Saturday, November 20, 2021

Fake Christian Mystere Prays To His Master Satan That Curses Be Inflicted Upon Me & My Family For Generations Because I Want Ex-Predisent Dotard To Face Justice (And Go To Prison) For His Crimes

I also wrote (on Lisa's blog) that I hoped Dotard would get a large bill from the IRS (with penalities and interest) for being a bigly tax cheat. Mystere (enraged) had to take to his blog (after kneeling in prayer to his master, Satan) to pronounce a curse upon me (and my family) for DARING to hope the criminal tRump face justice.

As you can see, Mystere again accuses me. The low-IQ imbecile says I'm the one casting satanic spells. I don't know how I could be doing something I believe to be impossible. Nobody can cast spells because magic is imaginary. Some people might say that Satan is also imaginary, but I (as a Christian) say Satan is real. And that it's Mystere who is asking him for favors.

I'm only hoping that Donald tRump faces justice for the crimes he has comitted. Mystere cheered when the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse was set free by a jury influenced by a judge who was in the tank for the killer. So Mystere is clearly on the side of the bad guys. So long as they are White. Or (in Dotard's case) orange (though, underneath his clown makeup, Dotard is a White man).

The only question for me is whether or not Mystere knows he prays to Satan. I think it's probably the case that Mystere thinks he is praying to God. That God hates gay people as much as he does. And that God wanted a White Supremacist to lead our country. Also that it was contrary to God's will that tRump is not currently in the White House (but that tRump will return to rule us soon).

It's also possible that Mystere knows that Satan supported Donald tRump and wanted Donald tRump to remain the predisent. And that goodness won the day when Dotard was given the boot. And God smiled when Joe Biden defeated Satan's minion and sent him packing. Though not before the evil minion tried to steal the election, culminating in his incitement of an insurrection at the Capitol (which, thank God, failed).

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym271.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Mystere (High On Shrooms) Gets Angry, Throws An Infantile Temper Tantrum And Posts Lies On His Hate Blog

Actually that is what the low-IQ blogger says I did. He refers to me posting about idiocy from his blog. But I say what's going on is explained by projection. Why the hell would I throw a "temper tantrum" in reaction to Mystere's stupidity? My post was making fun of Mystere. Mystere's stupidity doesn't make me angry, he's the one who has to go through life as a total moron.

What made me "angry", according to Mystere, was the fact that, when he claimed (on his blog) the actor Willie Garson caught AIDS and died, I pointed out that he lied.

Or maybe Garson got the covid vaccine and that killed him. Mystere can't decide which. It's possible the covid vaccine killed Willie Garson. Because Mystere is a paranoid lunatic who subscribes to the conspiracy theory that the covid vaccine contains poison and those who made it are intentionally trying to kill large numbers of people (the "thin the herd" conspiracy theory).

On the other hand, Willie Garson was gay. So he might have died from AIDS. Because Mystere is a homophobe who thinks God hates gay people as much as he does. Despite the fact that Willie Garson only played a gay character on the TV program "Sex in the City" and was (in real life) a straight man.

"Not so" Mystere says in his post. Garson actually had a boyfriend. Mystere says I should "do my homework". Even though I couldn't find any "entertainment source" that says Garson had a male lover.

In his commentary Mystere insinuates I am gay. And that I am committing homosexual acts with another blogger he hates. One who is married to a woman. I say this is (possibly) more projection. Not that I would have any problem with Mystere being gay. What I have a issue with is his hypocrisy -- being a self-loathing gay man who attacks others for being gay (whether they are or not).

On the other hand, it is possible Mystere is a straight homophobe. Despite being anally obsessed. And talking about farting, sniffing farts, and consuming "white gravy" all the time. Not that gay people are obsessed with farting. Though the farts that Mystere talks about most of the time are those of the WWE wrestler Rikishi. A man Mystere might be sexually attracted to.

"Flingo" is the sockpuppet sidekick to an idiot who calls himself Mr. Methane. Clearly Mystere wishes he was this "Flingo". If he were, he'd be around (and able to sniff) any gas which escapes from Paul Oldfield's anus (Mr. Methane's acutal name). This is obviously more projection.

Whether or not Mystere is gay I can't say for sure. But he surely an eproctophile. Which is a person who derives sexual gratification from the smell of flatulence. In Mystere's case, the toots of the wrestler Rikishi and a "flatulist" who calls himself Mr. Methane. Never does he mention a woman who farts. You can draw your own conclusions.

Not that I necessarily have any problem with this either. To each his own. Though Mystere should really get some psychological help. Because he hates that he might be gay. And that he loves sniffing farts. Why he projects these characteristics onto his perceived enemies. Mystere refers to me as "mein blog enemy".

BTW, it's Mystere who hacks into people's accounts. Or into mine. Though, given Mystere's extreme stupidity, I suspect he had someone smarter do it for him. But it was my Google account that was hacked. I've never hacked into anyone's account to "harvest" information.

As for -FJ (aka Minus) being an ally -- Minus (I am positive) realizes Mystere is a useful idiot. Why Minus defends Mystere. And why he expends so much energy coming up with ridiculous explanations as to why Mystere's stupidity is correct.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym270.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with Trump; all things are possible with Trump". Mark 10:2

Magamoron cultists gathered in Dallas on November 2nd to await the return of the Archangel Michael, known as John F. Kennedy Jr in his earthly form. Also the return of the Holy Spirit, known as Dotard (aka Donald tRump) in his earthly form. This is as per a rapper who calls himself Pryme Minister.

Excerpts from a transcription of the audio from an 11/9/2021 Pryme Minister YouTube...
Trust the plan ladies and gentlemen. I just wanted to say good morning. Um, have a wonderful day ... what I will tell you is that God is good. Uh, we have already won. Um ... it's going to be a great week ahead you know. So, just continue to pray. Pray for the president [tRump]. Pray for the military. Pray for the country. Pray for people around the world. As the awakening, uh, as the awakening burst forth. Um, you see the flag on the goddamn drip. okay just relax. okay um, amazing journey. Amazing things that we're witnessing in the world. We're coming into a time of, of beauty and prosperity and blessings like never before.

And uh, the patriots are in control. It's just absolutely nuts. Um, stand up for yourself. Take action, you know. Play your part. Do your - do what you can. ...we've been on this journey for a long time together. And, uh, we've had dates after dates and of course people talk about us and they're trying to say, oh they're the - they're uh - they were cult. Although we're not a cult. We're down with president Trump and John F Kennedy. And John Kennedy JR. They were all alive.

...never bet against Donald Trump. okay. Be smart, do the right thing. uh, do the right thing and just trust. And I know it's not going to be easy but your faith is being tested. ... You're being tested to see if you're going to turn into a [expletive]. That's what we want to see. Are you going to turn into a [expletive]. [They're going] to make any fun on you and uh, persecution or ridicule [you]. Uh, so you're being tested. We're all being tested and um, a lot of people are not doing good with the test, okay.

