Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mystere (A Deluded Low IQ Magamoron) Thinks President Joe Biden Should "Admit" The Election Was Stolen. The Lord Is Giving Him A Chance To "Repent And Resign"

President Joe Biden will not "admit" to your delusions, Mystere. Joe Biden is the legitimate president! The election was not stolen.

Mystere believes himself to be a Christian. Despite being a strong supporter of Donald J. tRump, an evil White Supremacist who encited his followers to riot at the Capitol (in an seditious attempt to steal the presidency from Joe Biden).

In Mystere's delusions God is on tRump's side and is angry that Joe Biden committed massive voter fraud to guarantee his illegitimate win. God's anger represented by the photoshopped image below (also from Mystere's blog).

Apparently The Lord (in this image) was issuing a warning to Joe Biden (by knocking him down as he climbed the stairs to board AFO). What will happen if Joe Biden does not resign, Mystere? Will The Lord strike Joe Biden dead?

It will NOT happen, but say Joe Biden did "admit" the election was stolen? Then what happens, Mystere? Do you think Donald tRump will be inaugurated to serve a second term?

Another false prophet Mystere listened to was Mark Taylor. According to the retired firefighter, God himself had a hand in the elevation of Dotard to the White House. As per Taylor, "Donald Trump will sail into re-election in 2020 because the LORD's righteous right hand is upon him". How did that work out, Mystere?

If God wanted Dotard Donald to be president and if God told Mark Taylor that Joe Biden would be defeated and the Orange Turd would retain the White House, why isn't Dotard Donald still predisent, Mystere? Did God lie to his "prophet", Mark Taylor? Is Satan more powerful than God?

Or is it that these people Mystere listens to (Mark Taylor, Robin Bullock, etc) are lying sacks of shit who want to keep the donations from deluded "Christian" dupes (fools like Mystere) flowing?

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-256.


  1. Getting honesty from a Democrat is like trying to get blood from a stone.

    1. Mystere isn't a Democrat. Maybe you meant to write "Getting honesty from a republican is like trying to get blood from a stone"? That would make more sense.

    2. Exactly. But what explains your gullibility? Honestly I think you know Dotard Donald is a bigly liar, but it's a quality in him you ADMIRE. It has to be one or the other.

    3. Mystere's astute Institutional Analysis of the situation seems to have you perplexed, Dervy. And so you drag into the conversation all these bizarre racism theories like a Lycaen peasant to muddy the waters of discussion. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

      I am not "perplexed" at all. Mystere is a moron and a fake Christian.

      And I only pointed out the fact that Dotard Donald is a White Supremacist. Telling the truth is nothing to be ashamed about. You should be ashamed for continuing to tell such obvious and ridiculous lies :P

    5. How then do you then explain the *Presnit's tumble down those airline steps, if not an intervention of the Divine? Are you going to claim that his mental and physical faculties are failing?

      And what doe's DJT have to do with anything?

    6. A White House spokeswoman said Friday that President Biden fell on the steps of Air Force One because "it’s pretty windy outside".

      White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters aboard the presidential aircraft that she also was nearly toppled by the wind.

      "It's pretty windy outside. It's very windy. I almost fell coming up the steps myself", Jean-Pierre said.

      According to the National Weather Service, Joint Base Andrews in Maryland is experiencing winds of more than 20 miles per hour with gusts up to 25 mph.

    7. Have you ever tripped over a gust of wind? Me neither.

    8. Not "tripped over" -- knocked down by. The wind has never knocked anything down? LOL.

      Have you ever not been able to figure out how an umbrella works? Me neither.

    9. Did Boreas himself send the wind?

    10. If so, you should be praising Mystere's astute analysis rather than scorning it.

    11. Mystere believes himself to be a Christian. He doesn't believe in Greek gods. As a non-Christian, why would you be "praising Mystere's astute analysis" (his stupidity)? Have you converted?

    12. I'm not a Christian. I never said I wasn't a Deist.

    13. So what? I'm talking about you referring to Mystere's claim that God anointed Dotard Donald as an "astute Institutional Analysis of the situation". You think some other deity anointed Dotard Donald (helping him win in 2016) but then failed to help Dotard Donald win in 2020? Did Dotard Donald fall out of favor with this deity or was this deity simply too weak to keep Dotard in office in the face of Joe Biden's "fraud"?

    14. You don't think Karma will visit the Democrats? lol!

    15. LOL! No. Not regarding something that didn't happen (the theft of the presidency by Joe Biden). The Democrats might enjoy some good karma for the hard work they are doing to help the American people. As for bad karma, I'm still waiting for Dotard Donald to get his comeuppance for the evil life he has led.

      fyi, in the photoshoped image of Joe Biden boarding AFO (the one from Mystere's blog that I posted above), it isn't Boreas or karma assailing the president. It's Jesus. Since you say Mystere's analysis is astute, I will assume you have converted to Christianity. Or maybe you're just full of shit.

