Thursday, October 18, 2018

Pot Versus Kettle

Regarding the phrase pot calling the kettle black, it usually refers to "a situation in which somebody comments on or accuses someone else of a fault which the accuser shares". However, as noted by Wikipedia, "in a second, subtler interpretation, the pot is sooty (being placed on a fire), while the kettle is clean and shiny (being placed on coals only), and hence when the pot accuses the kettle of being black, it is the pot's own sooty reflection that it sees: the pot accuses the kettle of a fault that only the pot has".

Welcome to the party of hypocrisy... the republican party. Remember when the republicans obstructed under Obama? The Democratic party has never obstructed simply to win an election like the republicans did (voting AGAINST legislation they previously supported)!

But they are not just obstructionists, they are terrorists. The following FAILURES being proof of who they really are. The republican party under tRump is One BIG LIE that is failing America. Sadly, their $$$ supporters and voters DO NOT EVEN REALIZE IT! OR, are they just as DISHONEST, supporting CORRUPTION?

FAILED to play by the rules, instead resorting to voter suppression (spearheaded by GOP operative Kris Kobach) and collusion with Russia! Collusion they attempt to paint as a "hoax" and a "witch hunt" instead of supporting the republican Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling - which would clear tRump were he innocent (tRump's opposition to the investigation clearly points to his guilt).

FAILED to secure America against the Russian interference. As per former VP Biden "he and President Barack Obama decided not to speak out publicly on Russian interference during the 2016 campaign after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement condemning the Kremlin's role".

FAILED inner-cites while attempting to blame Democratic mayors when "31 states have Republican governors, many of which have sizeable black populations [and] 23 states are designated Republican trifectas, meaning the GOP controls the governorships and both houses of the legislature... It is intellectually dishonest to imply that state and federal policies do not play an outsize role in the condition of urban black communities... GOP governors and legislatures have enacted massive budget cuts in education, healthcare and other services while slashing taxes for wealthy residents and corporations, with demonstrably bad consequences for their citizens".

FAILED at protecting Americans from racist violence and hate. As per the FBI, "hate crimes rose the day after Trump was elected". No surprise given the fact that tRump has stoked fear and hate beginning with his campaign and continuing into his presidency.

FAILED to stand up for the freedom of the press as guaranteed by the first amendment by falsely stating that reporters are the "enemy of the people" and actually covering up the murder of Jamal Khashoggi with a laughably phony story about "rogue killers". An action that sent a clear signal to all the world's repressive regimes that it's open season on journalists.

FAILED at furthering America's economic progress by obstructing economic growth essentials like saving for downturns by increasing taxes on the wealthy and businesses that can afford it. Instead inflating a bubble that will pop, ensuring that the US will lack fiscal space to respond when next recession arrives.

FAILED in economic development promises - what happened to the 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending that tRump promised during the campaign? Democrats, providing tRump discarded his idiotic plan to fund construction by getting the money from states and private entities, would have supported investing in our failing infrastructure.

FAILED our education system and our children via privatization. No matter that the privatization of public education is a failure... "the goal of the majority of charter schools and the politicians that support them isn't to improve student achievement. It is to siphon taxpayer money out of public schools and into the hands of wealthy donors". Explaining why a woman with no experience got the job.

I could go on and on regarding the failures of the tRump administration and the GOP congress, but I have addressed all the supposed Democratic failures. Or instances of the pots calling the kettles black as laid out by Lisa in her (cut and pasted?) post "Pot Meet Kettle" on her tRump-supporting blog, Who's Your Daddy. Let us pray, for the sake of the nation, the kettles are victorious in the midterms.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-86.


  1. Trump also promised to repeal and replace the ACA with something better and cheaper. FAIL!

    He and the Goopers had no intention of doing anything to improve Americans' health care. Gooper leaders, who get great health care, need to keep the insurance companies' execs rich and fat while the gullible Trumpistas keep voting the billionaires' interests and not theirs. We have the worst health care delivery system and worst health care outcomes of the civilized world -- all thanks to the greed and corruption of the current Republican Party.

