Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mystere (A Lying, Insane, Racist Trumper) Irrationally Fears "Beaners" Will Invade & Occupy The US

According to the racist trumper blogger Mystere, I authored a post titled "Beaners Should Get Automatic US Citizenship Immediately". He even posts a URL that links to this supposed post on my blog.

Although he now says I deleted the post. But I never wrote or published it in the first place. The URL on Mystere's blog is fake. And Mystere's post, Dervish Sanders Wants Beaners To Invade & Occupy The USA, is proof of his racism (as well as his insanity). I don't refer to Hispanic people from South American as "beaners".

Mystere, on the other hand, disparages brown-skinned Hispanic people as "beaners" and "greasers". Mystere is a low-IQ imbecile who thinks Dotard's ridiculous wall (which will never be built) is needed to stop a "beaner invasion".

In addition to being stupid and a racist, Mystere is also a liar. I never wrote a post with this title and then deleted it. I don't think (undocumented) "beaners" should receive "automatic citizenship immediately". I don't want Hispanic people from South America to "invade" and "occupy" the United States. I am opposed to illegal immigration. Although I wouldn't call undocumented immigrants "invaders" because that's a racist trumper frame.

By the way, proof positive that Mystere is a liar is the fact that Blogger truncates post titles as URLs. I tried to create the link on Mystere's blog -- so that when it was clicked instead of seeing "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist", it would link to a page that said "Mystere Is A Low IQ Imbecile". But, after publishing a post with that title, I noticed that Blogger created it with the following URL.

As you can see "citizenship immediately" is not a part of the URL. Because the title was too long and got truncated by Blogger. So, Mystere cutting a pasting that URL from my blog would be impossible. Because Blogger won't create URLs of that length.

LOL Update: Mystere says that, for writing this post, I might be going to prison for many decades. Because the two images I include in it constitute "internet crimes". Clearly Mystere's delusions are growing stronger. I advise him to seek the help of a psychologist immediately. If not, family members may have to involuntarily commit him. For the record, the words I attribute to Mystere (in the images) aren't exact quotes, but are based on Mystere writings. So I don't know why they upset him so much. Maybe he's angry because what I wrote (and attribute to him) is so accurate?

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders.WYM-139.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bill Barr Farted Again

predisent Dotard's personal fixer, the dirty cop masquerading as the Attorney General representing the US populace, farted again. The release of flatulence by Barr occurred on Monday, December 9, 2019 in response to the Inspector General report that killed the trumper oranges conspiracy theory.

As he did in regards to the Mueller report, Dotard's toady spun the Inspector General Michael Horowitz's findings concerning the FBI's investigation of Trump-Russia collusion. Although this time it was post-spin instead of pre-spin. Because Mueller answered to the DOJ (and Toady Barr) while the Inspector General is an independent office.

For the record, as I did in my previous post, I again am using "farting" as a metaphor for dissembling. This time Toady Barr's flatulence was muted by the fact that he didn't start spinning until the report actually dropped. Whereas, with the Mueller report, his dishonest spin began before the report came out. And there was an extended period of time that his was the only narrative the public was hearing. This time people were able to read what the report actually said before Barr's NBC interview with Pete Williams in which he lies (lies he couches as "disagreements").

The following is an excerpt (transcribed by me) from the 12/11/2019 airing of MSNBC's The Beat with Ari Melber.

Ari Melber: The US House is marching toward impeachment tonight, while in the Senate lawmakers were grilling the DOJ Inspector General on a new report you may have heard about. It basically validates the opening of the famous Russia probe that lead to Mueller. The report concludes there was no evidence of political bias by the FBI in the opening this thing. And the Inspector General, the watchdog here, was explaining the decision to open this entire probe was justified.


Ari Melber: ...Trump allies are using some of these issues [inaccuracies in FBI warrants submitted to the FISA court] to also try to muddy the waters on the broader conclusions. Take Attorney General Barr, who is now saying that he now has his own view that the evidence was insufficient to open the probe, but that contradicts what the report found. Meanwhile you have US attorney Durham releasing this rare and potentially misleading statement that he just doesn't agree with some of the reports conclusions. Today lawmakers asked about that very disagreement. Take a look.

[Video Clip]

Diane Feinstein: Did Attorney General Barr provide any evidence that caused you alter this key finding that the FBI investigation had an adequate predicate?

Inspector General Michael Horowitz: No, we stand by our finding.

[End Video Clip]

Ari Melber: The guy who did the audit stands by his finding. Which raises a question. Does Attorney General and his handpicked prosecutors -- do they know something the auditor Horowitz doesn't? Do they have evidence to buttress any of this? Horowitz says he doesn't think they do.

[Video Clip]

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: What information do you think he has access to that you did not have access to?

IG Horowitz: I have no idea.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: Where could John Durham be going for information that is outside of the scope of what you have access to, or what FBI director Wray has access to.

IG Horowitz: I don't know and you'd have to ask the Attorney General or Mr. Durham.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: Is he going overseas to debrief foreign agents and interests?

IG Horowitz: Have no idea. You'd have to talk with him.

[End Video Clip]

Ari Melber: "You'd have to talk with him" is a very nice way of Mr. Horowitz, the auditor who found no bias, who debunked the witch hunt, saying "you better ask somebody". In this case, the people who may be lying about his report.

For more context we turn to federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner. Your view, sir?

Glenn Kirshner: You know, Ari, the thing is, IG Horowitz met with AG Barr and met with John Durham before reaching his conclusions and gave them every opportunity to say, "please show me what evidence you have that might impact my conclusion. That might show that I'm wrong that this was a fairly opened investigation. That there was enough evidence. Adequate predication, as they say. But neither AG Barr, nor John Durham could offer him anything.

Ari, if those two men have blockbuster evidence that this was a witch hunt. That this should not have been opened the way it was, don't you think they'd be screaming it from the rooftops?

Ari Melber: I do. I've read the report. It's long, but it's... fundamental debunking of the witch hunt is the most important thing. ...

Glenn Kirshner: ... Bill Barr successfully got out in front of the Mueller report and basically mischaracterized it. Poisoned the well of public opinion. This time he got cut short. Because IG Horowitz's report came out first. Bill Barr had very opportunity to part of that conclusion that was reached. And all AG Barr could do was try to snipe at those conclusions after the fact.

As stated by Glenn Kirschner, Bill Barr's flatulence on this matter is disingenuous. Because he the opportunity to inform IG Horowitz as to whatever info he has regarding his "disagreement" concerning the investigation being improperly opened. He did not provide it because there isn't any such evidence. That Bill Barr now suggests there is? It's bullshit. Just wait for Durham's parallel investigation and it will be revealed. It won't because Bill Barr's farting is a distraction.

Get it out there that there he "disagrees" and just wait for the evidence. It's coming. Except the evidence will never come. Although in the meantime Dotard supporters and the marginally informed will accept what Toady Barr says as fact (the witch hunt was real!).

Toady Barr's dissembling in defense of his master Dotard is disgusting and shameful. Hopefully he is called on it eventually. As opposed to him continuing to get away with what he's doing. Though I'm not incredibly hopeful that he will be. Given that he did the same thing on behalf of president Reagan, got away with it, and was confirmed by the Senate (with Democrats being fooled) for a second go-round as AG. Despite his prior dishonesty being a part of the historical record.

Post authored by the anti-Trump, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders.wym138.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Day The Oranges Died (IG Report Purportedly To Repudiate Trumper "Deep State" Bullshit)

According to the corrupt POS occupying the White House, "I hope they go now and look at the oranges. The beginnings of that investigation". Dotard meant to say "origins", but his dementia-addled brain couldn't come up with the right word. The "oranges" investigation involves Dotard's toady, Bill Barr, looking for evidence that Barack Obama, in league with the "Deep State", framed Dotard's campaign for collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 potus election (as confirmed by Robert Mueller).

As per recent reporting, however, the oranges investigation has fizzled. It has utterly failed to produce any evidence that the Russian-built conspiracy has any validity. What follows is an excerpt from the 12/6/2019 airing of MSNBC's Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace...