    16. Or maybe I just don't know what any gods look like...

    17. Who said that photoshopped image represents what Jesus actually looks like? It is how he is depicted, however. You've never seen any depictions of Jesus before? I don't believe you.

    18. G_d in earthly form? Like Zeus as a Swan or a Bull? Or Ganesh? Or Buddah? Which one is the "real" G_d?

      I don't believe He takes earthly forms. But I understand religious symbolism. Is the whip depicted in Jesus' hands a literal "whip"?

    19. We were talking about Mystere and the fact that he considers himself to be a Christian. He doesn't believe in the other Gods you mention.

    20. But he does believe in one of them.

    21. Do you believe in that one (the Christian God)?

    22. Wikipedia: "Christoplatonism is a term used to refer to a dualism opined by Plato, which holds spirit is good but matter is evil, which influenced some christian churches, though the Bible's teaching directly contradicts this philosophy and thus it receives constant criticism from many teachers in the Christian Church today. According to the Methodist Church, Christoplatonism directly contradicts the Biblical record of God calling everything He created good".

      I don't know why you keep repeating that you aren't a Christian. As if I keep forgetting I already read comments by you (in which you say this) numerous times previously.

    23. lol! Who said I was a Christoplatonist? When did Plato ever mention Christ?

    24. Don't blame me for Christian misapplications of Plato, or worse, Neoplatonisms.

    25. Here's the disproof of Platonic dualisms from Plato himself. "Parmenides"

      Then may we not sum up the argument in a word and say truly: If one is not, then nothing is?


      Let thus much be said; and further let us affirm what seems to be the truth, that, whether one is or is not, one and the others in relation to themselves and one another, all of them, in every way, are and are not, and appear to be and appear not to be.

      Most true.

    26. In a similar vein, "Cratylus"

      SOCRATES: Nor can we reasonably say, Cratylus, that there is knowledge at all, if everything is in a state of transition and there is nothing abiding; for knowledge too cannot continue to be knowledge unless continuing always to abide and exist. But if the very nature of knowledge changes, at the time when the change occurs there will be no knowledge; and if the transition is always going on, there will always be no knowledge, and, according to this view, there will be no one to know and nothing to be known: but if that which knows and that which is known exists ever, and the beautiful and the good and every other thing also exist, then I do not think that they can resemble a process or flux, as we were just now supposing. Whether there is this eternal nature in things, or whether the truth is what Heracleitus and his followers and many others say, is a question hard to determine; and no man of sense will like to put himself or the education of his mind in the power of names: neither will he so far trust names or the givers of names as to be confident in any knowledge which condemns himself and other existences to an unhealthy state of unreality; he will not believe that all things leak like a pot, or imagine that the world is a man who has a running at the nose. This may be true, Cratylus, but is also very likely to be untrue; and therefore I would not have you be too easily persuaded of it. Reflect well and like a man, and do not easily accept such a doctrine; for you are young and of an age to learn. And when you have found the truth, come and tell me.

      CRATYLUS: I will do as you say, though I can assure you, Socrates, that I have been considering the matter already, and the result of a great deal of trouble and consideration is that I incline to Heracleitus.

      SOCRATES: Then, another day, my friend, when you come back, you shall give me a lesson; but at present, go into the country, as you are intending, and Hermogenes shall set you on your way.

      CRATYLUS: Very good, Socrates; I hope, however, that you will continue to think about these things yourself.

    27. Dualisms are an artifact of the dialectical process, of splitting a whole into its' relevant parts.

    28. Dialectic is a deductive reasoning process used to gather clues as to the proper and true dual premises needed to apply to achieve a successful inductive reason.

    29. I think you know Mystere is an idiot. It's just that (to you) he is a useful idiot. And it's better to encourage a useful idiot than to discourage one. Explaining your absurd comment about Mystere's "astute Institutional Analysis of the situation" re a religion you don't believe in.

    30. I think that Mystere is an oracle along the lines as the oracle at Delphi or Dodona. Both required interpretters.

    31. Think in terms of Lacan's four discourses. I interpret the discourses of the University, Master, and Hysteric, as well as my own.

    32. ...and it is through analyzing the differences in these four discourse that one can discover the influence of desires upon one's ideologies and thoughts.

