Sunday, April 17, 2022

Twitter Is Deep State

Recent comments by the maganutter Minus FJ as posted to Who's Your Daddy (a magamoron blog).

As per the article Minus links to, "If my hunch is correct, Elon Musk is poised to expose the well-kept secret that most social media platforms are operating on U.S. government tech infrastructure and indirect subsidy".

Magamorons are rooting bigly for Elon to acquire Twitter. They think that he's going to reinstate dotard donald and allow the platform to be used to spread disinformation. Is Elon a dotard supporter? IDK. He isn't a Biden supporter. And (according to what I've heard) he's a "free speech absolutist". Which means, under Elon, it would be anything goes on Twitter.

Or so trumpturds hope. Why they're all for Elon buying Twitter. And they know "Truth Social" is a bigly stink bomb. "Truth Social is currently looking less like a success and more like an embarrassing dud".

dotard donald should NEVER be allowed back on Twitter. He was permanently suspended for a reason, which is "the risk of further incitement of violence". Nothing has changed. If dotard donald runs for predisent and loses (again) he would definitely call for violence and we all know it.

As for the stupidity Minus links to about "most social media platforms" being subsidized by the government? It's tinfoil hat nuttery. dotard donald regularly violated Twitter TOS. No other Twitter user has ever been allowed to violate Twitter's TOS over and over (as donald tRump was permitted to do) with zero repercussions. If Twitter were "deep state" they would have waited until the END of his presidency to ban him?

Twitter is not making a decision to decline the generous offer by Elon Musk because of stewardship or fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. The financials of Twitter as a non-viable business model highlight the issue of money being irrelevant. Twitter does not and cannot make money. Growing Twitter only means growing an expense. Growing Twitter does not grow revenue enough to offset the increase in expense.

There is only one way for Twitter to exist as a viable entity, people are now starting to realize this.

What matters to the people behind Twitter, the people who are subsidizing the ability of Twitter to exist, is control over the global conversation.

Control of the conversation is priceless to the people who provide the backbone for Twitter.

Once people realize who is subsidizing Twitter, everything changes.

(From the 4/17/2022 The Conservative Treehouse article, Jack's Magic Coffee Shop).

Will Elon reveal that Twitter is deep state? Stay tuned. If he's able to buy it, then yes?

Post authored by the pro-Biden/anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-274.


  1. Imagine if Twitter started shadow banning liberals and their trans/gay agenda and censoring BLM anti-racist posts... the Left would suddenly become Free Speech advocates...

    1. "Truth Social" banned someone who tried to sign up as "Devin Nunes' cow"... the OUTRAGE! Also an example of trumpturd hypocrisy. You infringed on this person's free speech right to make fun of Devin Nunes.

      btw, As per Twitter: "We do not shadow ban". The Left doesn't advocate hate or spread disinformation, so we don't have much to worry about re Twitter "censoring".

    2. That Jeffrey Epstein lied has been proven. Where's your link to the proof that Twitter shadow bans? You pull the same BS with Google ranking search results. That's how the algorithms work.

    3. lol! An algorithm that deliberately ids and buries conservitive posts is just "an algorithm?". Who knew?

    4. Twitter insists that it doesn’t shadowban users. ...unless you are Donald Trump or an MD not toeing the Fauci line....

    5. " hint to avoid a Twitter shadowban is to get verified on Twitter and receive a blue checkmark badge next to your name. Being Twitter verified, you are safe from shadowban penalties".

      So tRump never verified his Twitter account?

    6. So you're talking out of your *ss AGAIN. Figures.

    7. I have a Twitter account. I don't have a Blue checkmark. You have one because "Dash Farmer John" is your real name? And how is quoting an article me talking out of my ass? What about all the cut and pastes of entire articles on your blogs?

  2. In the social media "information age" having control of "information" and the the ability to control the conversation is pure gold to tRumpers.

    A reinstatement of tRump's right to use social media to spread his egregious lies and anti liberty pro authoritarian propaganda would naturally delight -fj as well as the rest tRump's deluded and angry cutists.

    Social media is the new propaganda frontier and authoritarians will be the first to perfect its potential for doing evil. Which, as we all know, is why -fj and the horde of tRumpers are rooting for elon musk to successfully purchase twitter.

    Much of America likes snakes and well as the weeds they thrive in.

