Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Capitol Police Officers Whose Testimony Would Have Countered Incredibly False Dem Narrative That trumpers Rioted MURDERED To Prevent Them From Talking!

Police officers at the Capitol on January 6th were willing to come forward to dispute the false narrative that there was a riot. Why they had to be murdered.

Though Kidme37 (comment from the Geez blog) says he has no "inside information", maybe he's on to something? Remember that HRC had Seth Rich murdered after he downloaded data from the DNC server (to a thumb drive) and handed it off to a WikiLeaks agent.

So, when Hillary found out that 4 brave Capitol Police officers were willing to testify that, instead of rioting, trumpers were hugging and kissing officers (who then ushered them into the Capitol), she put in a call to her goons to "Vince Foster" those would dare go against the "incredibly false Dem narrative".

As per a blogger some readers may be familiar with (Willis Hart) thousands of hours of videotape exist and most of it isn't being released. Why? To cover up the fact that there was no insurrection (he puts "insurrection" in quotes).

What really happened? trumpers (as per their first amendment right) peacefully assembled to save the country. As proof Willis links to the Bitchute video below.

The cop says the trespassers should be peaceful and they AGREE. Surely the murdered officers would have confirmed this, thus destroying the Dem false narrative. No matter that the only reason the massive crowd gained access to the capitol was by doing battle with and assaulting police officers.

Once they got there that's when the hugging and kissing took place. Watch the video and you'll see that the cop and protestor make out. Or imagine that's what happens after the video ends. Clearly they are just about to hug, then kiss.

BTW, the officers who testified before Congress? They're liars. Check the money trail. It probably proves they were paid to spin false tales of being "assaulted" by the Clinton Foundation. Or people associated with Joe Biden.

Obviously the officers cried crocodile tears, as the purported "assault" was actually "no more serious than a roller coaster ride". Though, if the tears were real, these cops should "be heading to the shrink quicklike because [their] brains are defective". Further proof there couldn't have been any "suicides" and that the four deaths MUST have been four murders.

Because tears are unbelievable, let alone that any cop would kill themselves because of a "roller coaster ride" followed by hugging and kissing.

Post authored by the pro-Biden Dervish Sanders. WYM-263.


  1. Of course you completely ignored my comments that attributed their deaths to a passage a l’acte... to save themselves the abject embarrassment originating through Nancy Pelosi's ire.

    1. Who knew that the Capitol Hill Police was staffed with hysterical lesbians?

    2. Ignored when? I never saw this specific stupidity from you before. FYI, officers (the ones whose deaths have been ruled suicides) Gunther Hashida, Kyle DeFreytag, Jeffrey Smith and Howard Liebengood - are all male and therefore couldn't be lesbians. Though I suspect you calling them "hysterical lesbians" is your misogynistic way of insulting them. To you their "blue lives" do not matter.

    3. Go back to the thread that you stole all your "scare quotes" from.

    4. Memory refresher...

      -FJ says:
      August 3, 2021 at 9:58 am
      Suicide is what Lacan calls a passage a l’acte… a “throwing one’s self off the stage.

      It is only later in Seminar X that Lacan returns to the above matrix when discussing what he describes as the passage a l’acte in the case of Freud’s patient known by the unfortunate moniker of ‘the female homosexual’. She takes a walk with the woman she loves in the neighbourhood where her father works; he sees them and shoots her a menacing glare. It is at this point that she experiences what Lacan describes as a “moment of greatest embarrassment… with the behavioural addition of emotion as disorder of movement”, as per the matrix (Seminar X, 23.01.63.) This emotion, coupled with a disorder of movement, realises what Lacan calls the two conditions for the passage a l’acte which takes the form of the jump onto the railway line. For Lacan, this passage a l’acte reduces the patient to the status of object a:

      “What comes at this moment to the subject, is her absolute identification to this a [object a], to which she is reduced. Confrontation with this desire of the father upon which all her behaviour is constructed, with this law which is presentified in the look of the father, it is through this that she feels herself identified and at the same moment, rejected, ejected off the stage” (Seminar X, 16.01.63.).

      The desire of the father, in other words, is condensed into the gaze, his scornful glare which precipitates her suicide attempt. Unlike acting out, the passage a l’acte of which this scene is an example is not simply demonstrative. It does not make an appeal to the Other like acting out does.

      Nancy Pelosi’s scornful gaze… caused them to “jump out of the way/off the stage”

    5. Your absurd bullshit is too stupid to warrant an "LOL".

    6. But now we understand why my "hysterical lesbian" comment is so apropos vis the weeping photo's of the officers...

  2. Yeah Derv, I stopped over to the Mothership Of Bullshit and Delusions today... I actually thought nobody could be as f_ _cking delusional as these nutjobs are. How the hell these idiots ever get out of theie own frigging way probably mystifies even the most briliant anong us.

    1. This blog is some kind of mothership? I never knew that blogs could fly...

    2. Calling that blog a "mother ship" is a metaphor. Apparently your illiteracy prevented you from understanding that.

    3. What, no one can play the "literally" game but you?

    4. I don't know what comments you might be referring to. Literally you talked about flying blogs. When a "mother ship" accurately describes an aircraft carrier. The planes fly, but the ship doesn't. It floats.

    5. ...or it could be the Zeppelin that launches planes in the Last Crusade.

  3. btw - When are the Capitol Hill Police going to get their new black Praetorian Guard uniforms? And how many E-8 aircraft are in the budget for their new air surveillance wing?

    1. republicans voted to fund the "praetorian guard". In the Senate the vote was 98-0. btw, I doubt you'd be spouting this bullshit about "praetorian guards" if Dotard had won and Biden supporters stormed the Capitol to "stop the steal". Then you be ALL for the funding. Or if Democrats and anti-Dotard people had taken to the streets in protest. As I recall, you said multiple times (with anticipatory glee) the national guard should shoot a few such protestors to send a message.

    2. I'm sorry, then why are the Capitol Hill Police setting up satellite offices in other cities around the country if not to surveille the countries populace w/o oversight? And why would they need an aerial surveillance system ala J-STARS for 24/7 recording of ground/ air traffic? The Capitol Hill Police are not subject to FOI disclosures. They're starting their own intelligence network devoid of Executive oversight or public transparency.

