Monday, October 8, 2018

GeeeZ Columbus Day (And SCOTUS) Stupidity

So, I navigated over to the trumper blog Geeez (by way of the sidebar of the trumper blog Who's Your Daddy) and noticed the following clueless post concerning "hate" and Columbus day.

Melania... Columbus Day... I am SICK of the HATE.
Posted on October 8, 2018 by geeez2014

Now Melania is being insulted for what she wore in Africa, particularly the pith helmet, because "that's what colonialists wore".

The truth is if it weren't for colonialists, Africa would be a bigger hell hole than it is now. India, too, by the way.

I am getting so very tired of the constant hate, yet there's little we can do about it.

That's all I have to say today... tired of the hate. Sorry for Kavanaugh and his family and the hate which will never stop toward them, sorry for teachers teaching American kids to hate Columbus by telling them they have to call today (Columbus Day), "INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY"... which began as a counter-celebration held on the same day as the U.S. federal holiday of Columbus Day, which honors European explorer Christopher Columbus, who represents "the violent history of the colonization in the Western Hemisphere" to many".

MANY? WHO but Anti-Fa and BLM and LA RAZA? Who the heck CARES what they think? They say Columbus was a racist... was someone recording?

Was someone recording? YES, many people were recording. Via the written word. How does this idiot think we know that Columbus existed in the first place? I pointed this out with a comment, but after I clicked "publish", my comment went away and I got no confirmation. I'm guessing I was blocked. trumpers don't like having their echo chambers disrupted. Especially by anyone citing facts.

I included in my comment the following quote from Chris Columbus's own journal.

"They would make fine servants. ... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. ... As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn..." (source).

And that is just what Columbus did. Enslave the occupants of the island of Hispaniola. As per Wikipedia "The 29,418 square mile island is divided between two separate, sovereign nations: the Spanish-speaking Dominican Republic... to the east, and French Creole-speaking Haiti... to the west".

When Columbus arrived on 12/25/1492, the island was inhabited by the "Taíno, one of the indigenous Arawak peoples". 2 million Tainos populated Hispaniola and Cuba, but warfare, harsh enslavement and diseases brought by the colonists wiped them out. Literally. The Taíno people "were considered extinct by the end of the century".

Bartolomé de las Casas, another individual (who was there) recorded what happened. American Heritage, an organization "dedicated to improving historical and civic literacy", says Barto is "without question the greatest single source of our knowledge" (re the history of Columbus in Hispaniola).

[Barto's] father went with Columbus on the second voyage in 1493 and was among the first colonists on the island of Haiti, which the Spaniards called La Isla Espanola (Spanish Island). Young Las Casas joined the colony in 1502 and for a time led the life of a landholder in this first Spanish settlement in the New World. But his sensitive mind and heart were sickened by the cruel oppression of the natives. He took the vows of the Dominican order and resolved to devote the rest of his life to their cause, a resolve he never relinquished until the end of his life, at ninety-two (Columbus and Genocide by Edward T. Stone. October 1975).

Additionally, (again, as per American Heritage) Barto "had become well acquainted with Diego, Columbus' legitimate son and his successor as Admiral of the Indies [who] placed all of Columbus' papers at his disposal, including a copy of the Journal of the First Voyage".

So... I think that explains quite well where a majority of the information we possess today regarding Columbus comes from and who recorded it for posterity. "They say Columbus was a racist" Geeez writes. Geeeze obviously thinks "they" are full of shit. But "they" are not Anti-Fa, BLM and LA RAZA. "They" are historians who read about the atrocities committed by Columbus via his own journals. As well as the writings of Barto.

Spanish historian and Catholic priest Bartolome de las Casas, who witnessed much of the carnage, said Columbus ordered his men "to cut off the legs of children who ran from them (in order) to test the sharpness of their blades". Once, when a couple of them "met two Indian boys ... each carrying a parrot, they took the parrots and for fun beheaded the boys". ... In addition, people were "eaten (alive) [when] 20 hunting dogs ... were turned loose and immediately tore the Indians apart". If his crew began running out of meat for their vicious dogs, "Arawak babies were killed for dog food". (Celebrating a man who raped and tortured his way into history by Michael Coard, 10/8/2012).

