Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Babylon Bee & Brave Books Collaborate To Brainwash Kids & Gouge Rightturd Parents

Me: I found a website called "". Looks like propaganda for kids. Do you know if anyone else has made this criticism?

Copilot: It seems like you're not alone in your concerns about Brave Books. There have been several criticisms of the website, with some people describing the books as thinly veiled propaganda and expressing concerns about the company's customer service and business practices. [Copilot links to the Reddit thread below].

Reddit Comments
• ichthysdrawn. 3 years ago: These aren't for teaching Christian values, they're for teaching Conservative values, which are not always the same thing. For books created out of a concern for agendas being pushed, these books are certainly pushing an agenda.

Look at the topics of the first books available. Is it The Golden Rule, The Good Samaritan, and Being Truthful? Nope. It's Gender Identity, Sanctity of Life, and Capitalism. These books are thinly veiled propaganda being sold to parents with fear tactics to keep people in the thick of the culture wars. The people behind them are also cause for concern.

Given what I'm seeing here, I would highly doubt you'd be getting any sort of quality Christian teaching out of these (if that's what you're after).

• sh4w5h4nk. 3 years ago: Looks like they are perfect for teaching children how to confuse religion and politics.

• allthewhilewewait. 7 months ago: The company has real integrity issues! I personally had them renew a subscription without my permission. I disputed it and their response -- sorry we don't return subscriptions. How do they get away with that????

Me: What does Brave Books have to do with the Babylon Bee Turds?

Copilot: Brave Books and the Babylon Bee have partnered together on a few initiatives. One notable collaboration is the Freedom Island Book Club, where Brave Books offers a bundle that includes books and activities designed to instill moral values in children. The Babylon Bee, known for its satirical take on current events, has supported this initiative.

Additionally, Brave Books has partnered with the Babylon Bee to give away free copies of their book "Son of Truth", which aims to equip children and families with resources to combat the lack of biblical and fundamental truths in today's culture and media. It's an interesting collaboration between a satirical news outlet and a Christian publishing company. Do you have any thoughts on this partnership?

Me: I hate it. They're propagandizing and brainwashing kids with their bad moral values. It makes me angry.

Copilot: It's completely valid to feel that way. The idea of influencing young minds with certain values or ideologies can be deeply concerning, especially if you believe those values are harmful. It's important to critically evaluate the content and messages being presented to children.

Me: Can you tell me about Elizabeth Johnston, the author of "Little Lives Matter"?

Copilot: Elizabeth Johnston is a homeschooling mother of ten children, a podcast host, and a well-known advocate for conservative values. She has been actively promoting its message about the sanctity of life.

Me: She doesn't believe in birth control? How old is she? It would take some time to birth 10 kids. Is she done now? I saw a picture and she wasn't pregnant. Yet she must have been pregnant for a good portion of her adult life if 10 kids came out of her.

Copilot: Elizabeth Johnston, also known as "The Activist Mommy", has expressed strong opposition to many forms of birth control. She and her husband advocate for natural family planning methods, like the rhythm method, and have been vocal critics of other contraceptive methods. Their stance is rooted in their conservative Christian beliefs.

Elizabeth Johnston is in her early 40s. She has indeed spent a significant portion of her adult life pregnant, given that she has ten children. It seems she is not currently pregnant, but her large family is a testament to her commitment to her values and beliefs.

**end Copilot Q&A**

I didn't actually type that the people at the Babylon Bee are Turds in my question to Copilot. I was thinking it though. Selling Rightturd parents books to propagandize their kids with for $22.99? Sounds like a very profitable racket.

In the video above the christofascist Turd Elizabeth Johnston advocates for imposing her rightturd religulous beliefs on all Americans. She refers to taking away a woman's bodily autonomy as stopping "child killing". 2/27/2020.

Post authored by the Pissed Off Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym344.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Voters Are Angry About High Prices... Angry They Aren't High Enough

For the record, I was exaggerating. That was hyperbole. While the price likely won't get anywhere near $20, it certainly could get absurdly high. Why I replied by writing, "No. That's what the d0n0ld campaign proposed". Apparently the voters determined the price of eggs is not currently high enough. That might explain why they voted for d0n0ld who proposes raising prices, over Kamala Harris, who proposed lowering them.

I asked the AI Copilot some questions and got the following responses that explain why the price of eggs absolutely could go up with d0n0ld back in the White House...

Copilot: Not all eggs consumed in the United States are domestically produced. While the U.S. produces a significant amount of eggs, it also imports eggs from other countries. In 2022, the US imported around 15 million dozen eggs, primarily from Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and China.

Donald Trump's proposed tariffs could indeed affect the price of eggs. Tariffs on imported goods generally lead to higher prices for consumers, as importers often pass the additional costs onto customers. If tariffs are imposed on countries that export eggs or egg-related products to the US, it could result in higher prices for eggs domestically.

...chicken feed is imported into the United States. In 2023, the U.S. imported over $4 billion worth of animal feed from other countries. The top exporters of animal feed to the U.S. include countries like Canada, Brazil, and Argentina.

So, if tariffs were imposed on these imports, it could indeed affect the cost of chicken feed, which in turn could impact the price of eggs, even those from US farms.

Video: Aug 16, 2024. Vice President Kamala Harris announced a sweeping set of economic proposals meant to cut taxes and lower the cost of groceries, housing and other essentials for many Americans. Harris unveiled her plans Friday in the battleground state of North Carolina.

The primary thing on people's minds when they went to vote was high prices. Though it turns out their concern was that prices aren't high enough. They made their choice. Kamala Harris put forward a plan to lower prices, while d0n0ld spoke of a plan to raise prices. A slim majority of voters decided that corporate profits are what is important to them.

Aside from White Supremacy and Patriarchy. Those two things are also very important to the voters. They said, "no way" to doing anything to address either. The voters said they like both of these things very much and want more White Supremacy and more Patriarchy.

Does this make any sense whatsoever? Not to me, it doesn't. And I bet many voters will insist they voted for lower prices and maybe even say they don't support White Supremacy and Patriarchy. But they would say this due to being extremely stupid. Also liars. Because, while I don't believe all of them want more White Supremacy and Patriarchy, many do. And even admit it.

But I doubt any of these voters wanted higher prices. Excepting CEOs who are bigly enjoying being able to price gouge. The rest of the d0n0ld voters are clearly morons. Kamala warned that electing d0n0ld would lead to prices going even higher. Many just lacked the brain power to understand the logic behind why that would happen.

Elon is lying. Soon "would happen" will be "has happened". Remember d0n0ld supporters, when that occurs... you voted for this.

