Thursday, October 17, 2024

S0y B0y Mystere Incident Caught On Video...

Adam Francisco is a tRump supporting Hispanic man. As per Bing, "the last name Francisco is of Spanish or Portuguese origin. It is quite common in Spanish-speaking countries and also in the Philippines and Mexico".

I don't know about his claim that he is 7 percent Black. That could be true. But it is definitely false that he knows that Kamala Harris is 6 percent Black. I'm calling that a lie. You can click the image and watch his video. He does not say HOW he knows what percent Black Kamala Harris is.

Below is a video from his YouTube channel in which the tRump supporting Hispanic Francisco encounters a "soy boy".

Video: YouTuber Adam Francisco. VIRAL! One man Trump Vance rally in John's Pass TRIGGERS lefties. Aka the Soy Boy Incident.

Francisco says, "I think d0nald tRump loves us ... d0nald tRump loves you. d0nald tRump loves you too" 2:47. I call BS. d0n0ld loves only himself. He doesn't love his children. He does not love Melania.

Francisco claims "You should vote for the peaceful president, d0nald J tRump! The most peaceful president of our lifetime" 4:03. This is a false claim as well.

At 5:14 you can hear the alleged Soy Boy say "f*ck you". He passes while giving the bird to Adam. Then Adam says (in reaction to the Soy Boy walking by extending his middle finger) "look at this weird guy. He's never lifted a weight in his life".

This angers Soy Boy, who charges. Adam asks "are you really going to hit me? Do you want to go to jail for assault?". The soy doesn't hit Adam. As Soy Boy departs Adam asserts that he looks like the alleged tRump assassin and registered republican Thomas Crooks. "You look like Thomas Crooks ... We got that on camera, little soy boy". The image below shows Soy Boy charging.

Soy Boy does nothing when he reaches Adam, however. Below is a picture of Soy Boy doing nothing. Though, if it was me, I wouldn't have charged a tRump supporter. Given that it is tRump supporters who have a tendency toward violence. The leader of the Orange Turd cult himself has encouraged his supporters to "knock the crap out" of people who protest against him.

Soy Boy is closer in this last screen grab. Something I noticed about this image is the face of Soy Boy. To me it looks like Edward End0. Edward wrote about this incident on his Donkey's Revenge blog. In his post Edward implies that I am the soy boy in question.

He does this by including the image of Bernie Sanders I use as my Gravatar in his post. And he also includes a picture of my "house". "House" in quotes because I don't live there. It isn't my house, though Edward (aka Mystere) has used this image before. Apparently it's a house he thinks is near me and he uses it as a stand in for my real residence. Even though I've never seen this structure in my life.

But I say Mystere accuses me to cover for the fact that he is the soy boy. As Soy Boy charges you can see that it looks like he has a mustache. But, in the last screenshot, Soy Boy doesn't have a mustache. Though he does look exactly like Edward Endo. Take a look at this image and you tell me. I say it is Mystere.

But you might ask why Mystere would swear at (and give the bird to) a fellow tRump supporter? Obviously because Mystere hates Hispanic people. He refers to people who have Hispanic heritage using the slurs "Beaner" and "Greaser". Because Mystere is a racist.

What probably happened was that Mystere was walking by, saw a "greaser" and became enraged. He didn't even notice that Adam Francisco had a tRump flag and was wearing a tRump/Vance shirt. He only saw a hated "beaner". I think that sounds plausible. Especially given the video evidence as presented above in the form of a screenshot.

I would like to point out, however, that the soy boy insult is based on faulty science. As per the Copilot AI, "The term soy boy is often used as an insult to mock men perceived as lacking traditional masculine traits. It's based on the false claim that consuming soy products can feminize men by lowering testosterone levels or raising estrogen levels. However, scientific research has debunked this myth. Soy consumption in reasonable amounts does not affect testosterone.

Video: Feb 2, 2018. Soy Boys, a measured response by hbomberguy.

The "soy boy", aka a feminized man who got that way by eating soy products, is imaginary. Imagined by imbeciles. And believed by imbeciles like Mystere. Because it was picked up by the right for some reason. They like the "soy boy" insult. It's something they call Lefty men. In addition to "cuck".

"Soy turns you into a weak willed feminist that definitely doesn't even lift" 2:47. That's the summary of what they say on the right about soy. As per hbomberguy. Sounds like what Francisco said, yes? "look at this weird guy. He's never lifted a weight in his life".

"The psychologists found that, when a group of people are utterly committed to an idea, even if undeniable proof it is not true is presented, they can find a way to remain steadfast in their original false beliefs" 25:20.

This 100 percent describes trumpers like Francisco. Also trumpers like Mystere and Minus FJ. They cannot be swayed by undeniable proof that d0n0ld tRump is terrible. And (among other things) a narcissistic liar who definitely does not give a shit about them. They think d0n0ld is fighting for the common man. And that he even loves them.

This, in my opinion, is straight up delusional. I don't have any delusions about Kamala Harris loving me. She doesn't know I exist. I do think she would do a much better job running the country than the dementia-addled fascist strongman wannabe d0n0ld, however. Far better. For people who like democracy, voting for Harris/Walz is a no-brainer.

I take that back. It's the no-brainers like Mystere that support tRump. And people who yearn for fascism. Adam Francisco might get swept up in d0n0ld's mass deportation efforts and find himself deported to Mexico. Though he says he has been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. And no, Mystere, I do not wish him ill. I don't know what his deal is. Clearly he lied about Kamala Harris being 6 percent Black.

Sheeple are "people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led". That sounds right. Surprising that he'd admit being a "sheeple" though. But that word definitely describes trumperso. Except maybe not "docile". Given that many tRumpers are pretty violent. Though, as per g00gle, docile means "ready to accept control or instruction; submissive". Sounds right again.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym328.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

d0n0ld tRump, The American Psycho Predisent

Josh Lucas as Craig McDermott in the 2000 film "American Psycho".

