Maybe he should be charged as per the Laws against wearing an unissued uniform?
The law amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received a valor award specified in the Act, with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit by convincing another that he or she received the award.
It is illegal to wear a uniform or any uniform part that is not issued by the branch of the armed forces in which you serve. Members of the armed services can be punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for wearing anything that is unauthorized. According to the law, no person except a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, as the case may be, may wear a US military uniform. Source.
But... As seen in the image above donald tRump is serving on the front lines defending America right now! So, not "stolen" valor, but actual valor!
Though maybe you think these photos look fake. Maybe they were created by AI?
What about these images? These look real, right?
No, that's just a higher quality AI pic. According to Snopes. Higher quality than the 2 tRump-in-uniform pics above. Those are both fakes too.
But STILL I say donald tRump should be charged with stolen valor. Why? Because that is what Minus FJ says in regards to the Joe Biden AI images.
The pro-dotard blogger (who posted these images on his blog) acknoweldges they are fakes. In his post, if you click on "source" it links to a NY Post article titled AI-generated images of Joe Biden in military uniform go viral.
The article says "troubling deepfakes posted to [twit-turd] show Biden in a camouflage uniform sitting at a desk with advisors in an apparent attempt to show the US was on a war footing".
According to Minus, these images were created by Joe Biden supporters. To make him look tough, I guess. Why he suggested that Joe Biden be charged. Because, if lying Democrats created these images to bloster Biden's image by making him look strong, then it is fair game for him to use the images to make Biden look bad. For being guilty of stealing valor.
But did Democrats create these images? Minus says yes. According to Minus, the images were created by John Cooper. John Cooper is a Joe Biden fan who tweets unsubstituted allegations with the intention of harming donald tRump. So says the Daily Beast.
Or maybe John Cooper isn't responsible for the Joe Biden in uniform images. In fact, he probably isn't. But it was definitely Democrats who created those images. Minus feels the truthiness in this gut that he is correct to blame Democrats.
Although Yahoo News UK says "the original poster of the images" is the Twitter user Luke Brocks. Who is Luke Brocks? His Twitter bio says he is involved in "transforming businesses & empowering minds with tailored AI solutions". But the images aren't his. He says he just reposted them. So where did he get them?
He must be a Democratic operative who received the images from the DNC. Or he was hired by the DNC to create the images (and is lying about him not being the one that created them).
Though you can see that whoever posted the image originally (on Twitter) deleted his or her tweet.
We'll probably never know who created these images. Even if Elon Musk could find out. Instead he's covering up the likely fact that the images were created by a tRump supporter.
Sky News Australia (which is pro-dotard) says "They were viewed 47 million times before the account that posted the images was finally suspended".
Suspended why? To coverup who created them? I think that is the likely explanation. I looked at the comments attached to the NY Post article, and the concensus there seems to be that the White House is responsible for the images.
Sure. That isn't surprising, given that "The New York Post is in the Skews Right category of bias". The very first comment says "can he be charged with stolen valor, or no valor?"
The image above was displayed by Google after I entered the words "Stolen Valor Trump". That Private Bone Spurs would pose for such a pic is proof positive that he is guilty and should be charged. btw, did you know there is a Twitter account called TrumpHistory that posts AI images of donald tRump doing historically significant and manly things?
That is some pretty solid proof that it's dotard donald worshipers that created the fake Joe Biden AI images. They have a history of doing this in regards to their Cult Leader. People like whoever is behind the Twitter account Trump History. Obviously created by some moron to glorify the awful dotard donald, one of the worst humans to ever live.
But trumpturds are constantly accusing the Left of their (and their Cult Leader's) sins. This is known as projection. Accuse others of what YOU are guilty of doing. Like in the meme below. A pervert, a criminal, an idiot who thinks he's smart, and a liar who has never done anything productive in his life... that's donald tRump!
"Trump History" took responsibility for the fake images of dotard donald with "Black supporters" that Shaw posted about. Here. It wasn't tRump detractor John Cooper.
ReplyDeleteIf the Lawfare Biden Admin could charge Trump for it, we all know that they already would have.
ReplyDeleteYou're the one who wanted to charge Joe Biden.