Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dotard And Dotard Junior Are Both Bigly Drug Abusers (Adderall, Methamphetamines, Cocaine)

Stuttering John Podcast Video: Donald Trump Snorted coke and Adderall, 5/13/2020 (3:03). John Melendez and Noel Casler discuss Dotard's drug use. According to Casler, who worked with Dotard on The Celebrity Apprentice, he saw tRump abusing drugs himself.

David Pakman Show Video: Donald Trump Jr. Denies RNC Speech Fueled by Cocaine (0:43).

Like father like son? It would not suprise me at all. Although that Dotard Junior abuses cocaine is speculation. While Noel Cassler confirms that he saw Dotard abusing drugs. If you listen to the Stephanie Miller Happy Hour podcast with Casler, you will get an inside account from him about how Dotard raged, then shit and pissed himself on the set of The Apprentice, causing him to have to call for a break so he could go change his Depends (no control over one's bowels apparently being a side effect of years of stimulant abuse).

I highly recommend following the link and downloading the podcast. According to Stephanie Miller, it is the top most downloaded Happy Hour podcast she has ever done. Casler and Miller also discuss how Dotard uses Vlatrex to treat his Herpes.

ABC News Video: Trump Sniffling during Debate Catches Social Media's Attention, 9/27/2016 (3:00). The reason why Dotard sniffs so much? He snorts cocaine and Adderall.

Some of the comments on YouTube in reaction to this video include "And now we know he's an adderall fiend", "Trump can't stop sniffing, up wide awake at 3am tweeting, he's definitely a coke head!!!" and "Inside of his nose must have been like Pablo Escobar christmas vacation at the north pole".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-178.


  1. How long before we see blood trickle from his orange nostrils?

    Coke and adderalll cocktails could also explain Dotard donnie's violent tendancies.

    There is undoubtedly much more about Dotard donnie we are yet unaware of. One day it will all become public knowledge.
