Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Insane In The Pea Brain: More Nutty Observations From The Low IQ Trumper Mystere

Is Mystere insane or just incredibly gullible? I'm leaning toward the later due to the fact that most of what he finds humorous involves the anus and things (poop and farts) that come out of this hole. Suggesting to me that, mentally, he is like a child. On the other hand, many of Mystere's beliefs (as expressed on his blogs) are quite insane.

The words I attribute to Mystere in the Photoshoped images above are based on posts and videos I read and watched on his numerous blogs. Everything contained within these two bubbles is a 99 percent accurate representation of Mystere's actual nutty beliefs. Believe it or not...

Images photoshopped by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Original photos provided by Irl Hudnutt. WYM-110.


  1. ...when one post on the subject just isn't good enough...

    1. The subjects are not the same. The first one concerns Mark Taylor an the inane belief that DJT was installed by The Lord. The second one concerns imagined secret military tribunals which Mystere believes have started.

      The format is the same (images with word bubbles and a "Mystere is insane" title) but the subjects and content are different for each post.

  2. Dervy's been downing the snake oil lately. His creditors have been stopping by, hoping to cash in.

    1. I've heard that Rikishi is very cross with you Mystere. You've been running up your husband's credit card bill buying more and more dildos to add to your collection, now numbering in the hundreds. Apparently Mystere is really into dildos that are molded from the penises of famous gay porn stars. When Mystere's husband said "Enough! You will buy no more dildos", Mystere started crying because he, quote, "I don't have a complete collection".

    2. How does it feel to be embarrassed over and over again by someone light years smarter than you, Edward?

      Dervish knows you're pathetic and proves it in the most amusing way. We're not laughing with you, Ed, we're laughing at you.

  3. "Ye lovers of frolic, who blithsome and gay,
    Resolve to be merry on Tammany's Day;
    I Neddy the Sachem, by some surnamed P—e,
    For a moment would like your attention to call.
    In barbarous days, ere America rose
    The pride of her Friends, and the scourge of her foes,
    Old Tammany bounding o'er valley and hill,
    Every deer that he met would constantly kill:
    So each of his sons in remembrance of that,
    On his birthday displays a Buck's Tail in his hat.
    Now those who this tuft emblematic must buy,
    To me let them come, and their wants I ll supply.
    Since S—dd----S's deer skins I plundered of late,
    I their tails can retail at a moderate rate:
    ‘Tis the joy of my heart all my neighbors to fleece;
    Come buy my fine Buck Tails at six-pence apiece.


    1. Time for a revolution to overthrow the fraudulently elected Dotard tRump?

    2. Nope. Just the global establishment.

    3. Bernie Sanders 2020! He is the Leader America NEEDS!

      Looking forward to the trumper massacre that will follow your armed rebellion. Not that I'm blood thirsty and eager for your deaths or imprisonment (which is what will surely happen if you take up arms against the US government). But if you're determined I WILL be on the other side. Hopefully your White Supremacist insurrection will be put down with as few causalities as possible. If it happens, which I doubt.

    4. I don't know any White Supremacists, so it most certainly won't happen as you describe. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Apparently you forgot that I said this particular stupidity would be deleted upon detection. This is my blog and, while I try to be as liberal as possible (regarding allowed comments), to the stupidity you wrote above... I say NO.

  5. You keep falling for the bait, Dervy boy! It's quite comical watching you throw an infantile temper tantrum.

    1. What I find comical are your delusions concerning "temper tantrums" that aren't taking place and "bait" I'm not "falling for".
