Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Evil Fake Christian Mystere Posts False Prophecy Saying Chelsea Clinton, Her Husband And Their Young Children Will Be Executed

Above is a doctored image from the blog of a trumper who calls himself "Mystere". Chelsea Clinton isn't reading a book to her daughter Charlotte titled "Nanna Goes to Prison". The actual title of the book is "I'm a Big Sister".

This image is one of several attached to a post from Mystere's blog. The post says the (fake) prophet Mark Taylor made a (false) prediction that Chelsea Clinton, her husband and her young children will face military tribunals and be executed. Chelsea Clinton's children are 10, 8 and 5 years old.

The Cabal Will Crash and Crumble
Posted on June 10, 2023 by myfoxmystere

The prophets and prophetesses of God Almighty have spoken. When Part 2 of the Mark Taylor prophecy "2 Will Be Taken, 3 Will Be Shaken" resumes its course, the cabal will start crumbling badly. Part 1 was the death of George H.W. Bush. At the funeral, several people got summons, notifying them that their days are over. Part 2 will start when the death of Jimmy Carter comes to pass.

When Carter passes, it won't be too long afterwards that Slimy Bubba Clinton will keel over and croak. Crooked Hildebeest Clinton won't have Slimy Bubba's carcass to deflect the charges of corruption off her flea ridden carcass, nor will her witch's spells be working.

God's prophecies never come back empty. When He warns people to repent and they refuse to, they get dealt the consequences for disobeying God. The Clintons and the Clinton run Democrat Party have been given the chance to repent, but refused to repent. Chelsea Clinton is not innocent either. She has aided and abetted the Cabal with her crooked husband, a nephew of George Soros. She will likely face execution in the upcoming military tribunals, along with her husband and children.

I don't know if the execution of Chelsea Clinton's children is a part of Mark Taylor's fake prophecy, or if this is just commentary added by the hate-filled and bloodthirsty fake Christian Mystere.

Mark Taylor (a retired fire fighter) is a false prophet who claims God told him donald tRump would win the 2016 election. God also told Mark that tRump would be reelected in 2020. Now God is telling Mark that Chelsea Clinton, her husband and her 3 children will be executed?

As per Mark's false prophecy, "2 Will Be Taken". But the "2" are George HW Bush, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton? That's 3 people. George W. Bush's father has been dead for almost 7 years. Jimmy Carter is receiving in-home hospice care. The purpose of hospice care is to keep a person comfortable until they die. This is a prophecy?

Except for Bill Clinton, one of the "prophesied" deaths already occurred. Quite awhile ago. The second "prophesied" death will likely occur fairly soon.

The post also says Chelsea Clinton is married to George Soros' nephew. As per PolitiFact, there is no evidence Mark Mezvinski is George Soros' nephew. PolitiFact's rating is Pants on Fire False.

I don't need to fact check the claim that Hillary Clinton is a spell-casting witch, do I? Or do a fact check to find out if the government would execute young children after they have been found "guilty" (of being the offspring of Chelsea Clinton?) by a military tribunal and put to death?

Why would the entire family of Chelsea Clinton be executed (including Chelsea herself) while "Nanna" (Hillary Clinton) only goes to prison?

Other images on Mystere's blog indicate that he thinks (in addition to HRC) Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden will end up behind bars. They are a part of the (Mystere-imagined) "cabal" that is going to "crash and crumble". Presumably soon.

For how long will delusional trumpturds like Mystere continue to believe this BS? That the "cabal" will be incarcerated is something they've been predicting for quite awhile. Remember that donald tRump was going to "lock her up"? Yet, even though donald tRump had the power of the presidency for 4 years (and this was a "campaign promise"), Hillary Clinton is still a free woman.

As is Barack Obama. He hasn't been arrested yet. Though (according to Marjorie Taylor Greene) House republicans have evidence that proves Joe Biden and his son Hunter took $10 million in bribes while the elder Biden was Vice President.

So it might only a matter of time before Hunter is charged, convicted and sent to prison. And his father is impeached and (possibly) removed from office for being bigly corrupt. While the charges against tRump (the ones being brought by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith) will "go poof" due to evidence against him being fabricated.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym284.

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