Nicolle Wallace: A hallmark of the presidents first two years in office was an all out hot war against the leadership of the Justice department and the FBI. He called them "dirty cops", "crooked". He accused them of treason. He called them human scum. An unbelievable tirade that lasted two years... all of it seen through the prism of a conspiracy theory -- that the agency spied on his 2016 campaign. A farce that Trump called perhaps the biggest political scandal in American history. An accusation that was echoed by his friends in conservative media.

...on Monday we'll get the results of the Inspector General Horowitz's investigation into -- not the "oranges" -- but the origins of the Mueller probe. We know from earlier reporting from The New York Times that the results are expected to undercut Donald Trump's claims and accusation of spying. The Washington Post says Attorney General Barr plans to dispute that finding. But the Post also reports that Barr's handpicked prosecutor, John Durham -- who is doing a different investigation -- can't back up that conspiracy theory. There is no evidence to support the notion that the president was set up.

The question now is, if what has been reported is accurate -- and the Inspector General found no evidence of spying, will Donald Trump apologize to the people he called scum and dirty cops and accused of treason.

Frank Figliuzzi: We've come to expect this behavior from the president. But, what perhaps is the saddest part of all of this, is now we've come to expect his behavior from the attorney general. If the reporting is true that the attorney general intends to dispute the finding of his own Inspector General -- a neutral, objective fact finder who exists to do nothing but ferret out misconduct and find best practices and worst practices -- if he ignores that he is ignoring that truth.

It is OK to question the findings of an investigation. It is not OK to deliberately and repeatedly ignore the facts. And now with the reporting of John Durham, the US attorney in Connecticut -- hand picked by by the Attorney General to run the Attorney General's personal inquiry into the origins of all this -- if now he is telling the IG, "I couldn't find anything to show that this whole Russia thing was a hoax" ... we've a travesty of justice occurring and the Attorney General has disgraced his office. ...we'll see Putin laughing at all of this as the Department of Justice points fingers at each other.

John Heilemann: ...Donald Trump has spent months talking about how the Durham investigation and the IG report would reveal the crimes perpetrated against him. Starting with Barack Obama tapping his phone lines. And [how] Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Andy McCabe and all [all the other Deep Staters who conspired against him] would all be revealed. He said it over and over again. ... now it's going to be -- not just a nothing-burger -- but a repudiation of all of those things. It will lay bare just how much all the things Trump claimed were fantasies and lies.

So the day the fake oranges investigation dies will be Monday December 9, 2019. Not that the rest of us sane people (those of us who are paying attention) didn't know the conspiracy theory -- that Dotard was "framed" and that the "real" collusion was between the HRC campaign and Ukraine -- wasn't complete bullshit all along. Also, not that the IG report (touted by the blogger Minus FJ as what will result in the jailing of HRC and BHO) will put an end to the oranges.

Dotard will NOT apologize as Nicolle Wallace mused. Toady Barr most likely will say (the team he put together to investigate the oranges) got it wrong. And a zombie oranges will almost certainly play a central role in the Dotard Senate impeachment trial. Making it a total joke that SHOULD result in the kicking out of Congress (by the voters) of all republicans who embarrass themselves by "defending" Dotard using debunked Kremlin conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately truth and facts don't mean squat to dishonest embracers-of-misinformation like Minus. To them this is a "narrative war". Truth and facts don't matter. If you can convince enough of the electorate to go along with your lies to "win" an election (via the Electoral College) then your "alternative facts" BECOME reality.

Make no mistake, however, neither BHO nor HRC will end up in prison. Given that there is no proof of any wrongdoing by them. Because such evidence doesn't exist. There is no "Deep State" conspiracy to frame Dotard or attempt a "coup". Such claims are utter inanity. Explaining why the oranges failed. Purportedly. We will know for sure on Monday I guess (unless the report is delayed for some reason).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders.WYM-137.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

predisent Dotard Does Not Have The Power To Levy Tariffs

Dotard tRump'a idiotic trade war with China is another abuse of the powers of the presidency. He is not actually authorized to impose tariffs. Tariffs being the province of Congress and not the Executive.

Wikipedia/Trump Tariffs: ...the International Emergency Economic Powers Act shifted [section 8] powers even more towards the White House. The Trump administration claims that it gives the President the authority to raise tariffs without any limits during a national emergency of any kind. Legal scholars disagree because the IEEPA does not mention tariffs at all and transfers no authority of tariffs towards the President.

(Note: Section 8 of the US Constitution says "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises...).

Dotard does not have the power to levy tariffs. At all. Even in a "national emergency", which we aren't in. But Dotard thinks we are in some kind of "globalism emergency" -- I guess. While I don't entirely disagree, China is ripping us off because the oligarchs bought off (mostly) Congressional republicans. republicans are the "free trade" party while Democrats have traditionally been the party opposed to sending our jobs overseas (WJC and BHO being exceptions and not the rule). And Dotard is going about fixing the problem in entirely the wrong manner.

The real solution to this problem is to elect a Democrat who wants to work with Congress to fix our trade policies. Either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Dotard's use of Executive powers (he does not actually have) means that, unless a trade agreement with China is reached and passed by Congress, nothing is accomplished. The next president won't continue the stupid tariffs (especially if the Democratic president isn't Sanders or Warren but one of the other more "moderate" Dems). One thing that WILL be accomplished (and will stick), however, is the harm to our agricultural export markets.

This explains why Dotard's tariffs are not working. China knows that they only need to wait until Dotard leaves office (by impeachment or by being defeated in 2020). Their pain is temporary. What little pain they suffer due to the tariffs. American consumers pay the tariffs (contrary to what the lying Dotard claims). China's strategy has been to devalue their currency to make up for (some) of the assessed tariff.

American companies know this. Which is why they don't move production back to the US and employ Americans to make their products. All they need to do is wait for Dotard to leave office and it's back to business as usual (under republicans and 3rd way conserva-dems). So why the HELL should they negotiate a new trade agreement? Especially when the predisent's own party does not support tariffs.

The ONLY long term accomplishment that Dotard is cementing in place is the harm to farmers. The cartoon I posted at the top of this post is funny, but not quite representative of how badly Dotard is harming American farmers. Bankruptcies and suicides among American farmers are up, which isn't funny at all. And it makes one wonder why the hell so many farmers continue to support him. The Dotard subsidies to farmers only make up a portion of the money they are losing. And the subsidies won't continue forever. They will go away, but the markets are lost.

China is going elsewhere to buy the agricultural goods they were buying from American farmers. I've heard South America. And they'll continue to buy these goods from South America regardless of what happens. What happens, BTW, won't be that China bows to Dotard's pressure and agrees to sign a new trade deal. Dotard's first term is almost over, so why wouldn't they simply wait him out?

We don't even need to negotiate with China. All we need to do is pass trade legislation through Congress that gradually raises tariffs. New legislation will prove to American businesses that manufacture their goods overseas that it's in their interest to move production back to the United States.

What we could have done, instead of giving these corporations a huge tax cut (which they used to buy back their own stock, as predicted, and not to give American workers raises), would have been to give corporations tax cuts conditioned on them moving production back to the US. Proof that Dotard doesn't know what the f*ck he's doing. Or he lied and this is all a show. Because, while I agree with Dotard concerning the threat of globalism, the incredibly stupid way he decided to "fight" it is not working.

The correct way to fight globalism is to change trade policy - legislation passed by congress which gradually raises tariffs. Legislation that would also give conditional tax cuts to these corporations. Hire Americans and get a tax cut. As opposed to giving unconditional tax cuts.

