This page contains the complete list of all the narratives in the serial I'm calling "Truthy Fiction" or "tf". Something that is "truthy", as per Stephen Colbert, feels truthful -- in the gut. These are fiction stories that feature bloggers who comment on Who's Your Daddy. These are fiction stories, although they feel as if they could be 100% truthful. And who's to say they actually aren't? Surely it is possible that these accounts are unbelievably close to reality.
001. Prelude To A Romantic Weekend Getaway. Rikishi + Mystere = True Love. wym16. 11/9/2017.
002. Mystere Goes Grocery Shopping. wym30. 3/8/2018.
003. Mystere Is Naughty & Gets Punished For Being A Bad Boy. wym32. 3/11/2018.
004. Fartbreathed Fool FreeThinke Terrorizes Old Folks Home. wym33. 3/18/2018.
005. Franco And Jesus Team Up To Exterminate Marxicrat Scum. wym69. 8/27/2018.
006. Mystere Blows A Gift Horse. wym75. 9/16/2018.
007. Mystere's Life Story (The Condensed Version). wym80. 9/30/2018.
008. The Alpha Male Minus Quest For True Love Impeded By So Many Lying Whores! wym81. 10/4/2018.
009. Mystere's Big Gay Gang Bang. wym82. 10/6/2018.
010. Mystere Screws The Pooch. wym89. 11/10/2018.
011. Mystere And His Old Boyfriend Chad Reconnect. wym90. 11/17/2018.
012. Mystere Dabbles In Necrophilia. wym91. 11/25/2018.
013. Mystere Has A Very Merry Christmas. wym93. 1/2/2019.
014. Mystere Whistles For Minus Man Meat. wym114. 5/19/2019.
015. Bertha Butt Babbles Endo & Her Younger Brother Edwina Mystere Endo. wym124. 6/17/2019.
016. The Confrontation. wym250. 3/10/2021.
017. The Mystere Soy Boy Incident Explained. The Whole True Story. tbd.
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