Maybe we can get rid of this Russia-colluding, corrupt, domestic terror organization and pass real gun reform? Signed by President Biden after being passed though a Democratically-controlled Congress (House and Senate)?
The "Party Of Life" doesn't seem overly concerned that covid-19 is will likely be the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States this year (behind only cancer and heart disease).
A majority of Republicans surveyed in a national poll believe the number of deaths from the coronavirus is "acceptable", and hold positive views of the US response to the pandemic. The new poll showed a significant partisan divide over how each party sees the health emergency, which is killing some 1,000 Americans every day. 57% of Republicans surveyed agreed with the statement that the number of coronavirus deaths in the US -- which this week reached over 176,000 -- was "acceptable". (excerpted from a 8/24/2020 article by Richard Hall). |
If republicans decided that so many people dying from covid wasn't fine, they might have to acknowledge that their cult leader's response has been horrible. "One of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations" according to Michael Shear of the NYT.
The Absolute Marxist (Minus FJ sockpuppet): I'd rather be here in America at this time than anyplace, but Sweden, on the planet. They are the ONLY country that handled the response adequately. (8/24/2020 at 2:09pm).
Dervish Sanders: Among the Countries With The Highest Death Rates Per 100,000 Population, Sweden is #6 (with 56.4), ahead of the US at #8 with 47.9. btw, Sweden is #9 at 7.1% re the Countries With The Highest Case-Fatality Ratios. While the United States is 24, with 3.3% of people who contract covid dying. Yet you think Sweden is the ONLY country that handled the response adequately? (data as of Aug 5 at 3am ET). (8/25/2020 at 4:09am). |
Maybe Minus is disappointed that more people are dying in Sweden from covid than in the United States?
Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Dandy (Dictionary.com definition) "Informal. fine; excellent; first-rate". WYM-166.
In Joe Biden's 8/20/2020 Democratic presidential nominee acceptance speech (video below) our next president said "as president, the first step I will take will be to get control of the virus that has ruined so many lives. I understand something this president hasn't from the beginning. We will never get our economy back on track; we will never get our kids safely back in school; we will never have our lives back -- until we deal with this virus. the tragedy of where we are today is it didn't have to be this bad. Just look around; it's not this bad in Canada, Europe or Japan, or almost anywhere else in the world ... we lead the world in confirmed cases. We lead the world in deaths. Our economy is in tatters ... and after all this time, the president still does not have a plan".
Joe Biden has a plan. "We'll develop and deploy rapid tests. With results available immediately. We'll make the medical supplies and protective equipment that our country needs. And we'll make them here, in America. ... We'll make sure our schools have the resources they need. ... We'll take the muzzle off our experts, so the public gets the information they need and deserve ... We'll have a national mandate to wear a mask. Not as a burden, but as a patriotic duty to protect one another. In short, we'll do what we should have done from the very beginning. Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. He has failed to protect us. He has failed to protect America. And, my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable".
As per Michael Shear of the NYT (see image above), under Dotard we have suffered "one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations". Me, I don't know how you can call something a "failure" that was done on purpose. According to reporting from Vanity Fair, Dotard tasked Jared Kushner with coming up with a national scale testing plan. Jared's plan was to not do testing and to blame Blue State governors.
Joe Biden says "I'll work hard for those who didn't support me. As hard for them as for those who did vote for me". While Dotard allowed residents of Blue states (where people who support him also live) to suffer and die (apparently these idiots believed the virus would magically go away before spreading to Red states). The choice could not be clearer. We must elect Joe Biden in November. And then prosecute Dotard.
Hey All. Can we talk about 1 of the few topics I may actually know too much about: homicide? Specifically, whether Donald Trump may have criminal exposure for some level of negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis
— Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) March 17, 2020
Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Image from The Week photoshopped by Dervish Sanders. WYM-165.
Excerpted from an 8/18/2019 NBC News story by By Ken Dilanian...
