According to the low IQ magamoron Mystere I "gloated with glee" when I heard that Ivana tRump had died (possibly by "Clintoncide" according to a comment on Lisa's blog).
Except that I really don't care about Ivana tRump's death. She married donald tRump and procreated with him, resulting in three horrible humans being born. Aside from those facts I really don't give a shit about her.
Yet, even though I did zero gloating, somehow Mystere knew I gloated bigly. As he tells it, I gloated offline in the company of three people I know.
You lie, Boofing Assface Dervish. You gloated with glee over her death the moment you heard about it, then started wishing all the Trump family members starting with President Trump and the rest of the extended family would die horrific deaths very soon. You wished a very early horrific death of his youngest son Barron the moment you found out about Ivana's death.
You were dressed in a blue tee shirt at that moment, and having a tuna sandwich that you bought at a deli section at a Kroger grocery store. You were with Cheryl, Vince and Mavis, laughing about her death, but Cheryl and Mavis rebuked you for celebrating her death. God heard every wicked and profane word and the thoughts you had at that moment, of which I will not repeat here. Your curses will backfire against you at the worst possible moment for you when you least expect it. Posted by Mystere (using his "Rattrapper" account) to the trumpturd blog "Who's Your Dadday" on July 16, 2022 at 6:56 AM. |
So I do own several identical blue t-shirts. Navy blue, actually. Aside from that everthing Mystere writes is false. I don't know people with those names. I think (though I am not sure) Mystere believes these are family members of mine. The moron has brought up the name "Cheryl" before. I asked him who he thinks this person is, but he won't tell me.
I live in Tennesse while Mystere lives in California. So where is he getting this (incorrect) information from? He probably just made it up, but I think it is completely possible that he believes what he wrote is factual. I copied what Mystere wrote into a text message and sent it to my brother. In reply my sibling wrote, "Is this person insane?"
I texted back "I think so". Is Mystere convinced that he knows what transpired during a private conversation thousands of miles away because God told him? Does he believe himself to be a budding prophet?
There are many "prophets" who are in direct communication with God. They tell Mystere that "Joe Bidet" stole the presidency. Some of the primary bullshitters Mystere listens to are Robin Bullock, Steve Schultz, Kat Kerr, and Kent Christmas.
Among others. There are a lot of rich rightwing "pastors" who all know (because The Lord told them) Joe Biden stole the presidency and donald tRump is God's chosen one. In a video "prophesy" Mystere posted to his blog, "pastor" Timothy Dixon revealed that Joe Biden will die in office (though the YouTube is currently unavailable).
Can there be any doubt that Mystere would gloat with glee were President Biden to die? Perhaps from covid? Would I "gloat with glee" if donald tRump were to die? Absolutely YES. Though only to anger trumpturds.
I am not praying (as Mystere is re Joe Biden) for donald tRump to die. I would rather he be convicted and sent to prison for a long time. Dying would be too easy of an escape. I want him to pay for his crimes and to suffer many bigly humiliations before he dies (and faces punishment from God).
I say Mystere projects his lust for the deaths of those he hates onto me. According to Mystere I also gloated with glee when Shinzo Abe died. Below is a comment I supposedly submitted to Mystere's "Cleveland Foxers" blog (he didn't publish it but did save a screengrab).
Mystere is a pseudonym thief and a bigly comment faker. This is a fake comment. I never submitted a comment about the death of Shinzo Abe to any of Mystere's blogs. I have never referred to Shinzo Abe as a "Jap". Mystere likes to place ethnic slurs in my mouth. He created a fake account (using my Blogger display name and avatar) that he uses on Lisa's blog to post fake comments.
Mystere (using this fake account) protrays me as a Hitler fanboy who posts offensive comments in German. Despite the fact that actual Hitler fans post on Lisa's blog. Or continue to post (Minus FJ) and used to post but no longer do because they are deceased (Franco Aragosta).
For the record, it is Mystere who is a bigly Hitler fan (not me). Mystere (using his Qanon account) claims that "Adolf Schittler" is my buddy because he frequently (very frequently) writes (on Lisa's blog) "Heil Schittler" (using HIS "Adolf Schittler" account). Then has me (using his fake Dervish Sanders account) reply in kind.
"Proof" I love Hitler. "Dervish Sanders Hates Jews" is a searchable category on his blog. I don't hate Jewish people and have never written anything indicating I hate Jewish people (this is more Mystere projection).
Mystere claims that "Hitler" is my middle name.
My Blogger profile says an interest of mine is "presidential assassination". Apparently my intent in listing this as an interest was to incite someone to kill predisent dotard donald. Unfortunately my plan didn't work.