Post authored by the Deeply Sorrowful, Depressed and Extremely Worried Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym343.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The Young Turds Very Happy That d0n0ld "Gets Last Laugh"?

Video: History professor Allan Lichtman wrongly predicted the 2024 election results, even while using his much touted "keys". Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Your Support is Crucial to the Show...

It wasn't just this video. I used to be a much bigger fan. Then I saw a few things that turned me off. I'm done with TYT now. Fvck you, Cenk and fvck you, Ana. You both suck. The two comments below sum up how I feel about this video.

@you_are_soul: You people are idiots, while Trump installs utter lunatics you are enjoying the tears of Lichtman, pretty pathetic. Especially considering that y'all like the rest of the media had no idea how to cover Trump.

@slakethesnake: You are both so annoying ...when I found your channel a year or so ago I thought I found a fairer view of the world and politics but you both are skewed as well. The sarcasm and elitism you exude is outrageous. This video cements it for me and I'll be watching elsewhere!

What professor Lichtman said about the electorate needing to be rational was 100 percent correct. Joe Biden has been a fantastic president and Kamala Harris absolutely should have won. Given the keys and given that tRump was a known quantity.

Everyone is (or should) be aware of the terrible job the Turd did in the Turd-1 administration. So why would the voters want to bring him back? It is completely irrational.

These developments are horrifying, yet Cenk and Ana are both laughing and gloating? As opposed to Cenk saying "I was right, although, dear God, I wish I had been wrong". Do Cenk and Ana think that the Hell on Earth that is surely to come is also something to laugh about?

The still of Cenk smiling and laughing that appears before "play" is pressed seriously pisses me off. He isn't a tRump fan, is he? I'm pretty sure neither of these Turds are. Yet it seems like he is so happy to have been right. And that, if he could have the chance to be wrong -- he wouldn't take it.

"But having been right brings me such joy! All the misery that Turd-2 will inflict on the American people is inconsequential to my happiness!"... I bet if Cenk found a magical lamp, rubbed it, and a Genie appeared, no wish of his would involve him being wrong and tRump not being predisent-elect. That would be a wish he would not make, because then he could not laugh at Allan Lichtman and gloat about having been right.

Excerpted from The Stephanie Miller Show, 11/13/2024...

Stephanie Miller: I glad, btw, that people like Allan Lichtman, talking about the same thing we've been talking about ... disinformation was the biggest factor in this election. It would be different ... if those had been issues we lost on. If they really were doing trans surgeries in schools without the parent's permission. If Haitians really were eating our pets. If [the Biden Administration] really was giving FEMA money to illegal immigrants and not helping Americans. ...we lost entirely on lies.

One of the richest men in the world with one of the biggest platforms in the world -- blasting out lies. That's what Allan Lichtman said. This is the only time he's ever been wrong [was due to] this massive amount of disinformation.


Bob Cesca: There is a flow of disinformation from people who watch Fox News or The Daily Wire, podcasters or whoever -- they end up talking to normals. Then normals think that stuff is also true. There is a flow of disinformation from d0nald tRump's disgusting yapper all the way to the minds of all kinds of people who ought to know better.

I can't tell you the number of times I got text messages and DMs from people saying, "hey, is that true? Is Joe Biden really giving FEMA funds to migrangts? Are they really doing gender reassignment surgeries in elementary schools where they have to do raffels to buy notebooks?". It's not just the disinformation itself, it's how is that disinformation getting to people who really should know better. ... we have to interrupt that flow of disinformation from the weirdos to the normals.

Stephanie Miller: Thank you. Allan Lichtman ... I say he was right about 2000, because who could have seen the Supreme Court just appointing bush. Al Gore did win did win the popular vote and wold have won the presidency if they had continued counting in Florida.

Anyway, Allan Lichtman blamed Elon Musk and the explosion of disinformation. His keys have just been historically accurate. You know why? They are based in fact. The economy has been provably fantastic under Joe Biden. He said he was sounding the alarm...

[Quoting Allan Lichtman] "...disinformation has exploded to an unprecidented degree. We saw something brand new this time, billionaire Elon Musk putting his thumb on the scales. It's been reported his disinformation had billions of views. This spread to every aspect of this election. When I was a kid, I read science fiction books, you know, the premise was a few mega rich people are able to control society. We're not all that far from it and I am sounding the alam and I don't think I'm the only one.

"The premise of the keys is that a rational, pragmatic electorate decides whether the White House Party has governed well enough to get 4 more years. But, if views of the White House Party controlled by disinformation, particularly driven by those who are so rich they have extraordinary influence beyond anyone else, then maybe the premise of the keys needs to be changed".

In a normal, sane world Kamala Harris would have won. ... stock market is at an all time high [as are] wages. Inflation back down to prepandemic levels. Immigration reform, we could have gotten done. republicans and tRump are solely the ones that stopped that. What else? Corporate price gouging. Kamala Harris talked a lot about that. And what we do about greedflation.

See here for a discussion on The Vanguard podcast. Guest Sam Seder of "The Majority Report" joins hosts Zac Polston and Gavin Miller-Broomfield to talk about the pivot by Cenk and Ana of The Young Turks as well as the Tenet Media investigation which involved rightturds Dave Rubin, Tim Pool and Benny Johnson being paid bigly to propagate Putin propaganda.

For the record, when I say that I'm "done" with the Young Turks, I mean I'm done thinking that Cenk and Ana are likely to have opinions I will agree with. I might still watch some of their YouTubes. If I had ever considered supporting TYT, that is a definite NO now. And I do like The Damage Report with John Iadarola, which is a part of the TYTurd Network. Also Jayar Jackson. Maybe some of these good progressives who are associated with TYT are considering leaving?

Post authored by the deeply sorrowful, Depressed and Pissed Off Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym342.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Putin Will Soon Have All Of America's Classified Intelligence

AP: Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a sweeping felony indictment that paints a damning portrait of the former president’s treatment of national security information.

The conduct alleged in the historic indictment -- the first federal case against a former president -- cuts to the heart of any president’s responsibility to safeguard the government's most valuable secrets. Prosecutors say the documents he stowed, refused to return and in some cases showed to visitors risked jeopardizing not only relations with foreign nations but also the safety of troops and confidential sources. 6/9/2023.

How soon after d0n0ld gets back in the White before the transfer of American intelligence from the traitor-in-chief, Benedict tRump to Vlad Putin begins? Even if he flaunts the transfer, is there anything that can be done? The corrupt scotus says NO. Just call the treason an "official act". He has done it before and I have no doubt he will do it again.

This time the acknowledged Russian asset Tulsi Gabbard will probably be the one turning over state secrets.