    PS. Where's that wall President Porn Star Shagger promised?

    1. "Repeal and Replace... with something better" became "Repeal and Replace... with nothing" when they got control and could have implemented the plan they devised in the 8 years they had to come up with something. They came up with nothing because the ACA was their plan.

      PunditFact: If there's one thing conservatives might hate more than Obamacare, it’s hearing that Obamacare springs from Republican ideas. The Heritage Foundation, the granddaddy of the right-wing think tanks, fumed when President Barack Obama said it was the source of the concept of the health insurance marketplaces where people could shop for the best deal. (We rated Obama's claim Mostly True).

    2. The worst health care outcomes of the civilized world? Maybe it's time to give all those Nobel Prizes for Medicine back...

    3. Jesus H. Christ! What a moronic comment!

  2. A democratic President got a conservative (republican) health care plan enacted and conservatives and republicans disavow and want to repeal. You can't make this s*it up.

    1. republicans are still falling for this BS. In TN the republicans running for governor (Bill Lee, a "businessman" running on his lack of experience in politics) and US Senate (Marsha Blackburn) refer to their support for fictional "lower cost" health care that covers more people.

    2. My sister, a high school math teacher, wants to retire and move to TN. Reason? Much lower taxes and the affordability of building a new home.

      I've seriously considered that as well. But after serious analysis MA will continue to be home until until permanent sleep calls. There's something attractive about all that stuff MA has to offer. First rate education & healthcare, greater liberty, great career opportunities (not that I'm currently interested in that), and great people.

    3. There is no income tax, but the sales tax is high (9.25 percent, which is charged even on food). No building permit needed to build or remodel.

    4. Isn't it time to call the NeverTrumper Uniparty RINO's by their real name? Democrat.

    5. Your Orange Turd Cult leader called himself a Democrat at one time too. But he ended up hijacking the republican party - correctly figuring repuplicans were dumb enough to fall for his lies. Us Democrats don't want the non-brainwashed republicans in our party. We want them to take back their party from the Orange Turd and his cultists.

    6. There's zero chance of that. They're being "primaried" as we speak.

    7. Ignorance thrives in the party of tRump.

    8. The Left spreads no "Noble Lies"? Who knew?

    9. I wonder what all that "For the People" cr*p's about?

    10. tRump's lies are all 100% self-serving. There is nothing noble about him.

    11. As long as Trump's lies are also America serving, "no harm, no foul!"

    12. Truth isn't decided by a majority of votes.

    13. Hey Dervish, be sure to invite Governor Moonbeam to come live in Tennessee when he terms out of office. That way, he can run for public office and improve your quality of life. There isn't a tax that he loves to raise. When he moves there, he'll start an income tax for you to pay. That'll improve your quality of life, Dervy boy.

  3. Derv and RN, isn't it curious that the denizens of the far right rabid blogs who detest, with the hatred of a thousand fiery suns, all things "Moslem" are strangely silent over Trump's latest bizarre reaction to what happened in Turkey?

    The Goopers refer to Muslims as "vermin." But now that Trump is kissing the Saudis' murderous, barbaric asses, there's not a peep out of the Muslim haters on the right. They accept the fact that Trump sucks up to the Saudis, and pretend that's normal. You won't hear or read them criticizing Trump in his new-found adoration of Muslims -- especially Muslims from the country that was responsible for September 11. Trump is in love with them, as long as they fill his pockets with lovely Muslim billions.

    1. ???? We LIKE Muslims killing Muslims. Why should we get upset?

    2. Please, lets sell them some more guns... ;)

    3. You expect us to become outraged when a Moslem Brotherhood thug gets his comeupannce?

    4. Brookings: Yes, Jamal Khashoggi had many friends among the Muslim Brotherhood and... had joined the movement himself as a young man before apparently shifting away from it later in his career. No one who knew Jamal at all is surprised by these facts, no matter with what lurid framing they are now “revealed.” Whatever sympathies and associations he may have had, they do not change the apparent fact that Jamal Khashoggi was kidnapped, murdered, and dismembered to silence his freedom of expression. Those on the right who have spent decades fighting for free speech on campus will leap to tell you, correctly, that freedom of speech demands respect regardless of the political valance of the views espoused - and that protecting the expression of unpopular views that challenge current political correctness is the acid test for the security of this right overall. (excerpt from "On Jamal Khashoggi, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Saudi Arabia by Tamara Cofman Wittes).

