Monday, August 27, 2018

Franco And Jesus Team Up To Exterminate Marxicrat Scum

"I will wash my feet in the blood of my enemies" Franco Aragosta screamed as he pressed the trigger of his machine gun, spraying bullets into the crowd. "Die, Marxicrat scum" Franco cried as the bodies fell. Screams of terror erupted from the crowd and soon people were stampeding for the exits.

Franco continued pumping bullets into the enemy as his unfortunate prey found the doors locked. Franco laughed maniacally as bullets impacted flesh and blood spurted from wounds. "Head shot" Franco remarked, smiling as the cranium of one of his fleeing pussy-hat-wearing targets exploded.

"Nice shot, my son" a caucasian man in flowing white robes standing next to Franco while firing his own machine gun remarked. "Thank you, Jesus" Franco replied. Soon it appeared that everyone in the auditorium was dead. Mangled and bloody corpses were strewn everywhere.

"Now we must flee before the authorities arrive" the son of God declared. "Not yet" Franco exclaimed. Jesus knew the reason they had chosen this theatre, so Franco was perplexed that his savior would suggest leaving before their main target was not known to have perished.

Suddenly two men wearing black suits and sunglasses opened fire. "Secret Service agents" Jesus warned, turning to face the adversary. Bullets hit the body of Christ but ricocheted away doing no harm. Jesus smiled as he returned fire, filling one of the Secret Service agents with lead.

"I will protect you, my child" Jesus remarked calmly, throwing up a forcefield to protect Franco. Just in time. A hail of bullets that surely would have ended Franco's life hit the holy shield and were deflected. Jesus dropped the shield and Franco returned fire, cutting down the second Secret Service agent.

Franco and Jesus approached the stage, victorious. "Don't harm me" a frightened voice pleaded from behind the podium. "I know you are there, Hillary Clinton; come out" the son of God commanded sternly. Hillary Clinton emerged from behind the podium. Her pantsuit was soiled and she was quivering in terror. Her mascara ran as she began to cry.

"Please don't kill me" Hillary Clinton pleaded. "Judgement is upon you, oh evil one" the Messiah intoned. "You may do the honors, Franco" Jesus said and Franco began pumping bullets into IT. His ammunition ripped through the former First Lady's body like a blowtorch through warm butter. She dropped to the floor and expired. But Franco did not stop. For several minutes he held down the trigger of his fully automatic firearm. Hundreds of shell casings clattered to the floor.

Soon the body of the former First Lady was reduced to naught but red jelly. "You got what's coming to you, bitch" Franco screamed, spittle flying from his open maw, his face red with rage. Franco removed his red MAGA baseball cap and wiped the blood from his brow, then hawked a loogie into the puddle of goo that was once Hillary Clinton (president of the United States, as per the popular vote).

"That was extremely satisfying" Franco remarked, pointing at his crotch. Looking where his companion indicated, Jesus noted that Franco was sporting a rock hard erection. Jesus gave Franco a thumbs up. Then the son of God spoke, "you have defeated the Hildabeast. Your nation owes you a debt of gratitude, although the law will not see it that way. The building is currently surrounded by the police and Secret Service. They will be coming for you soon, my son. Intent on taking your life".

Franco was alarmed, then he remembered that he was standing beside Jesus Christ. Surely Jesus had a plan that would get them out of this jam unharmed. "What shall we do, Jesus?" Franco implored. "If we had left when I said we should, we could have gotten away before the authorities arrived" Jesus replied. "Now there is no escape".

"Except for an all powerful being such as myself" Jesus added. "You, however, are doomed". Franco was about to object, but Jesus raised his hand. "Silence" Jesus commanded. Jesus furrowed his brow and thought. "I shall perform a miracle and teleport you to safety". "Great, let's do that" Franco agreed, looking worried.

Jesus waived his arms about while speaking in tongues. To Franco's amazement a swirling portal materialized. Just then there was a pounding at the auditorium doors, which burst open. Officers in body armor rushed into the room. "Throw down your weapons. NOW!" one of the men commanded.

"Quickly my child, you must depart immediately" Jesus told Franco, pushing him toward the portal. Franco entered the swirling gateway and found himself instantly transported back to his room at the old folk's home.

Except he had not been transported at all. Instead he found he was waking from a dream. One he had many times before. Only a dream, although an extremely vivid one. Franco began to weep. Hillary Clinton - The Beast, the Servant, the Handmaiden, the Henchman, the Toady, the Slave and Asskisser to everything vile - he realized, was not dead, but very much alive.

