Monday, May 28, 2018

Other Mystere Blogs Shut Down By WordPress. Irl Hudnutt's Revenge?

According to Mystere it wasn't just his Moonbat Spanker Wordpress blog he lost when I reported him to Gravatar for hacking my account and posting fake "Dervish Sanders" comments.

Mystere: A vile sleazy blog troll has gone out on a personal attack against me for calling him out, and got several of my WordPress blogs suspended. (5/14/2018. Cleveland Foxers blog. Post: A Heads Up To The Gang).

Several of Mystere's WordPress blogs were suspended? At the time the only suspended blog I was aware of was the Moonbat Spanker. Since then I've found three others. Lester Liberaldude Is A Dingbat, Irl Hudnutt's Pigpen and Irl Hudnutt Is A Jackass. All of these blogs currently show up as being suspended.

These must be the other blogs he refers to. Was he posting fake "Dervish Sanders" comments on these blogs as well? Beats me. They've all been suspended though. So that's 4 WordPress blogs he lost (that I'm aware of). While he got to keep one. Apparently because he's a co-author with a number of other people. Although it appears as though all these other people departed and he has "Cleveland Foxers" to himself.

The two Irl Hudnutt blogs appears to be sites Mystere set up to attack an enemy of his. Although the last post on the "Pigpen" blog is titled "Pookie Toot Toot's Drivel". Pookie is an imaginary enemy of Mystere's. That, or it's a generic insult that can be applied to anyone. I'm not sure. I think he's referred to a number of people as "Pookie Toot Toot".

Maybe "Pookie Toot Toot" is also Irl Hudnutt?

Mystere: I have a blog enemy who's been trolling me off and on for 9 years, long before This One and you. This troll has attacked me by stealing my avatar to attack others with. He also attacked me with This One, getting some of my blogs shut down with false allegations. He also got Porky banned from Google in late 2010 to early 2011. When he found that Porky had given Donkey's Revenge administrative powers on his blogs, he tried to get The Donkey's Revenge and Chopped Wackos shut down, but failed when Google reviewed the protest and found they were wrong in shutting the blogs down. This troll is Irl Hudnutt aka Donald Bortz III, a troll back east who attacked one of my colleagues regularly with a hate blog. Hudnutt's M/O fits the description of what's going on in some of the attacks. Hudnutt uses proxy servers to mask his IP as part of his m/o. Inside Donny's Head and Irl Hudnutt's Pigpen were 2 blogs originally dedicated to Hudnutt's whoppers told on his blog. (5/17/2018 at 9:21am).

"Inside Donny's Head" is a blog that was shut down by Google sometime prior to 11/1/2011. This is according to a post on "Porky's Big Payback". This is another Mystere Google Blogger blog. This one he writes using his Porky sockpuppet (even though no "Porky" is listed as a contributor, the post's attribution does say "Porky" is the author).

Me, I don't know if there is any such person as Irl Hudnutt aka "Donald Bortz III". I'd guess there probably is a Blogger ID with that name attached to it. As per Mystere, he's the one who used a "backdoor way of spoofing" my ID on the "Moonbat Spanker" blog.

Mystere is an innocent victim of Irl Hudnutt. He's the real bad guy here. An evil mastermind who "uses proxy servers to mask his IP". Poor Mystere! Looks like he's playing the "Blame Irl Hudnutt For Every Problem Card" over this incident. If Irl Hudnutt is involved maybe it's because Mystere spread lies about him in the past. Are those he smeared rising up to slap him around and cause him some serious butthurt?

Providing that this "Irl Hudnutt" is a real person and not a figment of Mystere's imagination, of course. But I have no doubt Mystere is very good at making enemies. Something that might be causing Mystere to panic and go apewol.

Mystere only has himself to blame, of course. You made some serious enemies with your vile retorts, Mystere. Looks like you're getting punked by Donald Boratz or Irl Hudnutt or some other enemies you've made by posting vile retorts on other people's blogs. Deal with it!

Here's some salve to take the pain away, Fartbreath Mystere. LOL! Mystere is really going to need it after the Orange Turd is impeached and removed from office.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. wym046.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Declined! Pervert Mystere's Offer Of A Handjob (He Wants To Spank My Monkey)

Does Mystere have a gay crush on me? It seems so. Given that Mystere (a gay man) comes on to me in his latest commentary.

