After Joe Biden defeated donald tRump in the 2020 election, but before VP Pence certified the results, false prophet Robin Bullock (a liar who trafficked his soul to Satan for 42 million dollars) prophesied that VP Pence would have the courage to do the right thing and (as per a 1/5/2021 Dotard tweet) "reject fraudulently chosen electors".
Partial transcription of audio from a YouTube dated 9/11/2021... although Bullock is obviously talking about (and making predictions concerning) events prior to VP Pence (in a ceremonial role) certifying the 2020 election results...
Bloodthristy Democrats love killing kids. ...people try to declare oh this has nothing to do with the physical. Nothing to do with the physical really. Well tell 345,600 babies in the fiscal year of 2018. That it had nothing to do with the physical when the nation was almost swimming in their blood ... This fight is mainly over the slaughter of the innocent. You cannot believe I know that people in political realms would go to such lengths just to kill children. Donald tRump won in a landslide ...you see, donald trump, a man who gave up everything, even to his own cut in pay, for a life he did not have to do. That's right he - listen now - he has already been elected. No I'm... not making that plain I guess. And i'm sure under this video today YouTube will put, "uh they have confirmed Joe Biden as this and this this". He [Donald tRump] has already won the presidency. He won it that night. God is in control. Unless people don't listen to him. ...and make no mistake it's going to try to culminate on the 6th [although] we think, "well it was prophesied. It's got to happen. don't it brother Robin?". No it don't. Because the church has been taught a lie. The same thing Islam believes believe it or not. If an islamic - some extremist gets on an airplane and crashes it somewhere - he believes it was the will of god that he do it. If he decides not to do it at the last minute? It was the will of god that decided not to do it at the last minute. If he decides to veer left it was the will of god that he veered left. If he decides to go up a little bit and then go down it was the will of god in his mind to do that. If he says two words today it was the will of Allah that happened. [Allah is what] they call God. If, no matter what he does - or she does - it's the will of their god. ...does that sound familiar to you? Well God's in control. And Allah is not God. He was one of 360 gods that Mohammed picked out because he could slaughter people under his name. But the one true living god the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the god and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the only true god. Jesus the only king of kings and lord of lords. He's god. But when you turn and say he's in control? Really? There was a Vietnam correspondent back during the Vietnam war one of the most horrible wars this nation has ever seen. A war that our men and our young boys were just bodies thrown in front of bullets. A war they were thrown into and There was a correspondent. He wasn't even a Christian. Said he wasn't a Christian. He was covering the war and after the atrocities. ... This correspondence said "I've always heard that God is in control". Now this guy's not even Saved. But he wrote this in a big article. He said "I've always heard everybody say God's in control ... After what I've seen, if God is... in control... he's got this world in a mess. Because there's been one world war after another. God opposes the "slaughter of babies" aka "Human sacrifice" that Joe Biden supports. I don't know how many babies murdered to this date in abortion mills, but I know it's over 30 million this year. This year! Nine midwestern states was the last count anyone could fill up with the babies that have been slaughtered. Whole generations have been taken. Do you think God's in control of that? He's against human sacrifice. Condemns human sacrifice and forbids human sacrifice. How can you say he wants Joe Biden as president when he's going -- the first day in office killed 345,600 babies in the coming year? Proof God is in control, but only if people listen to him. We've got it all squirreled up God's in control. He'll just do what He wants to. ...brother Robin, He didn't do what He wanted to with you until you decided to let Him. He wanted to save you how many years ago? How many times did you turn him away before you accepted him? Well I thought, He's in control. He said i'm not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But everybody's not going to repent. There will be people in Hell - you do know that, right? - but it wasn't God's will for [What I think Bullock is saying is that tRump will become president - because he has already won - but only if Mike Pence submits to God's will and rejects the "fraudulently chosen electors". Which, obviously he did not. Mike Pence did not play his part to stop the slaughter of innocent babies]. |
This rightwing "pastor" believes himself to be a "prophet" in communication with God. Or (more likely) he lies to his followers about being a prophet in communication with God. Though (as per the transcript above) his prophecies can be foiled. If people God calls on fail to do their part. Why low-IQ trumpers like Mystere will never stop believing. These "prophets" can't be wrong. If their prophecy does't come to pass it's not their fault.
In this case the prophecy not coming to pass was clearly Mike Pence's fault. Why he won't be the GOP nominee for potus in 2024. Yet, apparently Mike Pence thinks he could be the nominee and possibly the next president. I say he (if he does run) will drop out quickly. The evilvangelical base (deluded fools like Mystere who think they are Christians) have to hate him for his betrayal. LOL.
Another low-IQ trumper, "Nancy CubaCanada", regarding the video above writes (in the YouTube comments): "I have a question because I became little confused. If the Lord gives a prophecy maybe happen or maybe don't? Trump was willing and fighting for the government, the church was praying, the people voted for him. I believe what the Lord said about Trump will happen".
Ha ha ha. It did not happen and will not happen. Mike Pillow delusions aside. Dotard isn't going to be reinstated. The people didn't vote for him. Or, more people voted for Joe Biden. The election wasn't stolen.
Though (as it has recently been revealed) it wasn't because God told Mike Pence to do his part so his "chosen one" Dotard would be reinstalled... and Mike told God NO. Or maybe he did tell God NO? In which case I've got to wonder (given that Pence is super religious)... why would Mike listen to Dan Quayle over God?