All the Dotard tax cut did was boost the stock market. Instead of doing squat to combat Dotard's supposed goal of fighting globalism. Do what the wealthy want (give them unconditional tax cuts) and OF COURSE the profits of the corporations they own will increase and the stock market will go up. Duh. Yet the trumpturds are fooled. And they (while crying about it during Obama's presidency) have no problem with Dotard's exploding deficits. So stupid.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Cartoon from the 8/16/2019 issue of The Week (scanned and adjusted in Photoshop by me from a physical paper copy).WYM-136.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

"Russia Didn't Hack The DNC" Conspiracy Theory Debunked (Yet Again)

The following comment was made by Tom Bossert on GMA. I saw it replayed on the 9/28/2019 airing of MSNBC's Morning Joy (hosted by Joy Reid). Tom Bossert "is an American lawyer and former Homeland Security Adviser to US President Donald Trump". Note that Tom Bossert resigned on 4/10/2018 when the predisent appointed John Bolton his national security adviser. He was not fired or asked to leave. Bossert "is currently an ABC News Homeland Security analyst" (quoted text via Wikipedia).

In the clip GMA host George Stephanopoulos asks Bossert a question regarding the theory that the DNC wasn't hacked by Russia. trumpers believe that the DNC data was stolen by Seth Rich and delivered to Julian Assange. That, or someone in the Ukraine "hacked" the DNC with their permission in an effort to frame Russia and sell their "tRump colluded with Russia" false narrative. I think. I only just heard that last theory. I think that sums it up, although there could be some nuance or details I missed.

George Stephanopoulos: You explained that to the president, right?

Tom Bossert: I did. It's not only a conspiracy theory, it is completely debunked. At this point I am deeply frustrated with what he [Rudy Giuliani] and the legal team is doing in repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again. For clarity here, George, let me just repeat that it has no validity. The United States government reached it's conclusion on attributing to Russia the DNC hack in 2016 before it even communicated it to the FBI. Also long before the FBI knocked on the door at the DNC.

Dotard asked the Ukranian president to look into finding DNC server data, which may be in the Ukraine as per the loony rw conspiracy theory. Communicated to him by Rudy Giuliani and other members of the Dotard's legal team. "Over and over" these lies were fed to the low-IQ conspiracy-minded predisent - according to Bossert.

Note that when Bossert says the United States government reached it's conclusion on who hacked the DNC, I assume he refers to his (former) agency, The United States Homeland Security Council. The HSC "is an entity within the Executive Office of the President of the United States tasked with advising the President on matters relating to Homeland Security".

This debunks the conspiracy theory (yet again) that the FBI is corrupted with "deep state" operatives who promote (or leak) "fake news" to bring down or thwart Dotard. Bossert was appointed by Dotard. The DNC didn't spin a tale of Russia Hacking (via CrowdStrike) that "deep staters" in the FBI went along with (the "attempted coup" Dotard and the rightwing hoax machine continue to assert are responsible for the "witch hunt").

The Dotard-appointed Bossert and the HSC had already determined Russia was responsible for the hack. Their determination was made before the FBI went to the DNC and was informed by Crowdstrike that their forensic analysis of the DNC server had shown Russia hacked them. BEFORE.

How did they determine this? I don't know, but I imagine some top-secret info figured into their conclusions. Info they are not disclosing to the public because they don't want sources and methods revealed. Anyway, what this means is that neither Seth Rich nor the Ukraine were involved. Also that the DNC didn't spin a tale (with the help of evidence fabricated by CrowdStrike) that the corrupt "deep state" FBI went along with. None of that happened. It was Russia that hacked the DNC. Full stop. End of discussion.

BTW, if you think this means Tom Bossert was part of the "deep state" conspiracy, why didn't Dotard fire him? Bossert says he told the president Russia was responsible. One would think this would have tipped Dotard off that Bossert was a deep-stater and he should be fired. Yet Bossert kept his job for more than 2 years after he told Dotard the DNC was hacked by Russia. What explains that, trumpers? Is Dotard simply too stupid to weed out the "deep state" operatives when they clearly identify themselves?

Not that there is a "deep state". There isn't. Even if Dotard truly believes that there is. Although, if he does, why didn't he fire Bossert? The toady who masquerades as the Attorney General goes along with the phony "deep state" conspiracy theory. This we know because he is currently conducting a phony "oranges" investigation (looking into the origins of the Russia investigation).

So people willing to go along with obvious lies are available. You'd think Dotard would want to get rid of anyone who so strongly refuted the oranges lie like Bossert. And replace them all with loyal boot-licking toadies. People willing to go along with obvious lies like Bill Barr.

For the record, the DNC, The FBI and Robert Mueller have all stated that it was Russia that hacked the DNC. Although you may not believe the DNC or the FBI. If you think the FBI has been (and still is?) corrupted by the "deep state". Which is why I posted this. This is a second and separate debunking (Mueller's info coming from the FBI). This second debunking coming from an agency WITHIN the Executive branch. And, as Bossert says, the HSC concluded the responsible party was Russia BEFORE they asked the FBI to look into the matter.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-135.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mystere Loves Murderers

Note: This post was deleted (on purpose by someone who hacked my blog) and (because I was unable to recover it) had to be rewritten.

The deletion occurred when a tech-savy friend of Mystere hacked into my Google account. Unfortunately I was unable to recover this post, unlike the other one that got deleted. Because I didn't notice it was gone until 4/22/2021.

The other deletion came to my attention when Mystere left a comment laughing about it. If I had known other posts were deleted, I might have been able to recover it via the Google cache. But now (years later) Google says it can't find anything. F*ck you, Mystere. This blog has now been fully backed up. Though I don't think Mystere's friend will be able to hack in again, given that I enabled two-step verification. Hopefully that will be enough to prevent future hackings.

What was this post originally about? I can't fully recall. Mystere wrote a post for his blog about how *I* love murderers. Because I opposed Dotard Donald's moronic wall. Apparenlty that means I want bad hombres from South American to cross the border and murder Americans. For the record I am not pro-murder.

Mystere stupidly annoyed Irl Hudnutt, who reported Mystere's blogs for TOS infractions, and the blogs were removed. Mystere blames me, but I only reported him for hacking into my Gravatar account. I actually found his attacks on my (on his pathetic blogs) hilarious. And I am disappointed that his content was removed because now all my links to it (on this blog) go nowhere.

Although Mystere's asinine post "Dervish Sanders Love Murderers" escaped removal. Because it is located on "Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club" and this is one of Mystere's few remaining blogs. In this post Mystere argues that Zachary Castaneda (person who killed 4 in a "stabbing spree") is a liberal. Absent any facts confirming this.

He also claimed "Liberal dingbat blogger Dervish Sanders wants this guy to get off with a slap on the wrist, saying that it's racist to put him on trial and convict him of murder". But this is bullshit. I want murderers to be held accountable for their crimes. I never said (nor would I ever say) it's racist to put a person of hispanic descent on trial. That's false and stupid.

Lastly, the idiot Mystere says I want "people like Castaneda to come across the Southern Border and blend in with the citizens of the USA". But Casteneda isn't an illegal alien. He didn't illegally cross our southern border. At least I couldn't find any article that says he is in the country illegally. Something you'd think would be noted.

Mystere links to no article to confirm that Castaneda is an illegal alien. I therefore assume that (because Casteneda is of hispanic descent) Mystere just assumes he's an illegal alien. Because it fits the moronic narrative Mystere wants to tell (that I'm pro-illegal immigrant murderer). Also because Mystere is racist against hispanic people.

As per the above video, "Casteneda was convicted of selling methanphines while carrying an assault rifle". Mystere, as a Conservative magamoron, opposes "gun control" measures. Which (I assume) includes a ban on assault rifles. He can correct me if I'm wrong. Though he hasn't commented here in a long time. But I'd be very surprised if he supported reasonable and necessary gun regulations.

QED Mystere loves murder and murderers. I don't recall if this was my original argument (in the deleted post) but it very well could have been. Because gun violence in the United States is significanly higher than in other countries. Countries where the populance supports reasonable gun control measures and therefore their legislatures pass such regulations into law. Unlike here, where one of our two political parties is under the control of the NRA and kowtows to the gun nuts.

Post authored by the anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-134.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hate Forms The Foundation Of The trumpturd Movement

According to an 8/7/2019 post on the trumper blog Who's Your Daddy, the election of Dotard revealed Leftwing hate.

