Looking at her, I would say she is absolutely African American. If you had asked me several days ago, that is what I would have said. Now I'm wondering about the evidence. If you look at her, you can see -- from her facial features and skin tone -- she very likely has White Ancestors.
It could be that she is Indian. Indian people like Dinesh D'souza can have brown skin tones. In the picture at the top of this post the skin color of both of these rightturds appears to be similarly brown in color. Maybe they are related? I say it is time for Candace Owens to take a DNA test and release the results to the public. That will be the only way to dispel these rumors.
Though I could choose not to believe any such test results and continue saying Candace Owens isn't Black. Unless she has her DNA sample taken in the presence of witnesses (both Democrats and republiturds) and then sends her samples to independent labs for verification. And provides verified chain of custody evidence to prove the samples have not been tampered with.
Until then I will assume she has something to hide. Like she is currently (as far as I know) hiding the evidence she says she has collected (in the form of birth and death certificates) which "prove" that the Next President of the United States, Kamala Harris, isn't Black.
Candace says her "evidence" proves Kamala Harris is probably "White, Indian and Jewish" (and zero percent African American). Or that was the summary of her evidence as given by Minus. I don't think Candace Owens turned over this evidence to independent fact-checkers to be verified, though.
As far as I know she has only presented this purported evidence on her podcast. Wouldn't it be a bigly scoop if she turned over her evidence to independent fact-checkers and they VERIFIED her "evidence"?
Surely rightturds with run with it if multiple independent fact-checkers confirmed that Kamala Harris is not African American? Or Afro-Jamaican? Or Black at all? Certainly they would use it to convince more African American voters to switch their vote to d0n-0ld. Given that he is the least racist person in the entire world.
Or, not wanting to vote for the "fake" African American Kamala Harris, they might just not vote at all. Which is what I think the goal is. Some idiots are convinced Kamala is lying about her heritage. It has been reported that Janet Jackson said she "heard" Kamala Harris isn't Black. A representative for Jackson apologized, but then was fired. The Jackson camp said this rep did not speak for Janet Jackson.

Above is a picture of Owens, The White Supremacist running for predisent to stay out of prison, and Candace's very White husband, a Brit named "George Farmer". The internets say Candace and George spawned and currently have 2 (I assume) light skinned children who surely must be less than 50 percent African American. Or Indian. Whatever her heritage is. There really is no way to know without that DNA test I referred to previously.
Perhaps her two children will pass for White. And perhaps Owens would consider that a desirable outcome. Though it could be that Owens married Farmer because he is quite wealthy and not only because she wanted light skinned children. Though I could be wrong on both counts and she married for "true love" and was not specifically seeking to produce offspring with a White guy. btw, g00gle says Farmer has 240 million big ones.
The ADL has a page on their website where they call out Candace Owens for past antisemitic comments. She is a tRump-supporting rightturd. For money, I suspect. Proof that she is a Conservative. But is she a Black person that supports White Supremacy? If she is Black, that is. I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. But I do think she only supports the White Supremacist candidate for predisent because she can make bank doing so.
Racist White tRump supporters are thrilled when Black commentators speak in favor of White Supremacy. And these pro-White Supremacy Black commentators can rake it in with books, podcasts and appearances on rightturd media outlets. On the other hand, Candace hardly needs it, given that her husband is getting wealthier to the tune of 39 million additional dollars per year. However, there are people who feel that money equals validation. And more money equals more validation.
Why she might be spinning these tall tales about Kamala Harris not being Black. For the money/validation. And/or she really does love White Supremacy. As per Candace, both the father of Kamala Harris, whose name is "Donald" and Kamala herself are participants in lifelong conspiracy to falsely portray themselves as Black.
The rightturd White Supremacist blogger Minus FJ says Harris the father and Harris the daughter are putting on a "Minstrel Show" and have each donned "Blackface". Via their lies about their heritage. He recently put up a post (which consisted of a Candace Owens video plus a few words below it). As well as the title Shading a "Spade" a Spade.
"Spade" is a racist term to describe a Black person. So Kamala Harris is a "spade", though in quotes. She is pretending to be a "spade". Yet Minus FJ strongly denies being a racist. Sure. That's why he specifically chose a racist slur to refer to Kamala Harris, an African American woman whose father is from Jamaica.
People who follow the White Supremacist leader d0n-0ld tRump -- they support White Supremacy. Or are ok with it. So long as they get a tax cut. Maybe they really want to impose Christofascism on America. Whatever the reason that explains the d0n-0ld support, it isn't good. Take, for example, the republican Liz Cheney. She didn't convert to Leftism. She isn't a Democrat. She simply realizes that d0n-0ld is horrible and should definitely not be predisent again.
So what, exactly, is motivating Candace Owens? I can't say for sure. I am pretty sure that d0n-0ld supporters like Minus FJ want White Supremacy. And they really want to get rid of democracy. jd Vance is a fan of Curtis Yarvin, who says "American democracy is a failed experiment". Minus FJ authored a post on Yarvin and admitted he agrees. He wants to get rid of democracy and replace it with dictatorship.
btw, George Farmer is a "devout Christian" Catholic. And Candace Owens, who "long identified as a Reformed Evangelical Protestant" converted to Catholicism. So, yes, it is very possible that Candace thinks America transitioning to a Christofascist dictatorship would be cool.