    3. As if I'd believe anything Dinesh D'Souza says. The Capitol Police are there to protect everyone in congress, including republicans. Why the Senate voted 98-0 for the funding. That Nancy Pelosi caused officers to commit suicide is absurd BS. Though absurd BS is your (and D'Souza's) speciality.

    4. They are? That's why it's always a "crazy loner" when Republicans are attacked and a "conspiracy to overthrow the government" if a democrat gets in the line of fire. It's all caritas on the Republican side of the aisle and no caritas on the Democrat side of the aisle

    5. What bullshit. It's almost always crazy loners no matter who is attacked. Only January 6th involved a mob of thousands of people. I don't know how many (dozens?) pre-planned the attack and they (Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers) absolutely did have the intention of overthrowing the government. That is just a fact.

      It's another FACT that there is caritas on the Democratic side of the aisle and 100 percent the opposite of caritas on the White Supremacist republican side of the aisle. To claim otherwise is a laughable absurdity.

    6. Dotard Donald ran on hate. Hate is the opposite of caritas.

    7. You are right about one thing. You'll get no more "benefit of the doubt" from him or us.

    8. You'll get no more "benefit of the doubt" from us. The purpose of your "election integrity" laws are to steal elections you can't win.

    9. You're the one that always needs to change the rules... :)

  4. Over to you Derv. I have had MORE than enough of the utter delusional bullshit the idiots like eff jay continue to dream up in the empty vessel they call their heads.

  5. OMG! The dotards of The Mother Ship are playing their favorite game again: Showing the world what neurotic, paranoid anti-science and anti-reality clodpates they are.

    The anti-democracy, anti-American Trumpers on that blog mocked the Capitol policemen who defended against Trumps armed thugs -- the armed thugs who smeared feces all over the Capitol building and chanted "HANG PENCE," and tried to find Speaker Pelosi so they could kill her.

    Those pro-fascist Trumpers believe the January 6 was nothing more than a bunch of happy Trumpers having a touristy visit in the Capitol building where they beat up policemen and caused the death of 5 people.

    Pay attention, people. This is EXACTLY what easily manipulated saps believe contrary to what the rest of the world actually witnessed.

    Luckily, they're only about 30% of the population and their number are diminishing, not growing.

    Let them have their demented ideas available for the rest of us to read and mock.

    Remember this: Trump has only 38% approval by the American people and a whopping 54% don't want him to run again in 2024.

    Trump and his "cabinet" are living in an alternate reality that the rest of us understand as a mass psychosis.

    1. Remember indeed how many nights Portland burned.

    2. Zero nights. Portland is still standing. It wasn't another Great Chicago Fire.

    3. Arson isn't protesting. Arsonists should be arrested and charged. If they can determine who might be guilty. While arson is a crime, it isn't insurgency.

      Protesting isn't insurgency. It is also not a crime. It is a Constitutionally protected right.

    4. How much clearer could it be that eff jay and probably all trumpers have completely checked out of reality?

    5. Because mentally ill morons entered the building (illegally) doesn't mean there wasn't an insurgency. Your incredibly false narrative that there was no insurgency works with Dotard supporters. The rest of us know the insurgents were there to "stop the steal", not to "protest the steal".

    6. They hanged Mike Pence? Who knew?

    7. Mike Pence didn't run away? Instead, he faced those chanting that he be hung? But, instead of hanging him, they said they were really disappointed in him, then let him go? Who knew?

    8. Name one "insurgent" that wasn't a LARPer.

    9. Everyone who entered the Capitol. Nobody was there to "LARP". As for your one name... Ethan Nordean.

    10. The guy pushed and prodded on by FBI agents? lol!

    11. I have no idea who that guy is or what he has to do with my comment. I was talking about a member of the Proud Boys who was charged with entering the capitol and conspired with other Proud Boys beforehand. They thought they could stop the certification of Joe Biden as president. aka they plotted insurgency.

    12. How is an article naming the head of the Proud Boys an FBI informer relevant? lol!

    13. In a separate filing, Seattle-area Proud Boys organizer Ethan Nordean — charged alongside Biggs in the alleged conspiracy — submitted excerpts from what he said were 1,500 pages of Proud Boys Telegram messages supplied by prosecutors in ongoing pretrial discovery. Those messages, per Nordean, show that rather than executing a well-orchestrated plot, Proud Boys members were disorganized, confused about their Jan. 6 plans — in part because Tarrio had been arrested and banished from Washington, D.C., on Jan. 4 — and surprised the mob of pro-Trump “normies” helped overtake the Capitol.

      No, his boss, Enrique Tarrio was the FBI informer.

    14. The italicized type you posted isn't from the article I linked to.

    15. lol! You mean there might be more sources for information?

    16. You wrote "how is an article naming the head of the Proud Boys an FBI informer relevant?". I assumed (naturally) you were talking about the article I linked to. And that your quote was from the article I linked to. Given that you didn't provide a link it was a logical assumption.

      That said, what difference does it make if the plot wasn't "well orchestrated". The point is there was a plot. There was a reason they showed up.

  6. This was posted by one of the more ignorant commenters on that blog:

    People are ignorant of what is going on around us.
    I work with a guy that seems OK with everything going on.
    Then I tell him that University of Michigan is demanding work at home employees to get the untested injection of RNA changing chemicals and he registers revulsion at the stupidity.

    But he’s had the shot, so he doesn’t mind if you are forced to. Not his problem.

    There is no RNA changing "chemicals" in the vaccine.

    Besides, it's mRNA that is the catalyst in the vaccine. So he's got that part wrong because he's not very smart and wouldn't educate himself on any of this.

    I volunteer for a woman who is a PhD virologist and whose lab did testing for COVID in 2020 and this year as well. She knows what the hell she's talking about, unlike the numbskull in bold above. That numbskull runs a talk show on some obscure far right radio station in East Bumstunk. He knows nothing, but is smug about his ignorance and is happy to pass his stupidity along to his fellow stupids.

    Even the term "RNA chemicals" is completely off the wall.

    "mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases.

    mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.