Rattrapper: Someone recently hacked Dervish Sanders' email account, spanking his monkey. One of Dervish's many blog enemies created a fake Google account, making Dervish panic and go apewol. (5/22/2018 at 9:21am).

First of all, while the post was supposedly authored by "Rattrapper", that's one of Mystere's sockpuppets. Mystere (aka "Mr. E") wrote the post. Secondly, nobody (as far as I know) hacked my primary email account. Someone did, however, create a new Google profile (which comes with an email address) in my name. And they used my primary email address as a "backup".

Why? My guess is to let me know that they know things about me. I was able to take control of the account due to whoever setting it up (Mystere) using my Yahoo address as a "backup". I didn't know the password (of course) but I had Google send me a code so that I could "recover" the fake account.

After "recovering" the account I noticed that it contained personal info I don't want to be common knowledge in Blogistan. IMO, whoever set up the account did it as a threat. "I know things about you" this person (Mystere) is telling me. I think he expected me to take it over, see the personal info, and be disturbed about the prospect of someone messing with me. So, yes, I AM a little worried. I doubt this is over, and don't know what to expect next.

Anyway, back to Mystere's post. While he's wrong about my primary email address being compromised (as far as I know), what's this about my "monkey" being spanked? Does Mystere not know that phrase is a euphemism for masturbation, or is he making me an offer? I mean, given my strong suspicion that he's the one that created the fake account, it must be him who (he says) spanked my monkey.

But that didn't happen. I have never received a handjob from another man. Since it didn't happen, I assume that Mystere is talking about something he WANTS to happen. He wants (desperately?) to "spank my monkey". To this offer of a handjob from Mystere I say... NO. Sorry, Mystere, but (while I have nothing against gay people), I do not happen to be gay myself. Unlike Mystere.

I think he should ask his husband, Rikishi. Now, Mystere may be bored and looking to shake up his sex life by hooking up with other gay men for handies, bjs, anal sex and stinkfaces (Mystere's favorite), but I live thousands of miles away from him. And I'm also not gay (like I already said). So, if handling his husband's snake isn't enough for Mystere (a sex addict?), he's going to have to find someone else. Because I am absolutely NOT interested.

A satirical post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-45.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Mystere Throws A Temper Tantrum

As I wrote about in my last commentary, Mystere lost his WordPress blog (Mystere's Moonbat Spanker) after he posted comments using MY Gravatar account (only on his blog as far as I know). HOW he accomplished this, I am unsure. However, after I reported what he was doing, his Moonbat Spanker blog was suspended.

Mystere is very angry. He authored a post on another of his WordPress blogs asking for support from his friends. This was a post that got no replies. Even though the blog (supposedly) has 7 other contributors. Nevertheless Mystere says I'm going to regret reporting him to Gravatar.

Mystere: I'll make sure your accounts get wiped out when I settle this. You messed with me and I have allies who will back me up. (5/15/2018 at 2:26am).

Should I be afraid? Given the fact that these "allies" are likely imaginary (sockpuppets under Mystere's control), I am inclined not to be. Also Mystere is an idiot. Take the following comment for example.

Mystere: Poor Dervy boi! Did you stop feeling the Chrissie Matthews Tingles Up Your Stinkhole? Spank your monkey. Fartface. (5/20/2018 at 10:49pm).

Mystere left this comment on my blog last night. I have no idea what he's talking about. Chris Matthews was excited about the the candidacy of Barack Obama. To tell the truth, I voted for someone else in that primary.

I did vote for Obama in the General, however. And I thought it was a sign of good things that we elected the first African American president. I didn't feel any tingles anywhere on my body though. I just voted for the best candidate. That Obama is a Black man was secondary.

The rest of the Mystere comment (as you can see) is complete nonsense. Written in anger (I'm guessing). Mystere is fuming about the loss of his WordPress blog, even though he only has himself to blame.

So Mystere authored a commentary titled "Dervish Sanders Throws Another Temper Tantrum". Even though it is HIM who is clearly throwing a temper tantrum.

On the other hand, Mystere did figure out a way into my Gravatar account. He says that what happened was that he found a "backdoor way of spoofing" me. Although Mystere blames "someone". One of my many "blog enemies". I take what he says as an admission, however.

Does that mean Mystere didn't actually hack my account, but found some other "backdoor way" of making it look like it was me making comments (when it was actually him)? Could be. Either way, he should think twice before attempting it again. Because, if I seen any fake comments on any of his Wordpress blogs, I will report them.