Donald Trump Symbol Analysis in the Novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis... Long before he became President in 2017, Donald J. Trump was a businessman, author, and celebrity. In American Psycho, he is the person Patrick Bateman idolizes above all others. Bateman talks about him constantly, citing incredibly specific details of his life of luxury, and is often distracted by the thought of seeing Trump or his wife Ivana out in New York City. ...

Ellis's inclusion of Trump as an idol in the novel (he never actually appears) grounds the book in a reality of late 1980s Wall Street New York and also shows the obsessive nature of Bateman’s mind. His love for Trump clearly indicates to the reader the things that Bateman values most in another person: wealth, success, extravagance, and beautiful women.

Video: A New American Psycho. Starring Donald Trump as Patrick Batemen. Dec 4, 2017.

Video: American Psycho Morning Routine. March 15, 2012.

Anti-Psychopath PAC is dedicated to highlighting Donald Trump’s mental instability, bringing it to the forefront of national discussion. We're doing everything we can -- from television and digital ads, to billboards, to voter education programs -- to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House. We have to stop this psychopath.

The "American Psycho" President... In Bateman's original 1991 literary incarnation, the adulation is at its most prevalent. The word of Trump settles a multi-page debate between Bateman and one of his almost-interchangeable colleagues, Craig McDermott, concerning the crispiness of Pastels pizza. Upon hearing that "his hero" Donald Trump called Pastels pizza the best in Manhattan, Bateman concedes the argument, because "if the pizza at Pastels is okay with Donny", well then of course it's okay with him. He agrees to attend a U2 concert only upon finding out that Trump is a fan of the band... Nov 28, 2016.

Why did Minus FJ link to the YouTube Video "24 Years Later, I Finally Understand American Psycho"? Is he telling me that he agrees with George Conway that tRump is f*cking nuts?

For the record, I agree with the republican George Conway. tRump is a psycho. He fits the definition, which is "someone with a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and conscience, and a tendency toward antisocial and criminal behavior".

What does Jared Bauer (the narrator of the video Minus linked to) learn about American Psycho? He talks about it at beginning at approximately 13 minutes into the video. the satire taps into a prominent post World War II anxiety known as Mass Society. Mass Society refers to the way alienated populations in the industrial era become homogenized through their Reliance on mass media. Germany during World War II marked the dawn of mass Society the love child of broadcasting and herd mentality. According to one historical interpretation the Third Reich was able to effectively brainwash the population because mass media could facilitate a mass contagion of sentiment, TV and radio showed such potential for manipulation that some suspected it would do the same thing to the post-war populations, but with a different flavor of propaganda. Advertising, I mean if the Germans got brainwashed, why not us. (13:09 to 13:58).

So, I'm guessing that what Minus is saying by linking to this video is that I've been brainwashed by Mass Media. It's one of his strongest delusions. The "normies" or NPCs have been brainwashed. But he (being much smarter) can see through the propaganda. And, unlike me, he has not been brainwashed.

Except that he totally has been brainwashed by rightturd media. Many media outlets are pumping out with regularity pro-tRump propaganda. And Minus FJ laps it up with gusto.

"Patrick Bateman is a guy who's defined entirely by possessions and appearances. ... He doesn't know how to be much of a human, but sure knows how to consume. In fact, other people exist solely to be consumed..." (14:20 to 13:34).

Hello! This describes d0n0ld tRump. WHY d0n0ld is Patrick Bateman's hero. He was known as the rich Turd who liked gold bigly. ..."He bought the accouterments of wealth. ... he has this really expensive yacht, the Princess. ... he has the helicopters, that stuff gets him on these wealth porn shows, like Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous with Robin Leach".

That was a quote from one of the co-authors of the book "Lucky Loser", Suzanne Craig. d0n0ld tRump is the embodiment of consumerism. He liked to show off his wealth to the public by buying things. "Look what I have. I must be rich because I have a 29 million dollar yacht. I have helicopters. I own a 100 million dollar Boeing 757-200".

The hypocrite Minus admires tRump's extravagant consumerism, but disapproves of the consumerism of the average American. Though I'm sure he abstains himself. He doesn't rush out to buy the "latest thing" as soon as it is released. He makes do with what he has and uses it until it breaks and he has no choice to buy a replacement. Oh, wait. I'm thinking about myself. I have no idea if Minus does that.

Lately d0n0ld has been hawking products like NFTs, gold bars and coins, gold tennis shoes, Lee Greenwood Bibles, and 100k watches. While Minus may not have purchased any of these items, tRump's other cult members are buying them bigly.

Video: Jan 8, 2021. Trump Is "Delusional Psychopath". Dr. Lance Dodes joins Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss Trump's mental state...

Copilot: Maintaining a Boeing 757-200 can be quite costly. The annual maintenance costs for an aircraft operating 450 hours a year can be around $414,1501. This includes engine reserves, landing fees, and other routine maintenance. As for fuel costs, the Boeing 757-200 consumes about 5800 lbs of fuel per hour. At an average fuel cost of $4.25 per gallon, this would amount to approximately $7,675.78 per hour. 20:45.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym327.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

d0n0ld tRump's Life Is A Complete Fraud. He Is Total Fake

The reality concerning d0n-0ld is that he is a loser and a c0n-man. The fake reality teevee program "The Apprentice" cemented his false persona in the minds of the American public. At least in the minds of the idiots that watched this program. When the truth is that d0n-0ld is a lucky loser. As revealed in a recent book.

Video: Sep 21, 2024. New book uncovers the truth behind Trump's business persona. With Trump introducing a new crypto startup, "Lucky Loser" authors Suzanne Craig and Russ Buettner join The Weekend to help disprove the myths of Donald Trump's wealth and success.