To treat the Taíno as though they were less than human? I think that definitely makes Columbus a racist. As well as an thoroughly evil man. You can see why the Right objects to the truth being told about him. He was a White guy who brought civilization to the new world. A hero that should be revered.

But it wasn't just the new world that the White man can be credited with "improving". Geeez says "if it weren't for colonialists, Africa would be a bigger hell hole than it is now". And "India too". A safe thing to assert, since we have no way of knowing how things would have worked out if the White man hadn't showed up and enslaved and/or killed most of the natives they encountered. Better, perhaps?

As for being "sick of the hate"... tRump, unlike Obama, has EARNED the hatred. When you hate you should respect love in return? Obama (in 2007) said "I don't want to pit Red America against Blue America, I want to be the President of the United States of America". With tRump, that was the entire game plan from the beginning (pander exclusively to the base).

Case in point is tRump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court and him being rammed through by the GOP-controlled Congress. Whereas when Obama nominated the centrist jurist Merrick Garland (because Orrin Hatch said there was "no question" the GOP controlled Senate would confirm him), Mitch McConnell refused to hold a hearing.

Yet, not only did Mitch tell Barack "you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy", he describes it as "one of his proudest moments". What an asshole. This kind of bullshit is supposed to make the other side NOT hate you?

In regards to that, I say (in agreement with Joe Conservative) #getbent. Especially when your side (as urged on by the Orange Turd) attempts to paint Christine Blasey Ford as a paid liar (or a #lyingwhore). Because supporters set up a GoFundMe to pay her security costs (without her consent). And where is the proof that this money was deposited into her bank account?

Now they are celebrating and laughing while also whining about how the "damage is immense" to poor Brett's life and career. For which they vow revenge. "What goes around comes around" according to Brett's own opening Senate hearing statement. During which the partisan hack pointed a finger at the "Clintons". A statement designed to convince us that he will be an impartial and fair jurist... NOT.

Soon Brett will be ruling on cases in which a 5-4 SCOTUS majority will be taking away rights. Minus, in a comment punctuated with a smiley face, says "Goodbye Roe. Goodbye Lawrence". These would be the cases that affirmed a women's right to privacy (re their health decisions and bodily autonomy) and struck down anti-sodomy laws. (Roe v. Wade and Lawrence v. Texas).

So here we have a trumper salivating over the prospect of taking away rights; and don't forget that tRump himself said Roe being overturned would "happen automatically". That a minority is hard at work trying to force the rest of us to live by their rules as defined by their religion is not going to earn you anything BUT anger and hate (their religion being Pseudo Christianity).

Although, that trumpers are "sick of the hate", is not something I'm buying. At least not in regards to all of them. Not the ones who are happy that they get to gloat and drink "libtard tears". Those people are probably mad that we dare fight back. They love it that tRump is imposing their will upon us, but think we shouldn't do anything but cry in response.

If you EMBRACE being called "deplorable", why shouldn't we (the majority of us who realize how terrible tRump is) hate you? Is that NOT an appropriate reaction when a deplorable tells you how much joy they derive from your pain?

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-83.


  1. Replies
    1. I was talking about the right to bodily integrity. I oppose forced pregnancy, as it would violate this right. You're opposed to abortion? Don't have one. Or have sex with a woman who does not believe as you do.

      BTW, as per a 2017 Elle story, there are 1 million frozen embryos in the United States. Are you for forcing the implantation of all of those embryos? So that those "babies" aren't "murdered"?

    2. Nothing to say about marriage equality? That position is a little tougher to defend without bringing up your religion (your interpretation of Christianity). That surely does not hurt anyone, yet you were equally as happy anticipating it being struck down by a right-wing court. Don't approve of gay marriage? Don't get gay married.

    3. Those babies had no right to bodily integrity? Chop em up and vacuum em out....

      And yes, I also oppose all forms of sodomy, too. STDs in the general population need to be kept to a minimum. No one has the right to spread STD recklessly.

    4. I support the bodily integrity of full grown long ago born women over the "rights" (real or imagined) of any embryo, zygote or fetus... none of which is a "baby".