...uh, president trump - the whole team. Um, the Kennedy family. Oh my God. Um, uh, what else ... and yes we are witnessing the coming of the Lord, okay. The Trump ... this is not a cult, this is the second coming, okay. Second coming US president. Jesus Christ is back. In Jesus Christ on the earth. ... I can see clear as day. Clear as a bell. So what's going to happen? Um, it's going to be an amazing week. Listen to me. Look at me. Amazing week, okay. Just take my word for it, okay. So with that being said, did I just get you all stirred up? ... I need help. Jesus is working on me a little bit, uh.

Yeah so I can't even say everything, but I want to get your excitement up. But I just want to let you know that everything's going to work out. Because I know we've been on this journey together and I've kind of like went off the grid a little bit - like a lot. ...we're supposed to be performing that on the stage and General Flynn's supposed to be over there. And now I'm here so I don't think I'm gonna be there... And then I had another meeting in Orlando. I was supposed to be at the life wave conference, you know.

...all you gotta do is stand up. That's what the patriots are waiting for. That's what the Q team is waiting for. for us to stand our ass up and say enough is a goddamn enough. We sick of this [expletive]. That's all it's part of it. It's part of the whole awakening. There has to be a corresponding rising up of the people. As the military comes with slapping the [expletive] out of [the enemy]. Say there has to be a rising up with the people at the same time. So get up off your ass. Kicks and do something, okay? Love you guys. ... bye-bye. ...

The pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ says "Donald Trump is no more Divine than I am". Others in the maga-movement obviously disagree. This is the kind of bullshit Mystere (a low-IQ nutter who believes self-identified "Christian prophets" who are saying Dotard will return to the presidency) gobbles up. Mystere posts as Qanon on Lisa's pro-Dotard blog, so my guess is that he is a fan.

Michael Protzman (aka Negative48), a prominent QAnon supporter with 105,000 followers... said on Telegram that Dallas was the group's promised land. Pryme Minister (real name Randell Moody) offered the use of a property in Dallas that could act as a permanent headquarters for the group (paraphrase from a Yahoo News article).

So JFK jr didn't show up, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to eventually. Apparently the nutters are going to wait around until he does. At which point Dotard will return to the presidency, with JFK jr as his VP. We're on the cusp of a time of beauty and prosperity and blessings like never before. For tRumpers. The rest of us will probably die from getting the jab.

Post authored by the pro-Biden blogger Dervish Sanders. wym269.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Pro-d0tard Blogger Myst3re (A Homophobe) Losing His Grip On Reality

Although people have to be wondering if he ever had a grip on it. Recently Mystere has posted about how Hillary Clinton was sent to Gitmo and later executed.
After being convicted of the (imaginary) child sex trafficking crimes she is guilty of. Prior to being arrested by the military on orders of Donald tRump. Because the military continues to recognize Dotard as their CIC.

Clearly Mystere has difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. Below is a post from Mystere's blog that provides more evidence that this is the case.

Willie Garson might have died from AIDS? Why does Mystere believe that? Because the character he played on Sex in the City was g@y?

Wikipedia/Willie Garson/Personal life: Though he is mainly known for having played an openly g@y man on Sex and the City, he was heterosexual. He purposely did not speak about the fact that he was actually straight in real life for fear of offending homosexu@ls. He stated "For years I didn't talk about it because I found it to be offensive to g@y people. People playing g@y characters jumping up and down screaming that they're not g@y, like that would somehow be a bad thing if they were".

Willie Garson (who passed away recently) didn't die as a result of being vaccinated. He didn't die from AIDS (because his Sex in the City character was g@y). Wille Garson died as a result of pancreatic cancer. A cancer that was not "pfizer mrna induced".

If you look at the idiocy Mystere links to, you will find it to be completely devoid of facts. Willie Garson was fully vaccinated and 5 months later he died from cancer. Correlation is not causation. And the covid vaccine neither cures nor causes cancer! And some people who have been vaccinated with the covid vaccine will later die for other reasons (the covid vaccine doesn't confer immortality).

Additionally, if a straight actor plays a g@y character and later dies... the reason probably isn't AIDS. Mystere is assuming Garson participated in unsafe g@y s3x, I guess. Because Mystere (an idiot) believes he actually was g@y. Mystere must also be unaware that developments in the treatment of AIDS means people with the disease can live long lives.

In Mystere's tiny hate-filled mind being g@y means you've probably got AIDS. Also (if said g@y person dies) being g@y and having AIDS is the likely cause.

Anyway, it is no surprise that Mystere (given his low IQ) also believes all the covid vaccine disinformation. I haven't seen any posts on Mystere's blog about how Ivermectin can be used to treat or prevent covid.

It is possible there is such a post on his blog that I overlooked. Though Mystere (a far-right religious nutter) might believe God will protect him from covid. Or that, if he dies from Covid, it is "God's will".

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Myst3re blogger Dervish Sanders. wym268.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Mike Pence Went Against God's Will By Not Refusing To Certify The Election Results. As Per Abortion Obsessed False Prophet Robin D Bullock

After Joe Biden defeated donald tRump in the 2020 election, but before VP Pence certified the results, false prophet Robin Bullock (a liar who trafficked his soul to Satan for 42 million dollars) prophesied that VP Pence would have the courage to do the right thing and (as per a 1/5/2021 Dotard tweet) "reject fraudulently chosen electors".

Partial transcription of audio from a YouTube dated 9/11/2021... although Bullock is obviously talking about (and making predictions concerning) events prior to VP Pence (in a ceremonial role) certifying the 2020 election results...

Bloodthristy Democrats love killing kids.

...people try to declare oh this has nothing to do with the physical. Nothing to do with the physical really. Well tell 345,600 babies in the fiscal year of 2018. That it had nothing to do with the physical when the nation was almost swimming in their blood ... This fight is mainly over the slaughter of the innocent. You cannot believe I know that people in political realms would go to such lengths just to kill children.

Donald tRump won in a landslide see, donald trump, a man who gave up everything, even to his own cut in pay, for a life he did not have to do. That's right he - listen now - he has already been elected. No I'm... not making that plain I guess. And i'm sure under this video today YouTube will put, "uh they have confirmed Joe Biden as this and this this". He [Donald tRump] has already won the presidency. He won it that night.

God is in control. Unless people don't listen to him.

...and make no mistake it's going to try to culminate on the 6th [although] we think, "well it was prophesied. It's got to happen. don't it brother Robin?". No it don't. Because the church has been taught a lie. The same thing Islam believes believe it or not. If an islamic - some extremist gets on an airplane and crashes it somewhere - he believes it was the will of god that he do it. If he decides not to do it at the last minute? It was the will of god that decided not to do it at the last minute. If he decides to veer left it was the will of god that he veered left. If he decides to go up a little bit and then go down it was the will of god in his mind to do that. If he says two words today it was the will of Allah that happened. [Allah is what] they call God. If, no matter what he does - or she does - it's the will of their god.

...does that sound familiar to you? Well God's in control. And Allah is not God. He was one of 360 gods that Mohammed picked out because he could slaughter people under his name. But the one true living god the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the god and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the only true god. Jesus the only king of kings and lord of lords. He's god. But when you turn and say he's in control? Really?