The picture is of a person named Anthony Sanders. He is someone who lives in Tennessee who is not me. Although Mystere is convinced that I am Anthony Sanders. He says he followed the "digital breadcrumbs" to uncover my true identity (a juvenile court judge from Waverly TN).
Mystere has even more proof that I'm a racist. Below is something he says he found on the dark web.
Maybe Mystere found the above recipe for "Racist Chow Mein" on the dark web, but the recipe wasn't authored by "Dervish Sanders". I don't use ethnic slurs, Mystere does.
In the above comment Mystere writes about another delusion he had regarding my collusion with some guy who has a Hispanic name. Gustavo Gonzalez was "accused of illegally selling sick and dying dogs to unsuspecting customers responding to his Craigslist ads".
Evidently, given that the "greaser" Gustavo is my "Mexican slave boy", these crimes were committed at my direction. Even though the crimes were committed in Los Angeles California (where Mystere lives).
Mystere, a bigly supporter of donald tRump's moronic wall, hates Mexicans. Also people of Mexican heritage. To him they are all "greasers" and "beaners".
Mystere said I authored a post titled "Beaners Should Get Automatic US Citizenship Immediately". He linked to it on his "Donkey's Revenge blog". But, given that the link was fake, it displayed "Sorry, the page you were looking for on this blog does not exist" when clicked. Though Mystere falsely claimed I removed the post. I didn't remove it, I never wrote it. No such post ever existed.
Below is another fake comment authored by Mystere.
While I do point out that most African Americans vote Democratic, I have never referred to a Black conservative as an "Uncle Tom". But Mystere fakes comments from me referring to Black Conservatives as "Uncle Tom" regularly.
I criticize minority conservatives for their views and what they say, not for their ethnicities.
Mystere authored the above fake comment after I critized Dinesh D'Souza's debunked 2,000 Mules political (fantasy) film.
Dinesh D'Souza can not be deported. He is a naturalized US citizen and we are stuck with him. Same as how we are stuck with all the US-born trumpturds who hate democracy.
I wouldn't write that Dinesh D'Souza is a "cow worshipper" because Dinesh D'Souza identifies as Catholic, not Hindu. Also Hindus do not worship cows. Google says "Hindus do not consider the cow to be a god and they do not worship it. Hindus, however, are vegetarians and they consider the cow to be a sacred symbol of life that should be protected and revered".
Also, I'm not a racist, so wouldn't insult D'Souza for his Indian heritage. Dinesh is an outlier. Most Indian-Americans vote Democratic. The fact is that any given minority is more likely a Democratic voter than a republican voter. I love my fellow Democrats. I don't care if they are White or non-White.
Mystere, a trumpturd, is a racist and a bigot. Despite being a minority himself. He is an outlier like Dinesh.
Mystere calls gay people "queertards". Mystere projects HIS hate and racism onto his perceived enemies, but Mystere voted for the racist Orange Turd and for the party that represents White Supremacy, bigotry and misogyny.
BTW, I have never wished a curse upon anyone. I don't believe in curses. Barron tRump may very well be a horrible person. I have no idea. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until I hear otherwise. Even though his father is one of the most horrible persons who has ever lived. And his older siblings (Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Tiffany) are all horrible.
Fred Trump Jr, despite being born into a family of despicable turds, was a decent person. That all the Trumps (excepting Fred Junior and his children) were horrible is a fact anyone who has read Mary Trump's book knows.
Mystere (a trumpturd cultist) is also a horrible person. The evidence I have laid out in this post proves it. Are all trumpturds horrible people? I say yes. To varying degrees. How else could anyone STILL support tRump and wish to see him return to the White House?
But Mystere is among the worst of the worst. He'd deny it, but the evidence is strong that he absolutely would gloat with glee bigly if (or when) Joe Biden dies. While in office (which, given that Joe Biden is a super ager, is very unlikely). Or years after his second term ends (if uptheEndo is still alive himself).
btw, I'm not wishing death upon Mystere (or attempting to "curse" him). I don't care whether he dies soon or lives many more decades. I only speculate that Joe Biden could outlive Mystere. Mystere is not a youngster, but a 60 year old man. And definitely not a super ager.
Also, people (like Mystere) who are filled with hate could die early as a consequence. Being filled with hate (as per the website Everyday Health) "creates a destructive state of mind that wreaks havoc with your physical health and emotional well-being".
Though Mystere will ignore my warning (if he reads it). Because he is convinced that I am the hater. Why I laughed when Ivana tRump died and wished death upon the Orange Turd and his spawn (in the delusion he posted to Lisa's blog). Also why I use ethnic slurs to disparage minorities who disagree with me politically (despite the fact that it is Mystere who does this).