The image at the top of this post is of d0n-0ld and the a-hole Mark Burnett. This is the Turd that helped build the legend of a charlatan and fraud as a successful businessman and self-made Billionaire. When his money actually came from his daddy and Mark Burnett.

As the authors point out, d0n-0ld used the bigly "Apprentice" cash he was receiving to fund his failed business ventures. While he was raking it in pretending to be an uber-successful businessman, he was taking a large portion of that cash and sticking into money-losing properties. He loses money consistently because he has very little idea what he's doing.
The Weekend, 9/21/2024. Hosts Alicia Menendez and Michael Steele speak with authors Suzanne Craig and Russ Buettner about their book, Lucky Loser. Transcript excerpts below.


Michael Steele: ...tRump viewed the presidency as a get rich scheme and he views this campaign as a get rich scheme. All of those schemes are detailed in the new book, Lucky Loser. Suzanne Craig and Russ Buettner are Pulitzer Prize winning reporters for the New York Times. They are the coauthors of the book, Lucky Loser: How donald trump Squandered his Father's Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success". (0:26 to 0:56).


Suzanne Craig: He has been lucky and he lost a lot. He was born into a very wealthy family, his first stroke of luck. That alone brought him $400 million in inheritance and other amounts of money he got along the way. His second amazing stroke of luck was meeting Mark Burnett and getting on The Apprentice. People are really surprised. It is one thing when you have a rich dad, you inherit a lot of money. But, for Mark Burnett, you think, there is this television host -- how much could he be making? He struck this incredible deal with Mark Brunet -- not only would he get paid to host the show -- but he gets the product placement money ... he got hundreds of millions of dollars from doing that and from the licensing deals. It was almost like a second inheritance. (1:03 to 1:57).


Michael Steele: ...this is donald trump when he was first running for president in 2016. Let's take a listen to what the man had to say. (2:05 to 2:14).


d0n-0ld Audio Clip: It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy. I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of $1 million. I came to Manhattan. and I had to pay him back. And I had to pay him back with interest. ... My father gave me a very small loan in 1975 and I built it into a company that's worth many billions of dollars, with some of the greatest assets in the world. ... (2:15 to 2:46).

Michael Steele: Why do voters buy the storyline that somehow this guy came up from nothing and he clawed his way up the business ladder in New York. And made this fortune. He's won some, he's lost some. And yet, at the end of the day -- there is this thread of being the loser. (2:50 to 3:15).

Russ Buetner: Michael, that's the question of his lifetime, I think, that you raise there. Let's just start by saying that, everything he says there, in those bits -- is not true, at all. He did not start from nothing. His father was not a small timer. ... He started with the complete support of his father. I think that what's really made that [his false narrative] stick was -- first of all, him repeating it throughout the course of his life. He has been saying since he was a young man that his father was a small timer. He said that to make his own accomplishments seem more heroic. (3:16 to 3:48).

And he's been saying that he made that [small loan] into billions of dollars, which was not really true for years, if ever. But, the repeating of that [lie] and the fact that it's not easy to check on the opperations of a small privately held business -- there is no corporate board to check -- no public reporting. Meant that people repeated it for decades without any way to really check it. All the repetition through the years, on television and newspapers, it has had an effect that really has lasted. And The Apprentice ... escalated, amplified that claim -- and made him look so superpowerful, so super accomplished -- that he has created an impression that lives to this day. (3:48 to 4:34).

Alicia Menendez: I also think it's amazing the way that the loan from his father was structured that he never gives the money back. It is a loan and then turns into an investment and is written off. (4:34 to 4:40).

Suzanne Craig: Right. It's incredible. It's a loan and then it's turned into an investment and written off. And people can read about it in the book. But we've talked to experts who thought that was illegal. His life is just incredible. ...really, the effective thing that donald trump did is he bought the accoutrements of wealth. There were years that he lost money, but he has this really expensive yacht, the Princess. ... he has the helicopters, that stuff gets him on these wealth porn shows, like Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous with Robin Leach. (4:40 to 5:20).

Alicia Menendez: said he hit the jackpot with The Apprentice, but where I thought were you were going with that was -- he hit the jackpot in a way that allowed him to create himself as a businessman in the popular imagination. What he might have lacked in a way of business accumen -- he built, in a way of a brand, through that television show. (5:21 to 5:39).

Suzanne Craig: I think that supercharged what he had already tried to do. Keep in mind after Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, he did have a lot of business failures that i think really hurt him. When Mark Brunett comes along and cast him in the show. They looked at actual really rich people -- Warren Buffett was one of them. The producers decided that people like Warren Buffett and Jack Welch are actually busy ... (5:40 to 6:07).

**hosts laugh**

Michael Steele: ...those guys are really busy. Let's go to a guy who is not real busy, donald trump. And here is the thing that I find the most intriguing. A lot of it was such a fake. From the book -- we talked about trump lying about construction progress -- "donald trump kept the truth to himself. He did not have things underway -- because he did not have the money. He directed his construction supervisor to hire every piece of earthmoving machinery that he could find. the day the Holiday Inn board visited, dozens of bulldozers and backhoes pointlessly pushed mounds of earth around the 2.6 acre site in an elaborate ruse with no purpose other than to full his new business partners". (6:26 to 7:13).

That, ladies and gentlemen sums up donald trump. It is all fake, fake, fake. The fact that this is his story line and his ultimate legacy, and yet it has this veneer that he is a successful businessman, he is the tough guy, he is all of this, it is all fake. It is worse than smoke and mirrors. (7:14 to 7:43).

Russ Buetner: I could not have said it better, Michael. That was impressive. I think we see that, especially in the latter part of his life -- that was a scene from an early part of his life -- after The Apprentice money came in -- and tens of millions of dollars came in -- he tried to create large-scale businesses. He built the tower in Chicago with hotel rooms and apartments. What he did not tell the world is -- he that he had declared it worthless on his federal tax return. It was such a failure, he said it had no value to him at all. (7:43 to 8:14).