      If you want to fight STDs, you should support sex education and readily available prophylactics. Also, given that straight people are a majority, it is easy to deduce that a majority of STDs are spread by straight people. Are you suggesting that sex between straight people needs to be regulated by the government? Or does your homophobia cause you to believe that it's only gay sex that leads to STDs?

    5. Do you believe that a developing fetus when it attains viability (can survive outside the womb w/out life support for the purpose of this discussion) has bodily integrity Dervish?

    6. Barring a gottcha you may be planning on springing, i'll tentatively agree with viability being a place where we could say abortion is no longer an option. Basically though, I believe that, as a man, it isn't my place to say to a woman that she does not have the right to choose. That decision really should be left to women and their doctors. The doctor's code of ethics (do no harm) I think would apply at viability though.

    7. That's 2,500,000 million dead babies according to Dervish's standard. How many million is too many million, Dervy?

    8. When you pass the Shoa's numbers you can take pride in the knowledge that Feminist Genocide overtook the Nazi's in evil.

    9. Kermit Gosnell is serving Life without parole plus 30 years for the first degree murder of three infants who were born alive (in addition to other charges). Situations such as these (which are rare) are the only cases of dead babies I can think of. As far as legally performed abortions go, the number of "dead babies" is zero.

      You should concern yourself more (or at all) with already born babies and children living in poverty. But republicans only care about embryos, zygotes and fetuses, and not actual babies. Instead you try to take away their health care... so you can stuff your "evil" bullshit.

    10. Sure, Gosnell is an exception, NOT the rule. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

      In 2014, the CDC reported that 1.3% of reported abortions (5,578) were performed at 21 weeks of gestation or later

      ps - Remember, #LyingWhores can tell the doctor WHATEVER they want as to the "estimated" conception/or last period date. If 2% of women (IF YOU BELIEVE your DATA) lie about rape, what do you think this number is?

    11. The United States is one of only seven countries in the world that permit elective abortion past 20 weeks. Upholding laws restricting abortion on demand after 20 weeks would situate the United States closer to the international mainstream, instead of leaving it as an outlying country with ultra-permissive abortion policies.

    12. I'm not a misogynist, so I don't buy your "lying whore" theory. I trust women. In any case, in regards to the date of conception, "The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists state the following: Ultrasound measurement of the embryo or fetus in the first trimester (up to and including 13 6/7 weeks gestation) is the most accurate method to establish or confirm gestational age" (as per the Pregnancy Resource Center).

      As for your examples... so what? When people are caught breaking the law, they are punished (after a trial and conviction). That is how the system works. Why should that cause me to lose any sleep at night? Right-wing nuts (and other criminals) murdering people with weapons obtained under permissive gun laws give me many more nightmares than Kermit Gosnell imitators (some vs none).

    13. I'd definitely oppose a 20-week cut off date, btw.

    14. Of course you would. Infanticide (by your OWN definition) is a woman's "right".

    15. ps - Only 14 states have forced ultrasound laws that would allow abortionists to confirm gestational age. #LyingWhores get off Scott-free in the other 36.

    16. Even when LMP is known, studies have shown that 40% of women have their due dates altered by more than 5 days after dating by ultrasound (American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004).

      Yes, 40% of women are #LyingWhores...

    17. ...and efforts to confirm the gestational data associated with abortion is too embarrassing for the Left... implying that the underlying data is probably CRAP (many more abortions are post-20 weeks than reported).

    18. Infanticide is "the practice of killing newborn infants". newBORN being the operative word. I strongly oppose infanticide/murder. My definition is the same as the dictionary's.

      Re "forced ultrasound"... I trust women and their doctors to make these decisions.

      Re: "40% of women have their due dates altered by more than 5 days"... I trust women and their doctors to make these decisions.

      You really are for the government inserting itself into people lives where it does not belong, aren't you? I believe women seeking abortions are innocent until proven guilty. You assume they are all guilty (aka "lying whores") and want to police pregnancy. And, as I already stated, I don't support the 20 week cut off.