    The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is those vaccinated gain protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.

    Messenger RNA (mRNA) is found in all living cells. These strands of genetic code act as chemical intermediaries between the DNA in our chromosomes and the cellular machinery that produces the proteins we need to function: mRNA provides the instructions this machinery needs to assemble these proteins.

    mRNA isn’t the same as DNA, and it can’t combine with our DNA to change our genetic code.

    However, mRNA isn’t the same as DNA, and it can’t combine with our DNA to change our genetic code. It is also relatively fragile, and will only hang around inside a cell for about 72 hours, before being degraded."

    As I've said before, their argle-bargle prattling is mostly harmless, and, I suppose, it's better than having them sit around sticking forks in their eyes and eating paste.

    1. The mRNA seems safe. It breaks down and isn't around for long. What I've heard concern about is the lipid nanoparticles.

      Chemical and Engineering News: To protect the fragile molecule as it sneaks into cells, they turned to a delivery technology with origins older than the idea of mRNA therapy itself: tiny balls of fat called lipid nanoparticles, or LNPs.

      LNPs used in the COVID-19 vaccines contain just four ingredients: ionizable lipids whose positive charges bind to the negatively charged backbone of mRNA, pegylated lipids that help stabilize the particle, and phospholipids and cholesterol molecules that contribute to the particle's structure. Thousands of these four components encapsulate mRNA, shield it from destructive enzymes, and shuttle it into cells, where the mRNA is unloaded and used to make proteins. ... Positively charged lipids are inherently toxic, and companies struggled for years before landing on formulations that were safe and effective. When injected intravenously, the particles invariably accumulated in the liver, and delivery to other organs is still an obstacle. [end excerpt]

      I found a video via Mystere's blog where a guy identified as the "inventor" of the mRNA vaccine (Robert W. Malone) and other people identified as scientists discuss their concern that there hasn't been enough testing and that lipid nanoparticles might (7-8 years down the road) cause various cancers.

      Wikipedia/Robert W. Malone: Robert Wallace Malone is an American virologist and immunologist. His work has focused on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. During the COVID-19 pandemic he was criticized for promoting misinformation.

  7. The radio guy was spot on...

    Messenger RNA (mRNA) is found in all living cells. These strands of genetic code act as chemical intermediaries between the DNA in our chromosomes and the cellular machinery that produces the proteins we need to function: mRNA provides the instructions this machinery needs to assemble these proteins.

    Thanks for confirming.

    1. Confirming what? That "mRNA isn't the same as DNA, and it can't combine with our DNA to change our genetic code. It is also relatively fragile, and will only hang around inside a cell for about 72 hours, before being degraded"?

    2. because the mRNA degrades 72 hours, that doesn't mean the vaccine works in 72 hours. The body still needs to produce antibodies. Duh. Your comment is proof you have no clue.

    3. Just because you induce a somatic hypermutation as opposed to a germinal one doesn't mean that you haven't altered the immune system's genes in that individual.

    4. ...and you can't undo it once it's done. The Long term affects are still unknown.

    5. ...after all, cancer is but one such hypermutation.

    6. It was incredibly stupid of you to take it then. If you believe it does no good, only potential harm.

      WebMD: There are lots of unfounded fears about the COVID-19 vaccines... and one of the most pervasive is the idea that these new shots aren't really vaccines, but that they will somehow change your genes or insert themselves into the DNA of your cells.

      You may see people posting on social media about the vaccines being a kind of gene therapy, and they're partly right, but in the end this idea often misses some important details about how the vaccines work. They can't change your genes, and they don't stay in your body for more than a few days.

    7. I don't know what it will do. THAT is the real problem. ;) I just hope it doesn't compromise my immune system when confronting a future variant.

    8. "...doesn't mean that you haven't altered the immune system's genes in that individual".

      Except that it would impossible for any of the vaccines to do that. Because "for the vaccines to alter a person's genes... the mRNA instructions would have to enter the cell's control center, the nucleus. The nucleus is walled off from the rest of the cell by its own membrane. To get past that membrane, the mRNA would have to have an enzyme called a nuclear access signal... which it doesn't have".

    9. For Rumble, misinformation is a feature, not a bug. (excerpt) It turns out that while other social media sites are finally getting around to putting in place governance standards addressing misinformation, Rumble is promoting its willingness to host that content. ... [CEO Chris Pavlovski] says Rumble's approach to content moderation is similar to larger tech companies "ten years ago" and that while certain obscene content is prohibited, lies are just fine. "We don't get involved in scientific opinions; we don’t have the expertise to do that we don't want to do that", Pavlovski said.

      ...Rumble is enjoying the same sort of success as Parler in the wake of some right-wing personalities moving away from platforms like Youtube and Facebook, which were being stricter with content moderation policies. But in welcoming those personalities to set up shop on Rumble, Pavlovski makes the mistake of categorizing dissenting opinions and misinformation as one and the same.

      Anti-vaxxers turn to Rumble to spread their false narratives. A quick search for "COVID-19 vaccines" on Rumble shows many examples of misinformation. In fact, it is easier to find misinformation about the vaccines than it is to find credible information about them.

    10. When you can't attack the messenger, attack the medium. lol!

    11. I can "attack" both. The messengers are spreading disinformation and Rumble is excited to let them do it.

    12. No, Rumber isn't putting a basket over every "Mathew's" lamp.

    13. Whatever you call the disinformation, that doesn't change the fact that it's dangerous.

    14. QED. You call disinformation "truth", but that doesn't make it so.

    15. Nietzsche, WtP 534 The criterion of truth resides in the heightening of the feeling of power.

    16. It is absolute. Personal perception of truth is subjective. Your perception is clouded by your delusions.

    17. lol! Then Plato's Parmenides dialogue is true. "If One is not, then nothing is".

  8. That's not what the Stupid Guy wrote. He wrote this piece of argle-bargle:

    "Then I tell him that University of Michigan is demanding work at home employees to get the untested injection of RNA changing chemicals and he registers revulsion at the stupidity."

    What is he talking about when he refers to "RNA changing chemicals?" Which "chemical" changes the RNA? And it's mRNA.