He spent millions of dollars, 2 million dollars remodeling the Old Post Office in Washington DC into a hotel. That lost money every year he opened it. A couple years ago he had to sell the thing because it was eating so much cash. So, he is getting all this money that he can use to look wealthy, and he is creating differences from that. He is having to support the businesses with his entertainment money. That is the illusion that you are getting at -- that is smoke and mirrors. (8:15 to 8:42).

Alicia Menendez: Sometimes our viewers, they are "why are we still talking about donald trump?". Part of it is his success is built upon lies, and part of our job is to debunk those lies. Especially given the consequences that those lies have. I love where you end the book, you write "as much as the illusion of success is the ultimate creation of trump's first 70 years, the illusion of his persecution may be his final masterpiece". (8:42 to 9:09).

Suzanne Craig: Right. This is a theme throughout his life. He has been a victim over and over. We see it coming back right when he stars working for Fred, the language he uses in all of the cases were somebody comes after him or they question him, which is that he is a victim. ... We do not go into the White House, but we go back 100 years and we tell this sweeping narrative. At the end of it you know the guy who will be in the White House. (9:10 to 9:43).

Alicia Menendez: The other thing you do is create a corollary with the American electorate and with the argument he's making to the American electorate -- which is that he is aggrieved, they are too, and that is why he ought to be their man. (9:44 to 9:52)

Suzanne Craig: Right. That's it. "They're coming after me. They're coming after you". (9:52 to 9:56).


According to the White Supremacist blogger, Minus FJ, it is Kamala Harris who is the "fraudala". He very much likes the allegation being promoted by rightturd commentator Candace Owens, which is that Kamala Harris is not actually African American. However, the truth is that it is d0n-0ld is the fraud.

Kamala Harris is a bi-racial woman whose ancestry primarily Afro-Jamaican and Indian. She is not putting on "blackface" and performing a "Minstrel Show" as the racist blogger Minus FJ alleges. The FACT is that d0n-0ld has put on "successful businessman" face and is putting on "I'm the real victim" show. He is a fabulist, which is "a liar, especially a person who invents elaborate, dishonest stories".

According to this liar, he is a successful rich White victim, and therefore in a position to fight for his downtrodden kin, the White people of the United States who are the "real" victims. This, imo, is an absurd perversion of reality that seriously makes me angry. "Kamala is lying about being Black" is the current "Barack Obama was really born in Kenya" false narrative.

And yes, Minus believes that debunked baloney as well. Barack Obama's Birth Certificate is a forgery, he says.

It appears as though (as per Candace) there are pictures of Kamala Harris as a child in pictures with Black relatives. Kamala says these "relatives" don't look happy. The reason? They aren't real relatives they and don't like Kamala (or didn't like her when the picture was taken. They are dead now). Apparently the scheme to lie about being Black has been ongoing for several decades.

Well, in White Supremacist delusions. Meanwhile, in reality, d0n-0ld has been spinning tale tales about him taking a small loan of a mere 1 million dollars from his father (which he paid back with interest) and turning it into billions of dollars. Which is completely false. He never paid back that loan. His father wrote it off. But Turds on the right probably believe d0n-0ld's lies. That, or they admire the audacity of such a bold lie teller.

While they imagine that Donald Harris and Kamala Harris have been lying about being Black for decades. To take advantage of affirmative action policies. And these alleged falsehoods are only now coming to light that Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee for president. Even though she has been in public service for the most of her life. While d0n-0ld escaped such scrutiny. Due to him only working for his father and later himself.

Using money gifted to him by his daddy. And later gifted to him for his crappy "acting" in the FAKE reality teevee program where he pretended to be a wise CEO who possessed extraordinary business acumen. Which, as per the "Lucky Loser" book, is a totally false narrative. Meaning that isn't Kamala Harris who is the "fraudala". The REAL fraudala is d0n-0ld tRump.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym326.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Is rightturd Commentator Candace Owens Black?

Looking at her, I would say she is absolutely African American. If you had asked me several days ago, that is what I would have said. Now I'm wondering about the evidence. If you look at her, you can see -- from her facial features and skin tone -- she very likely has White Ancestors.

It could be that she is Indian. Indian people like Dinesh D'souza can have brown skin tones. In the picture at the top of this post the skin color of both of these rightturds appears to be similarly brown in color. Maybe they are related? I say it is time for Candace Owens to take a DNA test and release the results to the public. That will be the only way to dispel these rumors.

Though I could choose not to believe any such test results and continue saying Candace Owens isn't Black. Unless she has her DNA sample taken in the presence of witnesses (both Democrats and republiturds) and then sends her samples to independent labs for verification. And provides verified chain of custody evidence to prove the samples have not been tampered with.

Until then I will assume she has something to hide. Like she is currently (as far as I know) hiding the evidence she says she has collected (in the form of birth and death certificates) which "prove" that the Next President of the United States, Kamala Harris, isn't Black.

Candace says her "evidence" proves Kamala Harris is probably "White, Indian and Jewish" (and zero percent African American). Or that was the summary of her evidence as given by Minus. I don't think Candace Owens turned over this evidence to independent fact-checkers to be verified, though.

As far as I know she has only presented this purported evidence on her podcast. Wouldn't it be a bigly scoop if she turned over her evidence to independent fact-checkers and they VERIFIED her "evidence"?

Surely rightturds with run with it if multiple independent fact-checkers confirmed that Kamala Harris is not African American? Or Afro-Jamaican? Or Black at all? Certainly they would use it to convince more African American voters to switch their vote to d0n-0ld. Given that he is the least racist person in the entire world.