As for the Mystere claim (in his BS post about me throwing a temper tantrum) that "someone recently hacked Dervish Sanders' email account". He is mistaken. As far as I know my email is secure. Someone (Mystere?) did create an email account IN MY NAME (with an accompanying fake Google account). But I haven't seen any signs that suggest my primary email address has been compromised.

Unless Mystere is letting me know that, yes, he's gotten into my email somehow. I surely hope that isn't true. Perhaps then I will "panic and go apewol". But I don't think that has happened. And I (still) believe that Mystere lacks the brainpower to accomplish such a feat. I could be wrong, of course.

Mystere's style of writing suggests to me that he is an idiot. And I am fairly certain that impression is shared by others. People who make fun of him on Lisa's blog (Ducky, for example).

As per Mystere, "those he smeared are rising up to slap him around". But I've never smeared anyone*. I just tell the truth and that causes my "enemies" some serious "butt hurt". My enemies being Paul/Luke/Steve (aka TOM) and Mystere. 2 people (although they both have numerous sockpuppets).

* I have, I confess, written a number of commentaries here about Mystere and his husband Rikishi. He likely considers that to be a "smear" (suggesting he is an effeminate gay man when he is actually a huge homophobe).

Me, I think it is quite funny. Even if it is what motivated Mystere to hack my Gravatar account... my suggestion that he is gay made him so apewol that he HAD to find a way to seriously get back at me (*if* untrue why would it make him so mad?).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-44.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Mystere Is Naughty And Has His WordPress Blog Removed By Automattic As Punishment

Automattic is the company that owns both Gravatar and WordPress. Mystere was naughty and violated the WordPress Terms of Service (TOS). As a result he lost his blog.

Note that I linked the image above to Mystere's "Moonbat Spanker" blog. If Mystere's blog is still suspended you'll see the page I grabbed a screenshot of above. If his blog has been reinstated you won't see that page. I sure hope Mystere's blog is NOT reinstated. I mean, if Mystere admitted what he did and said he was genuinely sorry, I'd say maybe give him another chance.

But Mystere is not sorry. This I know because he wrote a post on his other WordPress blog, Cleveland Foxers (CF) in which he lies about hacking my Gravatar account and posting numerous comments as me. As per Mystere's post, *I* caused the TOS violations! How I could have done this, Mystere?

Perhaps Mystere thinks I made some fake-looking comments (things I'd never say) just so I could blame him? That's not what Mystere says in his post. He says the real culprit was one of my "serious enemies". Me, I'm thinking Automattic looked at my evidence and determined that it was Mystere who hacked my account/impersonated me on his blog. And that he deserved to have his blog suspended due to his violating their TOS.

That Mystere blames me is total bullshit. Removal of a blog is pretty harsh punishment, and I doubt Automattic would take that step without verifying my allegations. Unless they decided to suspend him for now, then possibly reinstate him if Mystere is able to convince them he did nothing wrong.

But that seems unlikely, IMO. I think they looked at the evidence and the evidence told them Mystere is undeniably guilty. Mystere HIMSELF seems to think that Automattic has the goods on him. He writes on his Foxers blog that "I might need to start up Mystere's Moonbat Spanker #2 if WP Permanently removes the site".

Sounds like he thinks he isn't going to get his blog back. Yeah, Mystere is guilty and he knows it. Even while he lies in his blog post about being the victim of "troll attacks". I didn't attack you, Mystere! You hacked my Gravatar account. You attacked me! I reported your hacking of my account to Gravatar, and THEY made the decision to remove your blog. I did suggest they do that, but was frankly surprised they actually did.

When Automattic told me "myfoxmystere has been removed from" I thought they were referring to his Gravatar account. But they were actually referring to his Moonbat Spanker blog. The name on Mystere's Gravatar account and the URL for his Moonbat Spanker blog are both "myfoxmystere". I was disappointed when I found he still had his Gravatar account and another blog. He should consider himself lucky that he didn't lose everything.

By the way, YES, I was quite pissed when I found the fake comments. Not because of what Mystere had me saying (the incredibly juvenile and stupid crap the fart-sniffer is notorious for) but due to the audacity of it. How he got into my password protected account I do not know, but such an act is surely a violation of what's right. I mean, if he'd faked comments using another account he created, that would be one thing, but he used my actual account!

