike claims being linked to Krakowski caused him "significant humiliation and emotional distress". Both parties say the Daily Mail story is false.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-239.


  1. Now that I think of it, the text that I received was probably in regards to the second (clean up) interview. Given that it was pretty late already, I think the original interview must have aired earlier.

  2. So what do you think... is our first female president, Jill Biden, doing a good job so far?

    1. It's common knowledge for anyone paying attention this past year that Joe Biden isn't suffering from mid-to-late stage dementia.

      Gateway Pundit = fake news.

    2. Your boy is so far down the dementia highway that he can't even sign his own name.

    3. That Joe Biden has dementia is total bullshit. He has proven (in the town hall held after Dotard chickened out of the second debate) that he can answer questions off the cuff and without a teleprompter.

      And Stormy Daniels says it is Dotard who has a small johnson.

    4. I heard that they put out a "Silver Alert" for Joe at the White House today...

    5. If that is true, how are they going to keep it under wraps for 4 years? What about when Biden runs for a second term?

      btw, World News Bureau is a "satire" web site that carries a disclaimer stating "This is fictitious satire and any resemblance to persons, places, or events is coincidental".

      It's pretty obvious, although I can understand you not being able to figure that out.

    6. Who said the did? When was the last time a Silver Alert was announced in your area where they gave the missing person's name out? An Amber Alert? Zero.

    7. There was no "silver alert" issued re Joe Biden "wandering off".

      WebMD: ...just how healthy is Biden? Quite healthy, according to the most recent medical assessment released by Biden’s doctor in December 2019. The report from Kevin O'Connor, DO, associate professor of Medicine at George Washington University, called Biden "vigorous" and fit to successfully be president. ... Biden does not use tobacco or drink alcohol and exercises 5 days a week, O'Connor said.

  3. Derv... yesterday was a bizarre day across the Trump Media Empire. In addition to Mr Pillowtalk, as the remains of Officer Sidenick were honored in the Capitol Rotunda, FOX News was either unaware, or chose not to bother with showing their viewers.

    You've got to wonder why. Aren't the rightwingers good patriots? Why would they not highlight the violent mob that killed a federal officer? Why are they not calling for the death penalty for the people involved in the insurrection that killed that officer?

    1. Perhaps you could describe the wounds that Officer Sicknick received from "the mob"... or NOT! LOL!

    2. Quote: Soon after Sicknick died on January 7, prosecutors in Washington opened a federal murder investigation ... In a statement the day after the insurrection, Capitol Police said that Sicknick had been "injured while physically engaging with protesters" and collapsed as a result of his injuries sometime after returning to his office. He died the next day in a local hospital.

    3. And a protestor was ACTUALLY murdered by a cop, and two other protestors died of heart attacks. So unless you can describe EXACTLY how he died, please refrain from making inflammatory comments about a subject you remain wholly and completely in the dark about.

    4. There have been no charges in the shooting death of Ashli Babbit. There will be no charges. Officer Sicknick's death is being investigated as a MURDER.

    5. ...lol! And Trump was investigated by the FBI for how many years to no avail?

    6. I don't know what you're talking about. As far as I know the FBI never investigated Dotard.

  4. Hey, look who's here trying to stir up some controversy -- it's the JoeCon Show! Now he's talking about Joe's and Jill's SIGNATURES!!! I love it! And JoeCon's even commenting about the size of Joe Biden's johnson! Wow! JoeCon's really scrapping the bottom of the cesspool, isn't he. Is that all ya got?

    Dementia! Small dick! Joe/Jill signatures! This is what they're left with since their American Fascist president got his fat orange ass handed to him by "demented" Joe Biden. LOL!

    Really JoeCon. Do you ever examine your moronic statements? You claim Joe Biden is "demented" and yet this "demented" old guy beat the crap outta Big Donnie? Big Donnie SCREAMED to America and the world for weeks, "I WON! A LOT!" So tell us who's the demented one, JoeCon.

    Thanks for the laughs.

    PS. As for JoeCon's newest conspiracy -- Signature-gate -- just a reminder:

    Everything JoeCon predicted about what would happen to Joe and Hunter Biden, President Obama, Hillary Clinton NEVER HAPPENED. They didn't get subpoenas, they didn't get arrested. It's Trump who got defeated and is now facing a second impeachment trial and GOD knows what else from the SDNY.

    Hang on to that "signature-gate" conspiracy, JoeCon. That should keep your little cold heart warm through the winter.

    1. They currently have a Silver Alert up at the White House... it's gotta be for Joe again. He must have wandered off before his daily "lid" was declared. :)

    2. None of that is true. You just love to rattle the liberals' cages. And we know you're full of sh*t and laugh at your ridiculous comments. We understand they come from a place of seething resentment and feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and inadequacy.

      We feel you pain, Joey. It's gonna be a long four years. Buck up! Maybe Trumpy will invite you to play golf at Mar-a-Lago and cheat on you!

    3. They probably stopped looking for him. They do have the Autopen, after all....

  5. "You've got to wonder why. Aren't the rightwingers good patriots? Why would they not highlight the violent mob that killed a federal officer? Why are they not calling for the death penalty for the people involved in the insurrection that killed that officer?"

    Because it was THEIR PEOPLE rioting, marauding, pillaging, stealing, and killing and maiming cops, that's why. And when THEY do it, it's "patriotism." When BLM is involved in rioting and destroying other people's property, that's thuggery and criminal.

    FAUX NOOZ and the rest of their followers dishonored Officer Sicknick. And I, for one, will not let them forget it and their disgusting hypocrisy when they bray about "Blue Lives Matter."