    1. use social media to spread his egregious lies and anti liberty pro authoritarian propaganda

      ^^Example of current White Leftist Privilege^^

    2. After spending the last six years practically turgid with joy as other unaccountable billionaires tweaked the speech landscape in their favor, they’re suddenly howling over the mere rumor that a less censorious fat cat might get to sit in one of the big chairs. O the inhumanity!

    3. Elon isn't on the board. Elon's bid to buy Twitter will likely fail. He's going to end up owing a smaller percentage of Twitter. And trumpturds are the ones constantly howling. They demand to be able to spread their egregious lies and anti liberty pro authoritarian propaganda because... "free speech".

    4. There's no democracy w/o free speech.

    5. Nobody is stopping you from exercising your "free speech" rights on "Truth Social". It's available in the Apple app store. Apple hasn't banned it. QED you're full of shit.

    6. ...and soon, the same will be true of Twitter! :)

    7. Twitter is currently available in the App store. Nobody is preventing you from downloading it and using it. You have to follow some rules, though. Which isn't unreasonable. I doubt there would be zero rules if Elon buys it. If so I think people would quickly abandon it. As it would become a cesspool of White Supremacy, bigotry, misogyny, and dangerous disinformation. Wouldn't "free speech absolutism" have to allow pedophiles tweeting about how sexy children are? Is that what you want?

    8. The first blog I ever participated in was totally unmoderated. Paedophiles and *ssholes were crushed by the commenting community and quickly fled.

    9. So, what you're claiming is that people sexually attracted to kids don't use the internet? Because they get "crushed" and quickly flee? I'm pretty sure that isn't accurate. You're bigly proof that the assholes don't flee.

    10. People sexually attracted to kids don't like getting doxxed in front of the kids they're trying to groom.

    11. Is that like "Sanitized for your protection" signs on Motel toilets?

    12. It's harder to doxx someone who doesn't use their real name on social media. Or has never uploaded a picture of themselves. Mystere, for example, uploaded pics of himself. And got doxed for being an asshole. Not by me, btw. "This One" commented about him on WYD. And another person who Mystere made an enemy of contacted me privately by email.

    13. Not when you have friendly Twitter helpers...

      ...and of course, you feel perfectly free to "out" Mystere at every convenience, right? And THAT's not re-doxxing?

    14. You JUST claimed that self policing via doxxing is a good thing because it will keep people from being assholes. I warned Mystere to stop faking comments from me. And the asshole doxxed me first by revealing my "true identity" and address.

      Post from Mystere's blog that includes a picture of my house and map showing where I live.

      He's also doxxed Rational Nation on his blog.

    15. He posted my phone number on Lisa's blog and encouraged people to call it.

  3. So Minus Eff Jay is chiming in with his wrong paranoid opinions again? He's been wrong, wrong, wrong on everything so far, so it'll be interesting to see where his conspiracy theories take him this time. Pass the popcorn.

    Remember he predicted that the Arizona audit would uncover voter fraud -- Wisconsin as well. And that Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine, and that Trump would be "installed" as POTUS.

    Minus Eff Jay: "Imagine if Twitter started shadow banning liberals and their trans/gay agenda."

    OMG! Minus discovered our "librul" plot to turn all males into females and vice versa, making the males to females wear pink unicorn pajamas while reading about CRT in their math books!

    Oh Damn! He found us out!

    1. No. The viral video, only 30 seconds of a 40-minute speech by Biden, was fact-checked by International Business Times. Examining the live footage from the event, the publication claimed it becomes clear that Biden wasn't shaking hands with thin air. "In fact, he was gesturing at the people on the right and eventually behind him who were cheering. He even gestures toward the crowd on the left side of the dais, but it is covered by a mic stand", the report noted.


      Even worse.

    2. Did you check those two with the fact checkers? LOL!

    3. I found the fact check for the video you linked to. If you think the videos I linked don't show that donald is a dotard, then YOU tell me what your "fact checkers" (ones who dispute this) say.

    4. Your video, just like Joe's video, speak for themselves. They don't need "spinning". :)

    5. ^^Admission that Biden is a dotard^^

    6. No. President Biden wasn't shaking hands with thin air, he was gesturing at the people on the right and those behind him who were cheering.

    7. ...and DJT was just joking with Melania because she hadn't been speaking with him.

    8. ∆∆ thinks he can read Donald trump's mind ∆∆

      You just said the video spoke for itself and didn't need spinning.