    33. So you are going to convert to Christianity? Mystere an oracle... that's funny. Not that funny though. He's actually watching YouTubes from others who claim to be prophets. Of the Christian God. Not of Greek Gods. Though I think they are either liars or getting their "prophecies" from Satan.

    34. Of all organized religions, it's one of the "least worst." Unlike Islam, they don't preach world conquest.

  2. Hey Minus Eff Jay,

    How do YOU explain Donald Jobless Trump's losing the presidency? Talk about "an intervention of the Divine!" Trump's defeat actually happened in the popular vote and in the E.C. vote. Yup. It did. Only Trumpian cultists don't accept it.

    So. Explain why this event -- Trump losing the presidency -- isn't Divine intervention.

    It appears to me and to millions and millions and millions of other sane people that some Greater Power looked down on America, saw that its incompetent 45th Preznit was unconcerned and oblivious to the 500+ thousand Americans dying from COVID-19 and said "Whoa! We gotta kick that Dotard's arse outta there before he continues to eff up the U.S.of A. for another 4 miserable years! And so it came to pass that Divine Intervention saved America from the Liar, Cheater, and Fraud.

    But not before his cultists committed sedition against the United States and caused the deaths of 7 people and injuries to dozens more in their inept and treasonous attempt to overthrow the government and illegally install the incompetent, avaricious, and venal Donald J. Trump.

    Now that's a heap of righteous Divine Intervention if ever there was such a thing!

    1. Stuffing ballots doesn't rise to the "Divine" in my book.

    2. Mystere says Dotard Donald was anointed by God. God anointing a candidate is divine intervention. You're walking back your comment about Mystere's analysis being "astute"? After already defending Mystere's stupidity multiple times?

    3. Trump won the actual legitimate vote. The election was stolen from him.

    4. Dotard Donald lost the "actual legitimate vote". Also, you dodged my question. If Dotard Donald was anointed by God (as Mystere claims), why did God allow Joe Biden to steal the election?

    5. G-d doesn't tell you, me, or the Devil what to do. Free will. :)

    6. I never claimed otherwise. You're the one who said Mystere's stupidity was "astute analysis". What is the "appropriate action" The Lord is going to take if Joe Biden doesn't resign?

    7. Mystere seems to think God is going murder President Joe Biden unless he resigns. You disagree with Mystere's "astute analysis"?

    8. That G_d will "murder" him? Of course I disagree. G_d doesn't murder people. He doesn't need to. Others will gladly act for Him.

    9. He gave us the "Gift" of Free Will.

    10. I never disagreed that people have free will. It explains why people like Dotard Donald can choose to live a life of evil and, instead of any serious consequences, be elevated to the presidency. Also why Joe Biden will face zero consequences imposed on him by God.

      Aside from the fact that Joe Biden is a GOOD man and a practicing Catholic who God very likely smiles upon. Instead of going to the "eternal BBQ pit", Joe Biden will be welcomed into the kingdom of Heaven for his life of service (aka he was a "good and faithful servant").

    11. Joe Biden isn't going anywhere... so he's immortal? I doubt it. Unlike your "dementia" diagnosis, which I do not doubt at all. I know it is total BULLSHIT. Joe Biden absolutely positively is dementia-free and as sharp as ever.

      btw, while Joe Biden isn't immortal, I do think it's likely he will serve 2 full terms, given how happy the American people are with the GREAT job Biden is doing as president so far. Also given the fantastic mental and physical health he obviously enjoys.

    12. A "silver alert" has never (and will never) be issued re President Joe Biden. You lie. If you have proof of a "silver alert", link to it. btw, I refer to actual proof, not "satire" or "parody" from some rightist "onion" type "comedy" site.

    13. You laugh at the stupidity of insisting (contrary to reality) that Joe Biden has dementia. I've never laughed at this stupidity.

    14. You simply refuse to acknowledge the truth. Biden has no brain.

    15. A person with no brain could never be elected president. Although a very dumb person could. Dotard Dotard is proof of that.

    16. btw, if Biden has no brain, it is impossible for him to have dementia. Given that "dementia is caused by damage to brain cells".

    17. Obviously, a brainless person can easily be elected president provided all those around him wish to usurp and exercise his Presidential prerogatives.

    18. Biden is already a blabbering fool. Soon he won't be able to even read his prepared teleprompter statements.

    19. Joe Biden REPLACED the blabbering fool. Perhaps Joe Biden will go blind and be unable to read a teleprompter? Anything is possible, though I am unsure why you are making that prediction.

    20. Did you see him at the climate summit babbling about Jill's vacation? The man can't even stick to the prompter.

  3. And here's more Divine Intervention against Trump:

    "The Supreme Court has once again declined to take up a lawsuit alleging that the 2020 presidential election was contaminated with widespread voter fraud. Attorney Marc Elias, who has been keeping track of the lawsuits, tweeted that this “closes the door on the last Trump/GOP post-election lawsuit.” It is over.