    19. At 20 weeks, there's a chance to survive birth, to become "newborn". All it takes is an induced "delivery" process as opposed to an "abortion" one. But then, abortion is ALL about evading responsibilities (which explains all the self-serving gestation lies). I don't trust a person who "accidently" gets pregnant to remember ANYTHING correctly, and neither would any physician with half a brain. Stop the #LyingWhores

    20. If men could get pregnant things would be no different. Or do you think men wouldn't get pregnant because only women are "lying whores"?

    21. Wow! Humans never cease to amaze. That IMO applies to conservative and liberal ones. Truly rational folks could EASILY arrive at a workable and acceptable agreement. One that includes addressing exceptions to the rule. Again IMO.

    22. I'm not sure if Minus is 100% opposed to a woman's right to choose, or if he wants a hard and fast 20 week rule. And a massive bureaucracy to police women and abortion providers to make sure lying whores and lying doctor accomplices aren't bending or breaking the rules. Which would require more prisons to incarcerate the "lying whores" who are caught. I wonder if Minus believes forced sterilization or execution should be on the table when theocracy arrives.

    23. There are now an excessive number of Catholic Conservatives on the Supreme Court. Who will push a excessively radical oligarchy-loving, excessively (pseudo) religious agenda (the goal being to rob the populace blind but keep them placated via the opiate of the masses). You seem fine (happy actually) with this excess.

    24. "Maistre regarded monarchy as both a divinely sanctioned institution and as the only stable form of government"... so, you're an serious authoritarian. No wonder you support tRump.

    25. Yes, of course he is. This is why you joined the Orange Turd cult. You are an authoritarian follower.

      As for your 18 minute video... I said authorization, not fascist. Although, yes, tRump has fascist tendencies. Also, no, I did not watch all 18 minutes. I closed the tab after the speaker presented his argument, which is "the Left doesn't understand what fascism is"... when I heard that I said "how long is this", moused over the video and saw 18+ minutes, then said "no, I'm not listening to any more of this bullplop".

    26. Too bad. You could have learned a little about authoritarianism from a confessed Stalinist.

    27. Correction: "I said authorization" should be "I said authoritarian". Auto correct changed what I wrote and I didn't notice.

    28. btw... The speaker in the YouTube said that the Left doesn't understand fascism. You say he is a "confessed Stalinist". However, "opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum". So... I assume he was engaging in some of the false conflating of the far left and fascism the Right seems to love?

    29. You'd have to ask the self-described Communist, Slavoj Zizek, himself.

    30. Perhaps he believes that Communism is simply a more "enlightened" totalitarianism, because it requires Universal participation (as opposed to fascism, which excludes a segment of society).

    31. But then again, that is a communist's definition of fascism which was absent in it's original (Roman) form.

  2. Replies
    1. Mitch said he was proud, but "self righteous" works too. Given that "self righteous" is defined as "having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior".

      BTW, it is not just the right to chose that the court will likely look to restrict, but access to birth control as well. The Right thinks employers with religious objections shouldn't be "forced" to pay for birth control for their employees. Even though the health care, while paid for by the employer, belongs to the employee. It is just another form of compensation, the same as wages are. Do employers have the right to tell employees what they can and cannot spend their wages on? And it is doubly ridiculous given the fact birth control reduces abortions. Hypocrites and idiots.

    2. Funny, I always thought that the Left believed that abortion WAS "birth control" for those who can't be bothered with or are too stupid to use the "preventative" forms.

      But THAT's okay, we can always get the government to subsidize it (aka Planned Parenthood).

    3. ...and before you make the absurd statement that the feds don't subsidize abortions... :P

    4. The exceptions to the Hyde Amendment (as noted in the article you link to) apply (and then federal funds can go to pay for abortions) "in cases of rape and incest, as well as life endangerment...". Sounds quite reasonable to me. I am for repealing the Hyde amendment, BTW.

  3. With comments from morons like Minus we further understand that the idiocy of the right is incurable. The rightwing has earned the title DEPLORABLES.

    Your article was well written and accurate Dervish. But boneheaded racists (Minus apparently falls in that category) will always refuse to face and accept the truth. Frankly I am preparing for great civil strife and violence. Strife created and fueled by rightwing bigots and racists.

    I have no fucking idea what has happened to the rational and credible conservatives. One thing I know for certain though, the future and the forthcoming conflict ain't going to be pretty.

