Video: Dec 27, 2024. The Vanguard hosts discuss Cenk Uygur being called out by Marc Lamont Hill. Cenk got "cooked" according to Zac and Gavin.
Transcript from 26:42
Mark Lamont Hill: I think one way the one thing a white supremacist hates being called as a white supremacist. The one thing that racists hate being called is a racist. And usually the people calling them racist and white supremacist are the people who are catching hell from them. And so I think it's sort of bizarre to police the language or to tell someone -- for example -- hey, that person that hates Muslims? It's not helpful you to... that person that called you a towel head? That person that called you a devil worshiper? That person that called you a pagan and a rapist? It's not helpful to call them Islamaphobic. 26:42 to 27:07.
Zac: And I would like to get your reaction to this, Gavin. Because I feel like one of the big moral achievements that this country accomplished over the last 100 years was making everybody at least agree in theory -- definitely not in practice, but in theory -- racism and white supremacism is wrong. Up until, you know, ah God I don't I mean still to this day in our country right? But up until very recent history, it was just taken as gospel by most people, right? Most white people, I should say, right. But even some non-white people -- because they were so brainwashed and propagandized, right? Uh, that you know, you've got, you know people of you know non-black, uh, ancestry trying to make excuses for white supremacy. We see that in American culture as well. It's a very interesting dynamic. It's something that's permeated our culture in so many different ways that even somebody who would be negatively impacted by white supremacy in one instance is positively impacted in another. And they say, oh I guess I'll take the little benefits that I can get. 27:07 to 28:04.
But, because of the struggle of folks who did such a great job organizing the American public and forcing them to reckon with the sheer inhumanity of white supremacy, right? Of the Jim Crow South. Of all of that. They they won the moral argument that nobody should be a white supremacist. So now what we're constantly facing is gaslighting from folks -- oh, I'm not a white supremacist! Oh, I'm not a racist! Because it the argument's already been won. That being a racist is bad, right? So now they're all just on the bike all the time trying to disguise themselves trying to be racist covertly instead of just acknowledging what they are. Because everybody on a surface level understands that prejudice on the basis of race, you know, creed religion whatever is superficial and immoral. 28:04 to 28:52.
Gavin: Yeah. And again, also as I talked about basically just describing their white, or sorry, disguising their white supremacism and racism is like some economic prescription. Like, oh, I -- it's not that I -- it's not that I want to live in a only a country with white people, uh, but you know for the sake of the economy -- we got to get all these brown people out. And that is the central message of the Republican party. It's a bunch of justifications for the mass deportation of everyone who's not white. ...everyone that doesn't look white. 28:52 to 29:21.
That's the point. Trump said Haiti is a sh!thole hole country and that we should accept more immigrants from Sweden. Why do you think that is? Because the people in Sweden are white, obviously. Literally, as Chenk had this conversation, the entire magga movement was melting down on Twitter because they realized Elon Musk has hired a bunch of immigrants that work for Tesla. You know what I'm saying? And now they're calling him a traitor. Why? Because he employs people that aren't white Americans. So yeah, it's 100% central to the movement ... to act like that's not the case. And to act like that's not something that we can even talk about is just gaslighting. It's total madness. 29:21 to 29:58.
And that's not to say that every single Republican voter is a white supremacist. I think that most people understand that too. Like say you know you're at Thanksgiving or Christmas with your grandpa and he's like, you know, I all this hip-hop music -- there's too much of it. I remember back in the day when there was more country music or some sh!t. Like, I don't know, something like that. That doesn't necessarily mean your grandpa's a fvcking white supremacist, obviously. Just because someone repeats something that's kind of racist sounding doesn't necessarily make them a white supremacist. Even if they vote Republic and I don't necessarily think that's the case. 29:58 to 30:31.
But the people that Cenk is talking to in America First rally America Fest or whatever the fvck? Those people are 100% racists. Those people are 100% white supremacists. They've literally made an entire broadcasting career off of preaching that sh!t. It's not controversial. It's a matter of fact. 30:31 to 30:50.
Mark Lamont Hill: Oh, that person that called you a ni**er? Oh no, no, no. It's not help for you to call them white supremacist. That feels paternalistic. And almost dis -- know and is respectful to the people who are victimized by it. You may think it's -- you may think it's unhelpful. But I actually don't think it's your place or anyone else's place ... it be like say I don't think it's helpful ... saying to women, I don't think it's helpful for for for you guys to call Trump sexist or misogynistic. I don't think that's helpful ladies. I mean come on! You see why somebody would find a problematic claim for you to make? 30:50 to 31:21.
Cenk Uygur: Hold on. You're you're conflating two things that is super unfair.
Gavin: No.
