I think what's going on here is that, due to Mystere's harassment (fake reporting to G00gle that I violated their T0S) they decided to scrutinze everything I do. By having bots scan posts when I publish them.
The image at the top is from a recent post on my new blog, The Donkey's Revenge. It's about the fast food chain, McD0nalds. Shortly after publication G00gle notified me they were blocking it due to "sensitive content". I deleted the post and republished it. Within minutes it was censored again.
wtf? A post about fast food is "sensitive" content? I brought up dotard donald's "hamberders" tweet. A tweet Mystere has no recollection of. The moron wrote "what's a hamberder? Never mind! I don't want to find out what sick liberal dish it is".
Does dotard donald love to chow down on "sick liberal dishes"? Maybe Mystere thinks he does. And maybe G00gle thinks discussions about hamberders is "sensitive content". How the hell should I know? According to them, I can remove the "sensitive content" and then update my post. Then they might uncensor me. But HOW can I do that, when I have no idea what they are objecting to?
Is this what you want, Mystere? To be harassed by G00gle? Because if they did it to me due to your complaints about fake T0S violations, surely they could do it to you. If I report you enough times. Then you might have your blogs scrutinized by G00gle bots and have your posts flagged for nonsense reasons.
btw, I never had any problems with "sensitive content" flagging in the past. NONE. Now it's happened a couple of time. In regards to others posts. I tried editing them to remove the alleged senstitive content, hoping the warning would be removed. But, no dice.
g00gle flagged one of my PAGES. It's a list of all my posts. The EXACT SAME content displayed by the archive gadget on the sidebar. I wanted to be able to number my posts, so I created a page. Which has now been censored for "sensitive content". What BS.
Blogger no-reply@google.com. 7:01 PM (1 hour ago).
Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines describe the boundaries for what we allow -- and don't allow -- on Blogger. Your post titled "McDonald's Tries To Bribe Back Lost Customers" was flagged to us for review. This post was put behind a warning for readers because it contains sensitive content; the post is visible at link. Your blog readers must acknowledge the warning before being able to read the post/blog. We apply warning messages to posts that contain sensitive content. If you are interested in having the status reviewed, please update the content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is updated, you may republish it at **link removed**. This will trigger a review of the post. You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel. |
Thanks a boatload, Mystere. You a$swipe.
Sure its' no Mickie Dees protecting its' brand? I'm pretty sure most corporations do that now.
ReplyDeleteThen why wouldn't Mystere's post be censored? He rips McD0nald's bigly in a comment attached to his post.
ReplyDeleteThis (as I noted) isn't the only post that's been censored. This one is currently censored. OK when it was published in 2018. OK for the next 6 years. But NOW (for some reason) it's bad. Has to be censored for "sensitive content". The reason is obviously because I'm on their radar now. Due to Mystere's reporting. Or, it surely is a coincidence. That I'm having all these problems now. After this blog was locked. The issues with G00gle continue. When before there were no issues.
I'm not saying it's not him, but I will say that the damn Spam filters I am subjected to seem to run and go back "randomly" into the past and censor mostly my own comments. you'd think that it would KNOW that I wouldn't SPAM myself.