    Is the Stupid Guy a virologist? chemist? who's been involved in research for 20+ years and more on these complex biological issues? Or is he just another Trumper who likes to repeat stuff he reads on the "intertubz" and then sees himself as an expert on stuff he doesn't know?

    1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is found in all living cells. These strands of genetic code act as chemical intermediaries between the DNA in our chromosomes and the cellular machinery that produces the proteins

  9. Also this is part of the Stupid Guy's disinformation: "untested injection of RNA"


    MYTH: Messenger RNA (mRNA) is an untested vaccine methodology

    TRUTH: The COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines may be the first commercially available human vaccines to use mRNA technology, but it is has been used in the vaccine studies for 30 years.

    As others have observed: Let those folks on the Mother Ship keep posting stupid, uninformed information to each other and Darwinism will take care of them all.

    1. "one of the volunteers in the placebo group did die of COVID-19". If we can't force people to take the vaccine, surely we can't force people to not take it.

    2. We can't force people to not take illegal narcotics? Who knew?

    3. Non sequitur. Your comment has nothing to do with what I wrote. Yet you write "who knew" as if you're refuting a claim I made.

    4. "surely we can't force people to not take it."

      ..and stop calling me Shirley.

    5. Not take a vaccine. I didn't say anything about narcotics.

    6. You can only regulate narcotics? Who knew?

    7. Typical trumper child's play.

      It's what adult's with little to nothing to do regularly engage in.

      It keeps their addled minds busy.

    8. If we can't force people to take the vaccine, surely we can't force people to not take it.

    9. There's a difference between positive liberty and negative liberty. It's what separates a classical liberal like me from a progressive a-hole like you.

    10. Wanting to take a vaccine to protect yourself from covid (and potential death) sounds like a positive to me. And, conversely, risking health issues and possible death sounds quite negative. A-hole hypocrites like you are on the side of death and disease (for others. You, by your own admission, got vaccinated).

    11. ...unless the "vaccine" hasn't been tested and approved and may be yet proven to induce long term detrimental health effects...

    12. That isn't the situation with any of the covid vaccines that have emergency approval in the US (and soon full approval). Maybe you're referring to the Russian vaccine?

    13. You mean the people who abandoned clinical trial control groups and just gave the vaccine to everyone? LOL!

    14. The US is fully (100%) vaccinated? Who knew? btw, remember it was Dotard who initiated "operation warp speed" and promised vaccines quickly. Is "warp speed" 7-8 years (the supposed long term time frame during which people who received the vaccine will develop cancers caused by the lipid nanoparticles)?

      Hope you enjoy your cancer. You should thank Dotard when you receive your diagnosis.

      fyi, "Both [the Pfizer and Moderna] vaccines use lipid nanoparticles to deliver the mRNA to the cells. Lipid nanoparticles are just small structures that have an outer layer made of fat that doesn't dissolve in water. They protect the RNA from being destroyed before it has a chance to reach the cells. Outside of vaccines, nanoparticles have been used to deliver drugs in the body since the early 1990s".

    15. FYI, the accumulation of heavy metal and carbon based nanoparticles in cells (and organs) can cause cancer. The vaccines do not contain heavy metal or carbon based nanoparticles.

    16. No body cares about lipid nanoparticles. You really didn't watch the videos. Know what a retrovirus is?

    17. "No body cares about lipid nanoparticles".

      So why was Malone going on about how they might cause cancer?

      What it looks like to me is that the right is pushing "alternative facts" to shift the blame (for the continuing pandemic) from where it belongs (trumper-driven anti-vaxx/anti-mask stupidity) to Fauci and the Biden administration. But the Delta variant isn't the result of "vaccine selected pressure". It originated in India where the vaccination rate is low.

      First Malone teams up with the known liar Peter Navvaro, and now he decides to spread the "truth" on Steve Bannon's podcast? :P

    18. Lipid nanoparticles is but one tangential concern...

      On June 10, Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, joined evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., for a 3-hour conversation on the “Dark Horse Podcast” to discuss multiple safety concerns related to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

      In this short outtake [which was censored on YouTube soon after this piece was published] from the full podcast, Malone, Weinstein and tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch touch on the implications of the controversial Japanese Pfizer biodistribution study. The study was made public earlier this month by Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist.

      They also discuss the lack of proper animal studies for the new mRNA vaccines, and the theory, espoused by virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., that mass vaccination with the mRNA vaccines could produce ever more transmissible and potentially deadly variants.

      As The Defender reported June 3, Bridle received a copy of a Japanese biodistribution study — which had been kept from the public — as a result of a freedom of information request made to the Japanese government for Pfizer data.

      Prior to the study’s disclosure, the public was led to believe by regulators and vaccine developers that the spike protein produced by mRNA COVID vaccines stayed in the shoulder where it was injected and was not biologically active — even though regulators around the world had a copy of the study which showed otherwise.

      The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine’s developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and — in “quite high concentrations” — in the ovaries.

      The mRNA — or messenger RNA — is what tells the body to manufacture the spike protein. The lipid nanoparticles are like the “boxes” the mRNA is shipped in, according to Malone. “If you find lipid nanoparticles in an organ or tissue, that tells you the drug got to that location,” Malone explained.

      According to the data in the Japanese study, lipid nanoparticles were found in the whole blood circulating throughout the body within four hours, and then settled in large concentrations in the ovaries, bone marrow and lymph nodes.

      Malone said there needed to be monitoring of vaccine recipients for leukemia and lymphomas as there were concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. But those signals often don’t show up for six months to three or nine years down the road, he said.

      Usually, signals like this are picked up in animal studies and long-term clinical trials, but this didn’t happen with mRNA vaccines, Malone said.

    19. Malone said there are two adverse event signals that are becoming apparent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One of them is thrombocytopenia — not having enough platelets, which are manufactured in the bone marrow. The other is reactivation of latent viruses.

      Malone found the ovarian signal perplexing because there is no accumulation in the testes.

      Malone said the original data packages contained this biodistribution information. “This data has been out there a long time” within the protected, non-disclosed, purview of the regulators across the world, he said.

      According to Malone, the FDA knew the COVID spike protein was biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.