    Five months after the presidential election, the Supreme Court said on Monday that it won't take up a case from several Republicans challenging changes to election rules in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.

    The unsigned ruling sends yet another message that the court's majority has no interest in relitigating the last election.

    Before Monday, the justices had already declined several requests to dive into one of the most litigious elections in history, denying petitions from then-President Donald Trump and other Republicans seeking to overturn election result in multiple states President Joe Biden won.

    There were no noted dissents."

    Got that -FJ? That's from a heavily conservative SCOTUS, which Trump fertilized with three of his nominees.

    No dissents.

    Now the question is, are you going to hang onto your inane conspiracy theories of "a stolen election," or are you going to accept reality and join the rest of sane humanity?

  4. Institutional analyses aren't conspiracy theories. SCOTUS believes none is required of our election system. The majority of voters disagree.

    1. -FJ wrote "The majority of voters disagree." regarding a recent SCOTUS ruling Shaw cited.

      Like a lot of folks I've read and listen to -FJ, you seem to be traveling down the rabbit hole that says since a number of voters believe something to be true, or accurate, or right, or legal, it must be so.

      That's not the system we have, nor the system that the originists have for years defended. At some point in our history, slavery was struck down, poll taxes were deemed unconstitutional, laws against interracial marriages were deemed unconstitutional and more. And yet when all of that happened, in many areas, majorities of voters disagreed.

      And they were wrong. As they are today.

      BTW... unrelated, but important. Officer Sicknick died of multiple strokes, the day after the Jan 6 insurrection. Not from his injuries.

      Since I, along with a majority of people believed he died as a result of being attacked that day, I felt it important to state that I was wrong.

    2. Why should the system be so resistant to an institutional analyses then? They go so far as to censor news reports. It doesn't pass the smell test.

    3. ...and thank you for your intellectual honesty.

    4. "all that transpired played a role in his condition".

      Being praised for "intellectual honesty" by Minus is meaningless. He doesn't practice it. QED his reliance on amazing coincidences to explain deaths when the true cause (or full picture) is inconvenient to his narratives.

      Officer Sicknick was assaulted and died less than a day later... total coincidence.

      ex-Officer Chauvin compressed George Floyd's lungs until he died... but that the death occurred while under Chauvin's knee was (again) a total coincidence.

    5. I'll admit that Chauvin's presence on the defendants chest wasn't helpful to his breathing, but shouldn't have been fatal to it in the absence of the fentanyl OD.

    6. So it wasn't a heart attack? Say it was... the police can just assume every suspect they encounter is 100% healthy and apply force that would kill a person who isn't? Or did you just admit Chauvin murdered Floyd.

    7. btw, as per Dr. Martin Tobin, Floyd did not die from an OD.

    8. Floyd committed suicide by not getting in the cop car when he had the chance.

    9. BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Derek Chauvin was found guilty on a second-degree unintentional murder charge, guilty on a third-degree murder charge, and guilty on a second-degree manslaughter charge in the death of George Floyd.

    10. NewsMax: Former Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin will likely seek to overturn his murder and manslaughter convictions by arguing that the jury was prejudiced by media coverage and a settlement in the civil case brought by George Floyd's family, though his odds of success are slim, legal experts said. :)

    11. Amnesty International should classify him as a political prisoner.

    12. That only proves just how political they really are.

    13. The killer Chauvin was found GUILTY by a jury of murder. Because he murdered George Floyd. The video tape evidence and testimony of his fellow officers was irrefutable. Politics had nothing to do with inmate Chauvin's JUST conviction.

    14. When are you going to arrest all those Minneapolis Police Department trainers who taught Chauvin how to kill?

    15. Chauvin's Restraint On Floyd's Neck Isn't Taught By Police, Use-Of-Force Trainer Says. (excerpt) Lt. Johnny Mercil, who has been in charge of teaching the use of force in the Minneapolis Police Department's training division, says former officer Derek Chauvin's use of his knee on George Floyd's neck is not a technique the police teach when instructing officers how to restrain people.

    16. Police official: Chauvin trained to avoid neck pressure. (excerpt) Minneapolis police are taught to restrain combative suspects with a knee on their back or shoulders if necessary but are told to "stay away from the neck when possible", a department use-of-force instructor testified Tuesday at former Officer Derek Chauvin's murder trial.

      Lt. Johnny Mercil became the latest member of the Minneapolis force to take the stand as part of an effort by prosecutors to dismantle the argument that Chauvin was doing what he was trained to do when he put his knee on George Floyd's neck last May.