    Conservative bigots, racists, and misogynists can go fuck themselves. Their days are...

    1. Their days are... numbered? Or has their day arrived? I surely hope it is the former and not the latter.

      BTW, "rational and credible conservatives" can tune into MSNBC for their nevertrump "deep state propaganda". I refer to programs hosted by Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace. As well as commentary by former RNC Chairman Michael Steele (now an MSNBC contributor). I don't watch Wallace, but I did see a toss from Nicolle to Rachel where Rachel referred to Nicolle as "my friend". But I've seen the same toss between Rachel and other MSNBC hosts (so it was probably scripted?).

    2. Neither the former or the later would bring a tear to my eye. I'm certain you know the type to which I refer. They populate the most extreme rightwing sites in rightwing blogistan.

  4. "Was someone recording? YES, many people were recording. Via the written word. How does this idiot think we know that Columbus existed in the first place?"

    Jeebus! I saw that, too. They are not very bright. Of course what Columbus did was recorded. HE HIMSELF recorded his voyages and what happened during those voyages in ship logs. Those nutjobs live in a hellish bubble of ignorance and pride in that ignorance.

    I read them once in a while to see how steeped in stupidity and ignorance they are.

    PS: Why do you let One Note (ABORTION!) Minus FJ hijack a thread with his scurrilous lies? He has GEEEEZ, AOW, and WYD where he can fill those septic tanks with his anti-women whining and blather.

    1. Poor pShaw... can't censor everyone's blogs. No wonder she doesn't/can't debate or point of out a single whiney "lie"... Get back to #LyingWhores, where you belong!

    2. There's a very deep and very obvious reason weak and frightned men like Minus call women "whores."

      Whatever his mother did to him, still haunts him. Poor little man.

    3. Tell that to Franco aka FreeThinke. But it's OK when he does it, apparently. Given that you've taken to agreeing with him as of late (re his "fartbreath" stupidity). And Shaw, unlike Franco, is probably on to something.

    4. I'll tell it to Franco when you sell it to pShaw.

      Agree w/her much?

    5. Shaw's "ad hominem" is a likely accurate theory that explains your misogyny. Based on what you write. But what someone writes can in no way be used to reach any conclusions about what their breath might smell like. Also, yes, I do agree with Shaw much.

    6. "Ad hominem's aren't arguments, puta. :)"

      Said the bloke who said I should go back to #LyingWhores where I belong, then calls me "puta."

      Really Minus FJ. Get some counseling. You need to resolve your Mommy issues. It's rather obvious to everyone what they are.

    7. It couldn't possibly be that I just consider YOU to be la puta type?

    8. You sure are an angry little puppy Minus. Life must be a real puta for you

    9. I actually like puta's. They actually know how to place a proper value on "womanhood".

    10. You might be trolling because Shaw has been commenting, but I doubt it. I think it is pretty obvious you are a horrible misogynist who believes women have no value except as sexual objects.

    11. You say woman lie about the date of conception, but "from the mid-1970s on, mounting evidence revealed that human sperm can survive intact for at least five days. An extended period of sperm survival is now widely accepted, and it could be as long as 10 days or more".

      I say there are far fewer "lying whores" than your misogyny will allow you to admit. Given that there really is no way for the woman to know exactly when conception took place.

    12. What's sperm life got to do with anything? There are BILLIONS of them. The eggs aren't going to be able to "hide-out" for a few weeks. They're going to get gang-banged.

    13. Besides, eggs only survive for 24 hours after being released.

    14. What if an egg is not present when the sperm are introduced? It could be released later and fertilized later. Therefore no "hiding out".

    15. BTW, there are not "billions" of sperm. As per the article I linked to previously "of the 250 million sperm in the average human ejaculate, only a few hundred actually end up at the fertilisation site high up in the oviduct".

    16. Which is why gestation is calculated based upon last menstrual cycle AND coitus dates... but primarily the former.

    17. OK. Though, it isn't as if it is any of your (or anyone else's) business (aside from the woman and her doctor). Re the "efforts to confirm the gestational data associated with abortion [by governmental authorities]" which Minus says "is too embarrassing for the Left". The issue isn't "embarrassment" it is government intrusion into private matters (as the SCOTUS decided).