      In fact, Malone was one of many scientists to warn the FDA about the dangers of the free spike protein.

      Malone suggested autoimmune issues may be related to free-circulating spike protein which developers assured would not happen. To pick up autoimmune issues, a 2- to 3- year follow-up period in phase 3 patients would be required to monitor for potential autoimmune consequences from vaccines — but that monitoring didn’t happen with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

      Pfizer and Moderna also didn’t conduct proper animal studies, Weinstein said. What the animal models give us is a signal that alerts us to what we need to follow up on in humans.

      Weinstein said:

      “We’ve got very alarming short-term stuff. We’ve got short-term stuff that is alarming on the basis of where we find these lipids, where we find the spike proteins — those things are reasons for concern because it wasn’t supposed to be this way. We’ve also got an alarming signal in terms of the hazards and deaths or the harms and the deaths that are reported in the system and there are reasons to think they are dramatic under-reports.”

      Vaden Bossche got it right

      One of the potential harms from the vaccines, Weinstein said, was made famous by Vanden Bossche, a vaccinologist who worked with GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle, and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization in Geneva.

      Earlier this year, Vanden Bossche put out a call to the World Health Organization, supported by a 12-page document, that described the “uncontrollable monster” that a global mass vaccination campaign could potentially unleash.

      Vanden Bossche said a combination of lockdowns, and extreme selection pressure on the virus induced by the intense global mass vaccination program, might diminish the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the short-term, but ultimately, will induce the creation of more mutants of concern. This is what Vanden Bossche calls “immune escape” (i.e. incomplete sterilization of the virus by the human immune system, even following vaccine administration).

      Immune escape will in turn trigger vaccine companies to further refine vaccines that will add, not reduce, the selection pressure, producing ever more transmissible and potentially deadly variants.

      The selection pressure will cause greater convergence in mutations that affect the critical spike protein of the virus that is responsible for breaking through the mucosal surfaces of our airways, the route used by the virus to enter the human body.

      The virus will effectively outsmart the highly specific antigen-based vaccines being used and tweaked, depending on the circulating variants. All of this could lead to a hockey stick-like increase in serious and potentially lethal cases — in effect, an out-of-control pandemic.

      Malone said:

      “Vanden Bossche’s concern is not theoretical. It is real and we have the data. We’re stuck with this virus or its downstream variants pretty much for the rest of our lives and it’s going to become more like the flu. We will have continuing evolution and circulation of variants, and that is an escape.”

    20. Malone's concern was chiefly with the Spike Protein migration, not the lipid nanoparticles.

    21. So your wife wants you to get cancer? Or doesn't care if you get cancer? I assume this is the case, given that she demanded you get a "dangerous" vaccine to protect yourself from a "harmless" (in most cases) "flu" (how you have referred to covid previously).

      btw, how could the spike protein supposedly cause cancer? It's supposed to (my understanding) prevent the coronavirus from getting into the cell. That's it. And it wears off (why there is talk of a booster). So how could it cause cancer 1-9 years from now?

      Re the "free-circulating spike protein", says "the Spike protein is not released to wander freely through the bloodstream by itself, because it has a transmembrane anchor region that (as the name implies) leaves it stuck".

    22. ...which is why the remnants of the envelope are being found in organs inluding the ovaries of women. Evidence proves It didn't stay "stuck".

    23. The lipid nanoparticles are harmless. I don't know what your argument re the spike proteins is. They might cause cancer... how?

      Fact Check: 7 Persistent Myths about COVID-19 Vaccines. (excerpt) Myth: The mRNA vaccines change your DNA and could cause cancer. Truth: None of the vaccines interact with or alter your DNA in any way, and therefore cannot cause cancer.

    24. Harmless? “If you find lipid nanoparticles in an organ or tissue, that tells you the drug got to that location,” Malone explained.


      In fact, Malone was one of many scientists to warn the FDA about the dangers of the free spike protein.

      Malone suggested autoimmune issues may be related to free-circulating spike protein which developers assured would not happen. To pick up autoimmune issues, a 2- to 3- year follow-up period in phase 3 patients would be required to monitor for potential autoimmune consequences from vaccines — but that monitoring didn’t happen with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

      Pfizer and Moderna also didn’t conduct proper animal studies, Weinstein said. What the animal models give us is a signal that alerts us to what we need to follow up on in humans.

      Weinstein said:

      “We’ve got very alarming short-term stuff. We’ve got short-term stuff that is alarming on the basis of where we find these lipids, where we find the spike proteins — those things are reasons for concern because it wasn’t supposed to be this way. We’ve also got an alarming signal in terms of the hazards and deaths or the harms and the deaths that are reported in the system and there are reasons to think they are dramatic under-reports.”

    25. Neither the text you posted nor the video you linked to says how the vaccine could possibly cause cancer.

    26. Given your lack of a reply I will assume there is nothing that suggests the vaccines could cause cancer and that the claim is naught but baseless fear mongering.

    27. The point is that since the control group for vaccine studies was discarded, we'll never know if new and greater cancer incidences can ever be attributable to vaccinations.

    28. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: "None of the vaccines interact with or alter your DNA in any way, and therefore cannot cause cancer".

  10. There's a difference between positive liberty and negative liberty.

    So true! And the most egregiously negative liberty is Trumpism. That authoritarian fascist ideology supported by his knuckleheaded cultists. You know the one. Tge one that ultimately cost Hitler his job and his life.

    Hopefully the second occurs for Trump SOON!

  11. Negative liberty is freedom from interference by other people. Negative liberty is primarily concerned with freedom from external restraint and contrasts with positive liberty (the possession of the power and resources to fulfil one's own potential). The distinction was introduced by Isaiah Berlin in his 1958 lecture "Two Concepts of Liberty"

    There it is.

    Interesting concept. One not worth a bunch of time being spent on it methinks eff jay.

    It seems the battle of the anarchist libertarian movement and the values of our democratic republic began in 1958 maybe. And tRump bought into the junk politics.