There was a Vietnam correspondent back during the Vietnam war one of the most horrible wars this nation has ever seen. A war that our men and our young boys were just bodies thrown in front of bullets. A war they were thrown into and wasn't [were not] allowed to win. But they fought valiantly. They fought with everything in them. And they're all heroes to me. Everyone that fought in Vietnam is a hero to me. And they'll always be hailed as that to me.

There was a correspondent. He wasn't even a Christian. Said he wasn't a Christian. He was covering the war and after the atrocities. ... This correspondence said "I've always heard that God is in control". Now this guy's not even Saved. But he wrote this in a big article. He said "I've always heard everybody say God's in control ... After what I've seen, if God is... in control... he's got this world in a mess. Because there's been one world war after another.

God opposes the "slaughter of babies" aka "Human sacrifice" that Joe Biden supports.

I don't know how many babies murdered to this date in abortion mills, but I know it's over 30 million this year. This year! Nine midwestern states was the last count anyone could fill up with the babies that have been slaughtered. Whole generations have been taken. Do you think God's in control of that? He's against human sacrifice. Condemns human sacrifice and forbids human sacrifice. How can you say he wants Joe Biden as president when he's going -- the first day in office killed 345,600 babies in the coming year?

Proof God is in control, but only if people listen to him.

We've got it all squirreled up God's in control. He'll just do what He wants to. Robin, He didn't do what He wanted to with you until you decided to let Him. He wanted to save you how many years ago? How many times did you turn him away before you accepted him? Well I thought, He's in control. He said i'm not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But everybody's not going to repent. There will be people in Hell - you do know that, right? - but it wasn't God's will for him [them] to be there. The bible says we are co-laborers with God. He has a part and we have a part.

[What I think Bullock is saying is that tRump will become president - because he has already won - but only if Mike Pence submits to God's will and rejects the "fraudulently chosen electors". Which, obviously he did not. Mike Pence did not play his part to stop the slaughter of innocent babies].

This rightwing "pastor" believes himself to be a "prophet" in communication with God. Or (more likely) he lies to his followers about being a prophet in communication with God. Though (as per the transcript above) his prophecies can be foiled. If people God calls on fail to do their part. Why low-IQ trumpers like Mystere will never stop believing. These "prophets" can't be wrong. If their prophecy does't come to pass it's not their fault.

In this case the prophecy not coming to pass was clearly Mike Pence's fault. Why he won't be the GOP nominee for potus in 2024. Yet, apparently Mike Pence thinks he could be the nominee and possibly the next president. I say he (if he does run) will drop out quickly. The evilvangelical base (deluded fools like Mystere who think they are Christians) have to hate him for his betrayal. LOL.

Another low-IQ trumper, "Nancy CubaCanada", regarding the video above writes (in the YouTube comments): "I have a question because I became little confused. If the Lord gives a prophecy maybe happen or maybe don't? Trump was willing and fighting for the government, the church was praying, the people voted for him. I believe what the Lord said about Trump will happen".

Ha ha ha. It did not happen and will not happen. Mike Pillow delusions aside. Dotard isn't going to be reinstated. The people didn't vote for him. Or, more people voted for Joe Biden. The election wasn't stolen.

Though (as it has recently been revealed) it wasn't because God told Mike Pence to do his part so his "chosen one" Dotard would be reinstalled... and Mike told God NO. Or maybe he did tell God NO? In which case I've got to wonder (given that Pence is super religious)... why would Mike listen to Dan Quayle over God?

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym267.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Do republicans Object To Abortion Because It's "Murder" Or Because They Want To Control Women? Hint: It's Because They're Misogynists Who Want To Control Women

Have you heard that women don't have to worry about being forced to carry a rapist's baby to term in Texas? The reason? Governor Abbott has promised that he is going to reduce rapes in Texas to zero. Very soon all the rapists in Texas will be rounded up and incarcerated. Soon the word will get out that, if you rape in Texas, you go to prison. And then there will be no more rape.

Even though (currently) Texas is one of the states with the most rapes. Perhaps because the current message being broadcast is that Texas doesn't care if women are raped. Proven by that fact that there is a huge backlog of rape kits piling up in Texas police stations.

As per George Carlin, conservatives aren't pro-life, they are anti-woman.

As Carlin pointed out, republicans only care about "babies" (pre-birth) and not so much about babies (post-birth).

Democrats want to make abortion unnecessary by supporting mothers and babies post-birth. republicans vociferously oppose this approach. Not because it doesn't work, but because they don't care about babies post-birth. republicans aren't pro-life, Democrats are pro-life. Proven by the fact that the "during the last 30 years, abortion rates have fallen the most under Democratic presidents".

"...the Republican approach to stopping abortion is regulation. [An] interesting stance for the hands-off business party. They fight against economic prosperity for middle and lower-class workers, birth control, and good health care for families. What is more effective in reducing abortions? Economic stability, affordable family planning/birth control, and quality health care. The very things Republicans fight AGAINST".

By the way, republican men, you can do your part to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies! Unwanted pregnancies aren't the sole responsibility of women.

Yet Donald tRump, when it comes to women who get abortions, said "there has to be some form of punishment". And none for the men. When asked by Chris Matthews (during a 3/30/2016 Town Hall prior to the 2016 election) if men bear any responsibility or should face any punishment, Dotard replied "I would say no".

Punishment for women (and their doctors) but none for men. Because republican opposition to abortion is rooted in misogny and their desire to control women. By the way, "the abortion rate in the U.S. ticked up slightly from 2017 to 2018, according to data reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention". This uptick occurred during the Dotard administration (after decreasing by 26% under president Obama).

Post authored by the pro-Biden blogger Dervish Sanders. wym266.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Military Tribunal Convicts Hillary Clinton Of Child Trafficking & Sentences Her To Death By Hanging

Have you heard that Hillary Clinton has been convicted (via military tribunal) of serious crimes and sentenced to death? No? Me neither. Apparently it's another MSM cover-up. And, not only was HRC tried, convicted and sentenced, but the sentence has already been carried out. According to a 9/8/2021 post on Mystere's blog, "The Crooked Hildebeest has been executed!".

Transcription of the audio from the video Mystere links to in his post as follows...

Judy Byington: Clinton military tribunal day 5. Conviction.

A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former secretary of state Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor treason and sedition. The two male one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after vice admiral John G. Hannink, who prosecuted the military's case against Clinton, showcased his final witness for the prosecution.

Clinton's former strategist and lover Huma Abedin, in exchange for leniency and a plea deal. Abedin testified she and Clinton had shared underage children with her estranged ex-husband Anthony Weiner. Pressed to clarify her definition of the word "shared", Abedin qualified her answer by saying they had practiced lewd and lascivious behavior on underprivileged minors Clinton had imported into the United States.

"American children"? Vice Admiral Hannink asked. "Yes, but not primarily. They're too easy to track. More often than not from poor countries" Abedin replied. "Would you tell this tribunal how you appropriated these children?" Vice Admiral Hanink asked. "Hillary used her government credentials. She had carte blanche as a secretary of state, former secretary of state and former first lady. It was easy for her to bring orphaned children in from places like say, Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq. No one asked questions. No one to look for them", Abedin replied callously.