Copilot: There was an incident where a Russian TV host referred to Tulsi Gabbard as "our girlfriend" in a resurfaced clip from March 2022. The host, Vladimir Solovyov, made this comment during a discussion about Gabbard on his show. This remark has fueled speculation and controversy, especially given Gabbard's nomination by Donald Trump for Director of National Intelligence.

This is yet another bigly reason tRump should have been disqualified from running. The turning over of secrets to Russia, as well as the documents he stole and ferreted away. And, as per the Constitution, insurrectionists can't hold public office.

Copilot: Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. It states: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof...

Video: Nov 14, 2024. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-VA, former CIA officer and House Intelligence Committee member, joins Morning Joe to discuss President-elect Trump's pick of Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence, arguing that Gabbard's past defense of authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad poses a serious threat to U.S. intelligence.

America is going to get fvcked 6 ways to Sunday in the Turd-2 administration. But that is apparently what the voters wanted. Also the non-voters. They could have shown up and cast their ballots for Kamala Harris but decided not to. So I will be blaming them as well.

Post authored by the deeply sorrowful and Depressed Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym341.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

15 Million Democrats Recently Raptured To Heaven?

Those lucky bastards. They escaped the Hell on Earth that is on the way. Obviously I'm very unhappy that I'm still here. At least I can take solace in the fact that the fake Christian Mystere also didn't get raptured. And why should he have been, given that he voted for evil incarnate -- the racist, misogynist corrupt Orange Turd that is his g0d.

But I did not vote for evil. I voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. They certainly could have done a better job than d0n0ld will. We already know, based on past performance, that he will do a terrible job. In fact, he has promised to do an even more horrible job than he did the first time.

He denied having any knowledge of Project 2025. He swore it was not going to be a basis for policy in a second Turd administration. Though anyone with half a brain knew he was lying bigly. But (no doubt) the half-wits that voted for him believed it was not going to be utilized by his administration. Because he said so. Though republicans are now admitting they are going to be utilizing it as their playbook.

As per d0n0ld "...some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal"... as per the top Turd. "ridiculous and abysmal" aka awesome in Turdspeak. Promises denied, denied promises kept.

Anyway, back to the raptured Democrats who are now in Heaven. I asked the AI Perplexity, what's the deal with why fewer people turned out this time as comparred to the last potus election? I included my question in the image at the top of this post.

Based on the information provided in the search results and your query, it's important to address several key points...

1. Voter turnout fluctuations are normal: Differences in voter turnout between elections are common and don't necessarily indicate fraud. Factors like candidate enthusiasm, voter engagement, and current events can affect turnout.

2. Votes are still being counted: As of the latest information, vote counting was still ongoing in some states. The final, official vote totals typically aren't certified for days or even weeks after the election.

3. No evidence of widespread fraud in 2020: Multiple investigations, audits, and court cases following the 2020 election found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Federal agencies declared the 2020 election "the most secure in American history".

4. Misinterpretation of data: The claim that 13 million fewer Democratic votes proves fraud in 2020 is a misinterpretation of election data. Voter preferences and turnout can change between elections without indicating fraud.

5. Expert consensus: Election security experts consistently state that voter fraud is extremely rare and almost never occurs on a scale that would affect an election outcome.

6. Rigorous election security measures: The U.S. employs numerous security measures to prevent large-scale fraud, including voter registration verification, signature matching, and post-election audits.

7. Decentralized election system: The highly decentralized nature of U.S. elections makes it extremely difficult to coordinate fraud on a massive scale across multiple jurisdictions.

The sarcastic comment about voters being "raptured" is not based on any factual evidence and appears to be a rhetorical device used to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 election results.

In conclusion, the difference in Democratic votes between 2020 and 2024 does not prove fraud in the 2020 election. It's a misinterpretation of normal electoral processes and ignores the extensive safeguards in place to ensure election integrity. Always seek information from authoritative sources and be critical of claims that lack substantial evidence.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Millions of Democrats getting raptured and going to Heaven is proof that republicans are evil, not that there was cheating in 2020. Aren't Conservative Christianist d0n0ld voters positive they're the ones who will be raptured to Heaven and that it's the evil baby-murdering Democrats who will go to Hell? But it turns out that Hell is coming to Earth and republicans will be here to experience it. Along with everyone else who wasn't raptured.

btw, if my fellow Democrats (the ones who are now in Heaven with God) are aware of what's going on here (and that their absence contributed bigly to d0n0ld getting back in office), maybe they can adocate on behalf of their ideological brethren before God's Heavenly court? I think this might have been a mistake, because (like I said) I didn't vote for Satan's Minion, the evil Orange Turd.

Above Video: Oct 21, 2024. We want to dive a little deeper into the 2020 election results and explain why both Democratic and Republican elections officials from across the country don't believe it was stolen or rigged for Joe Biden. PoltiFact.

Post authored by the deeply sorrowful and Depressed Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym340.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Evil Turd Trillionaire Elmo Musk's Evil Desire To Inflict Hardship On The American People

g00gle AI: According to multiple reports, Elon Musk is on track to become the world's first trillionaire by 2027. Musk's wealth is growing at an average rate of 109.88% per year.

The Hill: Musk draws skepticism with call for $2 trillion in spending cuts. Article by Arlis Folley. 11/03/24 9:12 AM ET.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk's call for "at least" $2 trillion in cuts to federal spending is drawing skepticism from experts as the billionaire tech magnate cements himself as one of former President Trump's most prominent backers.

Figures from the Treasury Department show the federal government spent north of $6.7 trillion over the yearlong period that ended in September, running a deficit of more than $1.8 trillion during the time frame.

"Most importantly, we have to reduce spending to look within our means, and you know that that necessarily involves some temporary hardship, but it will ensure long-term prosperity", he also said at the time.

**End Article Excerpt**

The "prosperity" the evil Turd is referring to is the prosperity of the oligarchs. People like him. Those in the middle and at the bottom will endure the hardship. And that's a fact.

This image (the one at the top of the post) reminded me of Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch in 2005 because he was so in love with Katie Holmes. Are d0n0ld and Elmo a bromance that will endure? Time will tell.

Elmo is almost certainly going to get much richer as a result of his backing of the Putin-puppet d0n0ld. That explains why he was jumping for joy. And he could have also been wacked out of his gourd on ketamine.

btw, I think it is very obvious now that the reason Elon Musk purchased Twitter was to help get d0n0ld elected. He simply didn't care that he overpaid for it. And he doesn't care about destroying brand value by renaming it to the completely moronic "X". And he does not care that advertisers and users are fleeing. And he does not care that it's losing money.