Unfortunately for the proprietor of WYM (Lisa), the evidence definitively proves that it Rightwing hate that has been revealed with the election of Dotard tRump! (see examples below).

[1] Dotard tRump encourages violence at his rallies. Regarding a protester, Dotard said, "I'd like to punch him in the face".

[2] ABC News finds 36 cases invoking "Trump" in connection with violence, threats, and alleged assaults. Could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.

[3] Dotard says his supporters may get violent if he doesn't get his way. Quote: "I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don't play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad".

[4] Prior to the election Dotard called for the assassination of Hillary Clinton if she was elected. Quote: "If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is".

[5] Dotard jokes to Putin they should "get rid" of journalists. So funny, considering the fact that 26 journalists have been murdered in Russia since Putin first became president (according to the Committee to Protect Journalists).

[6] Coast Guard employee plots to kill Democrats, journalists, and innocent civilians. WYD regular Minus FJ downplays plot (and suggests wrongful prosecution) by referring to assassination plans of Lt. Christopher Paul Hasson as "thought crimes". Quote: Dervy votes for "conviction for thought crimes". US Army soldier Jarrett William Smith "talked about targeting Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, attacking anti-fascists and traveling to Ukraine to fight for a violent far-right militant group, Azov Battalion". He was "arrested by the FBI on charges accusing him of discussing plans to bomb a major U.S. news network" - aka another "thought crime". The network Jarrett wanted to bomb? The oft-dissed by Dotard "fake news" CNN.

[7] At Florida rally, Trump laughs off supporter's suggestion to shoot migrants at the border. Excerpt: tRump asks (referring to immigrant "invaders"), "but how do you stop these people?". One ...attendee loudly responded, "Shoot them!". The crowd laughed. Mr. Trump grinned, shook his head and said, "Only in the Panhandle you can get away with that statement. Only in the Panhandle!" His supporters roared in cheers.

[8] New Zealand shooter Brenton Tarrant (who murdered 51 people), targeted Muslims and referred to tRump as a "a symbol of renewed white identity" in his manifesto. El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius (who murdered 22 people) said he targeted Mexicans. His manifesto "parrots some of President Donald Trump's divisive rhetoric about immigration".

[9] Heather Heyer is murdered by James Fields (who plows into with her car) at the Unite the Right rally (held on August 11 and 12, 2019 in Charlottesville VA). Wikipedia notes that Unite The Right "was a white supremacist rally [and that] protesters were members of... the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Blue Lives Matter, and various right-wing militias. The marchers chanted racist and antisemitic slogans, carried semi-automatic rifles, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols".

Note that none of the protesters were from historical societies arguing against the removal of the statue of Robert E Lee. All the protesters were racist organizations that were there primarily to spread hate and only used the statue removal as a pretext. Despite this Dotard claimed that there were "very fine people" on both sides.

I haven't seen any evidence that there was anyone there opposed to removing the statue beside the racists (who were proudly waving racist banners and yelling racist chants). Even though Dotard claimed that he saw them (the non-racist history preservationists) "protesting very quietly". Self-identified Nazi Minus FJ (because of Dotard's bullshit about him not referring to the racists with his "very fine people" line) claims that the Left (and the "emedia") lies (as does Dotard appologist Willis Hart).

Before the murder occurred, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke voiced his support for Dotard. Quote: We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what we believed in. That's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back. In a 8/12/2017 tweet (directed at Dotard) Duke writes "...remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency".

[10] When the far Right Neo-Fascist group, the Proud Boys (which admit only men as members and promotes political violence) rallied in Portland (without a permit), Dotard tweeted "Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an ORGANIZATION OF TERROR". As per Vox "Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler told the Oregonian he believed [the Proud Boys came] to Portland hoping to foment violence, well aware that it is home to a large antifa contingent, Rose City Antifa". Despite this, "the president did not warn or criticize the controversial right-wing group organizing the rally..." (because they are his peeps).

[11] South American Christian refuges fleeing violence and economic hardship are instructed by the Dotard administration to be treated inhumanely as a "deterrent". Inhumane and patently evil acts include holding migrants indefinitely - in defiance of the Flores decision (which says that migrant children can be held a maximum of 20 days). Additionally (in defiance of a court order to stop) kidnapping migrant children - deporting their parents and losing track of the children (making reuniting parents and children extremely difficult to unlikely).

[12] Dotard calls Jewish Americans "disloyal" for voting Democratic. As per the Daily Beast, "accusing Jews of disloyalty is an age-old anti-Semitic canard". Dotard claims that "If you vote for a Democrat, you're very, very disloyal to Israel and the Jewish people". Despite the fact that American citizen Jews first loyalty should be to America. Which would be why (I suspect) "as of 2018, 71% of American Jews disapproved of Donald Trump's job as president". Additionally, speaking out about Netanyahu corruption and our government's kowtowing to Israeli interests is not antisemitism (what The Squad has wrongly been accused of).

[13] Congressional Republicans refuse to condemn Dotard for his racist tweets about The Squad. As per the Washington Post "only four House Republicans voted to condemn Trump's latest questionable tweets". These would be tweets in which Dotard told members of The Squad that they should go back to the countries they came from (even though 3 of the 4 Squad members were born in the USA). Wikipedia notes that "Go back where you came from is a racial insult used in the United States to target immigrants or members of minority groups who are falsely regarded as immigrants... The message conveys a sense that the person is not supposed to be there, or that it isn't their place. The speaker is presumed to be a real American while the target of the remark is not".

[14] Donald Trump blasts NFL anthem protesters: "Get that son of a bitch off the field". This despite the fact that "in the US, African Americans are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white people. For black women, the rate is 1.4 times more likely" and this is what the "son of a bitch" NFL players who kneel are protesting.


Yet it's the Left that is inciting hatred and violence? What bullshit! The White Nationalist predisent even laughably claims that trumper hate is love. The following video is from a 8/16/2019 rally in Manchester NH, during which Dotard incorrectly singled out one of his own supporters (thinking he was a detractor) and fat shamed him. This after claiming that the trumper movement is one built on love.

Dotard has also claimed that "my rhetoric ... brings people together". So we know he frequently says absurd things that are 100 percent contrary to reality. As the WYD claim that the election of Dotard "revealed Leftwing hate" is. The Left may hate Dotard and want to get rid of him, but it is the trumper movement that is built on hate. As my examples above illustrate. And opposing hate is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing!

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-133.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

trumper Blog "Who's Your Daddy" Infested With Nazis

According to remarks from former VP Joe Biden made on Wednesday 8/7/2019, "we have a problem with this rising tide of supremacy, White Supremacy in America and we have a president who encourages and emboldens it". Yes we do Joe. But this isn't a failing of tRump. It is totally intentional. As per Biden's speech, Dotard "seems to have no interest in unifying this nation". Correct. His interest is in dividing us.

President Hillary Clinton* called tRump supporters "deplorables" during the 2016 campaign (*elected but did not serve). Recently it was revealed to me how RIGHT she was. Two regular Who's Your Daddy commenters came out of the Nazi closet and proclaimed their love for Adolph Hitler.

This would be yesterday (8/7), following Grand Wizard Dotard's insincere NRA-talking-point-filled remarks on the El Paso massacre. No joke! Not that I didn't suspect beforehand (given the strong support for tRump on that blog) that many were White Supremacist sympathizers. The fact being that Dotard's support among the White Nationalist community is very strong.

The Nazis in question? Franco Aragosta aka FreeThinke and Minus FJ (a blogger with a dozen other IDs, many of which he uses on WYD, sometimes conversing with himself).

My proof is their comments. The first one made by a vile hate-filled individual who used to go by "FreeThinke". Later he created a second ID (abandoning the "FreeThinke" handle and blog) and now calls himself Franco Aragosta.

Franco Aragosta: N____E____W____S____F____L____A____S____H____!

Austrian Police Searching for Hitler Lookalike Spotted Near Nazi Dictator's Birthplace

All the sounds the brass bands made
For the soldiers on parade
Guys like us we had it made.
Those were the days.

And do you remember when
Men were girls and girls were men?
Brother we could use a man like Adolf Hitler again.