Or, not wanting to vote for the "fake" African American Kamala Harris, they might just not vote at all. Which is what I think the goal is. Some idiots are convinced Kamala is lying about her heritage. It has been reported that Janet Jackson said she "heard" Kamala Harris isn't Black. A representative for Jackson apologized, but then was fired. The Jackson camp said this rep did not speak for Janet Jackson.

Above is a picture of Owens, The White Supremacist running for predisent to stay out of prison, and Candace's very White husband, a Brit named "George Farmer". The internets say Candace and George spawned and currently have 2 (I assume) light skinned children who surely must be less than 50 percent African American. Or Indian. Whatever her heritage is. There really is no way to know without that DNA test I referred to previously.

Perhaps her two children will pass for White. And perhaps Owens would consider that a desirable outcome. Though it could be that Owens married Farmer because he is quite wealthy and not only because she wanted light skinned children. Though I could be wrong on both counts and she married for "true love" and was not specifically seeking to produce offspring with a White guy. btw, g00gle says Farmer has 240 million big ones.

The ADL has a page on their website where they call out Candace Owens for past antisemitic comments. She is a tRump-supporting rightturd. For money, I suspect. Proof that she is a Conservative. But is she a Black person that supports White Supremacy? If she is Black, that is. I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. But I do think she only supports the White Supremacist candidate for predisent because she can make bank doing so.

Racist White tRump supporters are thrilled when Black commentators speak in favor of White Supremacy. And these pro-White Supremacy Black commentators can rake it in with books, podcasts and appearances on rightturd media outlets. On the other hand, Candace hardly needs it, given that her husband is getting wealthier to the tune of 39 million additional dollars per year. However, there are people who feel that money equals validation. And more money equals more validation.

Why she might be spinning these tall tales about Kamala Harris not being Black. For the money/validation. And/or she really does love White Supremacy. As per Candace, both the father of Kamala Harris, whose name is "Donald" and Kamala herself are participants in lifelong conspiracy to falsely portray themselves as Black.

The rightturd White Supremacist blogger Minus FJ says Harris the father and Harris the daughter are putting on a "Minstrel Show" and have each donned "Blackface". Via their lies about their heritage. He recently put up a post (which consisted of a Candace Owens video plus a few words below it). As well as the title Shading a "Spade" a Spade.

"Spade" is a racist term to describe a Black person. So Kamala Harris is a "spade", though in quotes. She is pretending to be a "spade". Yet Minus FJ strongly denies being a racist. Sure. That's why he specifically chose a racist slur to refer to Kamala Harris, an African American woman whose father is from Jamaica.

People who follow the White Supremacist leader d0n-0ld tRump -- they support White Supremacy. Or are ok with it. So long as they get a tax cut. Maybe they really want to impose Christofascism on America. Whatever the reason that explains the d0n-0ld support, it isn't good. Take, for example, the republican Liz Cheney. She didn't convert to Leftism. She isn't a Democrat. She simply realizes that d0n-0ld is horrible and should definitely not be predisent again.

So what, exactly, is motivating Candace Owens? I can't say for sure. I am pretty sure that d0n-0ld supporters like Minus FJ want White Supremacy. And they really want to get rid of democracy. jd Vance is a fan of Curtis Yarvin, who says "American democracy is a failed experiment". Minus FJ authored a post on Yarvin and admitted he agrees. He wants to get rid of democracy and replace it with dictatorship.

btw, George Farmer is a "devout Christian" Catholic. And Candace Owens, who "long identified as a Reformed Evangelical Protestant" converted to Catholicism. So, yes, it is very possible that Candace thinks America transitioning to a Christofascist dictatorship would be cool.

Objectionable and Racist Comments from the blog of Minus FJ
Joe Conservative. October 1, 2024 at 2:54 PM.
btw - Is Kamala a BINO now? Black In Name Only... lol!

Joe Conservative. October 2, 2024 at 5:26 AM.
Kamala is a fraudala...

Joe Conservative. October 2, 2024 at 2:23 PM.
Kamala's an Asian-American. THAT ain't black. That's Asian.

the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. October 2, 2024 at 5:13 PM.
Kamala's neither Black or Asian. She's just a dark skinned Caucasian woman.

the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. October 2, 2024 at 5:20 PM.
Dervnac The Imbecile Sanders hates Black people who tell the truth like Joe Brown and Candace Owens. To him, they're House Negroes.

Joe Conservative. October 3, 2024 at 6:40 AM.
Candace proved that her father is whiter than a snowflake, with a touch of Jew.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew. October 4, 2024 at 7:27 AM.
Kamala's dad doesn't identify as black. He wears blackface and allows other people to mistake him for black.

Joe Conserative. October 5, 2024 at 11:06 AM.
...and to think that rewarding a good minstrel show with more power as you advocate on "superficial evidence" is the definitely the height of social injustice.

Postscript: Bing says that Candace Owens's ancestry is primarily African-American and Caribbean-American and that "there is no publicly available information indicating that she has White ancestors". Although (also as per Bing) "Candace Owens's Caribbean heritage specifically comes from her grandmother, who is originally from Saint Thomas in the US Virgin Islands".

Curiously "there is a small but established Indian community on the island. As of the 2010 Census, an estimated 1,000 persons of Indian descent reside in the US Virgin Islands". There you go. That is evidence enough for me. Candace Owens's Indian heritage has been confirmed.

Bing: "Given the diverse population on St. Thomas, it's certainly possible that Owens could have White/European ancestors as well".

Video: Oct 4, 2024. Is Kamala Harris Black? My Response to Candace Owens. Chart and Narration by Matt Baker. Useful Charts.

The above video debunks Candace Owens's BS. Yet Minus says this video debunk has been debunked. How? I don't know. Just because he likes Candace's narrative. Therefore, it has to be true.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym325.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Magamoron Movement Explained

I just found this channel on YouTube. Looks the channel is called "Steve Tried to Tell You". I'm going to have to watch more of his videos because it seems Steve really knows what he is talking about and does a good job of articulating his thoughts on politics.