Asked to quantify their exploits, Abedin said she couldn't count the number of underage boys and girls clinton had brought to the United States under the pretense of providing them with a fruitful life, but she told the tribunal there had been many most of whom were later sold or donated to influential members of the Clinton cabal. "Who are the people?" Vice Admiral Hanink asked. "We never knew exactly. It's not like Hillary peddled them herself. She had someone handle that and I don't know the person's name" Abedin replied.

"And yet she still refuses to speak" Vice Admiral Hanink observed. He asked the tribunal whether they had heard enough. That the military had presented overwhelming evidence of Clinton's atrocities against the United states and humankind. Unlike a conventional criminal trial, he reminded the commission a unanimous verdict was not needed to convict Clinton on any of the charges. A majority vote he said would satisfy justice. The tribunal arrived at a guilty verdict after deliberating only five minutes. They found Clinton guilty on all charges.

The military had laid out the murders of Seth Rich, Vince Foster and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, trafficking and abusing minors from Haiti and other third world nations, [and] conspiring to assassinate a presidential candidate. As she had throughout the tribunal, Clinton stayed eerily silent as the verdict was read and the officers recommended she receive the death penalty for her crimes. Vice Admiral Hanink asked Clinton if she had preference in how the military carried out her sentence, but still she refused to speak.

"You refused counsel, you refused to defend yourself, this tribunal therefore decides that the defendant detainee Hillary Rodham Clinton be hanged by the neck until dead" Vice Admiral Hanik said flatly. The sentence will be carried out on april 26 after taps. Huma abedin will face her own military tribunal at a date yet to be decided :(

April 26? I presume of next year. So Mystere is wrong. The execution of HRC hasn't been carried out. Yet. Though I suspect she never will be hanged. Because there was no tribunal that convicted Hillary Clinton of child sex trafficking. Or for the murders of Seth Rich, Vince Foster and Antonin Scalia.

The above image is also from Mystere's blog. Attached to a post titled "Biden's Resignation Time?". Apparently Joe Biden will soon resign because Democrats have been caught trafficking kids. As you know, Biden likes sniffing them. Proof he's involved. Also due to Afghanistan. As per the pics Mystere attached to his post.
#SaveOurChildren is an anti-child trafficking hashtag that has been hijacked by QAnon. "Despite the fact that Save the Children is an actual organization founded more than a century ago in the United Kingdom that has worked internationally to champion children's rights, QAnon followers have used #SavetheChildren to spread conspiracy theories".

As per a 2/2/2021 post on this blog, Mystere has been using the alias "Qanon". To post on Lisa's Who's Your Daddy blog and on his own blog (in coversations with himself).

My conclusion given these facts? Mystere is a QAnon fan. And actually believes Hillary Clinton has been convicted of QAnon delusions regarding Democrats sex-trafficking kids. Or he hopes it's true, at least. Even though the video (see below) is clearly BS.

That Democrats are involved in child sex trafficking, that HRC and Huma Abedin are lovers, and that HRC has people murdered (Seth Rich, etc) is debunked conspiracy theory stupidity. But it's obviously stupidity Mystere likes. So that he'd choose to believe it (despite a lack of evidence) wouldn't surprise me at all.

Apparently HRC also attempted to have Dotard assassinated. I'd hadn't heard that one before. But, because she refused to defend herself, John G. Hannink (and the other officers who sat in judgement) had no choice but to convict her... in a trial the media decided wasn't worth covering. LOL.

As per PolitiFact, "The Patriot Report is a website that posts fake news". I clicked the link to visit the site, but my virus protection software says The Patriot Report is infected with URL:Phishing and the connection was aborted.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym265.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Christianist Dominated SCOTUS OKs Unconstitutional Texas Taliban Stripping Bodily Autonomy From Women

Stolen elections have consequences! Radical Christianists appointed to the Supreme Court by the illegitimate orange turd (seditionist sore loser the American people rejected bigly) have allowed an unconstitutional law passed in Texas to go into effect.

Women of child-bearing age in Texas have had their bodily autonomy stripped by the Texas Heartbeat Act. "The act is a de facto ban on abortion in Texas" (with no exceptions for rape, incest, or fetal abnormalities). The Supreme Court refused to act despite the clear unconstitutionality of the law. "Since the law cannot be enforced by state officials, but only by private citizens, there is no precise party to sue in seeking a protective injunction".

"The Center for Reproductive Rights filed an emergency motion before the Supreme Court of the United States on 8/30/2021, seeking to block the Act. In a 5–4 vote, the Supreme Court denied the motion before the 9/1/2021, commencement date, and subsequently the Act came into force" (quoted text from Wikipedia).

In the video below (9/2/2021 airing of MSNBC's The ReidOut) host Joy Reid and guest Frank Schaeffer discuss how Christianists in Texas are imposing their radical Taliban-like beliefs on the rest of America (Pew Research says "seven-in-ten say they do not want to see the Roe v. Wade decision completely overturned").

The "American Taliban" are "in many ways similar to the Middle Eastern Islamists". In that the people who call themselves "pro-life" are actually pushing "fake family values [and] thinly veiled misogyny". This law is about controlling women. Control the Taliban in Afghanistan quickly reinstated when they regained power following President Joe Biden's courageous decision to end one of American's dumbest wars.

By the way, "The name [Heatbeat bill] references the point in time at around six weeks' gestation when the embryo's cardiac activity can first be detected by an ultrasound - which under the new law triggers a block on an abortion. But medical and reproductive health experts say the reference to a heartbeat at that stage of a pregnancy is medically inaccurate as an embryo does not have a developed heart at six weeks' gestation. ...the activity measured on an ultrasound in early gestation is electrical impulses...".

There is no heartbeat. Labeling it thusly is clearly a manipulation tactic designed to fool the stupids. "'s kind of like using the term unborn child instead of fetus...". The Texas abortion law "is intentionally written that way in order to evoke an emotional response. But what it is in reality is just a ban on abortion at six weeks' gestation, which is two weeks after a missed period. It's incredibly unconstitutional" as per Aimee Arrambide, executive director of the statewide abortion rights group Avow Texas (2 above paragrah quotes: Why "heartbeat bill" is a misleading name for Texas' near-total abortion ban).

Regarding the above video, Dozie D writes (in the comments on the YouTube page), "Good one, Frank. No one, not me, not Billy Graham, not you, not the Evangelical Right, not Muslims, not any government, NO ONE should be able to impose their religious beliefs on another person. America must stand firm in this one truth. Otherwise, Freedom means nothing".

Nor should anyone be allowed to impose their misogynist White Supremacist beliefs on the rest of us. I add this because the pro-autocracy blogger Minus FJ (who might read this) does not identify as Christian. Obviously he doesn't want to impose his Christianist beliefs on anyone, as he doesn't have any. He does wish to impose his White Supremacist misogynist beliefs on the rest of us, however. Through terrorist violence, if necessary (to put a stop to "stolen" elections).

Post authored by the pro-Biden Dervish Sanders. WYM-264.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Capitol Police Officers Whose Testimony Would Have Countered Incredibly False Dem Narrative That trumpers Rioted MURDERED To Prevent Them From Talking!

Police officers at the Capitol on January 6th were willing to come forward to dispute the false narrative that there was a riot. Why they had to be murdered.