Didn't need no Welfare state.
Everybody pulled his weight.
Our Gestaoo sure was great.
Those were the days!

My Old Heart Thrills at the Thought of What Our Wunderschoene [beautiful] Stormtroopers would have done to YOU, Fartbreath. Once reduced to a heap of ashes, at least you wouldn't STINK anymore. Ach du lieber [Oh my God]! What a blessing THAT would be! (8/7/2019 at 1:58pm).

"Didn't need no Welfare state" is a reference to the fact that Hitler was not a socialist (a favorite lie of the Right). So at least there is that. BTW, "Fartbreath" is what Franco calls me. Despite the fact that we've never met, Franco insists I suffer from an extremely bad case of halitosis.

Note that Franco refers to our beautiful stormtroopers. "Our" indicating that he identifies as a Nazi. And he delights at the thought of my murder at the hands of Nazi stormtroopers. Which probably would happen if I time traveled back to Nazi Germany. Ethnically I am 100 percent German, although I do not speak the language.

Later in the thread Franco writes "88" over and over (264 times total). "88" is White Supremacist code for "Heil Hitler". Additionally, a Google search reveals that "Heil Hitler in Jewish Gematria equals 264".

But Franco's "88" reference was the second time a blogger wrote "Heil Hitler" (in code) in the tread. The first time was in a comment by Minus FJ.

Minus FJ: 30-50 feral hogs broke into pShaw's back yard yesterday. Had it not be for the quick stopping power of her AR-15, she might have gotten raped by them! (8/7/2019 at 12:41pm).

Joe Conservative: 2 or 6 got away! lol! Sieg Heil! [Hail Victory] (8/8/2019 at 7:35am).

Joe Conservative: Happy 8/8! (8/8/2019 at 7:35am).

According to the Anti-Defamation League "88 is a white supremacist numerical code for Heil Hitler. H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. One of the most common white supremacist symbols, 88 is used throughout the entire white supremacist movement".

Someone who writes "happy 8/8" is telling you they are a White Supremacist. It was Maya Angelou who said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them...". Which is why I believe Franco and Minus are Nazis. Because they TOLD me (and anyone else reading their comments) that they are.

That "2 or 6" of the feral hogs got away is another Nazi reference. Per Wikipedia, "the Luftwaffe was officially established on 26 February 1935". I think that is the date "2 or 6" is code for. Although, not being that knowledgeable about White Supremacist code, I could be wrong (and I couldn't find anything definitive via Google). "2 or 3" would be what a normal person would write, so it is very apparent that "2 or 6" (like 88) is another Nazi reference.

Is Minus saying "hail victory" in advance of the 2020 election because a second tRump "win" will signal the END of the United States as we know it? Because the United States will then be firmly on the road to becoming a White Supremacist nation under Der Führer, Herr tRump? Yeah, I think so. Certainly that would be a dream come true for the racist assholes that worship the Orange Turd. People like Franco and Minus.

Addendum: The "30-50 feral hogs" comment is, apparently, an anti-gun control meme that started on Twitter.

Arkansas dad William McNabb tweeted, "how do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?" (Wired 8/6/2019).

The title of the Wired article by Marc Steinmertz is "How 30-50 Feral Hogs Became the new Thoughts and Prayers". The title of the article being a reference to how USELESS offering "thoughts and prayers" is. Thoughts and prayers don't stop mass shooters. While getting rid of assault rifles might have some kind of an impact. Like making it harder for a crazed gunman to shoot 30 to 50 human targets in short order.

You might point out that other crazed gunmen have killed large numbers of people with a non-assault rifle type weapon. But why do so many of these shooters use assault rifles? Maybe because it's a efficient weapon for hunting humans?

For the record, an assault weapon is not needed to kill feral hogs. As the Wired article points out.

Wired: Let's not get falsely equivalent here - A plague of swine is not a reason to dispense with gun control regulations, nor is it justification for owning an assault rifle. Feral hogs have killed just four people in United States history, and the most recent attack was over 30 years ago.

No doubt Minus DOES believe that people "need" assault rifles to kill feral hogs. Which is why he wrote the comment. And inserted "pShaw" in it because she is a person he hates and (therefore) enjoys imagining her getting raped. Although, in this fictional example, Shaw killed the hogs and wasn't raped. Even though, as far as I know, feral hogs don't rape humans and his comment is (in addition to containing typical misogynistic rape imagery) simply f*cking stupid.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-132.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Hate-Filled Racist Rhetoric Of Grand Wizard Dotard Inspires More White Nationalist Terrorism, Resulting In 29 Dead In El Paso And Dayton

For how much longer are the American people going to put up with a racist predisent spewing hate-filled racist rhetoric that inspires elements of his White Nationalist base to commit deadly acts of violence? For 8 years America had a Black president. A fact that greatly angered the racist right. Now the racist right has got what they wanted - a racist White predisent. A racist predisent that legitimizes their hate for minorities (as well as women and Democrats).

It is time to "fight back" now that "one of their own" holds the highest office in the land. In FACT, the racist rants and attacks coming from the White House TELLS them (Dotard's White Nationalist base) that NOW is the time to act. White Nationalism (with a White Nationalist in the White House) is ascendant. Make NO MISTAKE about it - the reason for the sharp uptick in White Nationalist terror is the Orange Turd in the White House (who is a White man in spite of the orange clown makeup he wears).

His hate-filled rhetoric gives them license to carry out their missions of hate. They take their marching orders from the Dotard to "strike back" against the focus of their hatred. Kill them! They are not one of "us". They are the "other" who rapes our women and murder us. This is why Dotard speaks often of so-called "Angel Families". Immigrants are violent. Immigrants are the enemy. i.e. immigrants must be killed in order to "neutralize the threat".

This is why I strongly believe that Dotard is responsible for the explosion in White Nationalist violence we've seen since the election was stolen from Hillary Clinton. We MIGHT be seeing some of this under a HRC administration. Might being the operative word. Surely, after 8 years of a Black man in the WHITE House, the ugly underbelly of America (the White Nationalist Deplorables) was more than incensed.

But a President Hillary Clinton would have acknowledged the threat. And taken steps to address it. Devoting money and resources. And charging domestic terrorists under existing but seldom used laws. And by passing new laws as necessary. Dotard does nothing. Remember when the Right insisted that BHO must call "Islamist Terrorism" "by it's name" or they were only adding to the problem? Well, what do you have to say about Dotard's refusal to call WHITE terrorism out?

Absolutely nothing? No... worse. They deny it. This wave of White terrorism has nothing to do with Grand Wizard Dotard's hateful rhetoric. Because there is no hate-filled rhetoric. He "only tells the truth". The "truth" about how immigrants lie about fleeing violence. Also the "truth" about how they want to steal our jobs, steal our tax money (by getting "free stuff" provided by Democrats), rape our women, and kill American citizens!

As well as the "truth" about how Democrats are for "open borders" and handing out "free stuff" (paid for by the hard working WHITE American citizens) to illegal immigrants. Additional "truths" involve non-White politicians (The Squad, Elijah Cummings) and how they hate America (and should go back to the shitholes they came from) and/or are thieves who steal from their constituents.

How the HELL could anyone not expect these lies to inflame the entire Deplorable Right? And result in the less stable elements of the Deplorable Magaturd base to decide to take up arms and commit acts of violence against "the enemy".

And (of course) the Right will STILL refuse to take up reasonable gun control legislation. If some people get murdered - ESPECIALLY if they are the WRONG kind of person (i.e. "illegals", minorities and Democrats)? That's simply the "price of freedom". This madness MUST stop. Grand Wizard Dotard MUST go. The sooner the better. Because the problem of White Terrorism will only continue to grow - so long as a White Nationalist occupies the White House. And eggs on the "fringe" elements of his base.