      I am fine with leaving these decisions to women and their doctors. And prosecuting the outliers (Kermit Gosnell) when their crimes come to light.

    18. Funny how the Left LOVES regulation of all things EXCEPT abortion...

    19. Funny how the Right hates regulation of all things EXCEPT women's bodies.

    20. Actually the right, in addition to regulating women's bodies, also desire to regulate religious freedom to Christianity, choice of marriage partner to male/female only, and voter registration to WASP's. There are no doubt other things but these are The Big Three.

      tRump and the GOOP's idea how to MAGA.

  5. Oh, I forgot to mention: No less than Chief Justice Roberts has ordered an investigation into charges of misconduct against Brett "Boofy" Kavanaugh. This is unprecedented in the history of the SCOTUS. Nice way for Boofy to begin his dubious career on the SCOTUS. See my blog for more on this.

    1. I had heard Roberts was sitting on some complaints, but not that he ordered an investigation. Brett might not be able to be impeached (not anytime soon, anyway) but (depending on what comes out - and I think we're going to keep hearing bad things about Brett) he might have to step down.

      As per The Atlantic, "The only nominee in decades to rival him in unpopularity, Robert Bork, was not confirmed. The only justice in the modern era to compare to him in controversy, Abe Fortas, resigned".

    2. I didn't say I was making a wish. I was saying "we'll see what happens"... you know, the Orange Turd's favorite line.

  6. Blackout Brett, like the Orange Creep who nominated him, is hugely unpopular with Americans. Kavanaugh is a thoroughly disliked lying dry drunk.

    1. He's hugely unpopular with radical idiots that can't be satisfied with anything but their own ideas, but the rest of us Americans no longer care what THEY think.

    2. Brett is hugely popular with radical idiots that can't be satisfied with anything but their own ideas. But the rest of us Americans (the majority) do not care what you (the minority that can't "win" elections without cheating) think.

    3. lol! Take THAT "cheating" complaint to the authors of the Steele Dossier...

    4. Mueller is looking into the Russian collusion aspect of the Right's cheating. The Kobach aspect doesn't seem to be getting a lot of pushback, unfortunately. Given that every election it gets worse.

    5. Mueller will be looking for a way to escape the country before the ex-Obama Admin treason trials begin.

  7. Dervish, your resident wingnut, like the weirdos at WYD, don't believe in facts, but instead cleave to false facts, alternative facts, and Trump fantasies. Kavanaugh is the most unpopular Supreme Court nominee since Bork. IOW, he's detested by a majority of Americans. When people like Minus come here and pretend otherwise, the only thing to do is point and laugh at their buffoonery.

    Facts are stubborn things.

    1. The poll that matters (this November) will be even more telling.:)

    2. Depends on how many Russians participate and how many US citizens who are legally entitled to vote get disenfranchised by repuplican cheating. But yes, I agree the election will be telling. What it will tell us is if democracy survives. Vote Democrat to save it - vote republican to destroy it - and make Putin very happy.

    3. tRump has compromised, and continues to compromise our democratic republic. An 8 year stint with the Orange Turd will possibly be fatal to the Republic we've heretofore known and loved. Those whose eyes haven't been sealed shut by the Orange Turd's BS will vote democratic in November. You're right Dervish, the present GOOP (Grand Old Party of Poop) will eventually destroy the fabric of our democratic republic.

    4. The Russian vote can't possibly surmount the 3+ million illegal immigrant vote.

    5. "The Russian vote can't possibly surmount the 3+ million illegal immigrant vote."

      Pointing and laughing

    6. No Russian OR illegal immigrants* voted in 2016. No Russians OR illegal immigrants will vote in 2018. I used the word "participate", not "vote". I was referring to the Russians employed by Putin in various ways. In 2016 they wrote fake news and pushed it out via Facebook to influence the rubes. As well as the hackers who stole the DNC emails and infiltrated state voting systems (where I believe votes were changed).

      *If the number of illegal immigrants voting was not zero, it was very very low (statistically insignificant). The number was absolutely not "millions" or even "hundreds".