The way we got in this situation is pretty simple to explain. Uh, basically when Nixon was discovered having committed Watergate -- people thought the Republican party was washed up. But a clever staffer on Nixon's -- in Nixon's White House came up with an idea for how to get more new Republican voters. Uh, to replace all the people that were turned off by the corruption that had just been exposed. And perhaps save the party. (0:00 to 0:23)

His name was Lee Atwater and he said -- I know where there's all kinds of disgruntled white people. All you got to do is appeal to them over their anger about the end of Jim Crow and about school desegregation and uh, about the the Civil Rights Act. And uh, these are the words that you'll say to kind of trigger them. Then we call these the racist dog whistles. And you will send a message to them that they are welcome in the Republican party. And uh, starting in the mid 70s to the mid 80s there was a massive change in voter registration. Uh, from Democrat to Republican on the part of all these uh, racists and lowlives and ignorant people. (0:24 to 1:09).

At the same time Trump started to have political ambitions. Now it turns out Trump has an IQ of about 73. He barely functions as an adult. If it were not for the fact that his father gave him a lot of money he wouldn't be able to function as an adult. Trump has less money now than he would have had if he just taken the money he got from his father and put it in an index fund in the stock market and just let it sit. But he's gradually played around with it all these years and lost it. In all his lawsuits and so forth. And his six bankruptcies. And uh, it he's dissipated a fortune over his lifetime. Now he's had the Russians for the last 20 years to bail him out. (1:10 to 1:48).

But ordinary people cannot be as dumb as Trump and still function. But Trump came out onto the public stage and started talking boldly -- like he wanted to do things politically and help the people of America. And he speaks like a third grader. Because that's what somebody with an IQ of 73 talks like. Even if they're an adult. Linguists have analyzed his speech and they've made it plain he speaks English at a third grade level. (1:48 to 2:14).

This energized dumb people. Because for the first time they could understand a presidential candidate. And they said things like -- oh, he speaks his mind. He's the first guy that doesn't use a bunch of fancy words that confuse me. Um, now I finally understand what he's saying. And of course what he was saying was a lot of things they wanted to hear. They were the racist dog whistles. (2:15 to 2:31).

And uh, so you had a beautiful Alliance -- from their perspective -- of racists and stupid people. The lower 12% of the IQ distribution corresponds perfectly to Trump's supporters. Now these people are so intelligent that there's actually a federal statute that prohibits their induction into military service. Uh, they didn't want to have a repeat -- Congress didn't want to have a repeat of the McNamara's Morons incident from Vietnam. Which is a notorious thing you look up on your own. "McNamara's Morons" it's called. Basically we had a secretary of defense who had the idea that -- hey why don't we recruit low intelligence people, send them to war and see what happens? (2:31 to 03:13).

And what happened was they died in droves. And of course things got worse. And so they didn't want that to happen again so they actually passed a law. You're not allowed to recruit and induct into military service uh, the lowest 12% on the IQ range. Uh, but they're still allowed to vote. And Trump energized them. He made dumb people think that they finally understood politics. He made people strut around proud of themselves thinking that they had a grasp of the issues. Cuz they could tell on some level that Trump wasn't much smarter than they were. But there he was a big shot, so he seemed like a champion for them. (3:14 to to 3:44).

Now, of course all these people forget that they aren't rich. They didn't have a dad hand them the equivalent of $412 million. And they can't do the things that Trump does. And they can't get away with the things Trump has gotten away with -- and even Trump himself is not going to get away with them indefinitely. But the stage has been set and this is where we're at. Uh, basically we have a fanatical core of low intelligence voters that are solidly behind Trump. They will back him no matter what he does or says because they don't care what he does or says. They just know he's their guy. They understand him they like him. He talks to them in a way that they can comprehend. And they are fanatical in their support of him. (3:45 to 4:26).

He has given them what they see as dignity and strength. And then uh, at the other end of the spectrum, are smart people from all walks of life. I actually used to be a republican myself -- I'm ashamed to admit it now but -- uh, I know. I'm not alone. I mean millions of people who make sure that they turn out to vote against Trump used to be actual Republicans. Because the Republican party is now nothing but a looney bin of the very the low intelligent. And there's just no way that you can you can be associated with him at all. (4:27 to 4:54).

So now it's going to be you know some range of conservative liberal Democrats again. Except that it'll mean something different than it used to mean. I mean those Democrats won't be conservative because they're, uh, racist garbage people from the South. They'll be conservative because they have some other philosophy about the the role of the market. Or of private Enterprise. Or something like that in the economy at any rate. Uh, this is the problem we have. It's basically now just the very low intelligence versus the high intelligence. (4:55 to 5:27).

And the thing is going to be decided by people who don't pay any attention. People in the middle that don't pay attention to politics. Uh, no matter whether the politicians are smart or dumb -- they just show up on election day and try to do their best. Those are the people you have to reach. You have to get them interested. You have to explain to them what's going on. They have to be told [that] ... Trump wants to be a dictator. And he's got a million morons behind him that want him to be a dictator. We cannot let that happen. (5:28 to 5:53). Video: How Republicans captured the low IQ voter. Aug 10, 2024.

I agree with this man's assessment of tRump. Excepting who he thinks needs to be convinced. I think there are far more people that don't show up on election day than people who do and try to do their best. They don't follow politics and don't bother voting. The non-voters are the people Democrats should be going after. Those are the people who should be the focus of the Democratic Party's efforts.

Though, in 2020 tRump himself convinced a lot of these people they should vote. Due to his presidenting being so terrible. Many non-voters saw the danger (because it was so obvious) and turned out in record numbers in 2020 to vote for Joe Biden. Joe Biden did not cheat. d0n-0ld being being such a horrible predisent motivated people who had not voted in the past to do so. It is that simple.

