That the low IQ blogger who calls himself Mystere is a complete imbecile isn't in dispute. My assertion he posts fake news stories on his blog means he is gullibe might be. I mean, if he makes no effort to fact check anything he posts, is it because he is gullible?
Not fact checking a story you WANT to believe (because you might find out the story is not accurate) is a choice. I don't know if someone can choose to be gullible. I'd call that deliberate ignorance.

Mystere goes on to write "Assface Dervish, if he dares to make a rebuttal, will oink that he knew nothing about this until after he saw this post".
The implication is, if I deny being aware of this story, it is because I agree that "pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation". Because I'm a Democrat and Democrats are cool with pedophila. I might be a pedophile myself. Mystere has written a number of comments were he asserts I am the Tennessee chapter president of NAMBLA.
NAMBLA is just another LGBTQ group according to Mystere. Except it isn't. Pedophilia is illegal and Democrats are not for legalizing pedophila. Because it is NOT "a natural sexual orientation". Hey, ASSHOLE, neither me nor my "buddies" condone pedophila.
For the record, I had not heard this particular lie before, but it didn't take long to find the following debunk.
Facebook ad attributed to TED Conferences is fake. Excerpt from a 5/3/2022 AP News story by Sophia Tulp.
CLAIM: Facebook allowed a TED-sponsored advertisement calling pedophilia "a natural sexual orientation" to run on the platform. AP'S ASSESSMENT: False. The advertisement, which has been circulating online since at least 2020, is not real. It was never promoted on Facebook... THE FACTS: The image, which was widely shared and debunked years ago, reemerged online in recent days, being circulated by social media users who say it shows an authentic advertisement on Facebook, and demonstrates a sympathetic stance to pedophiles by the company. Social media users are sharing a screenshot of the purported advertisement, which shows a man holding the hand of a young girl. The text overlaid on the fake ad says, "pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation it is in our responsibility to reflect and to overcome our negative feelings about pedophiles"... |
The title of Mystere's post is "Dervish Sanders Pulls His Pants Down Again". That I pull my pants down and reveal my junk being a metaphor for what I write. It reveals that I'm a pedophile. Or that I condone pedophile. Except NOTHING I've never written anything in support of pedophilia.
I say Mystere pulls his pants down and reveals he is a Qanon nutter. He created a "Qanon" ID he uses on Lisa's blog. He used to simply be "Qanon". Now he's "The Absolutely Most Brilliant Qanon, A Highly Snarky Middle Of The Road Commentator". Mystere isn't middle of the road or "brillant". He a rightturd extremist and an idiot.
Upset with my prior commentary, Mystere claims that I am "smearing Madison Cawthorn with innuendos that have already been proven false and libelous". This despite the fact that my prior commentary included images and videos (of Cawthorn himself). Does he think they are deep fakes? Cawthorn CONFIRMED that the images and videos are genuine, Mystere.
Though his excuse is that it was a "joke". "We were acting foolish, and joking" Cawthorn says in regards to the nude video where he thrusts his genitals into another man's face. Ha ha.
Maybe Cawthorn was also "joking" when he tried to bring a loaded gun onto an airplane (twice). In violation of TSA regulations which should get the offender "a fine of $4,100 to $10,250, and a criminal referral to local law enforcement". What were the consequences for Cawthorn? He was "cited and released". So, just a fine? I don't know.
Cawthorn literally pulls his pants down and Mystere says the release of the video is a "smear". Mystere smears me with absurd allegations that I have been "spewing out queer and vile fantasies inspired by the Ku Klux Klan". wtf is he talking about? I oppose hate while Mystere supports it. Why he likes Cawthorn. Cawthorn hates trans people and gay people (as Mystere does).
I have never written anything "inspired by the KKK". The SPLC says "The Ku Klux Klan... is the oldest and most infamous of American hate groups. Although Black Americans have typically been the Klan's primary target, adherents also attack Jewish people, those who have immigrated to the United States, and members of the LGBTQ community".
Mystere frequently refers to gay people as "queertards". I have previously informed Mystere that mentally challenged persons (and their allies) consider the R-word to be hate speech. Mystere doesn't care. He keeps spewing his KKK-inspired anti-gay hate because he's a bigot.