Thursday, January 30, 2025

Elon Confirms d0n0ld is a Nazi

It is now official. The republican party is now the American Nazi Party. As shown in the genuine, not photoshop or AI image above. Elon Musk did recently perform the Sieg Heil salute to show respect for his Nazi leader, Herr d0n0ld der Führer.

With the "election" of the Orange Turd, the future of civilization was assured? I think the destruction of civilization may have been assured, given that one of the first thing king d0n0ld did was to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement. Again.

Musk defended his actions, saying that pointing out the obvious amounts to "dirty tricks". He also remarked that the "accusations of him being Hitler are sooo tired". I'm not aware that anyone called Elon "Hitler". People only point out the fact that he gave the Nazi salute.

He isn't Hitler. d0n0ld is Hitler. Musk is Goebbels. That seems right, given that he bought Twitter and transformed it into a cesspool of misinformation. Goebbels was Hitler's propagandist. Musk serves the same role to his Führer, d0n0ld.

Though I have no doubt that, in his mind, Musk was trolling. On Quora, Kevin F wrote, "whether Musk is a sincere Nazi is, in my view, besides the point. He can make offensive gestures all he likes because it's entertaining to him, and no one who matters is gonna do anything about it".

As per Wikipedia, the term Edgelord is "frequently associated with the forum site 4chan [and that] The renegade rhetoric of the edgelord is often intentionally employed by the far-right to troll leftist targets". Keven F says Elon is an "edgelord". "I can make the nazi saloot for tha lulz, cuz it triggers da libz". That's Elon's mindset, as per Kevin's Quora post.

I say Elon's troll was a Freudian slip, which is "an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings". The Nazis were a White Supremacist cult and Hitler was a messianic figure who would save Germany. d0n0ld's cult members see him the same way. Only d0n0ld can fix it. That's what he claimed.

Hitler targeted Jews, Slavs, and Romani people. d0n0ld targets Mexicans, Muslims and people from "sh|thole countries". Also Chinese men. If you fall into one of those categories and aren't a US citizen, you could be deported. You could be deported even if you are a US citizen. Ask Tom Homan. If parents of US citizens who are themselves not US citizens, then the parents can "choose" to take their children with them when they are removed from the country.

The Orange Turd Emperor issued a royal decree (aka an "executive order") titled "Protecting the Value and Meaning of American Citizenship" which "states that children born in the U.S. must have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident to be granted citizenship". This is a "reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment".

I queried Copilot, asking if this is a power the president has, and the reply was "The President does not have the power to unilaterally reinterpret the Constitution". This will probably go to the corrupt supreme court. And then the corrupt supreme court could say that the form that d0n0ld twisted and shaped the Constitution into pleases them as well. The rightturds on the court, at least.

The chatbot that Elon paid to be developed known as Grok supposedly has a sense of humor. Grok is "a maximum truth-seeking AI". The first AI image above was created using Grok, which means that it represents "maximum truth".

Video: Herr d0n0ld issues full pardons to his Brownshirts. Democracy Now! Jan 21, 2025.

Republiturds will say there is no way d0n0ld is in any way like a Nazi, because he opposes socialism. But that is BS, because the National Socialist German Workers' Party under Adlof Hitler was not socialist. That the party was socialist was propaganda intended to fool Germans into supporting it. d0n0ld does the SAME thing in regards to his phony claims that he fights for the "forgotten man".

Björn Höcke is a German politician and a prominent member of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. In a joint interview during a campaign event in Erfurt, AfD chancellor candidate Alice Weidel expressed support for Björn Höcke Höcke and highlighted his role as a key figure in the AfD.

Elon Musk has publicly endorsed Alice Weidel and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. In a recent live chat on his social media platform, X, Musk expressed strong support for Weidel and the AfD, stating that he believes they are the "best hope for Germany".

Copilot: The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party has faced several accusations of harboring neo-Nazi sympathies and aligning with far-right extremism. Here are some key points...

1. Extremist Factions: Sections of the party, particularly in eastern Germany, have been linked to far-right extremist ideologies. The "Flügel" faction, led by Björn Höcke, has been classified as "right-wing extremist" by Germany's domestic intelligence agency.

2. Controversial Statements: Prominent AfD members have made controversial statements about Germany's Nazi past. For example, Björn Höcke referred to Berlin's Holocaust memorial as a "monument of shame", and former co-leader Alexander Gauland described the Nazi era as a mere "speck of bird's muck" in over a thousand years of German history.

3. Associations with Far-Right Figures: Reports of AfD members meeting with known far-right activists, such as Martin Sellner of the Identitarian Movement, have fueled concerns about neo-Nazi ties.

4. Surveillance by Intelligence Agencies: Germany's domestic intelligence agency has placed sections of the AfD under surveillance, citing concerns about their potential to undermine the democratic order.

These factors contribute to the ongoing accusations and concerns about the party's alignment with far-right extremism.

Source: What you need to know about AfD, Elon Musk's favorite German Party. Times of India.

As per Malcolm Nance, "I warned that these insurrectionists would become a version of Trump's self-deputized political enforcers, the American version of the Nazi Brown Shirts. Now that Trump has pardoned over 1,600 violent extremists, their threat has magnified now that we know that the US Government may become their official sponsor".

d0n0ld tRump is America's Hitler. Full stop. That is why Elon Musk gave him the Nazi salute and supports the AfD, the German Nazi Party that says they aren't Nazis. Fascists deny being fascists. That's what fascists do. Same as White Supremacists deny being White Supremacists.