Though Kidme37 (comment from the Geez blog) says he has no "inside information", maybe he's on to something? Remember that HRC had Seth Rich murdered after he downloaded data from the DNC server (to a thumb drive) and handed it off to a WikiLeaks agent.

So, when Hillary found out that 4 brave Capitol Police officers were willing to testify that, instead of rioting, trumpers were hugging and kissing officers (who then ushered them into the Capitol), she put in a call to her goons to "Vince Foster" those would dare go against the "incredibly false Dem narrative".

As per a blogger some readers may be familiar with (Willis Hart) thousands of hours of videotape exist and most of it isn't being released. Why? To cover up the fact that there was no insurrection (he puts "insurrection" in quotes).

What really happened? trumpers (as per their first amendment right) peacefully assembled to save the country. As proof Willis links to the Bitchute video below.

The cop says the trespassers should be peaceful and they AGREE. Surely the murdered officers would have confirmed this, thus destroying the Dem false narrative. No matter that the only reason the massive crowd gained access to the capitol was by doing battle with and assaulting police officers.

Once they got there that's when the hugging and kissing took place. Watch the video and you'll see that the cop and protestor make out. Or imagine that's what happens after the video ends. Clearly they are just about to hug, then kiss.

BTW, the officers who testified before Congress? They're liars. Check the money trail. It probably proves they were paid to spin false tales of being "assaulted" by the Clinton Foundation. Or people associated with Joe Biden.

Obviously the officers cried crocodile tears, as the purported "assault" was actually "no more serious than a roller coaster ride". Though, if the tears were real, these cops should "be heading to the shrink quicklike because [their] brains are defective". Further proof there couldn't have been any "suicides" and that the four deaths MUST have been four murders.

Because tears are unbelievable, let alone that any cop would kill themselves because of a "roller coaster ride" followed by hugging and kissing.

Post authored by the pro-Biden Dervish Sanders. WYM-263.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Real Purpose Of Covid Pfizer Vaccine Exposed! Mass Genocide (Population Control). Also (Re Those Who Survive) To Make Men Sterile & To Make Women Infertile (More Population Control)

I was alerted to this via Mystere's "Cleveland Foxers" blog. In a 7/7/2021 post, Mystere links to a video from the Stew Peters show. Apparently Stew Peters is "a very popular podcaster and radio personality".

The video is hosted by Rumble. According to Wikipedia, "using data from February 2021, researchers studying conspiracy theories and misinformation about COVID-19 noted that several content creators have gained a receptive audience on Rumble after their productions have been pulled from YouTube or Facebook".

Can Rumble videos be embedded? Apparently the answer is yes. Although you've got to have a Rumble account (and be logged into this account) before they give you the embed code. Did I create a Rumble account? No. The video isn't embedded on Mystere's blog either. Go here if you want to watch it. This isn't a link to Stew Peter's website, but to a WordPress blog titled "Foreign Affairs Intelligence Council".

One of the tags attached to this post (on "Foreign Affairs Intelligence Council) is "covid death vaccine". Because the PURPOSE of the "vaccine" is (apparently) to murder people. "Vaccine" in quotes because that's not really what it is. What is it? It is (as per Peters) an "injection being falsely referred to as a vaccine".

Why? Because the Pfizer vaccine contains graphene oxide, and (as per Dr. Jane Ruby), "Spanish researchers have found that over 99 percent of the Pfizer vaccine is graphene oxide". According to Ruby's website, she is "is a Washington DC health economist and New Right political pundit with fascinating conservative insights". Although in the video the claim is made that Ruby is an "expert pharmacological researcher".

Ruby warns, "there is no other reason for this [graphene oxide] to be in there except to murder people". Additionally she claims that Covid-19 doesn't even exist. The test for it is a fraud. What we're dealing with is actually "a flu and lots of different versions of the common cold". aka covid-19 is actually a hoax being perpetrated upon the American people to (as per Peters), "thin the herd, to control the population. To make men sterile, to make women infertile".

Ruby later says, "...when you get your body filled with enough graphene oxide ... with the warmth of your body, and if it's oxygenated ... it can be manipulated ... your body can be effected by the vibrations ... I'm not an electrical expert -- from the 5G network ... don't take it".

Apparently this is a reference to the conspiracy theory that says there are Bill Gates tracking chips in the vaccine? I'm unsure. She doesn't say anything about chips. This does seem to be a variation on this wacko conspiracy theory.

However, according to a Reuters fact check, "online reports that COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide are unfounded [and the] analysis by a professor in Spain... has been rejected by experts". The fact check additionally states that "Pfizer told Reuters its vaccines do not contain the material. This material is also not listed in any of the widely available COVID-19 vaccines worldwide".

Mystere posted this to his blog without comment. So I assume he agrees the Pfizer vaccine is "poison". So that means he's going to get the Moderna or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine? I doubt it. Given that he thinks God told Pastor Liberty Turnipseed that people should not get the vaccine because it isn't safe (all the vaccines, not just the Pfizer). Also remember there isn't even such a thing as "covid". It's a hoax, so why get a vaccine for something that doesn't exist?

According to healh officials "It is when, not if" unvaccinated people are going to get covid. Because the Delta varriant is 100 times more transmissible. That doesn't mean Mystere is going to die. Or even get that sick. Likely he will remain convinced it's all a hoax. Even after he catches covid.

Unless he's had it previously and recovered. Though, "immunity [from having previously contracted covid] varies significantly from person to person, so while many people mount a strong, durable immune response that protects them against delta after a previous infection, some may generate a weak immune response and remain at risk". The recommendation is that "people who have had COVID-19 to get at least one vaccine dose to boost their antibody levels".

btw, Minus FJ says he got the vaccine. On 6/21/2021 (re covid) he wrote (on this blog) "How can I catch it? I got vaccinated". Which vaccine did Minus get, I wonder? Because if it was the Pfizer he could now be sterile. LOL!

Anyway, this population control conspiracy does not seem to be going according to plan. Given that the vaccines haven't killed tens of millions of people. Even though tens of millions of people are fully vaccinated (56.6% of the US population according to Google). The "real" number of the people killed by the vaccine being around 20 thousand (according to Minus FJ, if I remember correctly).

So how is the government covering up the deaths of millions of people? How is the government covering up the "fact" that millions of men are now sterile and millions of women are now infertile?

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-262.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Mystere (A Racist Asian-American) Finds Anti-Mexican Twitter Account (il Donaldo Trumpo) Bigly Hilarious

Anus = "ain't us" (I assume). But this isn't the reason liberals hate trumpers. The real reason? (In part) it is that trumper republicans think racist stupidity like this is funny.

This tweet came to my attention after I followed a link Mystere posted on WYD. Mystere is an Asian-American trump supporter who lives in California and refers to people of Mexican heritage as "greasers".

Yet Mystere is pro-Democracy when it comes to Cuba. Although I think the reason is because Cuban-Americans generally align themselves with the republican party. So Hispanic people of Cuban heritage would be the "good ones", while Hispanic Americans (who generally align themselves with the Democratic Party) would be the bad ones. Why Mystere was bigly in favor of Dotard Donald's idiotic wall (gotta keep out the "invaders" who travel to America to kill and rape White women).