But, now that tRump has been out of office for 4 years, people have reverted to blaming the currently in power party for their problems. Which is a definite advantage for tRump. People's memories are very short. Many of these idiots are easily manipulated by the propaganda that tells them Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats are responsible for everything that they perceive to be going wrong in the country.

In regards to d0n-0ld's IQ, I don't know what the real number is. Snopes says that tRump's IQ is 73 has been debunked. Although Snopes also fake "debunked" that d0n-0ld called White Supremacists "very fine people" when the truth is that he absolutely did. Generally I trust Snopes, but the author of this specific "debunk" definitely got it wrong.

Keep in mind that Snopes only debunked an alleged news article that claims there is evidence to support the allegation. They looked into it and could not find any article confirming that d0n-0ld's IQ is 73. That doesn't mean his IQ isn't 73. Or possibly somewhat higher. Snopes did not debunk that d0n-0ld's IQ is low, only that the article that says his IQ is 73 doesn't exist as far as they were able to determine.

He unquestionably attracts low IQ morons. People with similiarly low IQs. Also racists. Though there is a lot of overlap in those two categories. Also evil richers who want their taxes cut. People like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. And Mark Zuckerberg, who recently declared he is a libertarian. The primary thing these Turds care about is hoarding wealth. They simply do not care who (or how many people) are harmed by their unbridled greed. They are intelligent sociopaths.

These sociopathic wealthy Turds are willing to allow the morons who yearn for Christofasism to have what they want. Heck, transforming America into a fascist state will likely be a very good developement for them. As far as their desire to hoard as much wealth as possible goes. Having a dictator in charge could work out quite well for them. Take a look at Russia and it's oligarchs.

Well, maybe not now. Putin's war on Ukraine has caused some Russian oligarchs some problems. But these Turds absolutely look to Russia and think to themselves that they would like it very much if America was more like Putin's Russia. With d0n-0ld in the Putin fascist dictator role. This is the Tucker Carlson fantasy.

And they have convinced some people who aren't super wealthy that being more like Russia would somehow be beneficial to them as well. People who aren't complete morons. I'm thinking specifically of the pro d0n-0ld blogger Minus FJ. Though he lies and says it is ME who wants America to be like Russia. But he also says I'm a right-winger. Mostly (I guess) because I stand with Ukraine and support democracy. Because supporting democracy is "right wing" apparently.

Maybe thinking we need to bigly strengthen the social safety net is right-wing? And hoping that we can transition from the ACA to a system that covers ALL Americans, that's also right wing? And supporting workers and thinking we need to amp up unionization big time, that's right wing too? In Minus FJ's delusions?

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym324.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

d0n0ld Is A Run And Hider

This is an image of d0n0ld tRump running from the police. I'm pretty sure it was artificially generated, however. Yet, while being a fake image, I 100 percent believe it accurately represents d0n0ld's biggliest fear. Which is that he is going to be arrested for the many crimes he knows he is guilty of.

Why am I so sure? Because he told told El0n Musk during his Twit-Turd interview/illegal campaign contribution that he would likely flee to Venezuela if Kamala Harris won the election.

But nobody can say d0n0ld is a run and hider according to the White singer and d0n0ld supporter, Jon Kahn. But that's what all d0n-0ld's delay tactics are about re the prosecutions he is facing. He is running and hiding from the law. Instead of going to trial and proving his (he says) innocence.

As per the song, tRump has broken bones. When did this happen? When the Secret Service tackled him on stage during his rally near Butler? The one where a registered republican shot near him? I didn't hear anything about any broken bones. Only that a mosquito bit his ear.

Also, what's with all the Black people in this video? Jon Kahn is a White guy. tRump's Black support is small. Black voters aren't going to be fooled into voting for White Supremacy. Certainly not via this music video.

d0n0ld isn't fighting on behalf of the American people as Jon Kahn, Minus FJ and the rest of d0n-0ld's duped followers believe. d0n0ld is a grifter, con-man and traitor who is very afraid of going to prison. Why I totally believe he might run away (flee to a foreign country he can't be extradited from).

Post authored by the Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym323.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Fishtown Resident & Childless Cat Lady Taylor Swift Endorses Kamala Harris For President

The Fake Endorsement
Video: Aug 23, 2024. TYT Clip of the Day. Former President Donald Trump shared AI-generated images of Taylor Swift suggest that she endorsed him. Ben Gleib, Jordan Uhl and Mondale Robinson discuss on The Young Turks. 72,980 views.

The Real Endorsement
Video: Sep 11, 2024. Music superstar Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris for president minutes after she walked off the debate stage following her faceoff with Donald Trump -- signing the post as "Childless Cat Lady". The Grammy winner says the support was prompted in part by the former president's use of AI-generated images falsely suggesting she endorsed him. NBC's Joe Fryer reports for TODAY on how this could sway young voters.

As per the pro-tRump blogger Minus FJ, Taylor Swift has "Fishtown values". I looked into it and "Fishtown" is an imaginary city that people with bad morals live. Invented by the SPLC-revealed racist Charles Murray.

On the flip-side, "Belmont" is an imaginary community where all the people with good values live. In "Belmont" the residents believe women should be married and giving their hubands children. And they should not be a part of the workforce, instead their job is raising the children and taking care of their husbands.

So, Minus thinks the serial divorcer, serial adulterer and serial sexual assaulter d0n-OLD tRump has superior "Belmont values"? That's definitely bigly hilarious.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym322 @@

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Elderly Orange Man In Obvious Mental Decline Participates In 2 Presidential Debates, Embarrasses Himself Bigly Both Times

Video: Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed during the 9/10/2024 presidential debate (held in Philadelphia PA and moderated by David Muir and Linsey Davis) that Haitian migrants are eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.

