The thing is, it seems like Lindy Li no longer stands with herself. Or with what she believed previously. Now it seems she is maga. I'm standing where Lindy Li stood, but she's not there any more.
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In the video above from 12/16/2024, "Roland Martin destroys Dem turncoat Lil Lindy Li for sucking up to Trump and Fox News".
Lindy claims she "held her tongue for years"? I call BS. She was very enthusiastic in her support for Kamala Harris. Now she thinks d0n0ld is great? After previously writing that d0n0ld made her ill? Yeah, she is obviously lying.
For what reason? Apparently for money. As Roland Martin points out. Fox News loves former Democrats that are willing to speak ill of the Democratic Party.
"Fox News will book you all day and all night". Indeed. She is now making the rounds and appearing on all the rightturd MSM propaganda shows. As well as every single trumpturd podcast that will have her.
There are examples of other former lefties that have done the same thing. Jimmy d0re and Glenn Greenwald, for example. Both still say they are lefties, but very strongly support d0n0ld. Will Lindy Li next come out in support of Ukraine surrending and giving in to all Putin's demands?
Maybe not, but she is definitely going to continue bashing Democrats on rightturd media for as long as she is able. Roland says she wants a Fox News contributor job. I think it's definitely accurate that she is hoping to make money bashing the Democratic party. I'm sure she is currently making money bashing the Democratic Party.
How long can she continue to do so? I don't know, but I surely do not wish her luck. I don't wish her ill, I only wish that she isn't successful in her new endevor as a former Democrat turned maga. She lied before or she's lying now. Or she's just a liar that always lied. I do NOT believe she "saw the light" and made a genuine conversation from Democrat to maga republiturd.
My opinion is that she likely was being truthfull before (as in the tweet at the top of this post) and is lying now.

Lindy was "in" regarding the presidency of Kamala Harris and claims she would ALWAYS be "team Biden"? What happened is that Lindy changed her mind about ALWAYS being team Biden?
The bl0g Turd that calls itself Mystere (also "Rattraper", among numerous other aliases) says "she thought for herself [and] has integrity".
Wrong. Lindy Li has proven she has no integrity. I also don't believe she thinks for herself. She saw that flipping from Democrat to republiturd was very profitable for Turds like Glen Greenwald, jimmy d0re, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, etc. el0n Musk used to be a Democrat. As did the Top Turd, himself, d0n0ld tRump.
These people proved that it is so easy to make money telling magadupes what they want to hear. All you need to do is abandon all the principals and integrity you used to have.
"I will always be team Biden" and "To those of you who said Biden was cognitively impaired, WE AWAIT YOUR APOLOGY" (before the election) become "the president has not been cognitively fit to assume the duties of the Oval Office for a number of years now" (after the election).
Fvck you, Lindy Li. btw, I don't care that she is Chinese ethnically. I don't believe she is a Chinese spy or works with CCP. As she claims her critics allege. Who is alleging this? She says she will sue them for defamation. So, do it already!
Until a lawsuit is filed, I suspect that she lies about this as well. Given that she is a proven liar, I'm inclinded to believe any words she speaks are probably lies.
"The Curious Case Of Lindy Li". The Bulwark. 1/7/2025. Excerpt.
ReplyDeleteOur tribal political culture creates remarkable incentives for those who defect from one side to another. The act of defection is treated by the party to whom the defector has gone as an affirmation of their cause. The defector is not only lavished with praise and love from those new party members but loads of attention from allied media, who reward shamelessness with more coverage and clout. For example, Fox News producers and bookers, knowing friendly fire can help drive ratings, love to feature Democratic voices willing to turn on their own.
I asked Li specifically about Fox News, and whether she was being paid for her appearances, or whether she was in conversations to become a contributor for the network, as some of her critics have assumed.
"I'm not going to discuss any conversations that I've had with private individuals, but I have not been paid a single dime by anybody for telling the truth", said Li. "Not even a penny". Pressed further, she clarified that she was not currently "in discussions with any executives at Fox News".
But her sudden celebrity, whether compensated or not, doesn't change the fact that the media incentivizes this type of behavior.
As online political creators become more mainstream -- sometimes more even than the legacy political press -- more like Li will emerge. Many political creators' entire personas and livelihoods rely on "feeding the beast" more content -- and more controversy.
Relevance is more important than ideological consistency. And as the bizarre evolution of Lindy Li shows, being willing to say just about anything may be the political attribute that matters most.