  4. The Minus Eff Jays of the blogsphere and their sock puppets are a group of malcontented, conspiracists who sincerely believe in the fantasies they share with each other about the "Deep State," "grooming," (-FJ has glommed onto that as soon as it was approved by the Trump State propagandists), "the stolen 2020 election," infantile "Brandon memes," "Elon Musk and their complaints about 'free speech,' and Trump's thousands of egregious lies.

    The link to the video and Derv's comment also shows their dishonesty.

    Those same people ignore or dismiss the crimes committed by Trump, his family, and the seditious on America's Capitol by his unhinged cultists.

  5. It's interesting to note that the JoeCon sock puppets never mentioned the word "groomers" until it was propagandized by the conspiracists of the right. And like a good little parroting cultist, Joe came running here to repeat it.

    I don't believe I've ever read an original thought from the JoeCon sock puppet cultists.

    1. What makes you think that you're capable of recognizing an original thought when one is placed in front of you?

      ...and I've been following the Tommy Robinson grooming stories in the UK for going on a decade.

    2. Then you do know what grooming is. Yet you parrot the despicable trumpturd lie that teaching children not to be bigots is "grooming". Proving what a horrible shit you are.

    3. What's wrong, there aren't enough My Two Daddy rip-offs on the library shelves for you, Groomy?

    4. Yet I know a book about two dads (or moms) isn't grooming. And you object because you're the biggoted crybully.

    5. I'm not the one trying to get ten year olds to question their own "gender choices" with an introduction to "alternate (fact) lifestyles".

    6. There are many things that 10 years needn't worry themselves about, sexual deviance being but one.

    7. ...and as modern doctors will tell you, it's stupid to clarify something for 1% of the population with facts that will mystify the other 99%.

    8. I'm not the one trying to get ten year olds to question their own "gender choices" with an introduction to "alternate (fact) lifestyles".

      Nobody is.

      There are many things that 10 years needn't worry themselves about, sexual deviance being but one.

      Quote: While some people [bigots like Minus] believe that homosexual activity is unnatural, scientific research shows that homosexuality is a normal and natural variation in human sexuality and is not in and of itself a source of negative psychological effects".

      btw, kids can learn that gay people exist without going into graphic details regarding sexual activity. They know people are straight without learning about sexual activity until sex education class (in high school).

      ...and as modern doctors will tell you...

      They don't. Doctors are pro-education. Education is important in eliminating bigotry. You want people to remain mystified and bigoted.

    9. ...and is not in and of itself a source of negative psychological effects"

      Trans-'Confusion" should now slap you across the mouth, Dervy.

    10. Gender is not an infinite slate filled with endless options for sex-organ medical modification and adaptation. We all know that you suffer from horse-c*ck envy, but please, there's no need for you to inflict your perversions upon the rest of us with photos of your recent medical implants.

    11. Bigots are the source of the negative psychological effects. You think constant hatred results in positive psychological effects?

      Vox: The most pervasive myth about transgender people — and the one myth that underpins much of the discrimination they face — is that they’re somehow confused or actively misleading others by identifying with a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth. ...

      Studies... support the concept of gender identity. Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine conducted a review of the current studies. They concluded that the available data suggests there's a biological link to a person's gender identity, indicating that trans people are essentially assigned genders at birth that don't match their inherent, biologically set identity. ...

      If trans people were confused, one would expect a lot of regret among people who medically transition. But the research doesn't show this happening: As Brynn Tannehill, director of advocacy at the LGBTQ group SPARTA, wrote in the Huffington Post, multiple studies show almost no trans people — at most 1 or 2 percent — report regret after they medically transition.

    12. Coddling adults trying to edumacate children and impose worries upon them at inappropriate ages have produced the trans-apocalypse we're seeing and experiencing today.

    13. Any adult that even thinks of allowing a minor child to medically transition should be stoned by an angry mob.

    14. I don't think about it much. It's none of my business. I'm for leaving such decisions to the children, their parents and their doctors. Anyway, given that there ARE parents who have (and are) allowing their children to medically transition, how many stoning murders have you participated in? And why haven't you been caught?

      fyi, it's bigot trumpturd adults who are trying to edumacate children and impose worries upon them.

    15. That's a fallacious argument. It isn't all parents on one side versus non-parents on the other re your "grooming" BS. I have a brother with three daughters and another with a daughter and a son. I asked them and they say the "grooming" trumpturd moral panic is nonsense. Teachers are NOT grooming kids to be gay or question their gender identities.