"Fringe" in quotes because, IMO, they are ALL fringe. Anyone who decided to take a chance and vote tRump in 2016 who plans to vote tRump again in 2020. They are the enemy. FYI, I am NOT saying the Left needs to do as they do and commit our own acts of terror. We OUTNUMBER them and can get rid of them without violence. By VOTING THEM OUT! It would be easy. We ONLY need to get out and vote. They can only disenfranchise so many. We have the numbers and we WILL win. IF we vote.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-131.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Low IQ trumper Magaturd Mystere Thinks "Spank The Monkey" And "Jacking Off" Are References To Suicide?

The extremely stupid trumper who calls himself Mystere thinks "spanking your monkey" and "jacking off" are terms used when referring to suicide. I kid you not. As per a recent post on his blog.

Mystere: The cowardly liberal Jeffrey Epstein has tried to spank his monkey. Guards found him in his prison cell in a fetal position with injuries to his neck. It appears Epstein tried to jack himself off to avoid spending time in the big animal cage with Tiny Boobarino, Momo Boom Boom Warpedstinkhouse and Bubba Anal Horsass. Bleccchstink the coward wants to spank himself like a typical liberal coward. (7/25/2019).

Mystere refers to a story about the child molester Jeffrey Epstein (a good friend of Dotard tRump) and his claim that he was assaulted after being denied bail (and being held prior to trial). People have speculated that he might have tried to commit suicide after he was found with injuries to his neck.

Here we're talking about a phrase (not a word) that Mystere does not know the meaning of. I assume. I mean, why the heck else would he make multiple references to masturbation when it appears as though he means suicide?

Is English a second language for you, Mystere? Or is it because you are stupid that you confuse masturbating with committing suicide? Either way, it is quite a strange mistake to make. Given the crimes Jeffrey is accused of committing. I'm sure Jeffrey spanked his monkey a LOT when outside prison (when he wasn't raping little girls). Inside prison, I doubt he spends any time jacking off.

Although Mystere might like to imagine he is. In this imaginary (gay) porno (playing inside Mystere's head) Jeffrey is "spanking his monkey" when Tiny, Momo, and Bubba (3 large Black men) walk in on him. Perhaps imagining that got Mystere really hard? Then, with an image of Tiny, Momo, and Bubba anally raping Jeffrey playing in his head, Mystere spanked HIS monkey?

You like to watch gay pornos in which Black guys anally gang rape a White guy Mystere? Something tells me he might. That something? An image he posted on his blog. I won't post it here, but you can click the link and judge for yourself. FYI, the (cartoon) image is of a Black guy and a White guy having sex. It isn't that explicit, but it is clear what is going on.

Is having anal intercourse with a large Black man (with Mystere as the woman taking it up the "endo") something Mystere fantasizes about often? Even though Mystere is a racist, I think he does. And, while (in his fantasies) it's Mystere's enemies who are all gay, I say he's projecting. I think it is Mystere who is gay. Although he is a self-hating, in denial, closeted gay man.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-130.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Google Gives Me Green Light To Continue "Harassing" The trumper Snowflake Mystere. LOL!

I'm not sure whether I can trust this information or not, seeing as I came by it secondhand, but apparently Google says I can keep "harassing" the trumper magaturd who calls himself Mystere. And that there is no reason for me to worry about TOS violations. Those only apply to Conservatives.

OK, so, providing this is true? Thanks, Google! Although (for the record) my secondhand source for this info is Mystere. He writes about how Google told him to piss off when he went crying to them about the "harassment" he has been suffering at my hands (LOL!). In a Mystere screed titled "Google Lets Dervish Sanders Get Away With Harassment", Mystere talks about his (erroneous) belief that I reported his blogs to Google and that his "Moonbat Spanker" blog was banned. Even though I am (mysteriously) still able to navigate to it. And to also (somehow) read it.

Now, I did report one of Mystere's WordPress blogs. This was following him somehow getting into my Gravatar account (or somehow otherwise spoofing my Gravatar account). This allowed him to post comments that appeared to be from me. Moronic comments that (in one example) had me "admitting" to being married to my dog. Up until this point I considered my trading of insults with Mystere to all be in good fun.

But hacking an account crosses a line, and so I reported the fake "Dervish Sanders" comments Mystere made. And, as a result, his WordPress blog was "suspended". I put "suspended" in quotes because I thought that, following an appeal by Mystere, the "suspension" would end and he'd get his blog back. But that was quite some time ago and the blog is still showing as "suspended". So I'd say it looks like he's never getting it back.

As "revenge" for my reporting of Mystere's TOS violations, he decided he would hack into my Google account. Or, he'd have a more intelligent friend do it for him. I suspect it was a friend because Mystere's IQ is observably very low. So low that hacking into an online account would be beyond his abilities. WAY beyond. Not that I know how to hack accounts, but I do know I'm smarter than Mystere. Not a brag, btw, as most people are.

Now Mystere, the snowflake that he is, is angry. I guess he does not realize that trading insults is one thing, but hacking an account (or directing a friend to hack an account) is something he SHOULD get in trouble for. Not that I reported him. I decided not to because I find his blogs to be hilarious. The "laugh AT Mystere" kind of funny and definitely NOT the "laugh with Mystere" kind of funny. So I wouldn't (and did not) try to get Google to take down his blogs, suspend them, or otherwise mess with them.

Also, I think I locked him out of future hacking by enabling two-step verification. I did this by having Google send a text to my phone to verify it was me. Mystere doesn't have my phone (or phone number) so he can't get a text to "verify" he is me (and thus gain unauthorized access to my account). Or so I hope. There may be a way around this. Not being a hacker, I can't say for certain.

In any case, it does feel good to know Google is on my side. And that, when it comes to "harassing" Mystere, they said "go ahead". Because I'm a liberal and Mystere is a Conservative. And Google is biased against Conservatives. The fact is "Google hates Conservatives". This I know because Minus FJ told me.

Poor Mystere! He must be crying his eyes out. At least he has Minus FJ's delusions to console him. That delusion being that Google is biased against Conservatives. Something I referred to as a "fact" in the paragraph above. But I meant a "fact" as per Minus FJ. So (in reality) it is a lie. Or an "alternative fact" as Kellyanne would call it.

Mystere, instead of whining, should be grateful Google let him get away with hacking into my account. That has got to be a serious TOS violation! One Mystere should be banned PERMANENTLY from Google for. Unlike Mystere's 100 percent false claims that I referred to him using a racial slur (I don't use racial slurs) and that I am of guilty "instigating violence".

Did someone beat you up, Mystere? Did Bubba say, "this is on behalf of Dervish Sanders" when he sucker punched you in the gut (rupturing your spleen) and then kick you a few dozen times in your (ample) belly after you dropped to your knees in agony? If so, you should have called the police. But Mystere was probably too afraid. Given that he's currently under investigation by the fuzz for sexually abusing puppies*.

Mystere sounds pretty angry at Google for this imagined discrimination (something they are "allowing"). "You can't hide this", Mystere warns. Because he cross-posted it to his (remaining) WordPress blog. So, even though (in Mystere's paranoid delusions) Google is out to get him, if they remove his fantasies (suspend his Spanking blog) the post will still be accessible on his "Cleveland Foxers" blog.

*Speculation that may or may not be accurate.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-129.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Minus FJ Pushes Fake Claims Of Bias Against Conservatives

The trumpy blogger Minus FJ (a regular WYD commenter), in a duo of posts on Political Tea Leaves, repeated the old conservative trope that Conservatives face bias. From Hollywood, The "Liberal Media", Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc. According to Minus, "Google hates Conservatives" (comment posted using his Joe Conservative sockpuppet).

Of course this is complete nonsense. A fact I suspect Minus is aware of. This is an old conservative tactic known as "working the refs". They're trying to extort these outlets into changing the rules to FAVOR them. Given the FACT that there is no bias, "eliminating" bias would obviously skew search results, the news (or whatever) in their favor.

Are Google and Facebook really suppressing conservative politics?. (Excerpt from a 12/4/2018 article from The Guardian by Oscar Schwartz). Accusations of encoded anti-conservative prejudice are gaining traction, but experts say the claims are just a red herring. ... In the past year, several Republican politicians have publicly questioned whether social media platforms skew their algorithms to discriminate against conservatives.