Something else Mystere likes? The lie that Democrats are pro-communist. After Minus FJ linked to a YouTube video about the recent protests in Cuba, Mystere wrote (using his Qanon identity) "Flingo al-Dervish pooped his diapers when he saw that".

"Flingo" is the puppet sidekick of a personality who calls himself "Mr. Methane". Mr. Methane is an idiot who went on American's Got Talent (AGT) and farted. He calls himself a "flatulist". aka "an entertainer... whose routine consists solely or primarily of passing gas in a creative, musical, or amusing manner".

Clearly this is projection. As everyone knows, it is Mystere who is a bigly fan of passing gas. The low IQ imbecile often writes (when he BELIEVES he has authored a witty retort) that the commenter he disagrees with has received a "Blog Rikishi stinkface".

Apparently Mystere is also a fan of AGT, a program I don't watch. I've also never seen a single episode of the singing competition television series American Idol. And, for the record, I'm not a fan of Communism. Not that I believe these protests in Cuba will lead to the overthrow of the Cuban government (which will then transition to Democracy).

So, even if I were a fan of Communism in Cuba (which I'm not), I wouldn't be pooping my pants if I thought the Cuban government was on the verge of collapse. Maybe someday? That certainly would be a positive development. Especially if there is minimal bloodshed (re any such revolution). Because I'm not pro-Communism.

I'm also not pro-racism, unlike Mystere. Why he's totally on board re trumper White Supremacy (even though he is an Asian-American). How stupid can you get?

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-261.

Monday, June 7, 2021

God Calls Pastor Liberty Turnipseed On The Horn To Warn Her About The Covid Vaccines (Bad News For Those Of Us Who Have Already Been Vaccinated).

*Ring, Ring*

Liberty *answers phone*: Hello?

God: Hello, Liberty. This is God. I'm calling to tell you something important. The first of many deaths are coming.

Liberty: What?

God: A lot of people have died from covid. This is bigger than that.

Liberty: Lord, what are you saying?

God: The first of many deaths are coming. More death and destruction as I prepare to do a mighty work on the earth. These will be physical deaths and spiritual deaths. As my manifested glory goes forward, this will be a side effect of the kingdom of God rising and the kingdom of darkness falling.

This will woo the unsaved into my presence. There are times I have to allow despair to woo people in. This is not a terrible thing. It is a beautiful thing. They will not receive me without there being many spiritual and physical deaths.

Liberty: Oh, Lord! That breaks my heart.

God: Remember the ginormous dream I gave you last August? The one with the death count?

Liberty: Yes, I do.

God: Death, destruction and famine is all going to come during the End Times. During the birthing pains. You might lose [YouTube] subscribers for releasing this Word. People aren't going to want to hear it. But people need to know the seriousness of where this is all going.

All the babies that die every day? By people getting rid of them? This is the evil that has come.

Liberty: God, where is all this going? The death count is rising. How far is this going to go? What are you going to allow? We knew the virus was not going to come and go quickly.

God: The Devil created it [covid-19], but I am allowing it for my glory. The Devil will not flip the script on me. This is a fight I knew was going to happen. I mean business.

Liberty: How many are going to die?

God: I told you in the prophetic dream I gave you. 2.5 million. No, wait. It's 3.5 million. No, wait. 350 million people will die.

Liberty: Oh, dear God! Lord, this can't be real!

God: Yes, it is real. This is my Word. Please let your YouTube followers know. Some of these deaths will be physical and some will be spiritual. People are going to fall away from God. They will be deceived.

The physical death? You need to know that there are many different ways it could be coming. Do not get the vaccine.

Liberty: Lord, something feels off about this. It's too big of a hurry. It can't be safe. God, what's the deal with the vaccine? Should we get the vaccine?

God: No. It's not safe. This is the beginning of the End Times. I can't tell you anything else.

Liberty: If you say no, it's no. I don't need proof or evidence. I'm going to obey the King of kings. This is a heavy Word, but I will tell my YouTube followers. And I will pray people do not mess around with the vaccine. Amen.

*God hangs up*

[Note: this is my transcription/interpretation of a video the pro-Dotard blogger Mystere recently posted to his blog].

I assume Mystere agrees with Pastor Liberty Turnipseed, given that he posted her YouTube to his blog. In which case I say the phrase to "fall off the turnip truck" (which means to be naïve or gullible, like a country bumpkin) clearly applies. This might explain why Pastor Liberty chose the last name she did. It's a wink and a nod to how she views anyone dumb enough to follow (and send money to) Spirit Move Ministry.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-260.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Matt Gaetz To Retire From Congress And Rudy Giuliani To Retire From Whatever The F*ck It Is He Does (Podcaster?) To Take Unpaid Positions With The Department Of Corrections?

The following is my transcription of a conversation between Lefty talk radio (and FreeSpeechTV) host Stephanie Miller and former 30 year federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner.

Excerpted from the 5/18/2021 airing of the Stephanie Miller Show...

Stephanie Miller: Do you agree with the banner that flew over the courthouse that said "tick tock Matt Gaetz"?

Glenn Kirschner: Oh, yeah. Justice is coming for Matt Gaetz. No two ways about it. ... When he called underage sex trafficking "naughty favors", I wish that was a separately chargeable crime. Because that is obscene. They (Matt Gaetz and Joel Greenberg) were sex trafficking in children, which is made clear in the Greenberg plea agreement. There is going to be hell to pay for these men.

Stephanie Miller: Glenn, you said a majority of the plea agreement contains "hard corroboration of the crimes of not only Joel Greenberg, but the crimes of others". Adding "the prosecution has laid out some really troubling crimes ... he pled guilty to conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States ... who can he implicate beyond Matt Gates? Stone, DeSantis? We'll know soon enough".

What is your thinking on that?

Glenn Kirschner: So, I've spent a lot of time with the 86 page plea agreement. 60 pages of it are receipts. Hard corroboration of what Greenberg did and what others did. Others who have not been named yet. It hasn't got a lot of attention, but the 6th charge, the charge of conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States ... the prosecutors know who all of the members of the conspiracy are. But they had to wait until Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty to indict those people. He was a huge domino to fall ...

I'm telling you, he not only had to give up blockbuster information about bigger fish, but the prosecutors had to be satisfied that it was truthful and it was provable. So I'm telling you, hold on tight, because the justice we've all been waiting for is about to start coming. It really is.

Stephanie Miller: *giggles*. Now let's talk about Rudy... now that I'm all excited. You've said "it will take time for the searches of Rudy's electronic devices to be completed and the materials to be reviewed by a special master filter team..." ...

Now, is it as hilarious to you as it was to me that Rudy [is asking] "the judge to block any review of the siezed records while his lawyers determine whether there was a legitimate basis for the warrant ... [Rudy's lawyers] said it would have been more appropriate and less invasive to seek information though a subpoena, which unlike a warrant, would have given [Rudy] an opportunity to review the documents and respond. Justice Department policy recommends prosecutors use subpoenas when seeking information from laywers unless there is a concern about destruction of evidence".

Which tells me they were concerned Rudy Guiliani was going to destroy the evidence. Right?