  6. The rightwing tRumpubliscum shit pool is rather expansive and deep. As they wallow in ignorance and lies.

    1. Beats what the Democrat lumpen-salaried-bourgeoisie are swimming in.

    2. Good to hear you admit to the ignorance and unfortunate that you engage in and approve of if jc/eff j.

    3. Teacher in Austin TX: "kids need to be able to gather factual information and form their own opinions".

      Chaya Raichik = Lies and says this is teaching CRT.

      Minus = pro-grooming kids to be bigots. Minus believes kids have to be protected from facts.

    4. ^^Thinks that "My Two Daddy's" are facts, and not "alternate facts" for the vast majority of children.^^

    5. There are no children who have two dads? How about Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten and Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani? Their children don't have two dads?

    6. ...and please stop inflicting your EST trained desires upon minors. If this were Athens 2,000 years ago, I'd drag you into Court for "corrupting the youth."

    7. LOL! It's an actual fact for 100% of children. Whether they are aware that gay people exist or not. Not knowing a fact doesn't make it go away or be untrue. And you're the one trying to corrupt youths. By grooming them to be bigots.

    8. 100% of children have Two Dads? Wow! Did they all come out of Dad #1's anus, or Dad #2's?

    9. 100% of children exist in a world where some children have 2 fathers. Or two mothers. Babies don't come out of anuses, you ignorant bigot.

    10. LOL! 100% of children with 2 "Daddy's" have "Daddy's in name only". 100% of children come from a biological father and a biological mother. Cloning is illegal.

    11. Straight couples who adopt children aren't real parents? You say kids should have "real" parents or no parents?

    12. Maybe you're just against two men raising children? Two mommies or a mommy and daddy get the Minus stamp of approval? Who put you in charge of what constitutes a family?

    13. My gay son and son-in-law may soon adopt one of my son-in-law's nieces. If it happens, I'm sure that the "My Two Daddy's" book will get well-read, and I'll be happy for my "grand-daughter". For the rest of my extended family, the book would be just as "pointless" as the ones being read in millions of libraries across the nation.

    14. So, your son and son-in-law are going to coach their fake daughter to pretend one of them is a mommy? Because you'd be opposed to your fake granddaughter telling the truth about having two dads. Because her classmates couldn't handle it.

      What happens re parent-teacher conferences? Obviously both parents can't attend. Maybe the SIL should say he's a single dad and your son is just a friend helping out.

      btw, why are you OK with your fake granddaughter being groomed? If she grows up thinking gay is normal, she might decide she wants to be gay.

    15. Nobody needs to pretend about anything, Dervish. Nobody will think that her two dads are anything strange or unusual. Kids below a certain age won't care, and kids above a certain age know that it's a 2% thing.

    16. So teachers are "grooming" kids by telling them things they won't care about or already know? How does that work?

    17. btw, it's trumpturds who are telling kids they should care and view kids with two parents as unusual. And a reason these kids should be bullied. Contrary to your claims, we haven't progressed as a society to acceptance. This "grooming" bullshit being proof of that. Why education on the subject is necessary. trumpturd parents are angry that their kids are being taught that bigotry and racism is wrong.

  7. It is fact that there has ALWAYS been alternative lifestyles. As there ALWAYS will be. Fortunately the MAJORITY of society knows this. Also, it is fortunate the the majority realizes that those predisposed to such alternative life styes are of no threat to "straight" folks.

    eff j/joe con must feel threatened bigly. Hence the attachment to their boogeyman. I wonder why this is?

  8. The planet's entire eco system is out of balance and in severe stress... our existence is now threatened unles immediate remedial efforts are undertaken on a global basis and the eff j/joe con BS is important? Talk about convoluted priorities!

  9. FJApril 22, 2022 at 1:09 PM
    100% of children have Two Dads? Wow! Did they all come out of Dad #1's anus, or Dad #2's?

    Derv and RN,

    Don't waste your time explaining how the real world works to an hysterical homophobic malcontent. He and his sock puppets are obsessed with how other people live their lives -- especially sexual minorities.

    Homosexuality is human and normal. It has always been part of being human. It is a minority sexual preference. Period.

    The Eff Jays and JoeCons of the world have had their minds polluted by books that were written in the Bronze Age by a bunch of old ignorant desert dwellers, who glorified killing men, women, and children if the killing was done by their god for revenge. It's in their book.