Mystere, the "moonbat spanker", deserved a spanking and he got one. I'm going to be monitoring Mystere's Moonbat blog to see if the suspension is lifted. Although I'll likely find out directly from Mystere if that happens. I'm sure he'll want to gloat. He is also plotting revenge, he says. We'll see. I absolutely could not let this kind of personal violation slide and do nothing, however.

Below is a screenshot of the evidence I presented to Automattic that Mystere was impersonating me on his blog. The first image shows a comment that was made by "Dervish Sanders". So why is Mystere's avatar displayed? The second image shows that the hovercard for Mystere's account pops up when the avatar is moused over. What's going here?

Is this a failed attempt to impersonate me that Mystere later perfected? I do not know. I did know (when I found the comment) that it was clear evidence Mystere (not one of my "serious enemies") was behind (at least this one) fake comment. Anyway, I sent a link to Automattic and (I'm guessing) my evidence convinced them. And no, I didn't dummy it up with Photoshop. I sent Automattic a link to a live page, not a photoshopped image.

Although, if the Moonbat blog is reinstated, Mystere may delete the evidence. Which is why I didn't link to it earlier. I wanted Automattic to look at the page and not tip off Mystere (so he could delete it). Anyway (to reiterate), I only reported to Automattic what I saw. I did suggest to them that they kick Mystere off their platform, but they (not I) made the decision to suspend Mystere's Moonbat Spanker. I didn't cause this to happen to him, he did.

Cleveland Foxers has a bunch of co-bloggers. Although the recent posts are ALL authored by Mystere. It looks like every one of his friends departed. If they were real people. I took a look at some of the posts and apparently some of other members of the "Cleveland Foxers gang" are Left-leaning. And there 7 of them, which would be a lot of sockpuppets. 7 more sockpuppets in addition to the 3 he currently uses (donkey's revenge, Porkey's Big Payback and Rattrapper).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-43.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Many Ways The Trump Predisency Is Wrecking America

The trumpanzee blogger Rusty Shackelford believes that the dotard's predisentcy is "most excellent". Despite the fact that Trump is an evil racist bigot whose policies are damaging and wrecking America. And, yes, I HAVE and can provide examples, despite Klansman Shackelford's claims to the contrary.

Rusty Shackelford: Hey you two dufuss, we understand you dispise DJT and you cry about the damage he's done but you never ever say exactly what evil things he's done. So could you list a few of his policies you feel are wrecking america. Or are you two just blowhards. (5/11/2018 at 4:36pm).

OK, so I put together a list of articles (sorted by date) that illustrate my issues with Trump. I attempted to post it to Who's Your Daddy (trumper blog where the klansman posted his lie) but the comment refused to publish. Even after I divided it into 2 parts (due to the character limit). Blogger said "you comment has been published" but it was not.

I suppose I could have put together a much shorter summary with fewer examples. I have, however, instead decided to publish it here and link to it there. What follows is the list I compiled (but couldn't publish on WYD).