In a thousand-page bipartisan report [Volume 5: Counterintelligence Threats and Vulnerabilities] released Tuesday [8/18/2020], the Senate Intelligence Committee painted a stark portrait of a Trump campaign eager to accept help from a foreign power in 2016, as well as a candidate closely involved in the effort. The Senate report, the most detailed account to date of the Trump campaign's embrace of Russian election interference, also asserted that the allegations that Ukraine interfered in the election — which President Donald Trump perpetuated — originated with Russian intelligence agencies. The report, which the committee's Republican majority approved, said the committee assessed that the president discussed hacked emails with his longtime associate Roger Stone — even though Trump told special counsel Robert Mueller that he didn't recall having done so. ... "Separate from Steele's memos, which the Committee did not use for support, the Committee became aware of three general sets of allegations" involving women, the report said, two of which described a tape. No such allegations were confirmed, but the finding lent new credence to at least one claim in the |
Big ugly? Bwahhh!
For the record, the "big ugly" is a fantasy of some Dotard supporters that says it's going to get ugly for Obama administration officials who "spied" on the Dotard campaign and are going to be held accountable by Toady Barr and John Durham. LOL.
As per a post from the blog of Joe Conservative (a Minus FJ sockpuppet), ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok wrote ("discrediting" reporting from the NYT) "We have not seen evidence of any individuals in contact with Russians (both Governmental and non-Governmental)".
However, according to the just released Senate report, Konstantin Kilimnik (who Manafort met with at the Grand Havana Room at 666 Fifth Avenue on 8/2/2016 to deliver Dotard campaign internal polling data) is a Russian intelligence officer who "almost certainly helped arrange some of the first public messaging that Ukraine had interfered in the US election".
AKA the Ukraine narrative (over which Dotard was impeached) was a cover up fabricated by Russia (it wasn't Dotard who colluded with Russia, it was Hillary who colluded with Ukraine). Yet, I suppose this will come up during the election (the nonsense about Hunter Biden, Burisma and Joe Biden getting a prosecutor fired to "protect" his son).
This should mean the premature death of the yet unreleased "Durham Report" and the whole bogus Obamagate/Spygate narrative, but I doubt it. Even though we now have Senate Republicans signing off on a report that confirms the Dotard/Russia counter narrative is a load of horse manure.
Rocky Mountain Mike YouTube Playlist.
Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-164.
"Maybe he's looking up".
Having read Mary Trump's book, I can tell you all the Trumps that survived their scumbag father and mother (and inherited his fortune) are scumbags. The three remaining siblings (Maryanne, Robert and Dotard) conspired to steal their brother Fred Trump Jr's (who passed away in 1981) portion of his father's inheritance (they got their father to change his will while he was suffering with Alzheimer's).
Robert Trump took point in the effort to get Mary Trump and her brother (Frederick Trump III) to accept what they were offering. Which turned out was much less than she and her brother were entitled to (even under the amended will). She and her bother were forced to sue (although they later dropped the suit).
When it comes to rich a-holes, there is never a point at which they have enough. They couldn't be generous and allow their deceased brother's share of the inheritance to go to his children. Instead they colluded to steal it. Probably due to the fact that the other Trump's (including the family matriarch) viewed Fred Trump Jr as a loser who forfeited his share of the inheritance after he "died in 1981 at age 42 from a heart attack caused by alcoholism". Alcoholism brought on by the fact that his father saw him as a disappointment (because he didn't want to go into the family business).
btw, Fred Jr lived with his parents following heart surgery. They saw him deteriorating before their eyes but did nothing to help him (basically allowing him to die). Despite the fact that they had connections at the local hospital where they could have gotten him first class treatment. If they had deigned to bother or cared about their son AT ALL.
Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-163.
From MSNBC, 8/16/2020.
