Catturd, even though he is an admitted turd, tweeted, "There's nothing you can say to justify shooting an 18-month-old puppy in the face and killing it. NOTHING! I don't give AF what it did". In a followup comment the dotard-donald-supporting Phillip Buchanan added, "Just so you know ... If you find a dog untrainable and you feel like the only answer is to shoot it in cold blood -- I'll gladly take the dog to live on the Catturd ranch until I can find -- a loving home. All my abused rescues are so hard to take care of at first but if you give them maximum love, eventually, they'll turn into the most beautiful, loving gifts you'll ever know".
I had thought about writing about this after hearing that South Dakota governor (who wants to be dotard's VP) Kristi Noem murdered a dog and bragged about it (in a recent book). Apparently she views her ability to murder (in cold blood) a pet as an asset. It proves she can make the "tough decisions".
This is pure evil, in my opinion. Phillip Buchanan might be a turd, but apparently he's an animal lover. Which is a positive in my opinion. Not an opinion shared by the fake Christian blogger, Myst3re. He hates dogs. So, even though Myst3re is a super bigly Catturd fan, I suspect he'd (if he was to given an opinion) side with the dog-murdering psychopath, Noem.
According to Noem, "I hated that dog" (a female named Cricket). So maybe she would be a good match for the dog-hating dotard donald. Given that they are both psycho dog haters.
"Donald was not a dog fan ex-wife Ivana confirmed in her memoir Raising Trump". Concerning dotard donald's hate for man's best friend, ex-wife Ivana further wrote, "How can you not love a dog that acts like he's won the lottery for life just because he sees you walk through the door?"
The Hate-Blogger Myst3re is also not a fan of dogs. When he guessed that (because of the length of time that had gone by) my canine companions must have passed on, I said no. One was deceased but the other was alive. And the Evil Turd laughed and made fun. This was in a comment on my Dervish Sanders blog, which is currently locked because the evil turd falsely reported that I posted "hate" there.
No, Myst3re, YOU post hate. YOU are the are hater. Including a dog hater. WHO makes fun of someone losing a beloved family member? Evil As$holes, that's who. So, while I do not like Catturd, I applaud him for calling out Kristi Noem. And offer my genuine condolences for the recent loss of his friend, Smiles.
Still, I condemn him for supporting tRump (and his support is STRONG). Phillip doesn't care that donald tRump hates dogs? Joe Biden loves dogs. Why not support a fellow animal lover instead of an animal hater, Phillip? Well, Phil (by his own admission) is a bigly turd. Though, suprisingly, Phil has at least one redeeming quality, unlike the evil @sswipe Myst3re.
Myst3re loves killing. He fantasizes about killing the young children of political "enemies". Because he is a "pro-life" liar. He probably thinks it's not a bfd that Noem murdered her dog and bragged about it. He likely agrees that dog murdering means she has what it takes to be dd's VP. That, and she's a babe. Women being attractive is very important when it comes to dd and Myst3re. Both of these misogynists judge women based on their appearance :P
Myst3re: Who's going to Care for Dervish's dogs in Heaven? Thursday, January 4, 2024.
THREAT-->Amanda and Chris Grace will be caring for them after Dervish Sanders Goes To Hell. Dervish Sanders suffers mental illness, caused by Satan Worship which he gleefully engages in with pleasure. And no, Derpy, dogs don't go to Hell. I never said dogs go to hell, YOU did. Your pooches will be cared for by Amanda and Chris Grace when their times to go to Heaven come to pass. Your dead dogs are being cared for by someone who cared for their siblings who has passed into eternity. Scooter fears for your eternal doom awaiting you. Your other mutt that recently died is with Scooter. And falsely accusing Trump of crimes is fuel for the intense fire you will fall into when you send yourself to Fire Lake. ... The more you poke God's Eyes, the faster you will seal your demise. The meat hook is getting sharpened and heated if you keep it up. Myst3re says "I never said dogs go to hell, YOU did". Because I assumed, given that the evil turd claimed the fake prophet Amanda Grace and her husband were going to care for my dogs, that meant my dogs would go (or already went) to Hell. Because that is where Amanda and Chris Grace are going. Unless God likes FAKE prophets who scam people out of money by lying to them (Est 2023 Net Worth: $10 million). btw, I do not worship Satan. I never had any dog named "Scooter". Or Jigaboos. That's the name Myst3re assigned my other dog. It is also a racist slur. Myst3re (a fake Christian) thinks people who call out fake prophets are going to Hell. Because he's a tRump worshiping turd. To him anyone who dislikes his Orange Turd Cult leader -- who he says the (fake) prophets have declared to be "God's Chosen Leader" -- gleefully worships Satan with pleasure. donald tRump is NOT "God's Chosen Leader", Myst3re! btw, that is how I know for SURE these prophets are fake. God would never select a horrible turd like dd to be his "chosen leader". |
The psychopath Noem also said she killed a male goat because she was in the mood for killing. Also because it was "nasty and mean" and smelled. Noem "took it to the gravelpit" and blasted it with her shotgun. But the unnamed goat did not die and she had no more ammo. So she left it there suffering while she returned to her truck to get more shells. Then she finished it off by blasting it again. Maybe she hated the goat too?
fyi, Noem is totally a psychopath. Psychopaths exhibit an "extreme lack of empathy". Not only for their fellow humans, but for their fellow living beings. Psychos like Noem and tRump only care about themselves.