    7. Oh, wait. You'd need data on voter citizenship, something your party will never permit to be gathered.

    8. Question to Minus FJ: Do you always type comments here @Whoz Yo Mama! while gerbils squat on your head?

    9. I can EASILY prove there are no illegals voting, Minus. tRump's bogus "voter integrity" commission was disbanded. It surely would be a disservice to the nation if they had the evidence that illegal immigrants were voting in large numbers and decided not to pursue the issue. I don't want non-citizens voting. If this were a real problem tRump should have done something about it. So, given that tRump believes they all voted for HRC, why the HELL would he fold (like a wet rag)? The reason is that the findings would have proven tRump wrong. Now (after quietly shutting down the commission) the Right can continue telling this lie.

    10. Disbanded because Democrats refused to participate and sued, he didn't just "drop it". Individual States control the election process and didn't want to share their data with the feds. Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

    11. And these recent revelations out of California don't lead to voter confidence in the integrity of the voting system.

    12. @pShaw - Is that how you get your ideas? Sounds messy!

    13. Re: "Disbanded because Democrats refused to participate and sued"... wrong. It was 44 states that wouldn't turn over the data... so it was Democrats AND republicans that didn't want to participate in tRump's bogus "voter integrity" commission.

      Note the last line of this statement from the Brennan Center: "President Donald Trump has repeatedly, and falsely, claimed millions voted illegally. Yet examination after examination of voter fraud claims reveal fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is nearly non-existent, and much of the problems associated with alleged fraud relates to unintentional mistakes by voters or election administrators. Election officials and leaders of the president's own party also agree fraud is not widespread".

      Re your "recent revelations out of California"... so what?

      (1) As per the article you link to... "We have worked quickly with the Department of Technology to correct these errors and have also updated the programming and added additional safeguards to improve this process" DMV Director Jean Shiomoto said in a written statement.

      (2) People being incorrectly registered to vote does not mean that they voted. The Canadian guy cited in the article says he threw the voter card away.

    14. One honest Canadian doesn't prove anything. And please, in early 2017 the GOP was still the Never-Trump RINO Party... especially in states like MARYLAND. To this day, Larry Hogan denies ever meeting Trump.

    15. Nor does the DMV erroneously signing up ineligible people to vote prove they are showing up and voting.

    16. ...but you will never allow an audit to find out. Much to hide?

  8. "Prove it." Says the silly numpty who wrote this: "The Russian vote can't possibly surmount the 3+ million illegal immigrant vote." without offering a shred of proof.

    *Pointing and Laughing*

    1. ...hence the follow up comment posted 1 minute after the "Prove it".

      ...Says the Boojum to Snark

  9. Fartface al homodervish šäňďbãğğëřž has no idea what happpens at the California DMVs. I've had my share of dealing with a bunch of incompetent lazy boobs running the animal house known as the California DMVs. I found some good ones and ones to stay away from in my area. The ones run by the incompetent boobs have been prone to register illegals for voting or screwing up registrations. I know of at least 2 DMV offices in my area prone to screwing up big time, as I've had to make extra trips to the DMV to straighten out a mess they created when I did business at their offices. SO SHUT YOUR STINKHOLE AND PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR FLEA RIDDEN MUTT'S ANUS BEFORE FARTING OUT A RETORT ON SOMETHING YOU NEVER DEALT WITH, FARTFACE AL HOMODERVISH ŠÄŇĎBÄĞĞËŘŽ!

    -FJ, looks like some of the RINOs got the serum and woke up from their drunken stupor. -Hopefully, the ones who got the political serum heal from being a RINO and grow a spine.

    1. Fartface Mystere must have typed his retort while his husband did him from behind. This would explains his misspelling of "šäňďbãğğëřž". He hit some odd keys while in the throws of ecstasy. From what I've heard, Rikishi has a really big Johnson, unlike Mystere. Mystere's is too small to get past Rikishi's enormous butt cheeks. Which is why Mystere ALWAYS is "the woman" when he and his husband have sex.

      BTW, I quoted CA DMV Director Jean Shiomoto who said "we have worked quickly with the Department of Technology to correct these errors". The director of the agency would know more than Mystere, I think. I didn't claim to have firsthand knowledge, idiot.