Objectionable and Racist Comments from the blog of Minus FJ
Joe Conservative. October 1, 2024 at 2:54 PM.
btw - Is Kamala a BINO now? Black In Name Only... lol!
Joe Conservative. October 2, 2024 at 5:26 AM.
Kamala is a fraudala...
Joe Conservative. October 2, 2024 at 2:23 PM.
Kamala's an Asian-American. THAT ain't black. That's Asian.
the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. October 2, 2024 at 5:13 PM.
Kamala's neither Black or Asian. She's just a dark skinned Caucasian woman.
the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. October 2, 2024 at 5:20 PM.
Dervnac The Imbecile Sanders hates Black people who tell the truth like Joe Brown and Candace Owens. To him, they're House Negroes.
Joe Conservative. October 3, 2024 at 6:40 AM.
Candace proved that her father is whiter than a snowflake, with a touch of Jew.
-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew. October 4, 2024 at 7:27 AM.
Kamala's dad doesn't identify as black. He wears blackface and allows other people to mistake him for black.
Joe Conserative. October 5, 2024 at 11:06 AM.
...and to think that rewarding a good minstrel show with more power as you advocate on "superficial evidence" is the definitely the height of social injustice.
Postscript: Bing says that Candace Owens's ancestry is primarily African-American and Caribbean-American and that "there is no publicly available information indicating that she has White ancestors". Although (also as per Bing) "Candace Owens's Caribbean heritage specifically comes from her grandmother, who is originally from Saint Thomas in the US Virgin Islands".
Curiously "there is a small but established Indian community on the island. As of the 2010 Census, an estimated 1,000 persons of Indian descent reside in the US Virgin Islands". There you go. That is evidence enough for me. Candace Owens's Indian heritage has been confirmed.
Bing: "Given the diverse population on St. Thomas, it's certainly possible that Owens could have White/European ancestors as well".
Video: Oct 4, 2024. Is Kamala Harris Black? My Response to Candace Owens. Chart and Narration by Matt Baker. Useful Charts.
The above video debunks Candace Owens's BS. Yet Minus says this video debunk has been debunked. How? I don't know. Just because he likes Candace's narrative. Therefore, it has to be true.
Elizabeth Warren is blacker than Kamala Harris!
ReplyDeleteThe people pictured in the debunker video have been traced and with documentation stating their professions as servants, washer women, and agricultural workers. The persons Donald Harris and Kamala describe in their texts are rich land owners, merchants, and former slave owners. The carpet, therefore, doesn't match the drapes. Kamala's account is a minstrel show performed in blackface.
ReplyDeleteIs that so? Who did this tracing with documentation? Was this documentation turned over to independent fact checkers for verification? And I'm not aware that Kamala Harris has ever confirmed that she is related to the Brown Jamaican slave owners. Now you say her ancestors didn't own slaves?
ReplyDeleteIf/when Kamala Harris becomes president I'm sure this will be debunked many more times. Yet you will continue to disbelieve the debunkings and continue believing the lies. Same as with Barack Obama's birth certificates. Black people are liars. They even lie about being Black!
They've been turned over to the world via the videos. Fact Checkers around the globe are free to debunk them. But the pictured people documented are not the people in Kamala and her father's stories. The stories of familial admiration for corrupt politicians who killed and tortured Rastifarians for political sport.
DeleteThis resulted in the independence of Jamaica on 6 August 1962, and several other British colonies in the West Indies followed suit in the next decade. Bustamante had replaced Manley as premier between April and August, and on independence, he became Jamaica's first prime minister.
DeleteAfter Jamaica was granted independence in 1962, Bustamante served as the first Prime Minister until 1967. In April 1963 he ordered the police and army to "Bring in all Rastas, dead or alive" [14] and over 150 Rastas were detained and an unknown number killed.[15] In 1965, after suffering a stroke, he withdrew from active participation in public life. The true power was held by his deputy, Donald Sangster.[16]
On 21 February, in the 1967 Jamaican general election, the JLP were victorious again, winning 33 out of 53 seats, with the PNP taking 20 seats.[17] Two days later, Bustamante retired, and Sangster became Jamaica's second prime minister.
What the f*ck does any of that have to do with Kamala Harris? She was born in California, not Jamaica. And she was born in 1964. She wasn't alive when these (completely unrelated to her in any way) events took place. There is some imaginary connection between the family of Kamala Harris and these events in your delusions?
DeleteMinus: They've been turned over to the world via the videos.
ReplyDeleteWhat videos? The Candace Owens videos you posted on your blog? Nobody is taking her lies seriously. Why this hasn't been in the news. tRump isn't talking about it. Maybe it would be, if he did. Lies that escape his lips are covered in the news. Even tRump must not believe this BS.
Why this hasn't been in the news.
ReplyDeleteIs the devil allowed to preach in the Cathedral? Spread the "Bad News"?
Might as well ask, "why isn't the sky pink?"
Idiots still believe in Grand Narratives. Or as Adam Curtis would say, "in remaining hypernormalized."
Minus: Idiots still believe in Grand Narratives.
ReplyDeleteThen it should DEFINITELY be in the news. tRump supporters who don't know about his BS would lap this up!