    1. That's where you're wrong. It's the antidote to your totalitarian impulses.

    2. Righto bucko. Whatever the little voice in your head whispers to you.

    3. Oke Dokey Smokey. Whatever the f_ _ k you say eff jay. Hopefully you'll die a good peaceful death and not one by barbaric dismemberment. But if you don't, oh well. Just remember it is YOU that thinks ten "Thou Shall Not's" is too many.

  12. Oh dern! It looks like Mikey the Pillow Guy isn't going to "reinstate" Trumpy tomorrow!

    We're shocked! shocked! SHOCKED! I tell ya, to learn Mikey the Pillow Guy was pushing a truckload of horsepuckey!

    Josh Merritt, also known as “Spider” or “Spyder” and who was hired by Lindell for his “red team,” told the Washington Times on Wednesday at the symposium that, effectively, Lindell has sold his adherents a bill of goods. Lindell claimed that intercepted network data obtained by other hackers, also known as “packet captures,” could be unencrypted to reveal evidence of vote-switching by the Chinese-backed hackers.

    But Merritt has now said that’s just not true.

    “So our team said we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Merritt said. And it apparently turns out it was not legitimate.

    1. And the Dominion lawsuit against Lindell (which he tried to have dismissed) is going forward. I see bankruptcy in his future. LOL!

  13. Golly gee, what a shame if that happens. Not!

  14. Wait! What? I missed Reinstatement Day?

    Where were the parades? The celebrations? The Pomp and Circumstance?

    It's not possible those "so sure" of Trump's reinstatement were lying is it? Maybe they are just so mentally challenged that they actually believed the claptrap coming from Mr Pillow, the Powell's, MTG and Mayor "Throw a Fake"!

    1. OMG, the election system has been certified "fair" by the Arizona Senate? Who knew?

  15. -FJ… I believe in Arizona, as in most states, elections are certified by the Sec of State. In any event, the proper AZ officials as well as the GOP governor all certified that the election was free, fair and devoid of fraud.

    1. The Democratic one running for governor in 2022? LOL!

  16. Again -FJ, Joe or which ever moniker you are writing from today...

    Elected officials in Arizona, from both parties, including the GOP Governor, all looked at the results of the 202o election and came to the conclusion it was free, fair a devoid of fraud. That's a verifiable fact.

    In 3.4 million votes in Arizona, there were 182 cases referred for possible problems. Of those, 4 cases led to charges. No one was found to have voted twice anywhere in the state. Another verifiable fact.

    Additionally, the State Supreme Court, majority GOP, has thrown out, or ruled the cases had no merit, a series of election challenges from people arguing for the election results to be thrown out. Another verifiable fact.

    Lack of any evidence was one of the main issues facing the complainants.

    Like you, or all of you, the people petitioning the court somehow failed to understand that once you get your day in court, you need to bring real evidence, as opposed to "the fake" that Mayor Rudy thinks should be a standard for determining elections.

    1. Yes, they certified the election before any fraud was investigated...

    2. The AZ Senate, have realized their error, then ordered a full and detailed audit, the results of which we are expecting any day.

    3. Nobody is looking to "overturn" the election. They are seeking to restore voter confidence in the election system and correct any abnormalities or weaknesses in the voting system in time for the '22 off year elections.

    4. Joe says... "Nobody is looking to "overturn" the election."

      That is a false statement. President Trump and his supporters, including the Pillow Guy, have argued for months in court and in public opinion that the election needs to be overturned. As have members of the Arizona state legislature and senate.

      The election was certified after the Sec of State [D] and the Governor [R] and their staffs, determined there was no fraud. Just as it has been done for over 200 years in the US.

      The problem is that some people have convinced themselves that there is simply no way Dems/Progressives or otherwise non conservatives should win a free and fair election.

      Their beliefs have no basis in reality but it animates their actions.

      It's like Geez on her web site. She claimed time and time again that in the 2012 election, 60,000 more people voted in a specific Ohio county than lived there and those "people" cost Romney the election.

      The problem was it was not true and no data supported her fantasies. Her response? much like yours and many others today...

      She said she would never change her view. Like many on the Mothership, she simply stated she had her view, her truth if you will, and nothing would change her mind.

      That's the state of our election.

      We start with the a simple truth... that our elections are free, fair and devoid of fraud. Period.

      If people believe otherwise, bring proof. And let the courts decide.

      Except there is no proof of what you and others allege and there is no reason for us to entertain your fallacies forever.

      Every Sec State in the US has found your claims to be BS. Every Governor as well. Every court that has heard a challenge as well.

      It begins, at some point to seem as if you will keep shopping until you find a buyer. Thankfully that is not happening. The simple truth is this...

      There is no way to "restore voter confidence" of conservatives if doing so means they lose elections. You guys only believe an election is free and fair if you win.

    5. "Several concerns about the audit occurred, such as how the audit was being conducted, its legality, the conduct of auditors and security issues at the site, among others. The audit spawned interest to pursue similar efforts in other states, causing the Justice Department to warn Republican legislatures of potential violations of federal law :P

      The people behind the fraudits should be investigated, charged, and put on trial. Maybe Doug Logan will serve prison time? I don't know what the chances are, but (if that happened) it would certainly elicit a bigly LOL from me.

    6. ...and the coverups for incompetence known as the Democrats will continue...

    7. Thus far all the cover ups are in regards to trumper-Republican incompetence. Until the DOJ under Garland files some lawsuits.

    8. What criminal charges have been lodged against Cuomo...

    9. Cuomo Could Face Criminal Charges, Arrest If Investigation Backs Up Groping Allegations, Albany Sheriff Says. Forbes, 8/7/2021.

      What criminal charges have been lodged against Dotard Donald re the MANY sexual assaults and harassments he has been very credibly accused of?

    10. btw, those involved in and supporting the Cyber Ninja fraudit are seeking to destroy voter confidence in the election system as it exists. Even though voter fraud is statistically insignificant. Convince people that it isn't and pass tons of voter suppression laws to "fix" a problem (that doesn't exist). Thus making it easier for republicans to "win".

  17. Frankly joe con, you've swallowed so much bullshit you are now full of it!

  18. Joe said regarding election 2020 fraud... "...the proof is coming."

    Yes it is Joe... right after the Benghazi indictments, the Clinton murder indictments, the Vince Foster murder indictments, the Clinton Foundation indictments, et al.

