Saturday, November 20, 2021

Fake Christian Mystere Prays To His Master Satan That Curses Be Inflicted Upon Me & My Family For Generations Because I Want Ex-Predisent Dotard To Face Justice (And Go To Prison) For His Crimes

I also wrote (on Lisa's blog) that I hoped Dotard would get a large bill from the IRS (with penalities and interest) for being a bigly tax cheat. Mystere (enraged) had to take to his blog (after kneeling in prayer to his master, Satan) to pronounce a curse upon me (and my family) for DARING to hope the criminal tRump face justice.

As you can see, Mystere again accuses me. The low-IQ imbecile says I'm the one casting satanic spells. I don't know how I could be doing something I believe to be impossible. Nobody can cast spells because magic is imaginary. Some people might say that Satan is also imaginary, but I (as a Christian) say Satan is real. And that it's Mystere who is asking him for favors.

I'm only hoping that Donald tRump faces justice for the crimes he has comitted. Mystere cheered when the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse was set free by a jury influenced by a judge who was in the tank for the killer. So Mystere is clearly on the side of the bad guys. So long as they are White. Or (in Dotard's case) orange (though, underneath his clown makeup, Dotard is a White man).

The only question for me is whether or not Mystere knows he prays to Satan. I think it's probably the case that Mystere thinks he is praying to God. That God hates gay people as much as he does. And that God wanted a White Supremacist to lead our country. Also that it was contrary to God's will that tRump is not currently in the White House (but that tRump will return to rule us soon).

It's also possible that Mystere knows that Satan supported Donald tRump and wanted Donald tRump to remain the predisent. And that goodness won the day when Dotard was given the boot. And God smiled when Joe Biden defeated Satan's minion and sent him packing. Though not before the evil minion tried to steal the election, culminating in his incitement of an insurrection at the Capitol (which, thank God, failed).

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym271.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Mystere (High On Shrooms) Gets Angry, Throws An Infantile Temper Tantrum And Posts Lies On His Hate Blog

Actually that is what the low-IQ blogger says I did. He refers to me posting about idiocy from his blog. But I say what's going on is explained by projection. Why the hell would I throw a "temper tantrum" in reaction to Mystere's stupidity? My post was making fun of Mystere. Mystere's stupidity doesn't make me angry, he's the one who has to go through life as a total moron.

What made me "angry", according to Mystere, was the fact that, when he claimed (on his blog) the actor Willie Garson caught AIDS and died, I pointed out that he lied.

Or maybe Garson got the covid vaccine and that killed him. Mystere can't decide which. It's possible the covid vaccine killed Willie Garson. Because Mystere is a paranoid lunatic who subscribes to the conspiracy theory that the covid vaccine contains poison and those who made it are intentionally trying to kill large numbers of people (the "thin the herd" conspiracy theory).

On the other hand, Willie Garson was gay. So he might have died from AIDS. Because Mystere is a homophobe who thinks God hates gay people as much as he does. Despite the fact that Willie Garson only played a gay character on the TV program "Sex in the City" and was (in real life) a straight man.

"Not so" Mystere says in his post. Garson actually had a boyfriend. Mystere says I should "do my homework". Even though I couldn't find any "entertainment source" that says Garson had a male lover.

In his commentary Mystere insinuates I am gay. And that I am committing homosexual acts with another blogger he hates. One who is married to a woman. I say this is (possibly) more projection. Not that I would have any problem with Mystere being gay. What I have a issue with is his hypocrisy -- being a self-loathing gay man who attacks others for being gay (whether they are or not).

On the other hand, it is possible Mystere is a straight homophobe. Despite being anally obsessed. And talking about farting, sniffing farts, and consuming "white gravy" all the time. Not that gay people are obsessed with farting. Though the farts that Mystere talks about most of the time are those of the WWE wrestler Rikishi. A man Mystere might be sexually attracted to.

"Flingo" is the sockpuppet sidekick to an idiot who calls himself Mr. Methane. Clearly Mystere wishes he was this "Flingo". If he were, he'd be around (and able to sniff) any gas which escapes from Paul Oldfield's anus (Mr. Methane's acutal name). This is obviously more projection.

Whether or not Mystere is gay I can't say for sure. But he surely an eproctophile. Which is a person who derives sexual gratification from the smell of flatulence. In Mystere's case, the toots of the wrestler Rikishi and a "flatulist" who calls himself Mr. Methane. Never does he mention a woman who farts. You can draw your own conclusions.

Not that I necessarily have any problem with this either. To each his own. Though Mystere should really get some psychological help. Because he hates that he might be gay. And that he loves sniffing farts. Why he projects these characteristics onto his perceived enemies. Mystere refers to me as "mein blog enemy".