      Several experienced officers, including the police chief himself, have testified that Floyd should not have been kept pinned to the pavement for close to 9 1/2 minutes... According to testimony and records submitted Tuesday, Chauvin took a 40-hour course in 2016 on how to recognize people in crisis — including those suffering mental problems or the effects of drug use — and how to use de-escalation techniques to calm them down. [end article excerpt].

      QED Inmate Chauvin disregarded his training.

    17. What was he trained by them to do in 2014? 2012? 2010? 2008? 2006? 2004? He was in the Minneapolis PD for 18 years. lol!

    18. Training is static and never changing? New training doesn't supersede old training? Who knew?

    19. You can't unlearn a successfully applied technique with a single admonition. It goes AGAINST experience.

    20. "Training" is but a poor substitute for experience.

    21. Did Inmate Chauvin's lawyer argue that his client was trained to murder? Should he have? Or was it "experience" that lead Inmate Chauvin to the decision that he should murder George Floyd? I do agree that experience may have suggested to him that he could get away with it (given how many cops have previously gotten away with murder).

    22. Experience taught him that when he used the knee hold in the past, nobody died.

    23. Obviously he did not decide to murder those people.

  5. Dave, No one will ever know for sure whether or not the events of January 6 contributed to the strokes that killed Officer Sicknick.

    From Washington Post: "Medical Examiner Diaz’s ruling does not mean Sicknick was not assaulted or that the violent events at the Capitol did not contribute to his death. The medical examiner noted Sicknick was among the officers who engaged the mob and said “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”

    Christopher Macchiaroli, a former federal prosecutor who handled violent crime cases before grand juries in D.C. Superior Court and U.S. District Court, said a ruling of a death by natural causes “does make it more difficult to bring a homicide prosecution.”

    Macchiaroli said additional evidence of some conduct by rioters could emerge independently, which prosecutors could argue contributed to the strokes. But he said that “any defense attorney . . . would use the medical examiner’s conclusions as clear-cut evidence of reasonable doubt.”

    In explaining the decision, the medical examiner’s office provided an updated timeline leading up to Sicknick’s death. A statement says Sicknick collapsed 7 hours and 40 minutes after he was sprayed, and then died nearly 24 hours after that"

    1. Let's face it, the ME's offices around the land became suspect the moment they began attributing all deaths regardless of true cause to positive COVID tests. Then they bent all the rules of impartiality to examine a video of George Floyd's arrest to ascribe murder to an event which all foresnic evidence points to the contrary and is subsequently ignored. The 'experts' are doing all they can to undermine their own credibility.

    2. An article co-authored by the known liar John Lott isn't going to convince me that hundreds of ME's ignored common sense and classified all deaths being as due to covid "regardless of [the] true cause" if there was a positive covid test. COMMON sense says the death of a person who died due to homicide (as per their death certificate) wasn't classified as a covid death.

    3. My favorite line: The manner of death, sometimes referred to as circumstances of death, is also reported on death certificates. Natural deaths are due solely or almost entirely to disease or the aging process (8). In the case of death due to a COVID–19 infection, the manner of
      death will almost always be natural.

    4. The New York Times is an American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership. Founded in 1851, the Times has since won 130 Pulitzer Prizes, and has long been regarded within the industry as a national "newspaper of record".

    5. Isaac Chotiner (NYT staff writer): When I called Chomsky, who is 91, last month for a long-scheduled interview, I had meant to discuss his career and life, and his latest book ... but he spent most of the hour-long session railing against the Trump Administration with a vehemence that slightly surprised me. Chomsky has always been extremely pragmatic in his political analysis, diverging from some other leftists in his belief in the necessity of voting for mainstream Democrats against Republicans. But in addition to supporting Joe Biden this year, he told me that Donald Trump is "the worst criminal in human history"... (10/30/2020).

    6. ...because DJT exposed the truth behind of Chomsky's "Manufactured Consent", that the Democrats and Republican's were a Uniparty that represented Chomsky's interests... power. Chomsky may have always claimed to have been an anarchist, but he really wasn't one. He was all for centralized power, just so it supported his preferred policies.

    7. Chomsky had lied to the most important person in the world... himself.

    8. No. Also, you linked to a video featuring Chomsky to "prove" your point. Now you turn on him after I point to a truthful comment he made re Dotard Donald's criminality.

    9. Chomsky is a Leftist like you? You really think that for me to quote him on one subject is to invoke him and agree with him on all? You really enjoy those foolish consistencies, don't you.