The only reason he purchased it was to help d0n0ld win the election. And it was an investment that has already paid off bigly. Tesla stock shot up as soon as tRump "won". And more money will be coming his way as a result of his association with tRump. He will probably become a trillionaire faster than projected now. What a Turd.

Additional Links
• NBCUniversal: Elon Musk Slams Dana Carvey's SNL Impression of Him As He Claims Show Has Been "Dying Slowly". 11/11/2024.
• Mediaite: Elon Musk Reveals SNL Cast Didn't Find His Pitch to "Take My C0ck Out" During the Show Funny. 9/18/2024.
• Youtube: Elon Musk reveals he was brutally shut down by Saturday Night Live for his offer to flash audience members during a pitch on a private call with SNL workers, which gets instantly shredded by other major cast members following his public disclosure. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report. 9/18/2024.

Post authored by the pissed off Liberal/Progessive blogger, Dervish Sanders. wym339.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Will d0n0ld Pay E Jean Carroll & NY The Money He Owes?

This concerns a line of thought that arose from a comment the White Supremacist misogynist bl0gger Minus FJ submitted to my blog. He wrote, "Carroll made her money teaching gold-digging in her columns & books". Then he added, "I guess she couldn't land the Donald... so she sued him instead".

Question: Can you tell me what E Jean Carroll's books are about? A commenter on my blog said that, in her books, she teaches women gold digging. The definition of "gold digging" being "a term for someone who enters a relationship primarily for financial gain". One of her books concerns "How a Smart Woman Can Land Her Dream Man in 6 Weeks". Is the "dream man" women want to land (in her book) a rich man?

Copilot: [Regarding] "How a Smart Woman Can Land Her Dream Man in 6 Weeks"... This book provides a tongue-in-cheek guide to finding a romantic partner, with Carroll offering unconventional and humorous advice on how to attract and keep a partner. The "dream man" in this context is often portrayed as someone who is desirable and compatible, though the book's tone is more playful than serious.

While Carroll's books do offer advice on relationships and dating, they are often written with a satirical and humorous tone, and it's unlikely that they explicitly promote "gold digging". Instead, they tend to focus on empowering women to take control of their love lives and relationships.

Question: So, she doesn't write (in any of her books) about women desiring a rich man as a boyfrind or husband and how to "land" a rich man?

Copilot: While her book "How a Smart Woman Can Land Her Dream Man in 6 Weeks" might playfully address how to attract a desirable partner, it does so in a way that's more about confidence and personality rather than financial status. The "dream man" concept is more about compatibility and personal fulfillment rather than wealth. ... Her books focus more on empowering women and providing relationship advice with a touch of wit, rather than promoting financial gain through relationships.

Question: A commenter on my blog wrote (about E Jean Carroll) "I guess she couldn't land the Donald... so she sued him instead". Obviously this is false. E Jean Carroll never tried to land Donald Trump. I find this comment highly offensive and misogynist as well. I think, that I'm dealing with a misogynist, is a logical conclusion regarding someone would would describe sexual assault as an attempt to "land" the assaulter. Would you disagree? I know the person in question is a man. He has also (on numerous occassions) expressed his belief that E Jean Carroll lied about her encounter with Donald Trump.

Copilot: Your reaction is completely understandable. The comment you received is not only offensive but also dismissive of the serious nature of sexual assault. Describing such an incident as an attempt to "land" someone is deeply problematic and reflects a lack of empathy and understanding of the gravity of the situation.

It's important to recognize that dismissing or discrediting someone's experience of assault, especially with such a flippant remark, is a form of victim-blaming and can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misogyny. Your conclusion about the commenter being misogynistic seems logical given the context and the nature of their remarks.

Question: There have been 2 court judgments that resulted in donald trump owing tens of millions of dollars. Is there a way he could use the power of the presidency to get these court decisions reversed, win his appeals, or just not comply with the judgments?

Perplexity: ...there are a few key points to consider regarding Donald Trump's legal situation and the potential impact of the presidency...

Current Legal Situation

Donald Trump currently faces significant financial liabilities from two major court judgments...

1. Civil Fraud Case: A New York judge ordered Trump and his companies to pay $454 million, including interest, for engaging in a years-long scheme to inflate his wealth on financial statements [1][3].

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Cases: Trump owes over $90 million total from two defamation cases brought by E. Jean Carroll. This includes a $5 million judgment from the first trial and an $83.3 million judgment from the second trial, plus accrued interest [5].

Trump has appealed both of these judgments and posted bonds to prevent asset seizure during the appeals process [1][4][5].

Presidential Powers and Legal Judgments

It's important to note that the presidency does not grant powers to directly overturn or nullify state court judgments or civil lawsuits. The U.S. system of government is based on the separation of powers, and the judicial branch operates independently from the executive branch. As such, there are several key limitations...

1. State vs. Federal Jurisdiction: These cases were decided in state courts (New York), which limits federal intervention.

2. Civil Cases: These are civil matters, not federal criminal cases, which further restricts presidential authority to intervene.

3. Constitutional Limits: The president cannot unilaterally overturn court decisions or interfere with the judicial process.

4. Appeals Process: Trump's recourse is through the standard appeals process, which he is currently pursuing [4].

Potential Indirect Impacts

While the presidency itself doesn't provide direct means to reverse these judgments, there could be indirect effects...

1. Appointment Power: A president can appoint federal judges, but this would not affect state court decisions or ongoing cases.

2. Public Influence: The platform of the presidency could be used to shape public opinion, but this wouldn't directly impact court decisions.

3. Legislative Action: A president could potentially push for legislation that might affect future similar cases, but this would not apply retroactively to existing judgments.

Compliance and Enforcement

Regarding compliance with the judgments...

1. Legal Obligation: Even as president, an individual would still be legally obligated to comply with court orders.

2. Enforcement Challenges: While the office might complicate immediate enforcement, it doesn't provide immunity from civil judgments.

3. Post-Presidency: Any attempts to avoid compliance could face legal consequences after leaving office.

In conclusion, while the presidency is a powerful position, it does not provide direct means to reverse existing court judgments, win appeals, or avoid compliance with civil court orders. Trump's current legal strategy appears to focus on the standard appeals process and posting bonds to delay immediate payment while the appeals are pending.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]  [6] [7] [8]

As per Perplexity's reply, it sounds like d0n0ld won't be able to wriggle out of paying these judgments. Though I'm highly doubtful. His plan to escape prosecution in regards to the coup and his theft of classified documents was successful. He will not go to prison as he should. The cases are being dropped. And it looks like his conviction in regards to the Stormy Daniels hush money payments will definitely not result in any punishment whatsoever.