How the Policies Of The Orange Turd In The WH Are Wrecking America

  1. Was the 2016 Election Stolen by Massive Voter Suppression? 12/5/2016 [Answer: yes. Trump's policy of voter suppression and colluding with Russia to steal an election is wrecking America by seriously harming democracy. Elections should be determined by the voters, not by how many voters can be knocked off the rolls or by foreign actors].
  2. Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges, 10/8/2017. [Everyone is entitled to equal protection under the law. The Equal Rights clause AKA the 14th amendment was also cited by the SCOTUS in their Roe V Wade. Trump judges will seek to roll back these rights therefore Trump is wrecking America by appointing them].
  3. Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in US History, One of First-Class Kleptocrats, 11/2/2017. [Trump's corruption is wrecking America with his Nixon-style presidency. "If the president does it, it is not illegal" is not accurate! Not even the president is above the law, despite what Nixon believed/Trump believes].
  4. Trump's tax cuts are a feast for wealthy and gruel for working families, 11/21/2017. [Trump's policy of enriching the already wealthy at the expense of the rest of us is wrecking America by further widening the gap between the rich and the poor].
  5. Here are all the ways the president has been accused of violating the Constitution, 11/23/2017. [Are Trump's violations of the Constitution wrecking America? I say the answer to that question is self evident].
  6. Trump Revealed Israel's Secret Syria Raid To Russian Diplomats, 11/23/2017. [More proof of collusion, and YES, Trump's kowtowing to Russia is wrecking America].
  7. The 19 Women Who Accused President Trump of Sexual Misconduct, 12/17/2017. [A misogynist in the White House is wrecking America by convincing some that this kind of behavior is acceptable, just as Trump's racism and bigotry has emboldened the White Nationalists. Steve Bannon may be not be in the WH any longer, but the voters Bannon brought along still support Trump].
  8. Trump declares Obamacare is "over" as he signs individual mandate repeal into law, 12/22/2017. [Trump's policy of destroying the ACA is wrecking America because, while the number of people who die each year due to a lack of hc was going down, now it will go back up].
  9. Sales of Trump properties suggestive of money-laundering: researcher, 1/18/2018. [Trump's money laundering crimes are wrecking America because he'll likely get away with no punishment/prison time. Criminal presidents have a long history of getting away with their crimes and Trump skating, despite his crimes being much worse and extensive, will further cement that policy].
  10. Trump's Xenophobic Vision of America Is Inciting Racist Violence, 1/27/2018. [Trump's racism is wrecking America by setting back equality and emboldening the alt-Right].
  11. Trump's budget cuts Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, breaking core campaign promise, 2/12/2018. [Trump policy of cutting programs that support the working class and the poor, widening the gap between the rich and poor and destroying the middle class].
  12. Did Jared Kushner Punish Qatar Because It Wouldn't Lend His Family Money, 3/2/2018. [Another example of corruption within the Trump administration and the #1 example of how Trump's policy of nepotism is wrecking America].
  13. How President Trump Lies About Guns, 3/2/2018. [Trump said he'd stand up to the NRA. He lied. Trump is wrecking America by protecting the NRA thereby allowing the slaughter to continue].
  14. No One Is Safe. How Trump's Immigration Policy Is Splitting Families Apart, 3/8/2018. [Trump is wrecking Amerca by transforming us into a completely compassion free and heartless country].
  15. $407 Billion in Corporate Stock Buybacks: How Businesses in Your State Are Spending Trump Tax Cuts, 3/11/2018. [Stock buybacks are bad and are wrecking America via this support for plutocracy].
  16. More Evidence That Racism and Sexism Were Key to Trump's Victory, 4/4/2018. [Trump is wrecking America by gaining votes not due to his policies, but by dividing us].
  17. Happy Tax Day! Donald Trump still has never released his tax returns! 4/17/2018. [Another norm violated by Trump which is absolutely destroying America. There are many norms that we need and when the president breaks them that isn't good].
  18. Destroy the Earth Day: Under Trump and Pruitt, the Right's Assault on the Environment Goes Nuclear, 4/28/2018. [Trump is wrecking America via his policy of disregard for the environment].
  19. President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far, 5/1/2018. [A president who lies so frequently wrecks America because we should expect more from a president, now constant lying is acceptable].
  20. Trump Says There's No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already, 5/1/2018. [Obviously collusion with a adversarial foreign power wrecks America].
  21. Trump's Iran Deal Exit Is A Win For Russia, 5/8/2018. [Russia is benefiting from Trump pulling us out of the Iran deal. That's in addition to making it more likely Iran will go back to developing a nuclear weapon. Clearly this is not helping America].
  22. Is Michael Cohen's Essential Consultants L.L.C. a Slush Fund for Donald Trump? 5/9/2018. [I say yes. More Nixon-style corrupton from Trump which is wrecking America].
  23. Trump Adds Cutting Children's Health Care to GOP's 2018 Platform 5/9/2018 [How could a policy of less healthy children not wreck America?].
  24. Trump to Drop Call for Medicare to Negotiate Lower Drug Prices, 5/10/2018. [Another broken campaign promise. Instead of a win that could save the government millions, Trump wrecks America by continuing the GOP policy of obscene profits for drug companies via taxpayer money].
  25. Trump Voters Would Be Hit Hardest by GOP's Food Stamp Work Rules, 5/10/2018. [Trump is wrecking America via policies that harm his own voters, though many will continue to support him regardless].

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-42.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mystere's Continuing Attempts To F*ck With Me

So, no update from Gravatar yet about the complaint I submitted to them about the asshole who calls himself Mystere hacking into my account. I don't know if they're looking into it or if the lack of a response means they don't give a crap.

Mystere is up to more monkey business, however. Did I lock him out of my Gravatar account by enabling "two step authentication"? And did that (being locked out of my Gravatar account) prompt him to look for other ways to f*ck with me?

What follows is a message I received recently from Gmail concerning a new email address they say I created.