    I'll repeat for those in the back: Homosexuality is part of being human, and has been part of humanity since we fell out of the trees.

    Those who continue to vilify, disparage, and slander gay people and gay marriage are doing so because of what their religion taught them. Without religion, no one would attack this wholly human sexual practice.

    PS. For those who follow the Ten Commandments: There. Is. No. Commandment. Against. Homosexual Love. Now it's true that the 10 Commandments have nothing to say about beastiality, incest, and pedophilia either. But those sexual practices are prohibited for practical reasons: Beasts and children cannot give consent to sexual intercourse, and incest would cause serious birth defects and eventually kill off whole segments of humanity if universally practiced. Read about it in the history of certain royal families that practiced it.

    Don't argue with people whose minds are sealed shut because of their religious beliefs. All they'll do is insult and make gross comments about a sexual practice that makes them nervous to think about.

    Perhaps they need to do some self-reflection on why that is.

    1. Homosexuality is a non-sustainable and "conditional" element in nature. For example, when two you male lions are banished from a pride by the alpha male, they band together and hunt for survival. Eventually they encounter a new pride and jointly kill the alpha male and all "cubs". They then begin breeding with the remaining adult females. Yes, homosexuality exists in nature. But it is a transitory and conditional state.

    2. Imitating this "natural process" is what the human Janjaweed militia units did in South Sudan. They raided Christian villages killing all males, then took over their wives as Islamic war-brides. Young children of these female war brides were typically killed. THAT is natures use for "homosexuality".

    3. The next time I require a Theban Sacred Band, I'll praise homosexuality to high heaven. Until then, it's proponents can go to hell.

    4. Your son couldn't find a wife so decided he settle for a husband? Is he going to dump his husband if he can find a wife?

      And why don't incels enter into homosexual relationships? As opposed to growing to hate women and (in some instances) targeting them in shooting sprees.

    5. My son has been "gay" since age 12/13. He never resolved Oedipus' riddle. It happens.

    6. You either resolve the sphinx's riddle, or you don't. Once you've given your answer, there's no going back (incels and over 12/13s)

    7. In your son's case Oedipus' riddle was part of the grooming process? Apparently you just sat back and did nothing while your son was groomed. As an "alpha male", I'd have guessed that you might kill the teachers responsible for turning your son gay. Or done something to try to stop it.

  10. -FJApril 22, 2022 at 12:41 PM
    ...and please stop inflicting your EST trained desires upon minors. If this were Athens 2,000 years ago, I'd drag you into Court for "corrupting the youth."

    And there you have it. Minus Eff Jay's magical thinking that we'd be better off living in what the world knew 2,000 years ago. Ancient ignorance: It's what Minus Eff Jay and his sock puppets dream of and believe in.

    We're in the 21st century. Lots of things you thought were immutable are changing. Two thousand years ago, a majority of humans thought the sun revolved around the Earth.

    Join the rest of the human race and let go of your attachment to Ancient fears and ignorance.

    Also, you sit on a throne of conspiracies! LOL!

    1. ....where bureaucrats like Fauci row in whatever direction they care to.

  11. Oh get off your supercilious high horse, Minus. Homosexuality doesn't impact the world's population, it's a minority sexual preference, demonized by certain religions.

    There are populations on this planet unbothered by the Abrahamic religions that condemn a natural human proclivity. Your mind has been polluted with taboos found in ancient texts written by essentially ignorant men who didn't even understand the connection between human sexual intercourse and pregnancy.

    Some people can break free of their indoctrinations that turns them against their own flesh and blood and condemns them to a life of dejection, pain, and sometimes death because of a natural human condition.

    You're incapable of understanding this.

    Many of us look at reality; you look at myths and believe they're real.

    You also are a hopeless conspiracist. Not one of your conspiratorial predictions have come true.

    Trump did not get reinstated in the presidency; the AZ and WI audits found no voter fraud, Hillary hasn't been indicted for ANYTHING, and Russia DID invade a sovereign country and tortured and slaughtered civilian men, women, and children -- even pregnant women and their fetuses.

    You, who jumps at any chance to condemn abortion for any reason had nothing to say about that sort of slaughter by the Russians, whom you support.

    You're not a serious person, but a true Trumpian hypocrite. Prove me wrong. Where was your hysteria over the death of innocent Ukraine civilian babies and fetuses?

