Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bill Barr Farted Again

predisent Dotard's personal fixer, the dirty cop masquerading as the Attorney General representing the US populace, farted again. The release of flatulence by Barr occurred on Monday, December 9, 2019 in response to the Inspector General report that killed the trumper oranges conspiracy theory.

As he did in regards to the Mueller report, Dotard's toady spun the Inspector General Michael Horowitz's findings concerning the FBI's investigation of Trump-Russia collusion. Although this time it was post-spin instead of pre-spin. Because Mueller answered to the DOJ (and Toady Barr) while the Inspector General is an independent office.

For the record, as I did in my previous post, I again am using "farting" as a metaphor for dissembling. This time Toady Barr's flatulence was muted by the fact that he didn't start spinning until the report actually dropped. Whereas, with the Mueller report, his dishonest spin began before the report came out. And there was an extended period of time that his was the only narrative the public was hearing. This time people were able to read what the report actually said before Barr's NBC interview with Pete Williams in which he lies (lies he couches as "disagreements").

The following is an excerpt (transcribed by me) from the 12/11/2019 airing of MSNBC's The Beat with Ari Melber.

Ari Melber: The US House is marching toward impeachment tonight, while in the Senate lawmakers were grilling the DOJ Inspector General on a new report you may have heard about. It basically validates the opening of the famous Russia probe that lead to Mueller. The report concludes there was no evidence of political bias by the FBI in the opening this thing. And the Inspector General, the watchdog here, was explaining the decision to open this entire probe was justified.


Ari Melber: ...Trump allies are using some of these issues [inaccuracies in FBI warrants submitted to the FISA court] to also try to muddy the waters on the broader conclusions. Take Attorney General Barr, who is now saying that he now has his own view that the evidence was insufficient to open the probe, but that contradicts what the report found. Meanwhile you have US attorney Durham releasing this rare and potentially misleading statement that he just doesn't agree with some of the reports conclusions. Today lawmakers asked about that very disagreement. Take a look.

[Video Clip]

Diane Feinstein: Did Attorney General Barr provide any evidence that caused you alter this key finding that the FBI investigation had an adequate predicate?

Inspector General Michael Horowitz: No, we stand by our finding.

[End Video Clip]

Ari Melber: The guy who did the audit stands by his finding. Which raises a question. Does Attorney General and his handpicked prosecutors -- do they know something the auditor Horowitz doesn't? Do they have evidence to buttress any of this? Horowitz says he doesn't think they do.

[Video Clip]

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: What information do you think he has access to that you did not have access to?

IG Horowitz: I have no idea.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: Where could John Durham be going for information that is outside of the scope of what you have access to, or what FBI director Wray has access to.

IG Horowitz: I don't know and you'd have to ask the Attorney General or Mr. Durham.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: Is he going overseas to debrief foreign agents and interests?

IG Horowitz: Have no idea. You'd have to talk with him.

[End Video Clip]

Ari Melber: "You'd have to talk with him" is a very nice way of Mr. Horowitz, the auditor who found no bias, who debunked the witch hunt, saying "you better ask somebody". In this case, the people who may be lying about his report.

For more context we turn to federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner. Your view, sir?

Glenn Kirshner: You know, Ari, the thing is, IG Horowitz met with AG Barr and met with John Durham before reaching his conclusions and gave them every opportunity to say, "please show me what evidence you have that might impact my conclusion. That might show that I'm wrong that this was a fairly opened investigation. That there was enough evidence. Adequate predication, as they say. But neither AG Barr, nor John Durham could offer him anything.

Ari, if those two men have blockbuster evidence that this was a witch hunt. That this should not have been opened the way it was, don't you think they'd be screaming it from the rooftops?

Ari Melber: I do. I've read the report. It's long, but it's... fundamental debunking of the witch hunt is the most important thing. ...

Glenn Kirshner: ... Bill Barr successfully got out in front of the Mueller report and basically mischaracterized it. Poisoned the well of public opinion. This time he got cut short. Because IG Horowitz's report came out first. Bill Barr had very opportunity to part of that conclusion that was reached. And all AG Barr could do was try to snipe at those conclusions after the fact.

As stated by Glenn Kirschner, Bill Barr's flatulence on this matter is disingenuous. Because he the opportunity to inform IG Horowitz as to whatever info he has regarding his "disagreement" concerning the investigation being improperly opened. He did not provide it because there isn't any such evidence. That Bill Barr now suggests there is? It's bullshit. Just wait for Durham's parallel investigation and it will be revealed. It won't because Bill Barr's farting is a distraction.

Get it out there that there he "disagrees" and just wait for the evidence. It's coming. Except the evidence will never come. Although in the meantime Dotard supporters and the marginally informed will accept what Toady Barr says as fact (the witch hunt was real!).

Toady Barr's dissembling in defense of his master Dotard is disgusting and shameful. Hopefully he is called on it eventually. As opposed to him continuing to get away with what he's doing. Though I'm not incredibly hopeful that he will be. Given that he did the same thing on behalf of president Reagan, got away with it, and was confirmed by the Senate (with Democrats being fooled) for a second go-round as AG. Despite his prior dishonesty being a part of the historical record.

Post authored by the anti-Trump, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders.wym138.


  1. The evidence will never come...

    ...muh, Russia!

    1. Correct. Barr and Durham's efforts to discredit our intelligence services will fail. Because your oranges conspiracy theory is bullshit. Discredited by Mueller and now Horowitz. And (of course) facts and reality.

  2. Dervish, did you poke your snout up Barr's Buttocks before he farted or stick your tongue up his anus during the time he ripped one?

    1. That's your fantasy, Mystere. btw, I have never read even one "witty quip" from you via your "donkey" sockpuppet. I would be truly amazed if a halfwit like you ever composed a quip that came anywhere near being witty. LOL.

  3. I'm Don Key, not mystere. You need an eye exam, Dervish. The turds stuck in your eyes after sticking your head up men's buttocks are blinding you.

  4. George Conway's name for Trump: IMPOTUS. Apt!