    10. So he isn't a liar? Dotard Donald is "the worst criminal in human history"?

    11. Being mistaken, and lying, are two different things.

    12. Quote: "Chomsky had lied to the most important person in the world... himself". I don't know why you'd listen to a liar. As for the YouTube you link to... I can't watch it now. But I doubt President Obama lied. And gwb was significantly worse than Barack Obama. Remember he was the one who lied us into 2 wars, one of which President Biden will be ending soon (despite BS from you about him sending more troops to Afghanistan).

    13. Maybe you should convince the left to shun the liar Chomsky like they shun all Rightist academics. Oh, wait, there aren't any.... they've all be passed over for tenure.

    14. You're the one who called him a liar.

      As for the video you linked to, Chomsky makes valid points, but I disagree that Obama was worse than bush. An opinion isn't a lie. Pakistan hasn't broken up. And gwb started the Afghanistan war, not Obama.

      btw, President Biden is going to end the war in Afghanistan. Something that Chomsky obviously will approve of. Something you thought Dotard Donald would, but did not do. You said President Biden would send more troops.

    15. I said he lied to himself. I never called him a "liar" and said that he lied to anyone else. And a "liar" is someone who does something "deliberate", not someone who can't see a thought that is repressed from his own consciousness.

    16. They can. But only if they "choose" to.

    17. LOL. That is a choice you make multiple times per day.

    18. Unconscious repressions aren't choices.

      In the West, installing these "repressive" processes are called by Freud "Oedipal" self-blindings. I, for one, cannot imagine actually committing incest with my children, even my dreams are censored. I know because I can interpret these dream censorings... and you make fun of Trump's talk of dating Ivanna. He couldn't 'f her if his life depended upon it.

    19. This paternal function imposes the law and regulates desire in the Oedipus complex, intervening in the imaginary dual relationship between mother and child to introduce a necessary symbolic distance between them. 'The true function of the Father is fundamentally to unite (and not to set in opposition) a desire and the Law', and the Symbolic Father is thus not an actual subject but a position in the Symbolic Order.

      By contrast the Imaginary Father is an imago, the composite of all the imaginary constructs that the subject builds up in fantasy around the figure of the father; and may be construed either as an ideal father or as the opposite, the bad father – what Slavoj Žižek referred to as "the reverse of the father, the "anal father" who lurks behind the Name-of-the-Father qua bearer of the symbolic law".[9]

      As to the real father, Lacan stresses how "the ravaging effects of the paternal figure are to be observed with particular frequency in cases where the father really has the function of a legislator...with too many opportunities of being in a position of undeserving, inadequacy, even of fraud, and, in short, of excluding the Name-of-the-Father from its position in the signifier".[10]

      Psychosis for Lacanians is the exact opposite of the Name of the Father – the absence of that identification with the symbolic order which ensures our place in the shared intersubjective world of common sense.[11] The Name-of-the-Father is thus the fundamental signifier which permits signification to proceed normally. It not only confers identity and position on the subject within the symbolic order, but also signifies the Oedipal prohibition (the "no" of the incest taboo).

    20. If a thought cannot cross from the right hemisphere Superego where "generalized" and "abstract" verbal thinking occurs and across the corpus callosum to the left hemisphere where Ego and particular detailed deductive verbal thinking occurs, the thought is said to be "repressed" and thereby omitted from consciousness. This allows a "confabulation" to replace the data void. It is not a deliberate "lie". It is an unconscious confabulation.

    21. A "Dream" influence by a "Desire".

    22. Dotard Donald: "I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her".

      You think there should be no taboo re incest?

    23. No, I'm saying that unlike many boys being raised today without fathers, he carries a incest taboo like mine in his brain that will repress and distort all such thoughts. He is no danger to his kids.

    24. The taboo didn't stop him from talking about dating his daughter. Or speculating on how large Tiffany's boobs might end up being (while she was a baby). Most people don't say such things in public. Especially on TV. tRump does because he is a misogynist who views women as objects.

  6. Joe Con and -FJ continuing down that rabbit hole known as alternative reality. Gosh, what a surprise. NOT.

    1. ^^RN pontificating from on high and exercising his right to douchebaggery^^

    2. Whatever. Truth is something that bites. Especially when you know it's so. But by all means project on Joe Conservative.

    3. Truth's certainly NOT the "Narrative".

    4. Your delusions sustain you -FJ.

    5. When Minus states that "Truth's certainly NOT the Narrative" he's talking about The Sinclair Broadcast Group.

      ...a new study shows that the trend toward conglomerate ownership [has] made stations slant more to the right politically — even as the stations lost viewers. ... Since 1990, Sinclair has been on a buying binge that took it from being a bit player to the nation's biggest owner of local stations. It also has attracted attention for its conservative political leaning. During the 2016 election campaign, for example, Sinclair stations aired 15 "exclusive" interviews with Donald Trump. In 2017, it hired a former Trump White House official as its chief political analyst and made his commentaries must-run on all stations. Last year, all of its anchors were ordered to read an identical script that echoed Trump's rhetoric about "fake news". (7/30/2019).