Even if he is ordered to pay? He can get the money from his moron supporters. d0n0ld is still collecting donations. This is something he can do under campaign finance laws for the next 4 years, at least. You might argue that he can't legally take his supporter's money and use it to pay legal judgments.

Yet he has used campaign cash to pay his legal bills. And RNC money to also pay legal bills. So why couldn't he also find a way to use his supporter's money to pay what he owes E Jean? As well as the $454 million he owes the state of New York?

Very likely there will be zero consequences imposed on d0n0ld. Ever. Instead, those who attempted to hold him accountable for his criming will suffer the consequences.

I also asked Perplexity about d0n0ld's "Truth Social" stock. Seems like it increased in value 26% since d0n0ld "won" the election and his 57.3% stake in the company is currently worth 3.7 Billion dollars. You could say what he owes Carroll and NY is chump change compared to that. If he pays it. Though I'm doubting he will. In his mind he was wronged and should not pay. Just on "principal".

E. Jean Carroll v. Donald J. Trump. Judge Lewis A. Kaplan. $88.3 Million plus interest owed for defamation. 9-2023.

New York v. Trump, et al. New York business fraud lawsuit against the Trump Organization. Judge Arthur F. Engoron. $354.8 Million plus interest owed for Financial Fraud. 2-2024.

Post authored by the pissed off Liberal/Progessive blogger, Dervish Sanders. wym338.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Misogynist Turd Mystere Judges Woman Based On Hotness

Mystere: Oh please! E Jean Carroll was NEVER President Donald John Trump's type. Donald Trump married 3 smoking hot women and had children from all 3 of them. This F Lister isn't in the same hot league as the hot ladies that Donald Trump married. Ivana had her looks up to the end of her life. Melania looks as smoking hot as she did when she and Donald met. And both women had brains, unlike the gold digging bimbo F Lister E Jean Carroll. Fugly Lister E Jean Carroll will never be a hottie.

Let's set the records straight: Donald Trump isn't into Fugly listers. He ends up with the A team! His daughters are A list women. And Melania has an A list mom and a hot A list sister too. Get real, Dervy. ...E Jean Carroll looks like a Fugly Dung Beetle, ready to get squished. I judge women based on brains and character, not "hotness". You're the misogynist. (posted by Mystere to his d0nkey's revenge blog on Saturday, October 26, 2024).

E Jean Carroll is not Fugly, you misogynist a-h0le. You are a Turd and a bigly liar. "I judge women based on brains and character". Yet his entire post is about how d0n0ld's 3 wives are hot and his 2 daughters are hot. Or were hot in the case of Ivanka, who is no longer alive. Their (alleged) brains are obviously secondary to their hotness.

E Jean Carroll has brains, proven by her success as a published author and writer. And was definitely hot. Proven by her winning the Miss Indiana University beauty contest.

Indianapolis Star: E Jean Carroll is a lauded writer, journalist, author and advice columnist who was featured in Elle Magazine for nearly 30 years until 2020. She wrote for Saturday Night Live in the 1980s and hosted "Ask E. Jean", a TV show that aired from 1994-96. Article by John Tufts, Aysha Bagchi and Evan Frank. 1/29/2024.

btw, that Melania Knauss posed nude and is proud that she did? I don't really give a crap. Though I'm sure the reaction to this from the right would be different if it was Kamala Harris who posed nude and was proud of it. Or she said she was proud of the time she spent stripping.

Mystere has given Kamala Harris the fake middle name of "Hoebama". As per an image on end0's blog, Kamala Harris wrote a book titled "From Deep Throat To Deep State".

That's a reference to oral sex. This is a popular rightturd insinuation. Yet I'm the misogynist? Get real, Mystere. This is similar to the absurd assertion from the bl0gger Minus FJ that I'm a White Supremacist. According to him, it's Woke Leftists who are the racists. It's their "I know you are, but what am I" strategy. So transparent, yet they do it constantly.

I bet both Mystere and Minus would really enjoy seeing Kamala Harris getting beat up by Mike Tyson, as their bigly misogynist predisent said. "Put Mike in the ring with Kamala. That would be interesting". And, for her betrayal, they would both agree that Liz Cheney should be shot in the face.

"Let's see how she feels about it. When the guns are trained on her face". Yes, he said that. Yet Minus FJ insists tRump didn't say that. I must have imagined the video.

btw, E Jean Carroll is so fugly that d0n0ld mistook her for his 2nd former wife, Marla Maples. "That's Marla. Yeah. That's my wife" he said when asked to identify a woman in a photograph. But the woman was E Jean Carroll.

FYI, Carroll isn't a gold digger. She made her own money. She sued d0n0ld because he defamed her by calling her a liar. And the judge said the jury decided she was telling the truth. d0n0ld raped her.

Post authored by the pissed off Liberal/Progessive blogger, Dervish Sanders. wym337.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

America Backslides Into White Supremacy

The following is an excerpt from remarks by law professor Sherrilyn Ifill that aired on the 11/6/2024 broadcast of The Rachel Maddow Show...

tRump is truly a vulgarian ... I believe we are weaker now than we were in 2016... Then we still had a sense of what the rules were. We had some sense of norms and some sense of ethics. I hate to use this word, but tRump has groomed up. He has allowed us to accept more and more things that were off the table. To the point that we've actually shifted. And I don't mean people who support him or the maga people. We've all shifted. Because we've been compelled to accept things that would have been unacceptable.

Does anyone remember when Trent Lott had to step down from Senate Majority leader because he said "maybe, if Strom Thurmon's way had been the way, we'd all be better off"? ... and he had to step down. ... does anyone think that would happen today? We've moved the line ourselves. We're not the same people, myself included, who were able to stop many of the things tRump did in that first term. Because the line has moved. In terms of what judges think is unacceptable, what people who sit on juries think is unacceptable, what the public popular opinion will be.

If we don't recognize that, we will think that we have more strength than we have to counter him in the way that we need to. We like to say the rule of law held, but mostly it failed. We have to really take stock. We only have a little time to take stock of what we got wrong ... [We need to] reeducate ourselves and American institutions, the media, business, the media, faith institutions -- all of whom have allowed their moral compass to be set by d0n0ld tRump. This is a dangerous time.

Faith institutions are democratic institutions. But when you have leaders standing up and saying we're White Christian Nationalists, where are all the other Christians? Where's my church? ... why aren't people saying it strongly, that's contrary to my faith? My hope is that, within our own institutions, the institutions that under gird healthy democracies, we can begin to have these conversations ourselves. So we will be strong, equipped and ready. Otherwise ... he will just set us further down the road.