    The only fraud the Heritage Foundation, no fan of liberal or progressive causes, has ever uncovered in almost 20+ years of searching is of GOP fraud.

    Even the Governor and political leaders of Texas acknowledge there was no fraud in their elections, yet believe they need a new law restricting access to the ballot to restore peoples confidence in the vote.

    How does that logic work?

    No one says there was anything fraudulent in Texas, yet GOP political leaders want to enact a new law limiting access and control over the elections to help people who wrongly believe fraud happened to have confidence in the elections.

    Again, the only thing the GOP wants is to win elections without having to appeal to a majority of US citizens. To do so they are systematically working to limit the ability of liberals and progressives to access the vote. Because again, to them, the only fair election is one where they win.

    Prove me, the 50 Sec's of State, all the sitting US Governors, more than 60 US courts, Bush, Obama and Trump appointed judges and history wrong. No stupid you tube links, no snide comments.

    Offer some real proof... if it exists.

    Can you do it?

    1. Done repeatedly over and over and ignored each time. Wait for the audit report.

    2. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

      Arthur Schopenhauer

    3. Joe... a couple of thoughts. First, it is exceedingly difficult to prove a negative to such a level that skeptics will accept. And the current dust up over the election is a great example.

      Can you define what evidence you, or those who have "lost confidence" in our elections will accept that there was no fraud?

      Are you able to define, with specificity, what would constitute the proof that would meet the expectations you have?

    4. For Minus there is only subjective "truth". For him objective truth does not exist. There is NO evidence or proof he will ever accept :(

    5. The Arizona audit report will suffice, if ever completed.

    6. Joe... so if the Arizona "audit" finds no conclusive proof of voter fraud, dead people voting, machine rigging, foreign influence, vote switching and or vote stealing, your confidence in the US voter system will be restored? You will then have confidence in our elections?

    7. And we await a response. Anyone care to place bets on what jc's response will be?

    8. So far the Arizona count has been withheld. If it confirms the 2020 election results, I'll be satisfied. If not I'll demand further election reform and proof that the reforms were effected.

    9. But without that final result, I can only assume that the system is as corrupt as I saw it and as it appears to tens of millions of others.

    10. Above Minus wrote "the Democratic one running for governor in 2022? LOL!". This was his reasoning as to why he distrusts the AZ Secretary of State. So, given that Cyber Ninjas is owned by a Dotard supporter, why shouldn't his "audit" receive an LOL from the Left? I seriously doubt they will "confirm" the 2020 election results. This whole "audit" is BS, so why would the results not be BS?

    11. btw, given the final result (multiple recounts that all confirmed Biden's win), I can only assume that Biden's win was legit as I see it and as it appears to tens of millions of others.

    12. ^^only believes recounts performed by the fraudsters^^

    13. audits are only valid when performed by independent agents w/o preconditions. Yours is the oficislismo that has lead to a 60% failure to replicate in published science experiment results.

    14. -FJ said... "audits are only valid when performed by independent agents w/o preconditions."

      Does the "Audit" in Arizona, based admittedly by GOP leaders, on a faulty assumption of voter fraud, conducted by a firm with ties to the far right wing of the GOP meet your definition of a valid audit conducted by independent agents w/o preconditions?

    15. Given that all previous audits were conducted with the faulty assumption of vote integrity by those with a stake in maintaining that false assumption, I'd say it's a good starting point for achieving a valid audit conducted by independent agents w/o such preconditions.

    16. I expect Arizona's audit to be biased. But I also expect Arizona's audited vote count to be substantially different from the one reported shortly after the election.

    17. ^^only believes audits performed by fraudsters^^

    18. You should errata that with "only believes audits by people who had nothing to do with cooking the original books."

    19. It's Official: The Election Was Secure These government officials, judges, and elected leaders, overwhelmingly Republican, have publicly acknowledged confidence in the November election. ... The nation's top intelligence and law enforcement agencies have confirmed that there is no evidence of significant voter fraud in American elections and that the 2020 election was secure.

      The Cyber Ninjas are cooking up a fake audit.

    20. Me? I'm still waiting on the Cyber Ninjas audit.

      Meanwhile in Texas, the GOP led legislature passed a series of measures aimed at "restoring confidence" in the elections the GOP largely won, spent over 20,000 hours investigating and finding one case of potential fraud and for some reason believes was stolen.

      It's a breathtaking lack of logic.

  19. We we be waiting a long while for real proof methinks Dave.

    As I witness the increasing authoritarian and Chrisstian fundamentalist shift in the right I cannot get the images of places like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan out of my head. That is because the images simply represent the direction the Trumpublican party wants the country to move in. To become an Authoritarian
    Christian Theocracy.

    Remain independent and become a Buddhist seems the best course of action given the present day realities.

    1. Your cloak of Gyges team is good at hiding information. Take some pride.

    2. "hiding information" = LOL.

      information: knowledge gained through study, communication, research, instruction, etc.; factual data.

      disinformation: deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda.

      I was watching MSNBC a few days ago and the MyPillow Crack Addict's commercial for his symposium came on. If your imaginary cloak existed, why would MSNBC run this commercial?

      You have disinformation channels (OAN, NewsMax, Others?). Rumble is hosting your videos aimed at sustaining the pandemic. Still you whine.

    3. LOL!!

      That would be FOX, Newsmax, and OAN. The Crown Jewels of bullshit journalism and Fake News.

    4. Rachel Maddow Has Most-Watched Show In First Quarter Cable News Ratings. (excerpt) MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was the most-watched host in cable news in the first quarter of 2021, with The Rachel Maddow Show delivering an average total audience of 3.604 million viewers. ... In the key demographic of adults 25-54, CNN's Cuomo Prime Time finished in first place with 658,000 viewers, followed by MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show (618,000 viewers)... [Forbes 3/30/2001].

      btw, if the imaginary cloak you continually reference existed, ad revenue wouldn't matter. That it does proves there is no cloak. Also, of course ad revenue is the reason. I saw the ad but just laughed, which I assume was the response of most viewers. Or some similar response. If the MyPillow Crack Addict wants to waste his money running ads on MSNBC, I say they should take the money. He's going to have to turn over all of it over to Dominion soon anyway.