Google, Facebook and Twitter have all emphatically denied any technological anti-conservative bias. While trust in these companies is justifiably low after recent scandals, Ari Ezra Waldman, director of the Innovation Center for Law and Technology at the New York Law School, says that there is "zero evidence" to suggest that they're lying. "The fact that individual conservatives get less play or banned [from these platforms] is not evidence of a pattern of bias"...

For Francesca Tripodi, professor of sociology at James Madison University, anecdotal evidence of anti-conservative bias spreads as fact through the media in part because of a deep misunderstanding of how bias in search engines and content moderation practices work. ...These algorithms are very complex and not at all intuitive ... They weigh things like how many people are linking to an article, what key words appear in the headline, and what specific phrases people are using in their search. ... If you search for Donald Trump and receive mostly negative results... it isn't because Google executives are censoring pro-Trump voices, but because most Google users are seeking or linking to this particular type of news item. "In other words, Google is biased but its bias skews towards the type of results people want to see. Search results are kind of like a public opinion poll about what news matters".

So, in order to eliminate "bias", Google would have to manipulate results in favor of Conservatives. Which is what they want. Failing that, their objective is to convince the public that there is "bias" against conservatives. So that the public will disbelieve the truth and believe conservative lies. It's another example of the "fake news" trope.

A red herring "is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question". The red herring (re Google) is WHY are Google results "biased" against Conservatives? Because WE (those of us who voted against Dotard) are the MAJORITY. And, as the article points out, "search results are kind of like a public opinion poll about what news matters".

The simple FACT is that there are more of US using Google then there are of THEM. Just like WE won the popular vote in 2016, WE are winning the popular vote on Google (which is what Google search results represent). If cons don't like it they can pound sand and f*ck off.

At least this is what SHOULD happen. Unfortunately working the refs is an effective strategy. Which is why Dotard - and cultists like Minus - use it. Dotard's lies work because "seeding doubt is made easier by the reality that simple lies are much more persuasive than complex truths". And Dotard is a "master manipulator". He honed his craft during his days as a reality teevee actor on "The Apprentice". Reality teevee being completely fake. They simply film a LOT of footage and pick out the portions that support the narrative they are trying to construct.

Dotard drives home his lies via repetition. Have you noticed how he repeats things multiple times? Dotard pushes out his lies via twitter and to the press (often speaking over the sound of helicopter blades chopping through the air) and the media covers (and repeats) these lies. The media is biased against tRump? Give me a break. The media is his accomplice.

As former CBS CEO Leslie Moonves said, "it may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS". He was talking about allowing Dotard to spew his lies on CBS and the fact that covering the Orange fool drew a lot of eyeballs (and thus made CBS a lot of money in advertising dollars). And I thought the media was "biased" against tRump??

I'm not a fan of reality teevee myself, but apparently the dullards love it. Explaining why shows like "Keeping up with the Kardashians" has been on the air for 16 years. This also explains the popularity of the tRump candidacy. People tuned in to see the train wreck. That's what got the non-trumpers eyeballs, at least. The "poorly educated" average trumper saw the Orange idiot and decided, "I like this fellow who tells it like it is" (spews racist and misogynist hate).

The "biased" media helped get tRump elected! Even if now they are more willing to call tRump on his lies and racist hate. He still has the rightwing "media" cheer leading for him and defending him. Sean Hannity (tRump's own Tokyo Rose) and the plethora of other FAKE NEWS trump-supporting outlets that have either sprung up or converted to trumpism.

Although, 2-plus years into the Orange Turd administration, the media is finding it harder to not call a spade a spade (call tRump out for his constant lying and racism). Which is why tRump has to work the refs even harder (his recent "Social Media Summit" being one example). To combat the media's anemic bias in favor of facts and the truth.

BTW, if Twitter was biased against conservatives they would have banned Dotard long ago for TOS violations. Instead "Twitter will add warning labels to tweets from world leaders that break its rules following years of public criticism". Another example of PRO conservative bias. Or an example of the success of working the refs. Imagine the outcry if Twitter actually enforced it's own rules and censored offending tweets from the Orange racist (or kicked him off their platform)?

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-128.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Mystere Wept

The trumper magaturd Edwina Endo (aka Mystere) almost certainly cried when he found that his dreams were dashed.

The image above is of predisent Dotard signing executive orders that clearly pertain to Mystere. I found this pic after doing a Google image search on "Mystere gay". Clicking on the image and selecting the "visit" option, I found that the image is posted on Apparently Dotard signed an executive order early in his presidency that has something to do with Mystere (you can tell it's early in the Dotard presidency due to the presence of White Supremacist Steve Bannon).

According to the text of the executive order, the Secret Service has orders to shoot to kill if they see Mystere. Despite Mystere being a trumper and a huge fan of Dotard, Dotard is not a fan of Mystere. Or down with Mystere's fantasies. Previously I authored a post about a book written by porn actress Stormy Daniels. In this book Ms. Daniels describes Dotard's penis. She saw it when she *shudder* had sexual intercourse with Dotard.

My guess then was that Mystere would be interested in that description as masturbation material. Apparently he spoke about his desires on other blogs (ones that get more traffic than my blog or Mystere's own blog). Which resulted in someone in the predisent's inner circle alerting Dotard to what he must have perceived as a threat.

This must be one of Dotard's lesser known executive orders. I know I had not heard of it until just recently. I don't know if Mystere is under the impression that he had any chance of fulfilling his dream. But Mystere has had success previously with talking straight guys into having sex with him, so he probably believed he could convince his Orange Turd Cult leader to allow him to orally pleasure the tiny Cheeto (aka the ding-dong of blotus).

But if Mystere can't get anywhere near Dotard, those dreams are clearly dead. And Mystere, if he did not know about this executive order previously, will surely weep now.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-127.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Racist trumper Pig Mystere Oinks

The images below are from the blog of a racist trumper magaturd who calls himself "Mystere".

According to Wikipedia, "Racism in South Korea has been recognized - particularly by the South Korean media - as a widespread social problem". Additionally Wikipedia notes that "racist attitudes are more commonly expressed towards immigrants from other Asian countries and Africa, and less so towards European, white North American, and white Latin American immigrants who can occasionally receive what has been described as overly kind treatment".

I believe (though I am not 100 percent certain) that Mystere has indicated he is Korean. If this is true, it might explain Mystere's racism. Apparently a large percentage of Korean people favor the White race and dislike other minorities. Although (as per Wikipedia) this concerns Koreans living in South Korea (and I have no idea if Mystere has ever even been to South Korea). But he might have picked up his racist attitudes from his parents and community.

He does make it pretty clear (from his posting of the Confucius meme) he hates Chinese people. "Ching Cong" being a phrase used by bigots when mocking the Chinese language. The Confucius meme is one Mystere posted shortly after posting the picture (cartoon) of a man he describes as a "greaser". "Greaser" is a racial slur used to describe a Hispanic person. It is used in California (where Mystere lives) to disparage people of Mexican heritage.

The Confucius meme, BTW, was included in a Mystere-authored post in which the racist trumper falsely claims I called him a "gook" (racist slur against Asian people). This is a lie. I only asked Mystere (because of his use of the slur "greaser") if he thought it would be OK for me to refer to him as a "gook". Of course the answer is no. But Mystere apparently does not like slur words... if they're directed at him.

If Mystere uses them to disparage other minorities? That is obviously OK by him. Although, although given the fact that he lied about my use of that slur, he might be faking his outrage. It surely would not surprise me at all to discover he is a huge hypocrite.

The last meme (#3) is a misappropriated image from the show "The Big Bang Theory". While I have never watched this program, I very much doubt (the character) Sheldon is bigoted against people who are overweight. Or thinks that they smell. I guess Mystere is indicating that he smells me (?). Even though we have never met and live thousands of miles apart. Also despite the fact that Mystere himself is a "fartso".

"Fartso" is a word Mystere invented by combining "fart" and "fatso". But I've seen images of Mystere in which you can see he has a big gut. While Mystere has seen zero images of me. I know this due to the fact that he has posted pictures of a person named "Anthony Sanders" on his blog. A person he claims is me (but is not). Point is, Mystere does not know what I look like.