    This is your sock puppet:

    "Joe Conservative April 22, 2022 at 7:16:00 AM CDT
    As the Ukraine deservedly get's its *ss kicked, the cries for admitting it into NATO will get louder and louder. Don't fall for it. Ukraine started this war, not Russia.

    Those "deservedly asses being kicked" are innocent men, women, and children. Congratulations on being on the side of a war criminal and bloody butcher.

    1. Where was your empathy for the Russian speaking resident of Donbass when the Ukraine began shelling them indescriminately and forcing millions to flee to Russia?

    2. ps - Abrahamic religions? I'm a Deist.

    3. The democratically elected government of Ukraine was defending itself against separatist terrorists, not indiscriminately shelling innocent unarmed Russian-speaking civilians.

      Quote: The separatists have admitted receiving supplies from Russia and being trained there. BBC reported that separatist ranks are composed of thousands of Russian citizens. They are designated as terrorist groups by the Government of Ukraine. (Source: Wikipedia).

      Many of these terrorists, if they fled to Russia, were fleeing back to where they came from. Russia started the war by funding the terrorist separatists and sending Russian citizens to assist them.

      I only have empathy for victims, not aggressors.

    4. Shaw: Can you link to the Minus FJ quote about Ukraine starting the war? Where did he say that?

    5. How do you defend yourself from behind a static border line that was set in 2014? The separatists were trying to infiltrate and conquer the rest of Ukraine? How come all the violations were along the border line?

    6. The separatist terrorists were trying to separate the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" and the "Luhansk People's Republic" from Ukraine. The clue is that they were called "separatists". Those were the regions Putin "recognized" as independent prior to invading. Though Putin hasn't limited his invasion to those two regions. Why not? If that is what this war is about. Instead Putin declared that Ukraine doesn't even exist (because his intention was to conquer all of Ukraine).

    7. ...and the separatist "border" being monitored by USCE observers was established in 2014 under the Minsk Agreements 8 years ago. They weren't going "anywhere".

    8. ...and THAT is when the Ukrainian AZOV militia's opened up with artillery on targets inside Donbass and Luhansk and causing Putin to decide to settle this once and for all.

    9. ...and while he was at it, he decided to open a nice big fat road to his Black Sea fleet ported in Crimea along the western shore of the Sea of Azov.

    10. Russia says it’s fighting Nazis in Ukraine. It doesn't mean what you think (excerpt). Ivan Katchanovski, a Ukrainian political scientist at the University of Ottawa [says] "That is a gift to Russian propaganda, that these groups were not dealt with before ... Neo-Nazis are a relatively small segment of Ukraine, but the fact that they are integrated in the Ukrainian armed forces and tolerated by Zelenskyy is a problem. ... These right-wing groups are real enough, but the [Kremlin] claim about Nazis in the Ukrainian government and army as a pretext for this illegal invasion of Ukraine is basically false".

      Volodymyr Ishchenko, a Ukrainian sociologist and expert at the Institute of East European Studies, Free University of Berlin, says that the Kremlin's fixation on the WWII metaphor for the current military operation is more than just a convenient pretext, but it is rooted in the Russian regime's lack of post-Soviet legitimacy.

      Soviet achievements like the victory over Nazi Germany are "fundamental for Russians to understand who they are", he says. "Nazis are absolute enemies. You can't do anything with Nazis other than defeat them. This Soviet frame is very powerful; indeed, no other one would work [to rationalize the military operation against Ukraine]".

      "...opened up with artillery on [TERRORIST] targets inside Donbass and Luhansk..."

      Putin decided to "settle once and for all" the conflict he was behind (the terrorists being Russian trained and funded).

  12. As eff j, joe con, and Thersites continue to marinate in the swamp of ignorance.

    1. Is that what they call this blog now?

    2. "Swamp of Ignorance:" It's what rational folks call the theo-fascist pro-Russian cable news and blog sites where you and your sock puppets dwell.

      You still think Trump won.

    3. Trump sure got more talk on the Sunday news shows today than Obama, or even Biden, for that matter. Guess who's setting the agenda now?

    4. Ignrance loves itself eff j, and you my man excel in that realm.

  13. Derv, here's where I found that quote you asked about.

    It's amazing how those folks know so much about world affairs but have managed to not be elected to or serve in any capacity in the last and current administration! Everyone's an expert; everyone has an opinion.