Glenn Kirschner: Rudy made up all of these new legal standards and requirements before search warrants will issue. I urge people not to listen to the nonsense Rudy Giuliani is spouting. He's a man circling the drain and looking for something to grab on to. ...

What makes me happiest right now is that he's looking for a lifeline from Donald Trump. And not just a financial lifeline (because we know Donald Trump stiffed him on his legal fees), but he's also looking for Trump to swoop in and say that all the stuff Rudy was doing in Ukraine, he was doing it for me.

But Trump won't go there. Why? Because that would be Trump announcing that, by the way, I'm guilty as a co-conspirator of everything Rudy did in Ukraine. What's crazy is that he did it for Donald Trump, and now Trump won't vouch for it. Rudy is done.

Stephanie Miller: Does he not get that Trump has thrown everyone under the bus ... the headline is "Rudy Giuliani is desperately begging Trump to help as feds close in -- and is being ignored". ...

Do you think Giuliani is going to flip? It sounds to me like he isn't going to have any choice.

Glenn Kirschner: Yeah. He is going to end up going the same way Michael Cohen ended up going. He put up a good fight for awhile before he started talking about Trump's crimes. Rudy is going to go the same way because, at the end of the day, Rudy is all about Rudy. Just as much as Trump is all about Trump.

LOL! Sounds like Gaetz is in bigly trouble and will likely end up behind bars. Perhaps for an extended period of time. According to the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ, "Gaetz has powerful enemies". Right. Himself and Joel Greenberg.

As for Rudy, he'll try to stay out of prison by flipping on the former failed president Dotard Donald. Hee hee. Certainly (if Rudy doesn't serve prison time) he will be disbarred. And he will avoid prison by spilling his guts re the crimes of Donald Trump (who will then be the one who ends up behind bars). Fingers crossed.

"Matt The Gaetz" (above video) by Rocky Mountain Mike. Parody of "Mack The Knife" (popularized by Bobby Darin).

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Dotard blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-259.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Oracle Mystere Speaks... "The Illegitimate President Bidet Must Resign Or Face Punishment From God"

As per the trumpnutter Minus FJ, "Mystere is an oracle along the lines as the oracle at Delphi or Dodona". The oracle Mystere sez President Joe Biden is in bigly trouble for stealing the election from the choice anointed by God, Dotard tRump.

Does Mystere believe himself to be an oracle or a prophet? No, as I originally pointed out to Minus, Mystere is only listening to rightwing ministers on YouTube. Liars who say Dotard was anointed by God and that Joe Biden stole the election, angering God. Mystere is a moron. Also a false Christian.

According to Mystere "God has repeatedly tried to reach out to Dervish, yet Dervish keeps spewing his hate for the righteousness of God, calling it evil in front of God's own eyes". QED he absolutely believes the false "prophets" he listens to.

Liars like Robin D. Bullock. "This is a hoax. I am not the legitimate president" is what Biden should say before resigning. Paving the way for the "legitimate" president, Dotard Donald, to return to power. QED Mystere is insane. Joe Biden will not admit the election was stolen because Joe Biden did not cheat.

The American people, faced with a choice between the terrible dotard donald and the competent Joe Biden, made the correct decision. Contrary to what conspiracy theory nutters like Minus FJ believe. Minus sez it's a "bigglier lie" that the election was legitimately won by Joe Biden. An inane a claim from Minus as his claim that Mystere is an oracle :P

btw, Mystere, I don't have to change any letters (replacing the "n" at the end of "Biden" with a "t") to make a joke out of your last name. The fact is, I have it on good authority that Mystere (a homophobe) actually likes it up the endo. aka he's a self-hating closted gay man. LOL.

It also pretty easy to make fun of dotard's last name without changing any letters. Given that "trump" is a slang word in the UK that means fart. I've also heard that "MAGA" is an acronym that stands for "massive ass gas attack".

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym258.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

"Christian" Nutjob Mystere Listens To Chad MacDonald, "Prophet" Who Sez President Joe Biden (The Representative of The Forces of Darkness) Will Be Checkmated By God

The magamoron Mystere (commenting on Lisa's blog using the alias "Qanon") continues to insist that President Joe Biden is going to face consequences imposed on him from the Almighty. Why? Because Joe Biden "stole" the election from the candiate who was anointed by God, Dotard Donald.

Previously Mystere posted a video on his blog featuring false prophet Robin Bullock. As per Bullock, The Lord is offering Joe Biden a chance to repent. Which he could do by "admitting" he stole the presidency. After which he would need to resign. Then (I guess) he'd have a chance to get back in God's good graces. Or at least to escape his wrath.

Another fake Christian named Chad MacDonald sez he is a "prophetic revivalist" and has "prophetic dreams". In a recent comment on WYD Mystere linked to a Chad YouTube in which the the founder of "Revival Fire World Ministries" makes some absurd predictions regarding President Joe Biden.

[Partial transcription of Chad MacDonald Youtube]

(2:59) Even so I, says the Lord, am unable to acknowledge him with that title [President]. Because there is an illegitimacy around him. the next ... weeks and even in the months to come you will see a sure revelation. ... There is going to be an uncovering of the things that are hidden. ... I will shake the ground of this nation. Surely, as I shake the ground of this nation, so I shall shake the seat and heart of this nation. The very seat of power of this nation will be gripped with uncertainty and fear ... For says the Lord, I have heard the prayers of my people. The cries of the children have risen before me, sayeth God. I am not slack concerning my promises. ... My might shall be revealed upon this nation. ... I am going to shake the heart of corruption from this government. ... The Absalom* that has attempted to seat himself where he does not belong. There shall surely be divine justice.

(7:13) The Spirit of God is going to confront the wickedness that has seeded themselves down in the deep state of this nation. ... God is about to turn the tables on the Devil. God is about to put checkmate on the forces of darkness in this nation. ... God is going to have the last word...

[End Chad McDonald partial transcription]

*Absalom [described as being "worthless and treacherous"] ... is first mentioned as murdering his half brother Amnon, David's eldest son, in revenge for the rape of his full sister Tamar. For this he was driven into banishment, but he was eventually restored to favor through the good offices of his cousin Joab. Later, when some uncertainty seems to have arisen as to the succession, Absalom organized a revolt. For a time he seemed completely successful... [but] Absalom ... was completely defeated in “the forest of Ephraim” (apparently west of Jordan) and killed by Joab, who found him caught by the hair in an oak tree.

Apparenlty President Joe Biden is in bigly trouble with God for legitimately winning the election. Because God was rooting for Dotard Donald. If you believe as Mystere does, which is that these "prophets" are in communication with The Lord. Which (for the record) I do not (though I think they may be in communication with Satan).

IMO these self-proclaimed "prophets" are liars who have fooled Mystere bigly. And, as a consequence for his devotion to Dotard Donald (an evil man), Mystere may very well end up (when the time comes for his dirt nap) being sent to the eternal BBQ pit. QED it is Mystere who needs to repent and pray for forgiveness, not our current president.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-257.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mystere (A Deluded Low IQ Magamoron) Thinks President Joe Biden Should "Admit" The Election Was Stolen. The Lord Is Giving Him A Chance To "Repent And Resign"

President Joe Biden will not "admit" to your delusions, Mystere. Joe Biden is the legitimate president! The election was not stolen.