Ali Velshi: ...some Progressive voters [are] concerned. They're worried that a Biden-Harris ticket doesn't adequately represent Progressive voters and, despite the unity between the Biden and Bernie camps, the dissatisfaction of the Left wing of the Democratic Party has some Moderate Democratic voters and Party leaders concerned that low turnout of Progressives could leave the country with Donald Trump as president. Here with me to discuss how... coalition building between Progressives and Moderates as well as the vice presidential pick will effect the election is Vermont senator Bernie Sanders. Good to see you Senator. I want to ask you about this... Are Moderates expressing concern to you that Progressives may not turn out in the numbers they were hoping? Bernie Sanders: ...I can't speak for everyone who voted for me, or for every Progressive in America. But Ali, this I do know -- the overwhelming majority of Progressives understand that Donald Trump is the most dangerous president in the history of this country. ... What Progressives, and I hope most Americans understand, is that we have a president is seeking to end democracy and move us toward authoritarianism. Everybody, not just Progressives -- Moderates and Conservatives -- have got to come together and say to this president -- sorry... heroes have fought and died to protect American democracy, and you are not going to destroy it. We are going to defeat you. After the election I intend, with the Progressive community -- with working class people all over this country -- to do everything we can to move the Biden administration to be as Progressive as it can. So we have a government that represents working people and the elderly and the children and the sick and the poor. And not just the 1 percent and wealthy campaign contributors. So that's goal -- short term, defeat Trump, elect Biden. Longer term -- rally the American people around a Progressive agenda. Which, if the Democrats have control of the Senate, the House and the White House [will enable us to] make significant progress, I believe. **skip** Ali Velshi: [asks Sanders about the situation with the Post Office] Bernie Sanders: This is not just about the Postal Service. I am a strong believer in the Postal Service. We have got to adequately fund it. Make sure everybody in America gets the mail delivery they need ... This is about American democracy. Now, as you know -- and the viewers know -- just a few days ago Donald Trump... this guy lies all the time, but a few days ago he was actually honest -- he said we want to defund the Postal Service. In essence we want to destroy the Postal Service because we don't want people to be [able to] mail in [their] ballots. I guess what they believe is that, if you can suppress the vote -- make it impossible for millions of people to vote -- they think it works in their favor. ... but I believe that is beyond outrageous. We need to fund the Postal Service, not force people to make a choice between putting their lives on the line by getting sick. ... |
Not Dotard's fault you say? No, he was warned and chose to ignore the warnings.
Biden ad mocks Trump's "We are going to win so much" boast.
"In the United States, where the Depression was generally worst, industrial production between 1929 and 1933 fell by nearly 47 percent, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 30 percent, and unemployment reached more than 20 percent". Under predisent Dotard the 2020 second quarter GDP fell by 32.9 percent, making Dotard responsible for the most losing in history!
Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-161.
Some actual words from Stella Immanuel (quack doctor who claims she cured hundreds of patients of Covid using hydroxychloroquine) via YouTube. In this video "doctor" Immanuel speaks about the threat posed by Witches and Warlocks.
Granted, the actual words Minus FJ was talking about concerned her assertion that alien DNA is being used in medical treatments. "They're using all kinds of DNA, even alien DNA, to treat people" Immanuel has said. Though, as per Minus FJ, "her DNA comments were reasonable given her actual words". His defense is that "alien DNA" refers to animal DNA and NOT the DNA of an alien from another planet. Because animal DNA would be "alien" to human DNA.
Minus determined that this is what she meant because "science has discovered no alien life on other planets... and therefore [talk of] alien DNA originating in extra-terrestrials [is] ridiculous". But to claim that witches and warlocks exist ISN'T ridiculous? I challenged Minus to defend the other ridiculous claims made by Immanuel, but he declined. For obvious reasons. Although he said he was declining to defend the other ridiculous claims made by Immanuel because I didn't raise them.