Perplexity: Trent Lott's controversial remarks were made in 2002 at Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party. Here's the exact quote that led to his resignation as Senate Majority Leader: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either".

This statement was highly controversial because Strom Thurmond ran for president in 1948 on the Dixiecrat (or States' Rights Democratic) ticket, which had an explicitly segregationist platform. Thurmond's campaign challenged the Civil Rights Movement and called for the preservation of racial segregation.

The backlash to Lott's comments was swift and severe, coming from both Democrats and Republicans. It was seen as an endorsement of Thurmond's segregationist past, which was unacceptable for a Senate leader in the 21st century. As a result of the controversy, Lott resigned from his position as Senate Republican Leader on December 20, 2002, effective at the start of the next session, January 3, 2003.

Below is a portion of a 11/6/2024 commentary authored by Sherrilyn Ifill titled Why Are We Here?

It wasn't the Electoral College. It wasn't gerrymandering, or even voter suppression. America was undone this week by the disease that sits in our national DNA -- white supremacy. ...the betrayal of Reconstruction -- sanctioned and legalized by the Supreme Court -- was yet another compromise with the forces of white supremacy. Black people once again bore the brunt of that compromise -- in sharecropping, convict leasing, lynching, wealth theft, and degradation. The historian Rayford Logan described this period "the nadir". Generations of Black people to this day bear its effects. I was warned by writer Isabel Wilkerson after Trump won the 2016 election, that we were entering another nadir. She was right.

To my dismay a majority of white voters chose to accommodate white supremacist ideology and its attendant patriarchy, rather than pursue inclusive democracy. Indeed given Mr. Trump's explicit, coarse, ugly expressions of racism and misogyny, we must accept that a majority of white Americans in fact have chosen to embrace white supremacy rather than the promise of a multi-racial democracy. The choice between darkness and light in this election could not have been clearer. And the choice that was made by a majority of white voters is unmistakable.

"Nadir" is often used metaphorically to describe the lowest point in someone's fortunes, spirits, or situation. Rayford Logan coined the term "the nadir of American race relations" to describe the period from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 to the early 20th century. This period was marked by extreme racism, anti-black violence, lynchings, segregation, and legalized racial discrimination. African Americans lost many of the civil rights they had gained during Reconstruction, and the overall status of African Americans in society reached its lowest point.

Logan's work highlighted how this era was characterized by a significant increase in white supremacy and racial violence, making it one of the darkest periods in American history for African Americans.

I agree with this, though likely due to my "guilt pride". Which, as a woke Democrat, I possess. That's according to the White Supremacist bl0gger, Minus FJ.

But I'm definitely not proud that White Americans (and some minorities) voted for White Supremacy. I voted against White Supremacy and authoritarianism. I detest both of these things. tRump supporters love them. They are currently overjoyed that their Orange White Supremacist Emperor is headed back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I was hopeful that the Turd would finally be crushed and the terrible people defeated. I am horrified and angry that didn't happen. I don't know how bad it's going to get, but I think it's going to get really bad. But that's exactly what many of his supporters want. Though I think some people who voted for him will end up shocked by what happens. They will say "I didn't vote for this". Or "this isn't what I wanted".

But they did vote for White Supremacy. Even if White Supremacy isn't what they want. Also austerity. That's coming to. And it will hurt a lot of people that voted for tRump. Fvcking morons.

Post authored by the deeply sorrowful & Depressed Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym336. @@

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Satan Cheated...

...American democracy is now in grave danger... Excerpts from a 11/6/2024 Vox article by Zack Beauchamp.

tRump's second term poses an existential threat to the republic.

...while the election itself was clearly on the level, what comes next may not be. Having won power democratically, Trump is now in a position to enact his long-proposed plans to hollow out American democracy from within.

Trump and his team have developed detailed plans for turning the federal government into an extension of his will: an instrument for carrying out his oft-promised retribution against President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and anyone else who has opposed him. Trump's inner circle, purged of nearly anyone who might challenge him, is ready to enact his will. And the Supreme Court, in its wisdom, has granted him sweeping immunity from his actions in office.

In nearly every conceivable way, a second Trump administration will likely be more dangerous than the first, a term that ended in over 1 million deaths from Covid-19 and a riot at the Capitol. A predictable crisis -- a president consolidating power in his own hands and using it to punish his enemies -- looms on the horizon, with many unpredictable crises likely waiting in the wings.

No country at America’s level of political-economic development has ever collapsed into authoritarianism. There are some reasonably close modern analogues, most worryingly modern Hungary, but even they are different in crucial respects.


This is not to make an argument for complacency or naive optimism. Quite the opposite: The next four years will be American democracy's gravest threat since the Civil War; if it survives them, it will surely do so battered, bruised, and battle-scarred.

**end vox article excerpt**

An excerpt from the 11/6/2024 airing of The Stephanie Miller Show...

The Rude Pundit: ...I think the biggest thing that [explains what] happened, is so many people are effing stupid! They are just dumb. How dumb do you have to be to vote for putting abortion rights into your constitution and then voting for the person who is going to take them away?

Stephanie Miller: That just took that right away from you.

The Rude Pundit: Or voted for, in Missouri, a hike in the minimum wage. And then voted for people who don't suport raising the minimum wage. At some point you're stupid. You're just an idiot. We have tens of millions of stupid people in this country. Who may be actually stupid, or who have been rendered stupid by their stupid media.

Stephanie Miller: We are in full on Idiocracy. ... drink up your Brawndo. ... It's like mass hypnosis. They believe anything he says.

Post authored by the deeply sorrowful Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym335.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Paper Ballots

Video: Former President Donald Trump called for the use of paper ballots and said voting should only take place on one day during a rally in Lititz PA. NBC News' Dasha Burns reported on Trump's final rallies heading into Election Day. Weekends with Alex Witt. 11/3/2020

Transcript Excerpt: d0n0ld tRump... We should have one day voting and paper ballots. ...I heard a couple of states may go an extra 12 days. How the hell do you have an election? 0:37.

Video: Washington Journal. Thom Hartmann on the Role of Media in U.S. Politics. Progressive radio talk show host Thom Hartmann talks about the role of media in US politics with C-SPAN host Bill Scanlan. December 27, 2020.

Transcript Excerpt: Thom Hartmann... I have been a fan of paper ballots forever. I never thought we should have gotten into the territory of voting machines being owned by private companies. ... If we all agree that we all own the government -- we tell them what to do through the vote, and the government administers the public lands and the quality of air and water in the public schools -- then the ultimate part of the commons is our vote, the beating heart of democracy. If you take away a man's vote you reduce him to slavery. The vote should never be given to a private corporation. That part should never have been privatized which is what we did in 2000. I think people should be voting on paper. ... It is fraud free, not that there is really any voting fraud out there...