    5. The site you linked to, The Western Journal, says it is "Equipping Readers with The Truth"... LOL!

      Quote: "Because of negative rulings by fact-checking sites and user trust surveys, Western Journalism was blacklisted by Google and Apple News, and by 2017 its Facebook traffic declined to near zero".

    6. Biden support among Independents has fallen to 32% (Tim Pool's latest).

    7. Biden made the right but hard decision, showing real leadership. Meanwhile republicans root for the Taliban, Isis and the Delta variant.

  20. Whining, bitching and moaning. It's all they got.

  21. "Federal judge sanctions Trump attorneys (Sidney Powell and Lin Wood) for spreading false election fraud claims

    It is the latest instance of the former president’s allies being penalized for their roles in spreading conspiracies about the 2020 vote.

    The attorneys must also pay legal fees for the city of Detroit and others that defended against the lawsuit and take 12 hours of training — including six hours focused on election law — in the next six months.

    The punishments foreshadow far more potentially devastating problems for Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and a cadre of other attorneys who used their so-called "Kraken" lawsuit to push a false claim that an international cabal worked to steal the election away from Trump in Michigan and several other states."

    I guess the "Kraken" got a good smacken. We'll see more of these frauds exposed and have judgements set against their irresponsible use of the law to push their totally bogus narrative of a fraudulent election. My only wish is that this goes to the top -- Donald Jobless Trump and, though he'll never go to jail, at least make him pay for what he did to our republic.

    1. Federal judges aren't politically appointed or biased? Who knew?

    2. That's a bullshit remark. Federal judges rule against liberals and liberal causes. You keep finding ways to disregard reality because you're drowning in your irrational need to make Donald Jobless Trump your hero, when in fact a minority of deluded wackos in this country still support the liar, cheat, and fraud.

    3. A federal judge's education and training equips then to better recognize bias and more successfully avoid being affected by biaad but they have biases nontheless. It is probable that even the best occasionally fall prey to their biases. Both liberal AND conservatives.

      None are as egregiously dishonest and self centered as the Orange Turd.

    4. Federal judge's rulings aren't overturned by SCOTUS every day? Who knew?

  22. Could it be that American's simply enjoy firing missle shots at each other as we go about our days thinking we're enjoying our conditioning and ALL the illusions that come with it.

    America is angry. At ourselves as well as others. It's the reality of interconnectedness. What we do to others we do to ourselves. We we do to ourselves we do to others.

    1. “The Nazis played the same games against Jews that today’s left plays against 'Eurocentrism,' 'whiteness,' and 'logocentrism.' When you hear a campus radical denounce 'white logic' or 'male logic,' she is standing on the shoulders of a Nazi who denounced 'Jewish logic' and the 'Hebrew disease'...The white man is the Jew of liberal fascism.”

      ― Jonah Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning"

      “A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.”

      ― Robert Frost

    2. "In his new book, Goldberg has drawn a kind of history in absurdly broad and comically wrongheaded strokes. It is not just history done badly, or mere revisionism. It's a caricature of reality, like something from a comic-book alternative universe: Bizarro history. ... Goldberg isn't content to simply create an oxymoron; this entire enterprise, in fact, is classic Newspeak. ... Along the way, he grotesquely misrepresents the state of academia regarding the study of fascism"... journalist David Neiwert, The American Prospect.

    3. God bless Joe Biden. btw, it is significantly more likely that Dotard Donald is going to prison. The noose is tightening around his neck :)

    4. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yawn, yawn, yawn.

      Isn't the merry-go-round of absolute absurdity lots of fun?

  23. Jonah Glodberg? LMAO!!

    Aother rightwing political hack.

  24. Since this post has included a lengthy section on voter fraud, I'm including what seems to pass as informed opinion in Republican leaning GOP circles. And in the spirit of the HMS Mothership of Denial, I'll add my admitted snark within...

    The Democrats are the party of voter fraud. [There has been little proven voter fraud by either party in recent memory, at least according the Heritage Foundation, State election leaders charged with certifying election totals and government officials of both parties.] This is the basic fact of American politics. [Perhaps he meant to say "This is a basic belief of the Republican Party.] Republicans know it, and so do Democrats. We all know that the dead who vote always vote for the Democrat and that those voting enthusiasts who vote early and often can also be counted on to vote for the Democrat. [A great statement, sadly, the author offered no proof, links or evidence. Simply saying it does not make it true.]

    Consequently, the rule in America has long been that to be elected, a Republican must win beyond the margin of theft. [Actually, the rule has been that you must get more votes than your opponent. Which many GOP candidates running for congress did in the last election. Unfortunately for the GOP, as Sen Ron Johnson noted this week, President Trump underperformed and lost. Plain and simple.] But the margin is changing. It is changing because the Democrats are getting bolder and more brazen. [Another statement presented without any evidence to back it up. If it is so prevalent, why is it so hard to show us the evidence?] The extent of this brazenness is soon to be unveiled in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania as their state audits unfold. [I have to wonder if these audits will meet -FJ's conditions to be valid. He says "audits are only valid when performed by independent agents w/o preconditions" and "I expect Arizona's audit to be biased." and yet believes it will be a good audit.]

    Welcome to the modern day GOP and conservatives. They set up conditions, negate those conditions when they don't like the results, spew unfounded opinions to cast doubt, in this case, on the most recent election which the Trump Admin called the most secure in American history."

    I'd have more respect for ppl like Joe and -FJ if they would just flat out say they will never accept a losing election result because, like the author, without any proof, they believe the system is rigged against them.

    At least the Mothership Capitana goes there. These guys, and the author of the article, which in in the ahem, "American Thinker" try to hide behind a veil of smartness completely unsupported by facts allowing goal posts to be moved on a whim.

    All in service to an ideology that American is leaving behind.

    1. ...but a least the fruits of Democrat Lyndon Johnson's experts in designing a "Great Society" have finally been realized...

  25. Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love and an exclusively Democrat utopic "Great Society" success since 1952.

    Makes you yearn for the bygone days of "capitalist mothership"... don't it?
