Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Catturd Agrees Kristi Noem Is An Evil Dog Killing POS?

Catturd, even though he is an admitted turd, tweeted, "There's nothing you can say to justify shooting an 18-month-old puppy in the face and killing it. NOTHING! I don't give AF what it did". In a followup comment the dotard-donald-supporting Phillip Buchanan added, "Just so you know ... If you find a dog untrainable and you feel like the only answer is to shoot it in cold blood -- I'll gladly take the dog to live on the Catturd ranch until I can find -- a loving home. All my abused rescues are so hard to take care of at first but if you give them maximum love, eventually, they'll turn into the most beautiful, loving gifts you'll ever know".

I had thought about writing about this after hearing that South Dakota governor (who wants to be dotard's VP) Kristi Noem murdered a dog and bragged about it (in a recent book). Apparently she views her ability to murder (in cold blood) a pet as an asset. It proves she can make the "tough decisions".

This is pure evil, in my opinion. Phillip Buchanan might be a turd, but apparently he's an animal lover. Which is a positive in my opinion. Not an opinion shared by the fake Christian blogger, Myst3re. He hates dogs. So, even though Myst3re is a super bigly Catturd fan, I suspect he'd (if he was to given an opinion) side with the dog-murdering psychopath, Noem.

According to Noem, "I hated that dog" (a female named Cricket). So maybe she would be a good match for the dog-hating dotard donald. Given that they are both psycho dog haters.

"Donald was not a dog fan ex-wife Ivana confirmed in her memoir Raising Trump". Concerning dotard donald's hate for man's best friend, ex-wife Ivana further wrote, "How can you not love a dog that acts like he's won the lottery for life just because he sees you walk through the door?"

The Hate-Blogger Myst3re is also not a fan of dogs. When he guessed that (because of the length of time that had gone by) my canine companions must have passed on, I said no. One was deceased but the other was alive. And the Evil Turd laughed and made fun. This was in a comment on my Dervish Sanders blog, which is currently locked because the evil turd falsely reported that I posted "hate" there.

No, Myst3re, YOU post hate. YOU are the are hater. Including a dog hater. WHO makes fun of someone losing a beloved family member? Evil As$holes, that's who. So, while I do not like Catturd, I applaud him for calling out Kristi Noem. And offer my genuine condolences for the recent loss of his friend, Smiles.

Still, I condemn him for supporting tRump (and his support is STRONG). Phillip doesn't care that donald tRump hates dogs? Joe Biden loves dogs. Why not support a fellow animal lover instead of an animal hater, Phillip? Well, Phil (by his own admission) is a bigly turd. Though, suprisingly, Phil has at least one redeeming quality, unlike the evil @sswipe Myst3re.

Myst3re loves killing. He fantasizes about killing the young children of political "enemies". Because he is a "pro-life" liar. He probably thinks it's not a bfd that Noem murdered her dog and bragged about it. He likely agrees that dog murdering means she has what it takes to be dd's VP. That, and she's a babe. Women being attractive is very important when it comes to dd and Myst3re. Both of these misogynists judge women based on their appearance :P

Myst3re: Who's going to Care for Dervish's dogs in Heaven? Thursday, January 4, 2024.

THREAT-->Amanda and Chris Grace will be caring for them after Dervish Sanders Goes To Hell.

Dervish Sanders suffers mental illness, caused by Satan Worship which he gleefully engages in with pleasure. And no, Derpy, dogs don't go to Hell. I never said dogs go to hell, YOU did. Your pooches will be cared for by Amanda and Chris Grace when their times to go to Heaven come to pass. Your dead dogs are being cared for by someone who cared for their siblings who has passed into eternity. Scooter fears for your eternal doom awaiting you. Your other mutt that recently died is with Scooter.

And falsely accusing Trump of crimes is fuel for the intense fire you will fall into when you send yourself to Fire Lake. ... The more you poke God's Eyes, the faster you will seal your demise. The meat hook is getting sharpened and heated if you keep it up.

Myst3re says "I never said dogs go to hell, YOU did". Because I assumed, given that the evil turd claimed the fake prophet Amanda Grace and her husband were going to care for my dogs, that meant my dogs would go (or already went) to Hell. Because that is where Amanda and Chris Grace are going. Unless God likes FAKE prophets who scam people out of money by lying to them (Est 2023 Net Worth: $10 million).

btw, I do not worship Satan. I never had any dog named "Scooter". Or Jigaboos. That's the name Myst3re assigned my other dog. It is also a racist slur. Myst3re (a fake Christian) thinks people who call out fake prophets are going to Hell. Because he's a tRump worshiping turd.

To him anyone who dislikes his Orange Turd Cult leader -- who he says the (fake) prophets have declared to be "God's Chosen Leader" -- gleefully worships Satan with pleasure. donald tRump is NOT "God's Chosen Leader", Myst3re! btw, that is how I know for SURE these prophets are fake. God would never select a horrible turd like dd to be his "chosen leader".

The psychopath Noem also said she killed a male goat because she was in the mood for killing. Also because it was "nasty and mean" and smelled. Noem "took it to the gravelpit" and blasted it with her shotgun. But the unnamed goat did not die and she had no more ammo. So she left it there suffering while she returned to her truck to get more shells. Then she finished it off by blasting it again. Maybe she hated the goat too?

fyi, Noem is totally a psychopath. Psychopaths exhibit an "extreme lack of empathy". Not only for their fellow humans, but for their fellow living beings. Psychos like Noem and tRump only care about themselves.