What tRump really means with his objections is, "how the hell do you have an election if you take the time to count all the votes? Just count enough votes to make me the winner".

Because what does counting votes have to do with elections? btw, paper ballots would SLOW down the process. Which is fine by me. I agree with Thom Hartmann. But tRump only claims that he wants paper ballots because it serves his false "bigly fraud" narrative. He doesn't care about accurately counting the votes. PROVEN by his wanting to cut off voting before all the ballots are tallied.

Below are the answers to some questions I asked Perplexity about the use of paper ballots in US elections...

...paper ballots are considered more secure than electronic-only voting machines for several key reasons...

Key Security Benefits of Paper Ballots...

1. Verifiable Audit Trail: Paper provides a physical record that can be used to verify results if software/hardware fails. About 97% of votes are now recorded on paper to ensure security and accuracy. Without paper trails, it's difficult or impossible to detect errors or breaches in voting machine software.

2. Protection Against Hacking: At the 2018 DEF CON conference, hackers easily manipulated paperless DRE (Direct-Recording Electronic) systems. Paper ballots provide backup if electronic systems are compromised. Physical paper ballots require close physical proximity to tamper with, making large-scale fraud more difficult.

3. Built-in Redundancy: Paper serves as a backup when technology fails. Election workers can return to traditional paper ballots if electronic machines break down [1]. Two-person or bipartisan teams handle paper ballots, providing additional security.

Current Implementation...

1. Widespread Adoption: 97% of voters now cast ballots in jurisdictions with verifiable paper backups. 12 states still used some paperless DREs as of 2018, representing 150 electoral votes [4]. Many states are moving away from paperless systems due to security concerns [4].

2. Expert Consensus: Election security experts from Harvard, Stanford, and the Brennan Center all recommend phasing out paperless. Paper is considered "state-of-the-art" despite seeming low-tech. The decentralized nature of paper ballot systems helps prevent large-scale systemic problems.

Citations [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

...paper ballot only voting is generally considered more secure than software-based voting machines, even those with a paper trail printout. Here are the key points...

1. Expert recommendations: Election security experts from institutions like Harvard, Stanford, and the Brennan Center for Justice recommend phasing out paperless voting in favor of paper ballots.

2. Paper as the "gold standard": Hand-marked paper ballots are described as the "gold standard protection" for voting security by experts like J. Alex Halderman, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan.

3. Vulnerabilities in electronic systems: Electronic voting machines, even those with paper trails, are known to have potential security vulnerabilities. For example, severe security flaws were identified in Georgia's Dominion Voting Systems touch screen voting machines.

4. Human error factor: With electronic voting machines, there's a higher risk of human error in selecting options on touchscreens, which can lead to incorrect votes being cast.

5. Auditability: While both systems can be audited, paper ballots provide a more straightforward and reliable audit trail. Risk-limiting audits, which are considered a best practice, are more easily conducted with paper ballots.

6. Decentralization: The decentralized nature of paper ballot systems helps prevent large-scale systemic problems that could potentially affect software-based systems.

7. Hacking resistance: Paper ballots are inherently more resistant to remote hacking attempts, as they require physical access to tamper with.

8. Voter verification: With paper ballots, voters can directly verify their choices before submitting, whereas with electronic systems, even those with paper trails, there's an additional step of verifying the printout.

While software-based voting machines with paper trail printouts are certainly more secure than paperless electronic voting, they still introduce additional complexities and potential vulnerabilities compared to simple paper ballot systems. The consensus among experts seems to favor paper ballots as the most secure and reliable voting method.

Citations [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

...I cannot give you an exact number or percentage of districts that use paper ballots only. However, I can break down what we know...

1. Voting System Types: Most jurisdictions use a mix of systems. Many use optical scan systems where voters mark paper ballots that are then scanned. Some use ballot marking devices (BMDs) where voters select on a screen and the machine prints a paper ballot. Some still use direct-recording electronic (DRE) machines.

2. State Examples, as per Ballotpedia data: Maine uses "Hand-marked paper ballots, BMDs for "accessibility" with "Hand count and optical scan". Massachusetts uses the same system as Maine. Several states use a combination of methods. Louisiana is noted as using "DREs without VVPAT for all voters".

3. Paper Usage: While 97% of votes are recorded on paper in some form, this includes both hand-marked paper ballots and machine-printed paper trails. This doesn't mean 97% use paper ballots only. The paper record could be from various systems including optical scan, BMDs, or DREs with paper trails.

Recent Trends: Some states are moving toward paper-based systems. Tennessee has proposed legislation (SB821) to move to hand-marked paper ballots and hand counting beginning with the 2024 election cycle. Without more specific data, I cannot provide an exact count or percentage of districts that use paper ballots exclusively.

Citations... [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Conclusion ... I support the use of paper ballots in agreement with the views of Thom Hartmann. d0n0ld tRump says he likes paper ballots, but only because it serves his narrative that elections are rigged against republicans and Democrats are cheating. This is complete bullpucky.

I support democracy, while d0n0ld tRump opposes it. Proven by his calls for one day of in-person voting when counting ALL the votes takes as long as it takes. Getting the tally correct is what is important. As opposed to cutting off voting before all the votes are tallied.

Post authored by the Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger and proud Harris voter, Dervish Sanders. wym334.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Phony Voter Registrations Are Proof That Massive Voter Fraud Is Occurring?

Attempting to vote after filing a fradulent registration is a crime. As the billboard above points out. Why people don't do it. They don't want to get caught and go to prison. Although attempting to convince people not to commit voter fraud is not the point of these billboards.

What is the real purpose of such billboards? The purpose is to intimidate people legally entitled to vote not to. By convincing them they could be falsely accused and get in trouble. Even if they don't end up wrongly convicted and sent to prison, defending themselves in court against such charges would be very expensive. Also time consuming. People going to court to defend themselves against bogus charges could lose their jobs.

People of hispanic descent could be accused simply for being brown. Even if they were born in the United States. And their parents and grandparents were born in the United States. The people putting up such billboards know voter fraud is extremely rare. They know that more people who are legally entitled to vote will decide not to, fearing being wrongly accused and having to deal with the consequences of a false allegation. It's not worth it, so why risk it?

Perplexity Debunking of the claim that phony voter registrations are proof that voter fraud is occurring on a massive scale...

Based on the search results, here's what we know about fake registrations and actual fraudulent votes...

Translation Rate: While exact numbers aren't provided in the search results, election officials consistently note that fraudulent registrations rarely translate into actual fraudulent votes. Former PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar emphasized that fake registrations don't translate into a higher risk of improper voting.