Cenk Uygur: Because you can call them anything you like. I'm not stopping you from calling them -- I'm not stopping women from calling them whatever they want. I'm just telling you what I'm doing, right.
Zac: "I don't care if you want to take up arms against these people. I want to get their money, man. These guys rolling in the dough, right. So you might have your whole moral convictions. You might have, you know, this instinct in you that tells tells you to fight for what's right and just in this world. But me brother, I'm out for number one. I'm out for TYT, yeah". 31:21 to 31:55.
Gavin: 100% 100%. It's so stupid. It's so stupid um yeah it's like you obviously are telling people not to say that, Cenk. He says I'm not telling you what to say but you just said it's unhelpful to do this. You just said it's unhelpful to call people that when that's what they are you literally just told people it's unhelpful to accurately identify folks as again exactly what the fvck they are. 31:55 to 32:17.
Um, that's completely and utterly fvcking ridiculous. Just from a a matter of like, honesty.I'm sorry Cenk, but you're not a presidential candidate. You're not an adviser to the Democratic party. I kind of understand the argument. I think Cenk makes it at one point in this interview. I kind of understand the argument that, like you know, should Kamla Harris call Donald Trump a white supremist? Probably not. Or, you know, fill in the blank with whoever is, uh the Democratic nominee. I think there's a reasonable case to be made there that you know whoever the next Democratic nominee is probably shouldn't call all of Maga a white supremist movement. 32:17 to 32:50.
Um, because that probably could turn off a lot of magga Voters that potentially could be persuaded to vote Democrat. But Cenk, you're not a freaking adviser to the Democratic party. You're a member of the media whose role -- up until this point has been to speak truth to power -- that's what you brand yourself. As you call yourself a populist who stands up to the establishment. Guess what? That's different than being a political strategist. You're not a you're not on the payroll of the DNC. Your job is not to get more Democrats elected. Your job is to speak truth to power. And guess what power right now? The establishment -- it's magot and it's time to be fvcking honest about him. Because, like I said, it's not your job to win back votes or some sh!t. It's your job to be honest and tell people the fvcking truth. 32:50 to 33:35.
Gavin: Trump is easily within -- like it's again, this is not anything controversial, to say. But it is ... unironically true that Donald Trump is the most outwardly blatantly bigoted person to ever, uh, achieve High office in my lifetime [big skip] He doubled down he ran an even more racist campaign this time. In fact 2016 looks almost, you know, sanitized compared to the rhetoric this time around. If you go back to 2016, was it bad, yeah, but like, you know the -- bring in the worst the rapists, the criminals -- you know. It qas almost like softspoken. ... in comparison to this round. It was like, yep we fvcking hate Haitian people. We need to get them out of Ohio. They're eating dogs. They're eating cats. They're raping women. Like this was his message. That is the number one message of maga. 33:35 to 39:17.
**End transcript excerpt. End Podcast**
To call maga White Supremacist is to tell the truth. I 100 percent agree with that. White Supremacy is the Left's old and new opponent. White Supremacists dislike being called out. Like Minus FJ. He keeps insisting he isn't a White Supremacist, but he voted for one.
Identifying as a classical liberal doesn't mean he isn't also a White Supremacist. As per a 2018 HuffPost article, "For Fancy Racists, Classical Liberalism Offers Respect, Intrigue". The article goes on to say "Whatever classical liberals say about their ideas, in practice they have always functioned as a respectable intellectual veneer for authoritarian politics".
Ludwig von Mises applauded Benito Mussolini's Fascist Party and "similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships" across Europe, saying they had, "for the moment, saved European civilization". |
Saved from Communism. According to Minus FJ, "fascism is capitalism aka anti-communism". There you have it. Minus FJ supports fascism. By his own admission. Authoritarian leaders frequently demagogue minorities, as d0n0ld does. It is a bigly component of his campaign.
The mass deportations will begin as soon as he is sworn into office. But the deportations won't be race based and not therefore not racist. These are people who entered the United States illegally and don't belong here. d0n0ld will simply uphold the laws. Laws that have been "ignored" by both parties for decades. Or so some d0n0ld supporters say.
In reality it will be Hispanic looking people and Asian people who will be targeted. Maybe they will call it Operation Wetback 2.0? The Guardian points out that d0n0ld has claimed "crime will come down when the immigrants are gone ... because murder is in their genes".
Yep. You can't fix stupid. America will be voting and supporting MAGA for the next 20 years.
ReplyDeleteGive it up, Cenk!
20 years of White Supremacy? And your explanation for why this will happen is "you can't fix stupid". I hope not.
ReplyDeleteQ.E.D.... again!
DeleteThere are racists under your bed, Dervy. Boo!