Friday, January 24, 2025

Kamala Harris Was Elected President. The Election Was Stolen. d0n0ld Is An Illegitimate President

Video: Jan 24, 2025. Thom Hartmann. Trump didn't win 2024 Election. Investigative journalist Greg Palast proves the 2024 election was handed to Trump through underhanded voter suppression tactics. The only question now is... what do we do now that we know Trump's second term is illegitimate?

Partial Transcript
Thom: Our buddy Greg Palast is with us ... So, who won or lost the election?

Greg: It's real simple. If not for vote suppression tactics -- that's a fancy way of saying shafting people of color and young people out of their votes—Kamala Harris would have won by 3,565,000 votes. That's the number of voters denied their right to vote because they were purged, challenged, or had their provisional ballots thrown out.

Let me give you some numbers. The reason I've waited to make this report is that I had to get the data from government agencies, particularly the Elections Assistance Commission. People don't realize that I used to be a professor of statistics and a forensic economist. This is my specialty -- numbers. I've done this work for attorneys general, the U.S. Department of Justice, and other agencies, even for federal courts.

According to the Elections Assistance Commission's official numbers, 4,776,706 voters were wrongly purged from the rolls. I'm not making this up. We had experts from Microsoft and Amazon go through every purge name in two states -- Georgia and Wisconsin. For example, in Georgia, we found 198,000 voters who were wrongly removed from the rolls. We even have their names and addresses. Overwhelmingly, these were voters of color.

In Wisconsin, nearly every voter removed by the purge was either a Black voter in Milwaukee or a student in Madison. And this year, we saw a new phenomenon: vigilante voter challenges. For the first time, individual voters could challenge others. For example, I could say, “Thom Hartmann doesn’t live in Portland; he shouldn't be allowed to vote".

By August, there were 317,000 challenges. The NAACP reported over 200,000 challenges in Georgia alone by Election Day.

We also had 2.12 million mail-in ballots rejected. This wouldn't matter if it were random, but it's not. According to a Washington state study, Black voters are 400% more likely to have their mail-in ballots rejected compared to white voters. Washington has the least voter suppression of any state.

The U.S. Civil Rights Commission found that mail-in or in-precinct ballot rejection rates are 900% higher for Black voters than for white voters. Over half a million votes were spoiled because machines couldn’t read them -- again, disproportionately affecting voters of color.

We had 1.2 million provisional ballots rejected. People think, "Oh, I'll fill out a provisional ballot". But 43% of those were thrown out, according to the U.S. government. Provisional ballots are disproportionately given to Black, Hispanic, Latino, and Asian-American voters, who are 300% more likely to receive one than white voters.

Factoring in some double counting, the vote suppression rate was about 2.3%. Kamala Harris would have gained 3.565 million more votes, winning Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, with 286 electoral votes [270 is necessary to win]. These calculations are precise. Without voter suppression tactics, she would have won.

**End Transcript Excerpt**

The above video is the first segment from the 1/24/2025 airing of the Thom Hartmann Program. Thom interviews investigative journalist Greg Palast. This is how republicans "win"... they keep throwing out ballots until their guy is the victor.

Greg calls this the "Klan Plan" to suppress the Black vote. Why? He contacted people on the purge list and most of them were African Americans. Greg Palast (who has a background in staticts, data and crunching numbers) shows his work in his article here.

The bottom line is that republiturds stole the election for tRump using voter suppression. Kamala Harris, without voter suppression, would now be president with 286 electoral college votes and over 1 million more popular votes.

Post authored by the Exemplary Leftist blogger and Superlative Joe Biden Fan, Dervish Sanders. wym352.


  1. You should storm the Capitol with all your Antifa friends. I hear that there's plenty of vacant cells in the DC Prison system now.

  2. the d0n0ld administration is illegitimate. Kamala Harris is the legitimate president.

  3. I don't know any members of Antifa. Antifa doesn't support or endorse the Democratic Party.

    1. The Democratic party didn't label Donald Trump a "fascist" and a Nazi proto-Hitler? Why would they do that if they weren't pandering to the "Anti-fascist" vote? Enquiring minds wish to know.

    2. Why would they do that? Because it's the truth. Elon acknowledged this recently by saluting his FΓΌhrer with a Sieg Heil.

    3. So why do fasces hang on the walls of the House of Representatives? If fascism is so bad, why do they hang on the walls of Congress? Isn't there a "meden agan" balance that should be maintained between State and Corporate power? Hitler was simply "too far" right. And an Elon salute to presidential power actually represents an anti-fascist position.

    4. implies a desire for more State power against his own corporate interests.

    5. Because Italian fascists used an already existing symbol. Same as German Nazis used an already existing symbol. Neither the fasces nor the swastika used to be linked to fascism or Nazism. I suspect you know this though. And your point is completely disingenuous -- as your points and arguments frequently are.

      Elon's salute to presidential power represented a pro-nazi/fascist position. Proven by his support for the new Nazi party in Germany, AfD :(

    6. FYI, "The fasces was adopted by various governments long before it became associated with fascism in the 20th century. Its use in the U.S. is meant to represent the power and authority of the government, not an endorsement of fascist ideology".

  4. Minus: implies a desire for more State power against his own corporate interest

    It implied a desire for more cooperation between the State and corporations to enhance his own corporate interest.

    1. Nope, the corporate interest rests in corporate globalism, the ability to shift assets away from the State. It's "borderless" yet shielded by "borders". States that advocate "tariffs" de-commodify capital.

    2. Canada: In 2023, the United States imported approximately $431.2 billion worth of goods from Canada.

      Mexico: In 2023, the United States imported around $480.05 billion worth of goods from Mexico.

      China: The United States imported about $500.7 billion worth of goods from China in 2022.

      Why are King d0n0ld's tariffs 10 percent for China while his tariff for Mexico and Canada is 25 percent? This is odd, given that we import more from China than either Canada or Mexico.

      What did I write that you are replying "nope" to? It seems you think something I wrote is wrong and that what you wrote refutes my "wrong" comment. But I don't see how that is the case.

    3. Dervy misses his MamalaπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