As per the City Manager, Brian Heck, there is no evidence that Haitian immigrants are eating resident's pets. Yet rightturd blogger Minus FJ insists they are. It's their culture to eat pets, he says. Minus recently wrote a post about it on his blog, posting a video from an alleged citizen of Springfield.

James of Empty Pockets Garage says, while he has no first hand knowledge of Haitian immigrants eating pets, does know firsthand Haitians are rude. Also bad drivers who are crashing vehicles into trees and fire hydrants. And that they're getting temporary driver's licenses without having to pass a driving test.

He knows this because he personally encountered some Haitians who laid on their car horn. Not "beep beep". The rude Haitians let their horn blast for a long time. So he had to confront the rude Haitians while open-carrying his firearm. The rude Haitians got the message. Additionally, his handicapped brother who was on a list to get into public housing was bumped down the list. Some Haitians were moved up the list.

I say this is fake news. Some of the fakiest. I don't mean the aforementioned racist's anecdotal stories, but as a whole. This plays into d0n-OLD's anti-immigrant message. For sure. I wonder what the status of the current immigrant caravan on it's way though South American is. More crazies were released from South American insane asylums and more killers were released from South American prisons? Isn't such a caravan on it's way right now? I seem to remember that a migrant caravan was on it's way in 2018 to help republiturds win the midterm elections.

And (traveling with and hiding among these caravans of brown people) there were Muslim terrorists and members of the Chinese military, who, when they got here, began raping and murdering young White women and planning terror attacks. Surely they are still crossing the US Southern border in big numbers to help d0n-OLD get reelected?

Above is an image from the first potus debate between d0n-OLD and Joe Biden that took place on 6/27/2024 in Atlanta GA (and was moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash). d0n-OLD lost this debate as well. Although Joe Biden lost it bigglier.

Even though the republiturd potus candidate and convicted fel0n d0n-OLD farted and pooped his diaper live on teevee during the "debate". I place "debate" in quotes because "a debate involves honest discourse, while a situation with repeated lies lacks the essential qualities of a genuine debate".

Obviously donald tRump's gish gallop strategy gave him the advantage. On top of that (as per what I heard) Joe Biden was sick. A doctor at Camp David confirmed Joe Biden had a cold. Decongestants (as per the Mayo Clinic) can cause confusion in older adults (among other side effects).

Joe Biden should have postponed. Because it was due to his debate performace that Joe Biden ultimately dropped out and was replaced by his veepee, Kamala Harris.

Even though, during the debate -- in addition to lying non-stop -- donald tRump audibly farted. And very likely pooped his diaper. rightturds are trying to say that Joe Biden farted, but donald tRump was speaking and his microphone picked up the fart. As per the rules, Joe Biden's microphone was off. Meaning it was definitely donald that trumped.

Video: The David Pakman Show. Did Trump poop his pants during presidential debate? Broadcast on July 1, 2024.

Below is a video in which Noel Casler discusses the fact that d0n-OLD poos himself and had been doing so for a very long time.

Video: Nov 27, 2020. Some thoughts on #DiaperDon from comedian and former The Apprentice staffer Noel Casler.

Noel Casler: The diapers is not a joke it's depends. You know #diaperdon is trending, but it's based in reality. He would often soil himself on The Apprentice set. He's incontinent from all the speed -- all the Adderall. He does the cocaine -- that he's done for decades you know. All that stuff has a laxative effect. ... He's worn diapers since probably the 90s.

I saw it firsthand in the 2000s On Celebrity Apprentice in late 2000s. And we'd have to, uh stop the show and and change him, you know -- and that was Keith Schiller's job. He would take him off set -- he would wipe him down. Our nickname for Keith was "Wet Wipes". It's not a joke -- it's happened several times.

And, um, you've seen it happen while he's in office. You've seen he was in the oval office with Erdogan. And you could clearly hear him ... evacuating himself. He did it in front of Senator Feinstein. Um Dianne Feinstein at a press conference. So he does it (poops himself) -- and he almost sits there like an unaware of it, you know. One time I saw Ivanka have to go kind of whisper in his ear -- and then Keith came and took him off stage.

He'll also do it in a rage -- and this is where it gets really drug related. He'll start to freak out you know. One time there was the word "arbitrage" on a cue card and he started screaming that the ... script department was setting him up. "You're setting me up" and he just freaked out -- and then very loudly evacuated his bowels. And you could smell it.

Yeah, d0n-OLD bigly embarassed himself at BOTH debates. Yet it was our fantastic president Joe Biden that dropped out. I'll be voting for Kamala Harris, but I still believe Joe Biden was up for the job. If not another 4 years, then Kamala Harris could have stepped in for him if necessary. After he was elected to a 2nd term.

d0n-OLD should definitely NOT get a 2nd term. He should not have gotten a first term, given that Hillary Clinton trounced him in all three debates that took place prior to the 2016 election. That would be the election d0n-OLD "won" by colluding with Vlad Putin. Which was 100 percent confirmed to have happened. Despite rightturds trying to gaslight us into believing that was all lies spread by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

My point is that, despite d0n-OLD being a debate loser (he lost every single potus debate he has ever participated in), he did go on to "win" one election. So, even though Kamala Harris obviously bested d0n-OLD in their one and only debate, that doesn't preclude d0n-OLD "winning" the presidency and returning to the White House.

Video: Late Night with Seth Meyers. Kamala Harris Won Debate Against Donald Trump According to CNN Poll, 63% to 37%. Seth Meyers' live monologue from Wednesday, September 11.

d0n-OLD knows he lost when he faced off against Kamala Harris. Why he chicked out of participating in any future debates. Though (of course) he claims he won. "This is not the worst debate performance I've seen in my career, but it's very close to it" says republican pollster Frank Luntz.

Post authored by the Pro-democracy, Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym321.