Wednesday, March 21, 2018

To "Overcome Good With Evil" Reason Servant Of Satan FreeThinke Comments Excessively

FreeThinke, a brainwashed member of the Orange Turd Cult, comments excessively on Who's Your Daddy, a Right-wing trumpy blog. When I say EXCESSIVELY, I am not kidding. At least 20 percent of the comments on WYD (which often reach 300-400 hundred or more) are submitted by this lunatic.

Many of the comments consist of cut and pasted poetry, modified poetry, or original poems. The purpose of the poems that he modifies (or are original) is to insult his enemies. Or wish for their deaths. Yet according to this fool, the purpose of his excessive commenting is to "overcome evil".

FreeThinke: I think you ought to take time off from your chidish SNEERING, SNIPING and JEERING and pay close attention to the fairly extensive selection of ingeniously crafted pieces of wit and wisdom I've bothered to post in order to save this thread from becoming just another UNFLUSHED PUBLIC TOILET in which you and your compatriots in calumny feel free to dump mountains of malodorus manure UNIMPEDED to your black heart's content.

Though I'd never in a million years expect any member of WYD's resident Tri-DUMB-Vi-Rate to appreciate it, in a small way I am merely doing what I can to overcome EVIL with GOOD. (2/25/2018 at 9:29am).

Sure. More like "overcome GOOD with Evil". Especially given that FreeThinke LOVES the corrupt racist Orange Turd (aka Predisent Fart, aka MAGA Man, aka Donald Trump). This would be the Orange Turd who colluded with Putin to "win" the 2016 presidential election. According to the #trumpdupe Thinke, I'm "negative" for OPPOSING evil. Which is what the Orange Turd is.

BTW, when I wrote (in response to the FT comment above) "I thought the endless commenting was a sign of insanity", the narcissist with an enormous ego replied with the following.

FreeThinke: Ignorant peasant louts always imagine that people with unusual talents must be mad. (2/25/2018 at 10:05am).

My conclusion is that this "free thinking" chap is a "grade-A, four-letter, blue-ribbon, prizewinning brainwashed, mental defective". This is a insult he hurled at me later in the thread, but (as is often the case), what he accuses others of almost always applies more aptly to him.

Additional evidence that FT is an evil asshole who comments excessively in order to overcome GOOD are his frequent death wishes directed at his enemies (ALL progressive Democrats or people he calls "Marxicrats").

FreeThinke: I'D LIKE to see most of the MARXICRATS pushing up DAISIES, myself. HEh heh heh! (3/7/2018 at 4:20pm).

He even follows up his death wish (for millions of people to die) with an evil laugh. Yet FT thinks he is a "Godly man"??? BULLSHIT!!

Video: Satan laughs when his unwitting black hearted minion FreeThinke espouses evil on his behalf.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-34.


  1. Why do you waste your time and talent with those people. They're all irredeemably lost souls who obviously are not well in the head. Who in their right mind supports that disgusting imbecile in the White House? Look at the people who contribute to Lisa's blog. They're barely literate. FT is smart but for reasons unknown supports the worst of the worst -- Trump. You'll never convert any of them. Why support people you can make common cause with?

    1. Something I find interesting is that this blog is getting comments, while my primary blog (by and large) does not. You comment here but not on my other blog. I was surprised to see you. Anyway, it intrigues me to see what these people are thinking.

    2. The public has always entertained a certain fascination for freak shows. That's what explains the MSM. :)

    3. It explains why the MSM gave so much coverage to Trump and associates prior to the election. :(

    4. ...and the "March for our Lives" on Saturday. lol!

  2. Such "brilliant" commentary from the right flank.

    I think it is quite clear what the folks of the far right think Dervish. There is plenty of their stuff (thoughts) out there. Often found in comments by imposters with stolen avatars.

    They are a curious breed.