Gmail Team: Your Gmail address,, has been created. To [my name]... Welcome to Gmail! You can login to your account at Here are a couple of tips to help you get started:

Use Gmail's import tools to move mail and contacts from your other email accounts to your new Gmail address. Download the mobile app for Android or iPhone and iPad to stay connected on the go. Should you ever encounter problems with your account or forget your password we will contact you at this address. Enjoy! The Gmail Team. May 12 at 10:37 AM.

If you didn't create this Gmail address and don't recognize this email, please visit:[rest of link removed] to unlink this account.

I did NOT create the email address "". Was it Mystere? Yes, I suspect it was. Although I'm sure Mystere's response would be that one of my "serious enemies" is responsible. Well, Mystere, guess who I consider to be one of my "serious enemies"? That's right, YOU ASSHOLE!

I suppose it might be someone else, but I doubt it. Mystere has come to this blog to comment a number of times about his hacking into my Gravatar account. Each time denying it was him (even though I have evidence to the contrary). The reason, I think, was to mock me.

Whoever created "" is clearly mocking me. "Get ready for fake comments from a fake Dervish Sanders account" this asshole is telling me. According to Gmail (when I clicked the "disavow" link) someone telling them that MY Yahoo email was THEIR backup address was something done by "mistake".


Anyway, TO BE CLEAR, "" is NOT me. If you get an email from someone (Mystere) using this address - it was not me that sent it. I assume there is also a fake ID associated with this account. Is the name "Dervish Sanders" associated with this account? Quite probably, I think (that, or some variant). I'll know soon enough, I suspect. As soon as the faker starts commenting using his fake account.

I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that anyone has hacked into my Yahoo email account, btw. Currently I'm using their "account key", which I assume is secure. According to "Men's Journal Tech" Yahoo's "Account Key follows the push to simplify our digital lives while still boosting security".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-41.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Trump/Russian Virus "Restoring" US To PC DOS OS

Meme from Who's Your Daddy, a Right-wing trumpanzee blog.

Unfortunately the OS we are being "restored" to by the Trump virus is PC DOS 1.x.

The trumpanzees are thrilled with the racist, Russia colluding, incompetent tee-vee reality buffoon, of course. Will we impeach and remove the Orange Turd from the White House? That remains to be seen, but given that it's never happened before, it seems unlikely. Especially given the fact that Congressional Republicans are colluding with this criminal administration in an attempt to short circuit Mueller's efforts.

Meaning it will likely be up to The People to show the Orange asshole the door in 2020. Meaning we need record turn-out to overcome the GOP's continuing voter suppression efforts and Russian meddling (which the GOP Trump conspirators welcome).

Although I'm hearing predictions of resignation from a number of people. What happens depends on what Muller's investigation reveals. Also, if it concludes and the information is revealed to The People.

I pray that the TRUTH comes out. If not I think it will be a serious blow to democracy. For an obviously corrupt PARTY to not be held accountable. In 2020 the GOP needs to be soundly routed. To ensure that that this horrible incarnation of it will never be "restored" again.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-40.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Mystere Should Be Banned From WordPress & He Should Lose His WordPress Blogs & Gravatar Account

Somehow Mystere hacked my Gravatar account and has been posting comments to his "Moonbat Spanker" blog as me. He denies it, of course, but I have proof. I will likely reveal (at some future date) what the evidence is, but for now I will say no more. I don't want to tip off Mystere and give him a chance to cover his tracks.

Today I forwarded my evidence to Gravatar. I identified Mystere (myfoxmystere on Gravatar) as the individual responsible for hacking my account and suggested that they kick him off their platform (both Gravatar and WordPress).

What follows is the email I received after my first Gravatar contact concerning the fake comments I noticed on Mystere's blog.

Knox (Automattic): Hello, It does appear that someone is using your account to post these comments. I understand that you have changed your password, but please go through the security steps to do all of our suggested options. Most importantly, we highly recommend two step authentication. I would also suggest updating your email password and adding two step authentication there as well (if that is possible with your email provider). Please let us know if you have additional questions. Regards, Knox | Community Guardian | (April 23, 12:14 UTC).

So I enabled "two step authentication" as suggested. Does this mean that Mystere is locked out of account? I'm not sure. The last fake comment is dated 5/5/2018. According to what Mystere wrote, "I love dog meat [because] it's a delicacy".