    6. Yup, a concerted effort to influence folks to deny truth and embrace fiction. All for the purpose of enriching themselves through anticipated political and economic favors for supporting and spreading the tRump's big lie.

    7. Embrace the fiction... "white RACIST cops".... you must FIGHT them or you will NEVER be GOOD!


    8. Help the DOJ take over and police EVERY local PD in the country. It is your duty to centralize police powers in *Pressknit Joe Biden's hands!

    9. Every local PD is NOT going to be taken over. That is a totally false narrative. The George Floyd justice and policing act only provides for some needed oversight.

      Also, racist white cops are a REAL problem and NOT a "fiction". Not only have White supremacists and militias infiltrated police across US, but we also have a lot of cops who are unconsciously racist and/or carrying out institutional racism :P

    10. Institutionally deployed imaginary unconscious racists requiring real Kommissars...

      Don't turn around, uh ah oh
      Schau, schau
      Der Kommissar's in town, uh ah oh
      You're in his eye
      And you'll know why
      The more you live
      The faster you will die

      Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?

      She said babe you know
      I miss Jill and Joe
      And all my funky friends
      But my street understanding
      Was just enough to know what she really meant.

    11. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that – poof – he's gone!"

      White Supremacists like Minus think they can pull off the same trick. Deny, deny, deny... "poof, the White racist cop is gone". "poof, institutional racism doesn't exist".

      It isn't working, Minus. The conviction of the murderer Chauvin is proof that the arc of the moral universe may be long, but is bending toward justice.

    12. When punishing cops for doing their jobs becomes "Justice", there are going to be a lot less people willing to become cops.

    13. We shouldn't punish cops for doing their jobs. That would be stupid.

    14. George Floyd's family is rich because a White cop murdered him. inmate Chauvin wasn't punished for "doing his job", he was punished because he was found guilty (by a jury) of murder. If fewer racists want to become cops so they can give Black people "wood shampoos"... I think that is GREAT.

    15. Do you think that's going to happen, or do you think that the crime rate including murder, assaults, and rapes of black people will go up? Cuz it's already happening. Karma can't be overcome by good intentions. Progressives are walking, talking, and activists for "moral hazards".

    16. The reality is that homicides in major cities including Baltimore are not race neutral. Of the more than three hundred people killed in the streets of Baltimore last year, just about all of them were African Americans. The shooters (killers) were most likely black as well. This is a devastating plague acutely affecting black communities across the country.

      We must realize that some black people are a much greater threat to other black people than the Ku Klux Klan or the White Citizens’ Councils. The number of blacks gunned down in the streets by other blacks parallels our memories of the many blacks lynched in communities across the United States after Reconstruction. This is a devastating plague acutely affecting black communities across the country.

      The killings continue even as the country faces a coronavirus pandemic that prompted the governor to place the state on a stay-at-home lockdown. No one is to go out unless it is for essentials such as groceries and prescription medications. The killings don’t stop. Again it is mostly black victims.

      And while some people don’t want to admit it, the aggressive law enforcement tactics that some declare overbearing have worked in reducing crime.

    17. George Floyd didn't murder a fellow Black citizen. He wasn't suspected of murdering a fellow Black citizen. Chauvin wasn't preventing the George Floyd from murdering anyone by murdering him first. It isn't an "aggressive law enforcement tactic" for police officers to murder suspects in their custody.

      Stuff your "ta-da" up your ass.

    18. But George Floyd DID murder a black person. The fentanyl proves he murdered himself.

    19. ...and that Chauvin was there doing all he could waiting for medical treatment to arrive and trying to SAVE his life.

    20. Dr Martin Tobin (a pulmonologist and lung expert): "George Floyd died from a lack of oxygen as Chauvin knelt on his neck, and not from drugs or health issues".

      Inmate Chauvin was OBVIOUSLY trying to murder George Floyd. He was told George Floyd had no pulse. Inmate Chauvin was trained in CPR but declined to administer it. The EMT that showed up had to tell Chauvin to GET OFF Floyd. Why the jury convicted Chauvin of murder.

      Quote: "Paramedic Seth Bravindar said he had to ask Mr Chauvin to get off Mr Floyd so that they could access the patient".

      QED you are FULL OF SHIT.

