Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I Do Not Have A Problem With The Fact That Mystere Is A G@y Man

Mystere, a closeted g@y man, does not like me. I am sure he knows the feeling is mutual. However, my dislike of Mystere has nothing to do with the fact that he is an effeminate homosexual who likes wearing women's underwear. Or that he is married to the love of his life, a male wrestler who goes by the name "Rikishi". I wish Mystere and his husband Rikishi many years of wedded bliss and anal intercourse.

I do have a problem, however, with Mystere due to his hypocrisy. According to Mystere's rhetoric, he hates g@y people and believes they will all burn in Hell for eternity. Mystere believes himself to be a Christian and that God hates and condemns g@y people. Even though he is closeted and in denial regarding his sexuality. You need the help of a psychiatrist, Mystere. You will never be happy until you can accept yourself for who you are -- a g@y man.

If Mystere were to get the help he so desperately needs he'd stop spewing hate for others who are just like him. Although the other g@y people that Mystere hates aren't closeted and in denial as he is. Which likely explains his hate for these people. They accept who they are, while he does not. And that angers him greatly.

If I had to guess, I'd say the fact that his mother impressed upon him the "evil" of homosexuality has something to do with him despising himself. Mystere's mother (it is my understanding) is a rightwing Christian bigot who would disown him if she ever found out her son has sex with other men. Especially if she ever discovered he used to blow homeless guys at the bus stop by the dozens (per day).

This all goes back to when, at a young age, Mystere was sexu@lly abused by his father. Would Mystere have turned out g@y if his dad had not forced him to perform or@l sex on him at the age of 7? Or an@lly r@pe him with regularity? Not being a psychiatrist, I surely cannot say. But clearly Mystere needs the help of a certified mental health professional.

To discuss his abuse at the hands of his father when he was only 7, as well as how sexually excited he gets when he smells flatulence. A mental disorder known as "eproctophilia". Although, if Mystere wants to play the rusty trombone and blow into his husband's anus as he toots, that is really none of my business. So long as Mystere keeps to himself what is taking place between consenting adults. I really do not want to hear from him how yummy Rikishi stinkfaces are.

What I DO take exception to is when Mystere inflicts his perversions on others. I've heard that Mystere sexually abuses animals. Or, that he has sexually abused his dog (a poor animal he named "Buttstink") and that he dreams of or@lly copulating with a horse. Specifically a male horse. I do not know if he has acted on this unnatural urge. Concerning the horse, I mean. Sex with dogs the pervert describes as "the pleasure of a lifetime".

Animals are unable to consent and I absolutely do condemn Mystere for raping canines. The creep, as per my sources, hangs around dog parks and masturbates while sitting on a park bench. With a newspaper in his lap as he checks out male dog butts. He likes watching them poop. Before he leaves he checks out the trash cans for plastic wrapped "treats" (dog droppings disposed of there by the dogs' owners).

Yes, this guy is a total sicko. I say that NOT in regards to the fact that he is g@y. Only the other stuff. Cut it out, Mystere! Before you get in trouble with the law. But Mystere might enjoy serving "hard" time. And being forced to give or@l pleasure to Bubba, Big Tiny and all their friends. But I doubt he would otherwise enjoy losing his freedom. Being locked up and possibly beaten for being g@y.

My advice to Mystere is that he STOP fcking that chicken. Even if (as I just confirmed via a Google search) the sexual assault of an animal in California (where Mystere lives) is only a misdemeanor. Something I perhaps should not mention, as Mystere may take that fact as a license to rape man's BEST friend to his heart's content. It might be better to lie and try and scare Mystere "straight".

Poor Buttstink. His life must be a living hell, to be sexu@lly assaulted by Mystere on a regular basis. It probably isn't that bad, however. Given the fact that Mystere's weenie is so small. Buttstink likely barely feels anything when it is inserted into his rectum.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. wym107.


  1. You'd have a problem with him if his d*ck was up YOUR *ss...

    1. That would be rape. I'm opposed to rape whether the rapist is gay or straight. Apparently you aren't... I assume... given past comments concerning "lying whores".

    2. You obviously wanted it given the contents of this post. ie Sexual assault "isn't that bad"...

    3. What I wrote concerns the sexual assault of a dog. And I was talking about the fact that a human having sex with a dog could do some serious physical damage (though probably not in this case). I'm sure Buttstink has been emotionally harmed greatly. What a stretch. But it's par for the course re your continual stretching in order to defend Dotard tRump.

    4. Please, continue explaining your homo-erotic fantasies...

    5. Meanwhile... what?? You're confessing your White Nationalism and that you lied previously when you tried to say there is a difference between Nationalism and White Nationalism?

      Wikipedia/Pepe/Appropriation by the alt-right: In May 2016, Olivia Nuzzi of The Daily Beast wrote that there was "an actual campaign to reclaim Pepe from normies" and that "turning Pepe into a white nationalist icon" was an explicit goal of some on the alt-right.

    6. What are you talking about? Pepe's gay now... look at the FLAG!

    7. Pepe's not part of the Alt-R agenda, he's part of the GAY agenda!

    8. ...says 'Gaius' Petronius Arbiter.

    9. MAGA is all about "creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization".

  2. ie Sexual assault "isn't that bad"...

    YOU are the one who minimizes the horror of rape.

    Joe Conservative: How many unreported rapes gleaned from polls 30 years later are false, Dervy? Every woman wants a #MeToo story when #MeToo stories grant "victimhood points" to your Victimocracy. I'd guess it's as high as 90%. And THAT is why I believe that Christy Ford is a #LyingWhore. (9/23/2018 at 11:56am WYD).

    This was in response to a comment by me on WYD about a survey of women taken to determine how many rapes go unreported. According to the Minus sockpuppet "Joe Conservative" 90 PERCENT of the women who say they were raped but didn't report it are liars. They got "victimhood points" for having been raped. And they want those points so much that they invent a rape that never happened. Even though I'd imagine that the poll wasn't released with a list of the women's names who were raped but did not report. So just HOW did they get these "points"???

    BTW, I was making a small dick joke. I said it would be "not that bad", as in not as bad as "a living hell" because there would be no physical pain. Because Mystere's weenie is so small it would hardly be noticed. Also, trolling a homophobe by saying they are gay is hardly "homoerotic".

    1. Oh, I get it. If Trump makes a joke about Hillary's e-mails, THAT is collusion, but if YOU make a joke, it's just a joke. And if Trump pay's off a blackmailer, THAT is a "campaign donation", but your homoerotic musings are just "trolling"...

      btw - Cops aren't just killing black men... they're rapists, too!

    2. I didn't author any "homoerotic musings". tRump himself confirmed that "Russia, if your're listening" was NOT a joke when questioned later by katy Tur. An NDA that tRump initiated isn't "blackmail".

      "In many jurisdictions, blackmail is a statutory offense, often criminal, carrying punitive sanctions for convicted perpetrators".

      Stormy Daniels has not been charged or convicted of "blackmail". LOL.

    3. Not yet. Or ever. The case has already gone through the courts. On the other side of the equation, a court HAS determined that "individual 1" would have been charged if he were not the sitting president. LOL.

    4. How much does Stormy owe Trump now...? $300,000?

  3. She was just like Lucretia looking for a Tarquin.

  4. Poor Dervy girl! Dervy suffered an accident after sticking hir fingerup hir anus. The resulting flatulence set Dervy's pink rusted out Chevy Vega on fire, totalling the Dervymobile.