Multiple Safeguards: Election workers confirm voter's identity and address. Mail is sent to addresses listed on registration forms New voters must provide ID. Signatures are checked against poll books. These safeguards typically catch attempts at fraudulent voting.

Motivations for Fake Registrations...

Financial incentives: People paid per registration form submitted (as with ACORN). In the ACORN case, workers submitted fake forms to meet quotas when threatened with office closure. Recent Lancaster County case involves paid canvassers as part of a "large-scale canvassing initiative".

Political Impact: These incidents often become fodder for misinformation. Trump and others have mischaracterized registration investigations as evidence of votes or ballots being fraudulent. Some suggest these incidents are deliberately used to sow distrust in the electoral system.

Consequences: Forging voter registration applications is a third-degree felony. Can result in up to seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine. Can lead to loss of voting privileges for 10 years.

Perplexity concludes that "the primary impact of fraudulent registrations appears to be increased workload for election officials rather than actual fraudulent votes, as multiple verification systems catch most attempts at converting fake registrations into votes".

Exactly. Voter Registrations do not translate to fraudlent voter attempts. People who file phony voter registrations are caught and punished. If any phony registrations get through and people attempt to vote using those illegit registrations? They get caught and face serious legal consequenes.

This explains why voter fraud is statistically insignificant. The vast majority of morons who try to file fake registrations are caught. Or the registrations they turn in are detected and "Mickey Mouse" isn't registered to vote. If one does get though (or if someone tries to vote using their deceased relative's ID) those people are caught. And face the serious consequences. Their votes are not counted @@

Voter fraud occurs but it is statistically insignificant. I can state with 100 perent certainty that Kamala Harris will not win as a result of a massive voter fraud effort carried out by the Democrats. While d0n0ld tRump could steal the election via republican voter disinfranchisement and intimidation (like the billboard at the top of this post).

What we should be concerned about is rightturd misinformation. The lies about Kamala Harris "pretending" to be Black is but one example of such disinformation. Janet Jackson was fooled bigly. Obviously the goal with this lie is to convince Black people to either vote for tRump... or not vote at all. "We can't vote for Harris because she isn't one of us".

btw, the attempt by the right to steal the election won't stop after all the votes are counted. As they did at the conclusion of the 2020 election in which Joe Biden was declared the legitimate victor, there very likely will be court challenges, an attempt to throw the election to the House and other dirty tricks. Such as having the corrupt scotus judges decide the election and anoint tRump (like they did when they anointed gwb and stole the presidency from the real winner, Al Gore).

And, if/when those fail there could be more trumper violence. Like on Jan 6 2021. Possibly worse. A probablility that the Biden administration should be preparing for. I assume they are and they won't be caught off guard on January 6 2025. Or immediately following d0n0ld being declared the loser.

Remember, however, that it was d0n0ld who was in control on Jan 6 2021, so the National Guard not being deployed in anticipation of violence at the Capitol was on purpose. Despite lies from d0n0ld that he offered troops to Nancy Pelosi and she declined them.

The bottom line? Registrations aren't votes. Phony registrations are not proof that voter fraud is occurring. Because the vast majority are caught and nobody tries to vote illegally using a fradulently filed voter registration. Because they aren't filed. They are detected and rejected. And the person filing the fake registration is then prosecuted.

Post authored by the Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger and Harris/Walz voter, Dervish Sanders. wym333.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Massive Voter Fraud Is Occurring?

Will victory be snatched (once again) from d0n0ld tRump due to the massive voter fraud that is most assuredly occurring? The People overwhelmingly want d0n0ld to be the next president. " a fair election it would be a blowout for Trump". That ia as per the White Supremacist bl0gger, Minus FJ.

Yet the hated fake-Black Cackling and Corrupt Kamala could steal the election? Just as the Sleepy and corrupt Joe Biden stole the election in 2020?

Clearly that is the narrative. Pre-election and post election. Unless tRump somehow wins. But the fraud is so massive that d0n0ld prevailing is nigh impossible. The demon-craps are stealing it in Michigan, Georgia, Washington, Maine, Pennsylvania and likely many other states. Given the scale of the voter fraud that is confirmed to be underway, how can Kamala Harris NOT be the next president?

Question: Wouldn't it be almost impossible to perpetrate massive voter fraud as some people allege is occurring? Isn't it a well know fact that the more people involved in a conspiracy, the more likely the conspiracy is to be found out? I'd think that alone points to it being very unlikely that massive voter fraud is occuring successfully.

Perplexity: You're absolutely correct. The scale and complexity required for massive voter fraud make it extremely unlikely to occur without detection. Here are some key points that support your reasoning...

1. Scale of Conspiracy: As you noted, the larger the conspiracy, the more likely it is to be exposed. This principle is often referred to as the "Conspiracy Theory Paradox" or "Conspiracy of Silence" problem.

2. Decentralized System: The U.S. election system is highly decentralized, with each state (and often county) managing its own elections. This makes coordinating a large-scale fraud extremely difficult.

3. Bipartisan Oversight: Elections are typically overseen by officials from both major parties, making it hard to manipulate results without detection.

4. Multiple Checks and Balances: There are numerous safeguards in place, including voter registration verification, signature matching, and post-election audits.

5. Legal and Professional Risks: Those involved in election administration face severe legal consequences for fraud, which serves as a strong deterrent.

6. Lack of Evidence: Despite intense scrutiny and numerous legal challenges, no evidence of widespread fraud has been found in the 2020 election.

7. Official Statements: Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency officials declared the 2020 election "the most secure in American history".

8. Failed Legal Challenges: Dozens of lawsuits alleging fraud were dismissed due to lack of evidence.

9. Recount Confirmations: Where recounts occurred, they confirmed the original results, finding no evidence of significant fraud.

10. Technological Safeguards: Modern voting systems often have built-in security features and create paper trails for verification.

Your intuition about the impracticality of large-scale voter fraud is well-supported by evidence and expert opinion. The complexity and number of people that would need to be involved make such fraud extremely unlikely to occur without detection.

The above response from Perplexity explains why Minus says "Not an AI fan. I'd rather drink informational water than 10 ingredient Wonton soup".

But Minus has posted AI images and AI generated videos on his blog. While claiming he isn't a fan. Clearly he likes AI content that helps spread lies, but is not a fan of using AI to gather and present facts.

Video: The real voter fraud in this nation is Republicans trying to prevent eligible people from voting. That's what voter fraud looks like in this country. Bernie Sanders breaks it down. Oct 30, 2018.

Post authored by the Liberal/Progressive Leftist Harris/Walz voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym332 @@