At least a Godly man like Donald Trump held the presidency. Praise Jesus for that! Franco rose from his bed, slipped on his robe and shuffled over to his computer. Turning it on, Franco waited while Windows booted up. Then, as soon as he was able to connect to the internet, Franco navigated to the blog Who's Your Daddy.

"I will fight evil the only way I am able", Franco muttered. "Not with a machine gun, but with my keyboard". Franco took pleasure in knowing that, as he typed his words of hate and submitted them (thereby smiting his enemies), the Lord smiled upon him. For he was certain that those he hated were hated by the Lord as well. Of that Franco had no doubt whatsoever.

However, unbeknownst to him, Franco was being manipulated by Satan. "This fool is my pawn" The Prince of Darkness chortled. "I am able to easily puppeteer him via my stooge Donald Trump. Soon his soul will be mine". Satan licked his lips in delight. These trumpers, many of which considered themselves pious Christian followers of God, were walking right into his trap. Thinking about the souls this would net him caused Satan to laugh heartily.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-69. TF-5.


  1. Franco's into guns? Who knew?

    I gotta get me one of those Rick & Morty portal guns...

  2. Apparently. You haven't noticed his many comments about murdering his "enemies" with guns?

    1. My commentary links to the comments. They are recent, not from 2010.

      For example:

      FreeThinke: Blasting them to reddish brown jelly with a burst of machine gun fire, then hosing them into the nearest sewer is not an option, thank God. It may come to that, however, if "we" who are supposedly more intelligent and productive can't come up with better remedies than we've yet devised. The Marxicrat Way has been an utter bust. (4/19/2015 at 6:45am).

      Franco Aragosta: DRAG that GODDAM BITCH OUT of BED in the MIDDLE of the NIGHT... STRAP HER TO A POST and MACHINEGUN her to RED JELLY. (8/22/2018 at 10:23am).

      Franco Aragosta: The Enemy must be DESTROYED.

 [Just be sure you identify "IT" correctly, and know who "IT" is before you start pumping bullets into "IT". (8/23/2018 at 11:19am).

      I could probably find MANY more examples if I did an exhaustive search. You have seen these comments, I am sure. Yet you profess ignorance for some reason. Perhaps it is a case of selective ignoring. Another example of that would be Mystere's ignoring Franco's glee concerning McCain's death. Along with his FALSE allegations that I was the one wishing that McCain would die.

    2. Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam...

      So what! It puts him in great company. And it has little to do with guns.

    3. You want to murder your enemies by shooting them too?

      Also, murdering people by shooting them has little to do with guns? Who knew?

    4. There are other ways to murder that don't involve guns. The censoring Left merely shadow-bans... murdering thought nonetheless.

    5. I was talking about ACTUAL murder. As was Franco. Not "thought murder". Anyway, private platforms have the right to ban bigotry on their platforms. In any case, you are still able to post your bigotry on Blogger. So I guess your thoughts haven't been "murdered"... yet.

      As I recall Trump was told by a judge that he couldn't block people on Twitter. Given that he is the president, it is a free speech issue. Yet, according to what I've heard, Trump ignored the judge and is still "murdering" the thoughts of those who disagree with him.

  3. Now we know what really happened to the 'shrooms growing on your property. Toadstools mixed with Moonbat Moonshine makes for wild hallucinations, Dervish.

    1. So that's what explains your "gay road trip" tall tale... published multiple times on multiple blogs. You really should lay off the shrooms, Mystere. It can't be healthy to go through life high ALL THE TIME.

      Some facts you may wish to keep in mind the next time you consume shrooms, as per The Essential Guide to Psilocybin Mushrooms, "not much systematic data exists concerning adverse drug-drug interactions with psilocybin, however anecdotal reports from emergency rooms suggests abstention from alcohol while tripping (it's best to abstain from alcohol while using any psychedelic)".

      Additionally, if you're picking them from your yard, you'll probably want to be sure you've got the right shrooms because "there are non-hallucinogenic species that can cause you to become physically ill and are toxic enough to cause major damage or, in rare cases, death".

    2. Screw the shrooms, Flower, tinctures, and edibles are better and safer.

    3. I'd actually like to try a marijuana edible. Not legal where I live, though.

    4. Dope for a dope? Wow, you're actually funny for once, Dervy boy! May I suggest rattlesnake meat to go with it? I'm sure your mosque has one carcass to spare from its sacrifice to Baal Allah. I'm sure your 'shrooms and moonbat hooch will season the dope and viper salad.