      FYI, I do not expect YOU to become outraged, because you are an evil bigot. And, YES, I believe that someone thinking a journalist and dissident being dismembered while alive is OK because he is a "thug getting his comeuppance" (a lie, btw) clearly indicates that you side with evil.

    5. OMG, The Brotherhood's "freedom of expression" has been impeded! Call the police!

    6. Saudi Arabia is a sovereign nation. What they do, and how they do it, is of no interest to me.

    7. You have a problem with it? Call the U.N.

    8. Shaw, the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the tRumpanzees has no bottom. These 30%'ers are irredeemable humans, just like their thoroughly evil lying cult leader.

    9. Hypocrisy would be sending billions to the U.N. and getting NOTHING but platitudes in return.

    10. Jamal Khashoggi was a US permanent resident who had 3 US citizen children and who was employed by a US media company. What Saudi Arabia did to him should be of great interest to the United States.

    11. Ahhh, the perils of not becoming a US citizen. He should have given up that Saudi citizenship if he didn't want to deal with other Saudis.

      Bad choices. tsk-tsk.

  4. Derv, while the Trumpistas dismiss Khashoggi's torture, dismemberment, and death as deserving because he WAS a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, let's not let the Trumpistas forget that Communists are living in the White House.

    Melania's father was a card carrying member of the Communist Party in Slovenia. Even if he gave it up when the Soviet Union collapsed, we mustn't allow for that because by Trumpista logic, once a member, always a member.

    Remind the Trumpies that a Communist family now lives in America's White House.

    Talk about THUGS! The Trumpies support Commies!

    1. When did the Brotherhood collapse?

    2. The Brotherhood of the tRumpanzees can't collapse soon enough. tRump, the Lying Orange Turd Cult Leader is a self serving lying POS that is fundamentally changing America. What tRump stands for is un-American and unethical.

    3. Government exists to do the unethical. An ethical government would be a government that wasn't doing anything for the people (allowing THEM to maintain their ethics). Governments exist to fight wars and kill people. Governments exist to catch criminals and punish them. As Joseph d'Maistre said, "the executioner is the foundation of the State."

    4. Progressive ethics are the definition of individual's "unethical". Positive liberty isn't liberty.

    5. It's what most of the original American people would call, the "Nightmare." Living in someone else's "Utopia" (nowhere).

    6. Progressives are long on morality, but short on common sense.

    7. tRump, who was unethical as a private citizen, has done much to make the United States much more unethical. All Pluses as far as trumpers are concerned, I'm sure.

      Re your comment about governments existing to fight wars... tell that to the citizens of the 15 countries that have no armed forces whatsoever.

      Additionally, that government exists to kill people might be something you want to tell the citizens of the 101 countries that have abolished the death penalty for all crimes.

      Obviously the citizens of these countries must be living "the nightmare".

    8. They're living in that perfect the "dream state" that exists the moment before Freddy Krueger jumps out of the closet.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. have no armed forces whatsoever. - Leeches on the American taxpayer.

    101 countries that have abolished the death penalty for all crimes. Stupid is as stupid does. But then again, leeches on the American taxpayer.

    Perhaps they should all "abolish war", too. They're in for a rude awakening in the coming "more nationalistically competitive" NWO.

    1. It was our government that decided to be the policemen of the world. The republicans whined when Obama INCREASED DOD spending, saying he was "gutting" the military. And your beloved tRump radically increased military spending. And sent some missiles into Syria in response to a alleged chemical weapons usage. Isn't that the business of the sovereign state of Syria?

    2. Melania's father was a card-carrying Communist. He now lives in America's White House. Melania grew up in a Communist home.