Mystere believes himself to be a Christian. Despite being a strong supporter of Donald J. tRump, an evil White Supremacist who encited his followers to riot at the Capitol (in an seditious attempt to steal the presidency from Joe Biden).

In Mystere's delusions God is on tRump's side and is angry that Joe Biden committed massive voter fraud to guarantee his illegitimate win. God's anger represented by the photoshopped image below (also from Mystere's blog).

Apparently The Lord (in this image) was issuing a warning to Joe Biden (by knocking him down as he climbed the stairs to board AFO). What will happen if Joe Biden does not resign, Mystere? Will The Lord strike Joe Biden dead?

It will NOT happen, but say Joe Biden did "admit" the election was stolen? Then what happens, Mystere? Do you think Donald tRump will be inaugurated to serve a second term?

Another false prophet Mystere listened to was Mark Taylor. According to the retired firefighter, God himself had a hand in the elevation of Dotard to the White House. As per Taylor, "Donald Trump will sail into re-election in 2020 because the LORD's righteous right hand is upon him". How did that work out, Mystere?

If God wanted Dotard Donald to be president and if God told Mark Taylor that Joe Biden would be defeated and the Orange Turd would retain the White House, why isn't Dotard Donald still predisent, Mystere? Did God lie to his "prophet", Mark Taylor? Is Satan more powerful than God?

Or is it that these people Mystere listens to (Mark Taylor, Robin Bullock, etc) are lying sacks of shit who want to keep the donations from deluded "Christian" dupes (fools like Mystere) flowing?

Post authored by the pro-Biden, anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-256.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Steven Crowder To Give Inexpert Testimony For Defense At Chauvin Trial Which Will "Completely And Definitively Debunk" Fact That Floyd Was Murdered

The picture above is a still from a Steven Crowder video linked to by the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ that he says "debunks" the fact that George Floyd was straight up murdered by ex-officer Chauvin. Crowder didn't die when some people he worked with dressed as cops and (one of them) lightly placed his knee on his Crowder's back and neck.

Obviously Crowder (a Conservative political podcaster) is going to be called by the defense to provide inexpert testimony (based on the scientific experiment he conducted). And Derek Chauvin will be exonerated.

Clearly it was a total coincidence that George Floyd died while being compressed by three cops placing (a significant portion of) their full weight on his body. He would have died later in the day for sure because he "ate too many drugs".

Except Crowder's buddies didn't place much of their body weight on him. As a YouTuber who calls himself Vaush points out in the following video.

As experts have testified to during the trial, George Floyd died from positional asphyxiation and his death was a homicide.

The description of the above YouTube states... "Dr. William Smock, emergency room physician and police surgeon from Louisville KY, says after reviewing George Floyd's case he determined he died of positional asphyxia and ruled out excited delirium".

Another doctor who destified for the prosecution, Martin Tobin (a pulmonologist and lung expert), says "George Floyd died from a lack of oxygen as Chauvin knelt on his neck, and not from drugs or health issues".

"The levels of methamphetamine and fentanyl in Floyd's system were not a factor in his death". aka Derek Chauvin murdered him. And, just to be sure his victim was dead, Chauvin held his knee on Floyd's neck for three minutes after George Floyd took his last breath.

aka, Minus FJ's claim that "the neck hold murder theory has been completely and definitively debunked" is total bullplop. The "neck hold murder theory" has been definitively proven. As per the testimony of the above cited doctors.

As opposed to a laughable "recreation" from a Conservative political podcaster.

Post authored by the pro-Biden blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-255.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mike Lindell And Sydney Powell Laying Groundwork For Insanity Defense Re Their Respective Dominion Lawsuits?

Hmmm... if this is what is going on, I doubt it will work.

" torts, liability is premised on fault; since the mentally ill are not in control of their acts they are not at fault and consequently, they should not be liable for their action. Such a superficially appealing resolution of this difficult problem, however, is not very convincing. Generaly the courts have rejected the mental illness defense to tort liability". (Mental Illness as an Excuse for Civil Wrongs. George J. Alexander and Thomas S. Szasz. Santa Clara Law Digital Commons, 1968).

Post authored by the pro-Biden blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-254.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

On The Idea That It's Conservatives Who Are Being Discriminated Against

Apparently it's "ideological hatred" that we all should be concerned about, not racial hatred. Or the hatred of gay people. Those types of hate are A-OK. They simply represent a different point of view.

French philosopher Michel de Montaigne "repeatedly warns us against too great a certainty about our knowledge and our conviction that our way is the only right way". So, who's to say hating people who are not like ourselves (if you're White and straight) isn't the right way?

Given this, how can Progressives argue they are tolerant? Clearly they are extremely intolerant of White working class culture (aka White Supremacism).

Conservatives think the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense works? Maybe, if you fancy it up by quoting French philosophers, some will be fooled. One thing is for sure, which is that truth and facts aren't on the side of the modern "GOP".

Explaining why they've decided to go ALL in on bigly false narratives. Dotard actually won the 2020 election, Dotard's agenda was thwarted at every turn by the fake news and the "deep state".

And the party representing the "real racists" is the one most African Americans vote for. The same party that has far more elected Black politicians than the other. Dotard was (and remains) the least racist person on the face of the earth. Also in all of human history. And absolutely not a White Supremacist who "won" by taking the racist White grievance narrative mainstream.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, intellectually humble blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-253.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Re The Minus FJ Spouted Conspiracy Theory That Late Ballots Were Backdated So They'd Be Counted (i.e. The PO Cheated To Help Joe Biden)

Another example of the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ expressing outrage that votes were counted. Because he knows that counting all the votes doesn't favor the republican candidate. Why Dotard's strategy to "win" was to get as many ballots thrown out as possible.

However, in the case of mail-in ballots, those that arrived late were thrown out. And none were back dated.

Minus assumes I made up the story by Rachel Maddow because that is what pathological liars do. Dotard is clearly a pathological liar. Minus is clearly a pathological liar. Pathological liars assume everyone lies.

But Rachel Maddow did cover the story. As the following tweet confirms.

The Rachel Maddow story concerns (falsely) alleged backdated ballots in PA. An allegation that the person who made it, Richard Hopkins, recanted. Apparently someone else (Ethan Pease, a temporary employee of a PO subcontractor) alleged ballots in WI were backdated. However, as per a USA Today fact check, "the Wisconsin deadline is based on when ballots are received, not postmarked".

Has anyone else come forward to claim that the USPS backdated ballots? I'm only presenting these two examples. Perhaps the only examples. Maybe Minus FJ has others. But I would bet (if there are any other allegations) they are also false. Not that discrediting these allegations will stop Dotard supporters from falsely claiming the election was "stolen" by Joe Biden.

Sorry losers, Joe Biden won. And it is WAY past time for you to get over it. But they won't. Insetead they're busy passing new laws (via state legislatures) to further suppress a citizen's ability to vote. Because (as I previously pointed out) counting ALL the votes does not favor the republican candidate.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-252.