Mystere: A vile sleazy blog troll has gone out on a personal attack against me for calling him out, and got several of my WordPress blogs suspended. (5/14/2018. Cleveland Foxers blog. Post: A Heads Up To The Gang). |
Several of Mystere's WordPress blogs were suspended? At the time the only suspended blog I was aware of was the Moonbat Spanker. Since then I've found three others. Lester Liberaldude Is A Dingbat, Irl Hudnutt's Pigpen and Irl Hudnutt Is A Jackass. All of these blogs currently show up as being suspended.
These must be the other blogs he refers to. Was he posting fake "Dervish Sanders" comments on these blogs as well? Beats me. They've all been suspended though. So that's 4 WordPress blogs he lost (that I'm aware of). While he got to keep one. Apparently because he's a co-author with a number of other people. Although it appears as though all these other people departed and he has "Cleveland Foxers" to himself.
The two Irl Hudnutt blogs appears to be sites Mystere set up to attack an enemy of his. Although the last post on the "Pigpen" blog is titled "Pookie Toot Toot's Drivel". Pookie is an imaginary enemy of Mystere's. That, or it's a generic insult that can be applied to anyone. I'm not sure. I think he's referred to a number of people as "Pookie Toot Toot".
Maybe "Pookie Toot Toot" is also Irl Hudnutt?
Mystere: I have a blog enemy who's been trolling me off and on for 9 years, long before This One and you. This troll has attacked me by stealing my avatar to attack others with. He also attacked me with This One, getting some of my blogs shut down with false allegations. He also got Porky banned from Google in late 2010 to early 2011. When he found that Porky had given Donkey's Revenge administrative powers on his blogs, he tried to get The Donkey's Revenge and Chopped Wackos shut down, but failed when Google reviewed the protest and found they were wrong in shutting the blogs down. This troll is Irl Hudnutt aka Donald Bortz III, a troll back east who attacked one of my colleagues regularly with a hate blog. Hudnutt's M/O fits the description of what's going on in some of the attacks. Hudnutt uses proxy servers to mask his IP as part of his m/o. Inside Donny's Head and Irl Hudnutt's Pigpen were 2 blogs originally dedicated to Hudnutt's whoppers told on his blog. (5/17/2018 at 9:21am). |
"Inside Donny's Head" is a blog that was shut down by Google sometime prior to 11/1/2011. This is according to a post on "Porky's Big Payback". This is another Mystere Google Blogger blog. This one he writes using his Porky sockpuppet (even though no "Porky" is listed as a contributor, the post's attribution does say "Porky" is the author).
Me, I don't know if there is any such person as Irl Hudnutt aka "Donald Bortz III". I'd guess there probably is a Blogger ID with that name attached to it. As per Mystere, he's the one who used a "backdoor way of spoofing" my ID on the "Moonbat Spanker" blog.
Mystere is an innocent victim of Irl Hudnutt. He's the real bad guy here. An evil mastermind who "uses proxy servers to mask his IP". Poor Mystere! Looks like he's playing the "Blame Irl Hudnutt For Every Problem Card" over this incident. If Irl Hudnutt is involved maybe it's because Mystere spread lies about him in the past. Are those he smeared rising up to slap him around and cause him some serious butthurt?
Providing that this "Irl Hudnutt" is a real person and not a figment of Mystere's imagination, of course. But I have no doubt Mystere is very good at making enemies. Something that might be causing Mystere to panic and go apewol.
Mystere only has himself to blame, of course. You made some serious enemies with your vile retorts, Mystere. Looks like you're getting punked by Donald Boratz or Irl Hudnutt or some other enemies you've made by posting vile retorts on other people's blogs. Deal with it!

Here's some salve to take the pain away, Fartbreath Mystere. LOL! Mystere is really going to need it after the Orange Turd is impeached and removed from office.