BTW, it's Mystere who hacks into people's accounts. Or into mine. Though, given Mystere's extreme stupidity, I suspect he had someone smarter do it for him. But it was my Google account that was hacked. I've never hacked into anyone's account to "harvest" information.

As for -FJ (aka Minus) being an ally -- Minus (I am positive) realizes Mystere is a useful idiot. Why Minus defends Mystere. And why he expends so much energy coming up with ridiculous explanations as to why Mystere's stupidity is correct.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym270.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with Trump; all things are possible with Trump". Mark 10:2

Magamoron cultists gathered in Dallas on November 2nd to await the return of the Archangel Michael, known as John F. Kennedy Jr in his earthly form. Also the return of the Holy Spirit, known as Dotard (aka Donald tRump) in his earthly form. This is as per a rapper who calls himself Pryme Minister.

Excerpts from a transcription of the audio from an 11/9/2021 Pryme Minister YouTube...
Trust the plan ladies and gentlemen. I just wanted to say good morning. Um, have a wonderful day ... what I will tell you is that God is good. Uh, we have already won. Um ... it's going to be a great week ahead you know. So, just continue to pray. Pray for the president [tRump]. Pray for the military. Pray for the country. Pray for people around the world. As the awakening, uh, as the awakening burst forth. Um, you see the flag on the goddamn drip. okay just relax. okay um, amazing journey. Amazing things that we're witnessing in the world. We're coming into a time of, of beauty and prosperity and blessings like never before.

And uh, the patriots are in control. It's just absolutely nuts. Um, stand up for yourself. Take action, you know. Play your part. Do your - do what you can. ...we've been on this journey for a long time together. And, uh, we've had dates after dates and of course people talk about us and they're trying to say, oh they're the - they're uh - they were cult. Although we're not a cult. We're down with president Trump and John F Kennedy. And John Kennedy JR. They were all alive.

...never bet against Donald Trump. okay. Be smart, do the right thing. uh, do the right thing and just trust. And I know it's not going to be easy but your faith is being tested. ... You're being tested to see if you're going to turn into a [expletive]. That's what we want to see. Are you going to turn into a [expletive]. [They're going] to make any fun on you and uh, persecution or ridicule [you]. Uh, so you're being tested. We're all being tested and um, a lot of people are not doing good with the test, okay.

...uh, president trump - the whole team. Um, the Kennedy family. Oh my God. Um, uh, what else ... and yes we are witnessing the coming of the Lord, okay. The Trump ... this is not a cult, this is the second coming, okay. Second coming US president. Jesus Christ is back. In Jesus Christ on the earth. ... I can see clear as day. Clear as a bell. So what's going to happen? Um, it's going to be an amazing week. Listen to me. Look at me. Amazing week, okay. Just take my word for it, okay. So with that being said, did I just get you all stirred up? ... I need help. Jesus is working on me a little bit, uh.

Yeah so I can't even say everything, but I want to get your excitement up. But I just want to let you know that everything's going to work out. Because I know we've been on this journey together and I've kind of like went off the grid a little bit - like a lot. ...we're supposed to be performing that on the stage and General Flynn's supposed to be over there. And now I'm here so I don't think I'm gonna be there... And then I had another meeting in Orlando. I was supposed to be at the life wave conference, you know.

...all you gotta do is stand up. That's what the patriots are waiting for. That's what the Q team is waiting for. for us to stand our ass up and say enough is a goddamn enough. We sick of this [expletive]. That's all it's part of it. It's part of the whole awakening. There has to be a corresponding rising up of the people. As the military comes with slapping the [expletive] out of [the enemy]. Say there has to be a rising up with the people at the same time. So get up off your ass. Kicks and do something, okay? Love you guys. ... bye-bye. ...

The pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ says "Donald Trump is no more Divine than I am". Others in the maga-movement obviously disagree. This is the kind of bullshit Mystere (a low-IQ nutter who believes self-identified "Christian prophets" who are saying Dotard will return to the presidency) gobbles up. Mystere posts as Qanon on Lisa's pro-Dotard blog, so my guess is that he is a fan.

Michael Protzman (aka Negative48), a prominent QAnon supporter with 105,000 followers... said on Telegram that Dallas was the group's promised land. Pryme Minister (real name Randell Moody) offered the use of a property in Dallas that could act as a permanent headquarters for the group (paraphrase from a Yahoo News article).

So JFK jr didn't show up, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to eventually. Apparently the nutters are going to wait around until he does. At which point Dotard will return to the presidency, with JFK jr as his VP. We're on the cusp of a time of beauty and prosperity and blessings like never before. For tRumpers. The rest of us will probably die from getting the jab.

Post authored by the pro-Biden blogger Dervish Sanders. wym269.