I did NOT write this! Even though the comment shows up as being made with MY account! Meaning that this is not a case of impersonation, but of hacking. An act that should absolutely get Mystere booted from Gravatar and cause him to lose his WordPress blog.

Searching my emails yesterday because I wanted to reread the recent message I received from Gravatar, I found the following message from WordPress.

Howdy, We recently discovered your login credentials in a list of compromised emails and passwords published by a group of security researchers. This list was not generated as the result of any exploit on, but rather someone gaining access to the email & password combination you also used on another service.

For your security, we have temporarily locked your account. (12/24/2017).

Now, I don't recall reading this message back in December, although I assume I must have. And that I changed my password in order to unlock my account. Who the hell are these "security researchers"?? I don't have a clue. This might explain how Mystere gained access to my Gravatar account. Or it might not.

What I am certain of, however, is that Mystere is the guilty party. Even though the a-hole suggests (in a commentary Mystere authored using his "rattrapper" sockpuppet) that one of my "serious enemies" trolled me (faked comments by me on the "Moonbat Spanker" blog). Also that, due to these fake comments, I was "publicly humiliated".

A blog that nobody reads (except for Mystere and his sockpuppets) isn't really that "public", IMO. It isn't as if (metaphorically speaking) this occurred in the town square. It was more like a back alley. Unless others are looking but not commenting at Mystere's WP blog, I say this "humiliation" is known to very few people (single digits). Maybe the number of people reading (and not commenting) pushes that number into the double digits (if there are any non-commenting readers). But I doubt there are.

Not that it matters. A fake comment using another account (a parody ID, for example) or "anonymously" (which allows a commenter to enter any name they want) is one thing. Using my ACTUAL Gravatar account is another. A violation of the WordPress Terms of Service (TOS). Or so I assumed. The actual Gravatar TOS page doesn't mention any actions that could get a user banned. It does note that they can't "guarantee the identity of any other users or websites with whom you may interact in the course of using the Services".

Still, it is my hope that Mystere will be banned and his Gravatar account and WordPress blog are shut down. It all depends on whether or not my evidence convinces Gravatar that it was Mystere who hacked my account, I suspect. If they can confirm it was him, I think they'd WANT to ban his ass. But maybe they won't care.

As the Orange Turd in the White House says, "we'll see what happens". Obviously (and I think anyone would agree) account hacking is an action that should not be tolerated. And Mystere absolutely should pay a steep penalty for this act of pure scumbaggery.

(Note: Automattic is the name of the company that owns Gravatar and WordPress. Similar to how Google owns Blogger, I assume. As per Wikipedia, "Automattic, Inc. is a web development corporation founded in August 2005").

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-39.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mystere's Shame... He Is A Self-Hating In-The-Closet G@y Man (Proof Provided!)

As I revealed previously, an a$shole who calls himself Mystere fakes comments on his blog. Seriously, it looks to me like the majority (if not all) of the comments on his blog are fake.

These two comments (from two figments of his imagination he calls "Lester Liberalman" and "Lester") are obviously completely fake.

Lester Liberalmann: Aww. Terry and f@ggot Mystere got together for the holidays to suck each other's cocks. Isn't that sweet! Did you f@ggots take turns or just 69 each other's man meats? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA. (12/14/2017).

Lester: You didn't answer my question, Mystere. Answer my question, f@ggot. (12/19/2017).

"Lester Liberalman" is Mystere's made-up nickname for the blogger Rational Nation. Or maybe it's "This One". I'm not sure. Point is, nobody posts under the name Lester or Lester Liberalman. Given the fact that "Lester Liberalman" is Mystere's creation, the obvious conclusion is that Mystere wrote both of these comments.

Which means that it's the fake-comment-posting Mystere who is calling himself a "f@ggot". Either because the extremely homophobic Mystere thinks that "f@g" is the WORST insult possible, or because he is unconsciously revealing a deeply buried secret about himself.

I think both are true. As a Right-wing hate-filled "Christian" Mystere loathes g@y people. Including himself. I wonder... has Mystere ever been arrested for "lewd conduct"?

Video: Mystere Larry "wide stance" Craig's "I am not g@y, I have never been g@y" denial following his 6/11/2007 arrest after he signaled to an undercover police officer in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis–St. Paul International Airport that he was interested in engaging in g@y sex acts.

Update: Lester Liberalman is real, but the comments ARE fakes, authored by Mystere. This is what the comment faker does (fakes HATE comments directed at himself from his enemies). 20240419.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. wym038.