If they hope to gain power, that's what they do. Some people might eagerly vote for fascism, but most won't. But you can easily trick many of those people into voting for fascism, as has been conclusively proven via the return of the fascist Orange Turd to the White House.

Video: Feb 4, 2025. Bill talks about Elon Musk and confirms that el0n gave a Sieg Heil.

Description for the PBS Newshour video from 1/20/2025 above: Billionaire Elon Musk gave what appeared to be a fascist salute Monday while making a speech at the post-inauguration celebration for President Donald Trump at the Capital One Arena.

Post authored by the Exemplary Leftist blogger and bigly Joe Biden Fan, Dervish Sanders. wym354.


  1. I didn't know you had a photo of your uncle Adolfo Hitlerez, Dervish. He made his fortune with his product Adolf's Meat Tenderizer back in the 60s.

    1. Everyone has the right to be stupid, RATTRAPPER, but you're abusing the privilege.

    2. Rattrapper aka Mystere excels at being stupid. He takes great pride in being stupid.

    3. Oh No! It looks like your image of various Democrats extending their hand has completely refuted everything I wrote in my post. I guess I should retract what I wrote? I definitely did Nazi that coming. Even though you previously linked to this image.

    4. Hiya Shenehneh! How's life at your hate barn, Boston Piggy's? Do you have enough pigslop for your mooching piglets?😆😆😆😆😆

  2. More "not Photoshopped" images for your collection. The Nazi's must be winning!

  3. Reductio ad Hitlerum is invoked by people who have lost the argument. Face it Derv. Your team lost but can't stop digging the hole you're in.

  4. Minus: Reductio ad Hitlerum is invoked by people who have lost the argument.

    Funny. You said nothing when it was invoked constantly by Qtard. According to him the Biden Administration was Nazi and d0n0ld was a persecuted Jew. In fact, I brought up Reductio ad Hitlerum in that discussion. You forgot? Or just don't care because you use whatever argument works in the moment.

    People might not be happy with the Democratic Party because they failed to stop the fascist orange Turd. I know I'm not happy that they bungled it.

    FYI, this isn't a picture of a Democrat.

    1. Neither is this. Don't blame the inmates for trying to escape.

    2. ps - I'm just here to tell you its' a stupid argument.

    3. ...a meaningless "Hollow Man" argument from ts eliot's "Wasteland"

    4. Because truth no longer matters and telling it is a "stupid argument", yes? Everyone should pretend d0n0ld isn't trying to fascistically and unconstitutionally take control of all the US government and end democracy.

      d0n0ld is a hollow man who feigns religious belief and is completely lacking in morals.

  5. Minus thinks "Reductio ad Hitlerum" should be invoked when it's tRump and republiturds being compared to Nazis. But it can not be invoked when it's Joe Biden and Democrats being compared to Nazis. Because then the comparison is valid. You could ask one of the biggest losers of arguments ever, Qtard. If it was still around.

    1. You ask him. He was pretty p*ssed that Putin was calling the Ukrainians "Nazi's" and using the war to "kill Nazi's". But then again, the USSR and Russians were always Anti-Fascist (an empty slogan developed to unite the Allies in WWII).

  6. Two megamaniacs can't get along very long. Look for Musk to be deported by Homan's roving squads.
    Hopefully T's two immigrant wives can stay.

    1. His two immigrant wives being Melania and elon? The other one is dead. I don't think dead people are deported. Personally, I'd support deporting both Melania and elon.

  7. I hope I never interact with Qtard ever again. I don't believe that he was pissed that Putin was calling Ukrainians Nazis. Given that he continuously lied and said Democrats were on Putin's side and were also calling Ukrainians Nazis. Proving he was a liar that lied. Given this, I think it's safe to assume that most/everything he wrote was a lie. Including him being "pissed" about what you say he was pissed about.

    "the USSR and Russians were always Anti-Fascist".

    Many Russians are likely antifascist. Russia/the USSR itself is a fascist country.

    The United States under d0n0ld is transitioning to fascism. Whether or not the transition is successful remains to be seen. I know you are confident that the transition will be successful.

    I know Mystere is bigly confident. He believes that d0n0ld is "God's chosen (fascist) leader".

    1. Fascism is a Union of State and Corporate Power. Since Bill Clinton, the Democrats are the biggest recipients of corporate campaign contributions. Hence, they're the more 'fascist" party.

    2. Neoliberalism is fascism on steroids.

  8. Corporations don't like republican proposals to reduce their taxes and slash their regulations? They want to pay more taxes and be subject to more regulations? When d0n0ld cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, that made corporations angry because they'd rather have had a corporate tax increase?

    And you think that wanting to be more highly taxed and to be subjected to more regulations is in the interest of corporations? If that's the case, why do corporations use tax dodges to avoid paying what they owe?

    Neoliberalism is fascism on steroids = what republicans fight for.

    d0n0ld: "I'm not a protectionist, I'm a free trader".

    1. The one's from Neoliberal Republicans like M*tch the b*tch? The ones like Musk/Thiel? Or the ones like Steve Bannon?

    2. You're the idiots that got Steve Bannon kicked out of the WH.

    3. Maybe the Dems on the Senate should have cooperated for a change... but "Meh! TDS"

    4. pushed Trump into Elon and Peter Thiel's arms.

  9. "you pushed Trump into Elon and Peter Thiel's arms".


    d0n0ld was NEVER going to raise taxes on rich people.