    1. According to Minus, officer Sicknick, quote, "collapsed from too eating too much pasta at Basta Pasta at lunch". Disgusting, indeed.

    2. Perhaps you could share the autopsy report and prove me wrong. :)

    3. No. It doesn't work that way. The onus is on you to prove the autopsy report is wrong.

      Please proceed. This will add to your unequalled record of being wrong.

    4. Why the f*ck would the autopen be set to replicate Jill Biden's signature? If Joe Biden can sign EOs live on TV (which I have seen him do) why wouldn't the autopen be programmed with his signature? Your BS conspiracy theory makes no sense. I doubt Joe Biden has used the autopen ONCE. Wikipedia says President Obama used it twice, but it was disclosed (how we know).

      Autopens might not be able to lie, but rightturds like you obviously can. And DO (often and frequently).

  6. Derv... -FJ is partially correct. His head did indeed collapse. From a beating with a fire extinguisher. At the hands of a Donald Trump supporter.

    Let's remember the cries for the death penalty when a violent mob in the 90's beat truck driver Reginald Denny almost to death at the corner of Florence and Normandy in Los Angeles.

    Now we have a different group, another beating and we hear not a single call for any punishment at all for the killers of Brian Sicknick, a US Federal Agent.

    Why the inconsistency?

    1. Did I get him confused with the other Federal Agent, the one who was beat with the American flag?

      I mean, a fire extinguisher I can understand. But how can an America lover beat an officer with an American flag? Worse, how can supporters of "law and order" not be critical of the crowd for doing that?

    2. Please. My sympathies go out to the officers family. That's doesn't give you the right to make up stories about the extent of injuries received or how he died to smear the Right.

    3. NYT: Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher as a violent mob flooded the halls of Congress, according to two law enforcement officials. ... Mr. Sicknick died in the hospital where he was getting treatment for his injuries. (FBI Investigating Killing of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 1/15/2021).

    4. If it was in the NY Times you KNOW its' FAKE NEWS.

  7. BTW... Mr. PillowTalk promised that on Friday he will share his 100% accurate and true evidence that conclusively proves that the Dominion voting machines were tampered with, in only select states, and to only change the Joe Biden votes to Donald Trump.

    I'm getting up early and making sure I have plenty of popcorn to watch that.

    Cause there's no way he's BSing us is there?

    1. I love my "MyPillow". They're the BEST!

    2. Yeah. Lindell is a great businessman:

      Lindell invented the My Pillow pillow in 2004 and grew the business into a major Minnesota manufacturing company.

      In 2017, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) revoked accreditation of My Pillow, lowering its rating to an F based on a pattern of complaints by consumers. The BBB cited a Buy One, Get One offer that became a continuous offer and therefore the normal price of the product, not a sale price or free offer. In a statement, Lindell said, "Naturally, I am terribly disappointed by the BBB's decision."

      JoeCon loves his MYPillow?

      What's that saying about "...one born every minute?" I forget.

    3. Joe... I actually have one of those My Pillow... someone gave it to me. Politics aside, it's a good pillow. Maybe ppl should stick to what they do best?

    4. BTW guys... It's almost 4pm PST on Friday. As of yet, Mr PillowTalk guy has not produced the 100% true evidence he promised earlier in the week of the rigged Dominion voting machines.

      I wonder why...

    5. Presenting 100 percent true evidence would be a very good defense re the Dominion lawsuit. Maybe he could (if he has the evidence) counter sue for a large amount, given that his business has been harmed.

    6. Of course in this case it might be because no media outlet will host REAL evidence out of fear of an overblown, meant to intimidate, Dominion lawsuit.

    7. I think that a countersuit against Dominion for vexatious litigation could be easily proven. They've taken Lawfare to a whole new level.

    8. If they air it they will be sued out of business for sure :)

    9. I think that a countersuit against Dominion for vexatious litigation could be easily proven.

      Who is filing one and who is chickening out and issuing a retraction?

  8. Replies
    1. I doubt lesbians care about packages at all. fyi, Susan Collins is married to Thomas Daffron (a man).

    2. And Barack Husein Blowjobian is married to Michele. What's your point?

    3. That you're a fucking ignorant racist.

    4. ...making you a stuck-up even more ignorant and in denial racist.

    5. ...but please, remain in your closet of feigned concern for "hysterically oppressed" minorities.

    6. Sorry minus... the truth hurts you I know. But, oh well. You deserve it.

    7. It is the TRUTH that Minus is a racist. And a homophobe. There is no "Michele Obama". I assume he means "Michael" and not "Michelle". He can correct me if I'm wrong, but he has indicated previously he believes this BS in the past (i.e. Barack Obama is gay and Michelle Obama is a man).

    8. There's a Barack Husein BLOWJOBIAN, but no Michele BLOWJOBIAN? Who knew?

    9. I seriously doubt anyone exists who has that last name. Unless it's the stage name of someone who works in porno, which neither Obama does or ever has.

    10. I just laugh because you knew PRECISELY who I was talking about. :)

    11. Not who you were talking about -- who you lied about. I know because this hateful bullshit has been around for 12 years (approximately). Ever since Barack Obama (a faithful family man with ZERO sexual assault/harassment allegations against him) DARED to win the presidency -- while being Black.

  9. I received my package of premium medical cannabis delights. All is well.

    1. Opened your YouTube link. Read the YouTube video title. Closed your YouTube link.

    2. Like always link ignored. Seen enough of Joe Con's bullshit vids. There like tRump's extreme BS. Delusional and not worth a second of my time.