Sure, even though some of the other ridiculous claims made by Immanuel are covered by a meme I included in the post. Let's assume I didn't raise them. I'm raising them now. Apparently Immanuel also believes the David Ickes conspiracy theory that says our government is run by a lizard person Illuminati. Or "partially run". Because Dotard isn't a lizard person who disguises himself by zipping on a human suit (or is able to shapeshift into human form)? (while other past presidents were reptilians, including gwb and Bill Clinton. Also possibly Obama).
My conclusion? Immanuel is a crazy person. Although Dotard continues to insist he is "very impressed" by her. Because she recommended hydroxychloroquine. And he was (I presume) unaware of her other crazy beliefs (when he tweeted the video she appeared in). But should he not have looked into her (or asked an advisor to look into her) before praising her? You think he might, lest he come off looking like an idiot for praising an insane person.
Yet he refused to back down when presented with the facts concerning Immanuel. His weak defense was "I know nothing about it". So why tweet about something you know nothing about? That doesn't seem very wise to me. You can not know someone but do a Google search before posting a possibly embarrassing tweet. Or at least admit you were wrong to post a tweet praising a crazy person. Yet Dotard can not admit being wrong. He is incapable of admitting being wrong. His devoted cultists can also not admit that Dotard is wrong.
Why Minus felt compelled to defend Immanuel in regards to her crazy claims concerning alien DNA being used in medical treatments. Even though she was obviously speaking about DNA from aliens from other planets. And not DNA from species alien to human DNA. By the way, a "witch" can refer to an old woman. But a "warlock" is not used to refer to an old man. This is how I can be sure she is talking about people who practice witchcraft (i.e "the practice of magical skills, spells, and abilities").
Also why assuming Immanuel was talking about space alien DNA is completely reasonable. In any case (given her other claims) Immanuel is clearly nuts. Not that Minus FJ isn't nuts. Although he may be a little less nuts. More or less than Dotard, I don't know. But all three are clearly crazy (Dotard, Immanuel and Minus FJ). Though only one is in a position of power he should be removed from ASAP (because his response to the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans).
By the way, lizard people are aliens.
Vox: Where do lizard people come from? Aside from people's paranoia, lizard people are thought to primarily come from the constellation Draco, though there are some theories that reptoids come from other systems like Sirius and Orion too. Basically, they're aliens. |
Those two facts (Immanuel believes in lizard people and lizard people are space aliens) proves that Minus was 100 percent wrong when he "deduced" that Stella wasn't talking about aliens from other planets.
Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-160.
So, Dotard says that he was "very impressed" by "Doctor" Stella Immanuel. Although only because she lies about curing patients infected with covid with his favorite malaria drug. Despite (as per Doctor Faucci) Hydroxychloroquine being ineffectve against covid (also possibly being dangerous to the health of the patient). The predisent added that (although he was "very impressed"), he didn't know much about Immanuel.
Perhaps, before giving this ringing endorsement, he should have looked into her background? If Dotard had looked into the background of Immanuel he would have found that she is a ridiculous quack. As Democratic Underground points out with the following meme (placard copied from Progressive Eruptions).
Alien DNA is being used in medical treatments? FYI, Immanuel is not talking about the DNA of illegal aliens (aka economic refugees from south of our border) but the DNA of space aliens. Perhaps, given Dotard's praise of Immanuel (because she endorsed Hydroxychloroquine), he'd also like to try Alien DNA? Maybe in addition to the Hydroxychloroquine, Xenomorph XX121 DNA would be a super-cure and preventative?
With that in mind, I created the following Political clip art cartoon (using Photoshop and pics I located via Google image search).
If Dotard truly is impressed with Immanuel, I say he should give alien DNA a shot. It might work. If we actually have it. But Dotard (as predisent) does have access to such government secrets. So maybe he is taking it? I mean, he doesn't have covid, despite not wearing a mask most of the time. And we don't know that alien DNA wouldn't be effective. Which isn't the case with Hydrochloride. That is a treatment we can be fairly positive doesn't help patients with coronavirus.
Post authored by the anti-Mystere, anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-159.