Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Matt Gaetz To Retire From Congress And Rudy Giuliani To Retire From Whatever The F*ck It Is He Does (Podcaster?) To Take Unpaid Positions With The Department Of Corrections?

The following is my transcription of a conversation between Lefty talk radio (and FreeSpeechTV) host Stephanie Miller and former 30 year federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner.

Excerpted from the 5/18/2021 airing of the Stephanie Miller Show...

Stephanie Miller: Do you agree with the banner that flew over the courthouse that said "tick tock Matt Gaetz"?

Glenn Kirschner: Oh, yeah. Justice is coming for Matt Gaetz. No two ways about it. ... When he called underage sex trafficking "naughty favors", I wish that was a separately chargeable crime. Because that is obscene. They (Matt Gaetz and Joel Greenberg) were sex trafficking in children, which is made clear in the Greenberg plea agreement. There is going to be hell to pay for these men.

Stephanie Miller: Glenn, you said a majority of the plea agreement contains "hard corroboration of the crimes of not only Joel Greenberg, but the crimes of others". Adding "the prosecution has laid out some really troubling crimes ... he pled guilty to conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States ... who can he implicate beyond Matt Gates? Stone, DeSantis? We'll know soon enough".

What is your thinking on that?

Glenn Kirschner: So, I've spent a lot of time with the 86 page plea agreement. 60 pages of it are receipts. Hard corroboration of what Greenberg did and what others did. Others who have not been named yet. It hasn't got a lot of attention, but the 6th charge, the charge of conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States ... the prosecutors know who all of the members of the conspiracy are. But they had to wait until Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty to indict those people. He was a huge domino to fall ...

I'm telling you, he not only had to give up blockbuster information about bigger fish, but the prosecutors had to be satisfied that it was truthful and it was provable. So I'm telling you, hold on tight, because the justice we've all been waiting for is about to start coming. It really is.

Stephanie Miller: *giggles*. Now let's talk about Rudy... now that I'm all excited. You've said "it will take time for the searches of Rudy's electronic devices to be completed and the materials to be reviewed by a special master filter team..." ...

Now, is it as hilarious to you as it was to me that Rudy [is asking] "the judge to block any review of the siezed records while his lawyers determine whether there was a legitimate basis for the warrant ... [Rudy's lawyers] said it would have been more appropriate and less invasive to seek information though a subpoena, which unlike a warrant, would have given [Rudy] an opportunity to review the documents and respond. Justice Department policy recommends prosecutors use subpoenas when seeking information from laywers unless there is a concern about destruction of evidence".

Which tells me they were concerned Rudy Guiliani was going to destroy the evidence. Right?

Glenn Kirschner: Rudy made up all of these new legal standards and requirements before search warrants will issue. I urge people not to listen to the nonsense Rudy Giuliani is spouting. He's a man circling the drain and looking for something to grab on to. ...

What makes me happiest right now is that he's looking for a lifeline from Donald Trump. And not just a financial lifeline (because we know Donald Trump stiffed him on his legal fees), but he's also looking for Trump to swoop in and say that all the stuff Rudy was doing in Ukraine, he was doing it for me.

But Trump won't go there. Why? Because that would be Trump announcing that, by the way, I'm guilty as a co-conspirator of everything Rudy did in Ukraine. What's crazy is that he did it for Donald Trump, and now Trump won't vouch for it. Rudy is done.

Stephanie Miller: Does he not get that Trump has thrown everyone under the bus ... the headline is "Rudy Giuliani is desperately begging Trump to help as feds close in -- and is being ignored". ...

Do you think Giuliani is going to flip? It sounds to me like he isn't going to have any choice.

Glenn Kirschner: Yeah. He is going to end up going the same way Michael Cohen ended up going. He put up a good fight for awhile before he started talking about Trump's crimes. Rudy is going to go the same way because, at the end of the day, Rudy is all about Rudy. Just as much as Trump is all about Trump.

LOL! Sounds like Gaetz is in bigly trouble and will likely end up behind bars. Perhaps for an extended period of time. According to the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ, "Gaetz has powerful enemies". Right. Himself and Joel Greenberg.

As for Rudy, he'll try to stay out of prison by flipping on the former failed president Dotard Donald. Hee hee. Certainly (if Rudy doesn't serve prison time) he will be disbarred. And he will avoid prison by spilling his guts re the crimes of Donald Trump (who will then be the one who ends up behind bars). Fingers crossed.

"Matt The Gaetz" (above video) by Rocky Mountain Mike. Parody of "Mack The Knife" (popularized by Bobby Darin).

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Dotard blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-259.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Oracle Mystere Speaks... "The Illegitimate President Bidet Must Resign Or Face Punishment From God"

As per the trumpnutter Minus FJ, "Mystere is an oracle along the lines as the oracle at Delphi or Dodona". The oracle Mystere sez President Joe Biden is in bigly trouble for stealing the election from the choice anointed by God, Dotard tRump.

Does Mystere believe himself to be an oracle or a prophet? No, as I originally pointed out to Minus, Mystere is only listening to rightwing ministers on YouTube. Liars who say Dotard was anointed by God and that Joe Biden stole the election, angering God. Mystere is a moron. Also a false Christian.

According to Mystere "God has repeatedly tried to reach out to Dervish, yet Dervish keeps spewing his hate for the righteousness of God, calling it evil in front of God's own eyes". QED he absolutely believes the false "prophets" he listens to.

Liars like Robin D. Bullock. "This is a hoax. I am not the legitimate president" is what Biden should say before resigning. Paving the way for the "legitimate" president, Dotard Donald, to return to power. QED Mystere is insane. Joe Biden will not admit the election was stolen because Joe Biden did not cheat.

The American people, faced with a choice between the terrible dotard donald and the competent Joe Biden, made the correct decision. Contrary to what conspiracy theory nutters like Minus FJ believe. Minus sez it's a "bigglier lie" that the election was legitimately won by Joe Biden. An inane a claim from Minus as his claim that Mystere is an oracle :P

btw, Mystere, I don't have to change any letters (replacing the "n" at the end of "Biden" with a "t") to make a joke out of your last name. The fact is, I have it on good authority that Mystere (a homophobe) actually likes it up the endo. aka he's a self-hating closted gay man. LOL.

It also pretty easy to make fun of dotard's last name without changing any letters. Given that "trump" is a slang word in the UK that means fart. I've also heard that "MAGA" is an acronym that stands for "massive ass gas attack".

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym258.