      The Goopers call Nancy Pelosi a "Commie."Did she join the Communist Party like Melania's father? No. But the Goopers are not very bright. They ignore that ex-Commies live in the White House, and point to Nancy Pelosi because they're disgustingly stupid hypocrites.

    3. Please, Trump isn't a part of the post-WWII globalized NWO government. The WWII-spawned Neo-Con Never-Trumpers of PNAC (and RN) fame are your big allies in "the Resistance". Trump is the one warning NATO and the world that they can't call the former Team America World Police to come bail them out anymore.

      Welcome to the new deglobalization.

    4. tRump's quacks say he is a Putin puppet assisting in the destruction of democracy. We'll be an oligarchy like Russia if team Putin/tRump succeeds.

    5. John Kerry quacks like an agent of Iran. We'll be a Shi'a theocracy if team Democrat succeeds.

    6. John Kerry is a former/retired politician who doesn't want Iran to persue a nuclear weapons program. tRump, who wants Iran to get nukes, is more an Iranian agent than John Kerry.

    7. Private citizens are allowed to pursue foreign diplomacy w/o State approval now? That used to be called treason.

    8. btw, I can't say I give a crap concerning John Kerry technically breaking the law. Given the fact tRump is illegitimate. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    9. That's the problem, Dervy. You never have a problem when it's YOUR guy breaking the laws.

    10. No, Minus, the problem is that you never have a problem when it's YOUR guy breaking the laws. Anyway, I said I don't give a crap, not that I don't have a problem. I have a big problem with the idiot canceling the deal. John Kerry wouldn't be trying to salvage it if it had not stupidly been canceled. Although I am not sure what Kerry can accomplish, if anything. I wouldn't advise him one way or the other.

    11. Like I've said many times before, what laws did he break? The President of the US can break agreements made by other Presidents, but not treaties. Why didn't Obama make a TREATY with Iran that could hava been ratified by the Senate and thereupon legally binding? It's because he couldn't get it passed by the Senate. So nothing Trump does now to disavow said "agreement" is illegal. It's as legal as Obama's original actions.

      Private citizens can't negotiate with foreign governments. It's a violation of the seldom enforced Logan Act.

    12. "Seldom enforced"... you have your answer right there. And I wasn't saying tRump broke any laws by pulling out of the Iran agreement. I was talking about other laws he has broken. Both before and after becoming predisent. And I have given you examples previously. Despite you obviously always forgetting.

    13. ...only because you have failed to convince me that he's broken any.

    14. ...only because nothing will convince you. When Mueller's report (if it is released) lays out the decades of law breaking, you will say it is a "deep state" hoax. But I only say that because I suspect that will be the right-wing narrative. And you, an obedient NPC, will repeat what you are told to repeat.

  6. Trump is in bed with the Saudis. You remember the Saudis, don't you? They're the ones who killed 3,000 Americans? The ones the Goopers call "Moslem Vermin." But Goopers have nothing to say about President Porn Star Shaggers' approval and love of "Moslem Vermin." The Saudis who butchered an American resident and journalist. Those "vermin" butchers are fine with Trump's supporters.

    Funny, innit? Goopers are selective on which "vermin" they accept and which "vermin" they reject. It all depends on which ones Trump loves.

    1. The tRumpers hypocrisy knows no boundaries. Hard to grasp that presumably intelligent people can be so blinded by a charlatan and con man like tRump. But that's today's conservatives and republicans I guess.

  7. The majority of Trump's supporters are non-college educated white males -- Trump's favorite, the poorly educated. The less intellectually sharp you are, the more likely you support Trump and his fascistic, racist policies. Trumpistas prove this every day they post on liberal blogs. It's cute in a pathetic sort of way.

    1. He's our Blue Collar President! And you've lost the working class forever. :)

    2. Highly unlikely Thersites. Unless the American working class is blind, deaf, and dumb.

    3. They'd have to be all three to vote for another Democrat.

    4. After Mueller issues his report on tRump's treason it is the republican party that is going to be in trouble. Similar to how Nixon's illegalities didn't help re the republican party's popularity. A second corrupt GOP president will hopefully sink them permanently.