Another obvious point is that Mystere (despite being a fat-ass himself) is prejudiced against overweight people. As we all know, trumpers are defined by who they hate. Hispanics (who Mystere calls "greasers"), Chinese people, African Americans (use of racial slurs to describe Black people is fine by Mystere), gay people (even though Mystere is gay himself), and people who struggle with their weight. These are all people who Mystere hates. Nice. And he has the nerve to accuse me of what he is guilty of? F*ck you, Mystere.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-126.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Bertha Butt Babbles Endo & Her Younger Brother Edwina Mystere Endo

Barbara Endo confronted her younger brother, Edward. "Look, Ed, I know you're gay. Mom doesn't know and it would kill her if she found out. I also know that you and your boyfriend plan on cohabiting here - as soon as we move out". Barbara was referring to the fact that she and her mother were moving to Torrance. Because their mother Kazuko had decided to sell the family home at 5301 Delong street in Cypress and place their father Tsugo in an assisted living facility (also in Torrance).

Ed looked at his sister angrily. "Bertha Butt, I'm not a homosexual and you know it" Ed sputtered. He almost jumped up from his chair in the kitchen and slapped Babbles across the face, he was so insulted. He stopped, however, afraid his sister would beat him up. "Babbles, being a libtard, you just think it would be cool to have a gay brother. But I'm totally straight. Fact is, I can barely keep the chicks off me. Every night a hotter chick wants to bang. And we have to go to her place for sex because I selflessly volunteered to move back in to help take care of dad".

Ed was referring to the fact that their father had been diagnosed with dementia a few months ago. But he had become too much for Barbara and her mother to handle lately, what with Ed providing no help at all. Ed had begged to move back in because (he said) he was unable to pay his rent. Barbara and her mother agreed, as long as Ed helped care for their father. But, despite his promises, Ed did nothing. Instead he spent his evenings trolling gay bars. Barabara had no idea what he did during the day. But, as she found out from her mother, when Barbara went to work, her brother mostly watched cartoons and ate junk food. And lounged about in his jammies.

One day Ed thought Barbara and their parents were going to be gone all day. Barbara let him know that their father needed to see a specialist in Torrance to be evaluated. But the tests took less time than anticipated and everyone arrived back at the family home hours earlier than when Barbara had told Ed to expect them. Obviously Ed and his guest didn't hear the front door open, because, when Barbara entered the bedroom she shared with her brother, she walked in on Ed and his male guest having sex. Ed was on his knees giving oral pleasure to his friend. "That feels fantastic, Mystere" the man moaned.

Barbara was so shocked she let out a scream, then turned and got the hell out of there. "What happened?" her mother asked. "Nothing" Barbara insisted. "I'm just fed up in regards to what's going on with dad" she fibbed. The doctor had informed them that Tsugo was declining mentally a lot faster than anticipated and would likely have to be placed in a facility soon. And they were going to have to sell the family home to pay for it.

It was a few days later when Barbara broke the news to her brother. "Mom is going to move into an apartment with me in Torrance" she explained. "What about me?" a shocked Ed blubbered. "Where am I supposed to live?". "That man I walked in on you with - I didn't realize it at the time, but later it occurred to me that he is the wrestler Rikishi. Couldn't you move in with him?" Barbara asked. She didn't want her brother to be homeless, but she was in a bind. Her finances were stretched thin and she could only afford a small apartment for her and Kazuko.

Ed looked angry. "You're confused" he said sternly. "You think you walked in on me and another man engaged in homosexual activity, but you're mistaken. I'm not gay". Barbara knew what she had seen. "If you suck another man's penis, I think that means you are gay" she reasoned. Ed looked like he was about to explode. His face was red and the veins on his forehead popped. "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell mom" Barbara promised. "Screw you Babbles" Ed angrily growled under his breath (so their mom wouldn't hear). Then he stormed out of the room.

Barbara was showing a real estate agent around the property later that week when Ed approached the two (they were in the backyard). Ed pulled into the driveway (he was behind the wheel of his Chevy Vega, a rust bucket that barely ran). Seeing his sister with a woman in a yellow coat, Ed jumped out of the vehicle and ran up to them. "Not for sale!" he shouted at the realtor, spittle spraying from his mouth.

"I am buying this property" Ed informed the woman, poking her in the boob to make his point (so squishy. It was really gross). "My bro Rikishi, a famous and rich WWE wrestler has agreed to loan me the money". The realtor looked confused (and perhaps a bit frightened). "Should I leave?" she asked. "No, no" Barbara assured the woman. "Well, maybe you should. I'll call you later". The lady realtor quickly walked out to the curb where she had parked, got in her car and pulled away.

"So, your boyfriend is going to give you the money?" Barbara asked. She didn't know whether or not to believe her brother. "First, Rikishi is not my boyfriend. He's a married man with two kids. He's my bro, not my boyfriend. My boss Bob Wilson had me interview him for KCBC and we became friends". Ed was referring to the Conservative radio station he supposedly worked for. Although he never went to work (Ed insisted that he worked from home editing audio on his computer when pressed).

"Why would he give you so much money?" Barbara asked. "Because he's rich and we're bros" Ed insisted. "You'll see. Give me a week and I'll get you a cashier's check". Barbara wasn't sure if her brother was telling the truth or not, but she decided to give Ed to the end of the week. "If you can get the money, fine" she said. "Otherwise the house goes on the market at the beginning of next week".

"OK, Babbles" Ed agreed. "I'll have the money by then". Barbara really wished her brother would stop calling her Babbles. He had come up with the nickname after she informed him that she was voting for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primary. Her brother looked shocked. "Trump is who you should vote for" he insisted. "The prophet Mark Taylor says God has preordained that Donald Trump will be our next president. Not the Hildebeest".

Barbara wasn't a Christian like her brother. Nor was she a Conservative. Which is why she didn't believe that voting for Hillary would imperial her soul or that she'd go to Hell is she didn't vote for Trump. It did worry her, however, that her brother seemed so convinced by this "Mark Taylor" fellow (an individual who Barbara deemed to be either insane or a con man). Could her brother be suffering from early onset dementia? The doctor had informed her that genetic testing indicated insanity ran in her family (on the male side).

"Homosexuality is vile in God's eyes" Ed exclaimed. "So you can cut it out with the gay stuff. I'm a God fearing straight Christian man" Ed proclaimed when his sister said, yet again, that he was a fag. Clearly she was suffering from serious delusions. "OK, you're not gay" Barbara agreed. She was tired of fighting with her brother.

Ed slid a piece of paper across the table. "Here is the money order I promised you", he explained. "480K is my final offer, btw. Given that this is a private sale and you won't have to pay any realtor fees, it should be more than enough". "Let me take this to the bank" Barbara replied. "If it clears I will accept your offer".

Surprisingly, the check did clear. Soon Barbara, Kazuko and Tsugo were gone and Ed had the place to himself. After Rikishi's lawyer met with Barbara (her mother having given her power of attorney over her parent's affairs) and she signed the paperwork.

"You'll be happy to know that I'm divorcing my wife, Talisua", Rikishi told Ed. Although he called Ed by the name he uses online, "Mystere". "I love you, Mystere", Rikishi proclaimed. He grabbed Mystere and gave him a big smooch, slipping him some tongue. "We will be together soon" Rikishi promised after he and Mystere made love (as they lay in bed cuddling). "I just have to fly to Florida and have my divorce finalized".

Mystere and Rikishi were married in a civil ceremony shortly before the election. When Donald Trump won (as predicted by Mark Taylor) Mystere called his sister. "I told you Donald Trump would win" he gloated. "You really should wake up and get behind our president. I'm worried about your soul, Babbles". The line went dead. "The bitch hung up on me!" Mystere complained. It looked like Satan had won her over. Mystere shook his head. Unless she repented, when Babbles took her dirt nap she would go straight to Hell. It made Mystere sad, but there was nothing he could do, apparently.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-125. TF-15.