    21. Perhaps if George Floyd didn't have COVID, he could have drawn suffucuent breath.

      Damn you, Covid!

    22. The jury held Inmate Chauvin accountable for George Floyd's death.

    23. The jury took on the communities responsibilies, instead of their charter... individual justice.

    24. The jury decided correctly. Though, even given the overwhelming evidence of Inmate Chauvin's guilt, that the correct verdict would be reached was in serious doubt. YOU were sure Inmate Chauvin would get away with murder. Hence your worry about riots if the jury decided there should be no justice.

    25. To be honest, I thought that the manslaughter charge was the only possibly valid one. The murder charges were for rubes like you.

    26. The good thing about the conviction was it showed just how politicized the issue has become. It proves that no cop in America is safe from the idiots.... and it's why they're all getting out of the business in droves.

    27. Paying triple will be WELL worth it... if the killers leave in droves and there are no more murders... and resulting record-breaking settlements. You want to keep paying tens of millions to the families of people murdered by the cops. So long as the killings continue - it's worth it to you, apparently.

  7. Lets get a fwe things clear... 1) Not ALL cops are thugs and racists. The majority are good citizens just trying to do their jobs. 2) Some cops, like Chauvin, with 17 prior documented misconduct actions (as well as many others across the nation), are racist and operating outside of proper policing protocols. These are thugs and or racists. 3) It is not difficult to tell the difference and the majority of civilians as well as cops know the difference.

    Taking federal action to root out thuggish and or racist policing is not a bad thing nor will it result in direct daily oversight by the DOJ of all PD's in the nation. That is, as usual nothing but rightwing con BS. Driven by fear of losing your white privilege.

    1. RN = Don Quixote of Racism

      They don't call him a knight-errant for nothing.

    2. The Don Quixote of imagined imagination? lol!

    3. These folks view reality as fiction. Their hide bound allegiance to racist and or immoral politicians (tRump tops the list) who wish nothing but to preserve our judgemental and racist heritage is as sickening as it is pathetic.

    4. Sorry, I leave my race glasses at home. It's just the way I roll.

    5. Your racism doesn't require glasses -- it's in your brain.

    6. Is it in my hands and feet, too? Then why would anyone care what was in my brain?

      You have rape in your brain. Should I lobotomize you? Think that anyone could remove it from your brain by telling you that it was wrong to think about it? You're thinking about it now, aren't you? lol!

    7. I'm anti-rape. Apparently you're pro-rape?

    8. Even in anti-rape, rape is in your brain. And it ain't going anywhere. It simply waits for opportunity...

      So as long as your hands and feet aren't moving to it, who gives a sh*t what's in your "brain"?

    9. You are pro-White Supremacy. And your hands and feet moved to protect it when you voted for Dotard Donald. fyi, if presented with an opportunity to rape... I would decline said opportunity. Clearly you would relish such an opportunity and bless your good fortune that said opportunity presented itself.

    10. lol!

      Still making A not B errors! What are you, 9 months old?

    11. You think a large number of adults can make this error. Why you believe you can hide (via denials) your White Supremacy and people will be fooled into thinking racism no longer exists.

    12. I never said racism didn't exist, I said it's so small a problem as to be a non-problem.

    13. How many actual committed self-acknowledging racists are there in America? My bet is that its' under 10K.

    14. ...and of those 10k, there may be only 50 or so that have any impact at all upon how blacks live their own lives (ie - refuse to hire them)

    15. How many actual committed self-acknowledging racists are there in America?

      Exactly. Most racists deny their racism. Even to themselves. As you do.

      Quote: The leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is tired of "a few rogue Klansmen" ruining the group's reputation, and argues that the group is a non-violent Christian organization. "We don't hate people because of their race, I mean, we're a Christian organization"...

    16. ...and a battle must be fought to denounce him because... ?

    17. Minus FJ = doesn't believe the KKK is doing any harm or that it's leader should be denounced.

      Makes sense that you'd be opposed to criticism of your peeps.

    18. Antifa has assassinated more people in the past 5 years than the KKK.

    19. ...but you still pretend that they don't exist... that they're the new "invisible empire".

  8. The KKK is a fake "christian" and former domestic terrorist organization. Of course racists always deny their racism. So do racist "chrisrians".

    1. You mean a fake "Democratic Party" organization. lol!

    2. The Democratic Party and the KKK are unaffiliated... except in your delusions. aka it's an imaginary affiliation. There is more of an affiliation between the KKK and the republican party. Given that your continuing (despite losing the election) standard bearer is a White Supremacist.

    3. The KKK was founded by a Democrat for Democrats. They're the "muscle" end of the DNC since 1865.