    5. Everyone knows that you're the dope, Mystere. Ask your buddy Irl Hudnutt. As I've told you many times, I have never been to a mosque.

  4. Actualy mystere cannabis is not for dopes. Until the 20th century cannabis was used medicinally in the good ole USA as well as recreationally. It wasn't until the 70's, when the ridiculous "War on Deugs" that it became a class 1 substance and was criminalized.

    Restrictions on cannabis use for medical, recreational, and industrial reasons took off in most states in the US from around 1906.

    Prior to this, cannabis was being used to produce medical tinctures or industrial products like fiber, for example.

    Recreational cannabis use was also relatively popular from around 1850 onwards, with oriental-style hashish bars to be found in most major cities in the US.

    The major restrictions on cannabis came to be enforced through poison laws such as the Pure Food and Drug Act, passed by Congress in 1906. This law required certain drugs, including cannabis, to be accurately appropriately labeled.

    From there on out, individual states began to pass their own laws regarding specific labeling of drugs such as cannabis. For example, further regulations regulating the sale of cannabis and cannabis-derived products followed in Massachusetts in 1911, and in New York and Maine in 1914.

    n 1925 the US officially supported the the regulation of Indian Hemp (essentially THC-rich cannabis) at the International Opium Convention. The convention restricted the exportation of Indian hemp and any derivative products (such as hashish) to countries that had already banned the substance.

    By 1930, the US formed the Federal Bureau of Narcotics as a push to outlaw and control recreational drugs. The bureau was lead by Harry J. Anslinger who, as we’ll see, is often crowned the father of cannabis prohibition in the US.

    In 1932, the US passed the Uniform State Narcotic Act, which basically called for all states to unite in their front against the traffic of narcotic drugs and manage trafficking under uniform laws. By the mid 30s, all US states had enforced some kind of regulation on cannabis.

    The possession or transfer of marijuana for recreational uses officially became illegal across the US under federal law in 1937 under the Marijuana Tax Act.

    In 1970, the Tax Act was replaced by the Controlled Substances Act, which officially listed controlled under 5 different schedules based on their danger and risk of addiction, with Schedule I substances deemed the most dangerous and addictive. Cannabis was listed as a Schedule I drug.

    Schedule I substances are described to possess a high potential for addiction, no currently accepted medical uses, and completely unsafe.

    The move in 1970 to criminalize cannabis resulted in a explosions in incarceration rates. The dopes were the idiots that supported placing cannabis on the schedule 1 list while they ignored thousand of years of knowledge concerning the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Thankfully, states are slowly legalizing medical cannabis and recreational use as well. Ignorance and fear is gradually being overcome by rational judgement and enlightened knowledge. Perhaps when a rational congress and president are in place to administer our laws cannabis will be removed from the federal schedule 1 controled substance list and the feds will fall in line with the more rational, representative, and enlightened state governments that are leading the way to a better society.

    So, WHO's the dope mystere?

  5. You ask who's the dope, Nursie Poo Poo? You and Dervish are the dopes. You missed the whole point. Those laws have absolutely nothing to do with my comments. I'm aware of cannabis being used to make rope. So is flax. You and Dervish can toot your rusty trombones about all the things mankind has done with cannabis, but it doesn't change the fact that abusing cannabis is a bad thing. You opened the Pandora's box when you asked who's the dope.

    1. Mystere toots his husband Rikishi's rusty trombone nightly.

    2. Alcohol is much worse and more devastating to society. Educate yourself before you blow your rusty trombone mystere.

  6. It is written "You shall not use the Lord's name in vain."

  7. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? [Matthew 7:3].

    I left a comment on your "Charging RINOs" blog concerning Franco's glee about John McCain's death. Do you think that being joyful and referring to a fellow believer's death as being like Christmas is Christian??

    Yeah, not only did you completely ignore those reprehensible comments, but you LIED when you wrote "We never wanted to see him die from brain cancer, unlike you". I never wrote that I wanted John McCain to die. That was Franco.

    And what about your post about how "God Is Saving Our Great Nation The USA"? Trump is an incredibly evil man and Mark Taylor is a false prophet.

    For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. [Matthew 24:24].

    You have your own VERY SERIOUS problems with God, rattrapper/Mystere.

  8. Replies
    1. You lie. Franco gloated with glee. You say it was me KNOWING this. McCain did not like tRump. His vote spoiled Donald tRump's effort to repeal the ACA. I expressed ZERO "glee" concerning McCain's death.

      Quote me. Link to a comment. You cannot because what you claim (knowing full well you are lying) is 100% false.