Post authored by the Anti-Dog-hating-Myst3re, Anti-Dog Murder, Fake Prophet Hating blogger Dervish Sanders. wym303.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Should tRump be Charged for These Images Under the Stolen Valor Act?

Maybe he should be charged as per the Laws against wearing an unissued uniform?

The law amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received a valor award specified in the Act, with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit by convincing another that he or she received the award.

It is illegal to wear a uniform or any uniform part that is not issued by the branch of the armed forces in which you serve. Members of the armed services can be punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for wearing anything that is unauthorized. According to the law, no person except a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, as the case may be, may wear a US military uniform
. Source.

But... As seen in the image above donald tRump is serving on the front lines defending America right now! So, not "stolen" valor, but actual valor!

Though maybe you think these photos look fake. Maybe they were created by AI?

What about these images? These look real, right?

No, that's just a higher quality AI pic. According to
Snopes. Higher quality than the 2 tRump-in-uniform pics above. Those are both fakes too.

But STILL I say donald tRump should be charged with stolen valor. Why? Because that is what Minus FJ says in regards to the Joe Biden AI images.

The pro-dotard blogger (who posted these images on his blog) acknoweldges they are fakes. In his post, if you click on "source" it links to a NY Post article titled AI-generated images of Joe Biden in military uniform go viral.

The article says "troubling deepfakes posted to [twit-turd] show Biden in a camouflage uniform sitting at a desk with advisors in an apparent attempt to show the US was on a war footing".

According to Minus, these images were created by Joe Biden supporters. To make him look tough, I guess. Why he suggested that Joe Biden be charged. Because, if lying Democrats created these images to bloster Biden's image by making him look strong, then it is fair game for him to use the images to make Biden look bad. For being guilty of stealing valor.

But did Democrats create these images? Minus says yes. According to Minus, the images were created by John Cooper. John Cooper is a Joe Biden fan who tweets unsubstituted allegations with the intention of harming donald tRump. So says the Daily Beast.

Or maybe John Cooper isn't responsible for the Joe Biden in uniform images. In fact, he probably isn't. But it was definitely Democrats who created those images. Minus feels the truthiness in this gut that he is correct to blame Democrats.

Although Yahoo News UK says "the original poster of the images" is the Twitter user Luke Brocks. Who is Luke Brocks? His Twitter bio says he is involved in "transforming businesses & empowering minds with tailored AI solutions". But the images aren't his. He says he just reposted them. So where did he get them?

He must be a Democratic operative who received the images from the DNC. Or he was hired by the DNC to create the images (and is lying about him not being the one that created them).

Though you can see that whoever posted the image originally (on Twitter) deleted his or her tweet.

We'll probably never know who created these images. Even if Elon Musk could find out. Instead he's covering up the likely fact that the images were created by a tRump supporter.

Sky News Australia (which is pro-dotard) says "They were viewed 47 million times before the account that posted the images was finally suspended".

Suspended why? To coverup who created them? I think that is the likely explanation. I looked at the comments attached to the NY Post article, and the concensus there seems to be that the White House is responsible for the images.

Sure. That isn't surprising, given that "The New York Post is in the Skews Right category of bias". The very first comment says "can he be charged with stolen valor, or no valor?"

The image above was displayed by Google after I entered the words "Stolen Valor Trump". That Private Bone Spurs would pose for such a pic is proof positive that he is guilty and should be charged. btw, did you know there is a Twitter account called TrumpHistory that posts AI images of donald tRump doing historically significant and manly things?

That is some pretty solid proof that it's dotard donald worshipers that created the fake Joe Biden AI images. They have a history of doing this in regards to their Cult Leader. People like whoever is behind the Twitter account Trump History. Obviously created by some moron to glorify the awful dotard donald, one of the worst humans to ever live.

But trumpturds are constantly accusing the Left of their (and their Cult Leader's) sins. This is known as projection. Accuse others of what YOU are guilty of doing. Like in the meme below. A pervert, a criminal, an idiot who thinks he's smart, and a liar who has never done anything productive in his life... that's donald tRump!

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-Minus Eff Jay blogger Dervish Sanders. wym302.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Evil trumpturd Myst3re Hates Hillary Clinton's Grandchildren & Wants Them To Be Executed In The 2nd dotard donald tRump Administration

Wikipedia: Chelsea Clinton married investment banker Marc Mezvinsky on July 31, 2010, in an interfaith ceremony at the Astor Courts estate in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky is Jewish ... Their first child, a daughter named Charlotte, was born on September 26, 2014. Their second child and first son, named Aidan, was born on June 18, 2016. Shortly after Aidan was born, the family moved to the nearby Flatiron District. Their third child and second son, Jasper, was born on July 22, 2019.

myfoxmystere: Chelsea Clinton is not innocent either. She has aided and abetted the Cabal with her crooked husband, a nephew of George Soros. She will likely face execution in the upcoming military tribunals, along with her husband and children. June 10, 2023.

Snopes: Chelsea Clinton is married to George Soros' nephew. Our verdict is FALSE. On 26 October 2016, Donald Trump surrogate and former Charles in Charge actor Scott Baio took to Facebook to share some new "discoveries" he had unearthed about the Clinton family. Chief among them was the claim that Chelsea Clinton had married the nephew of billionaire and philanthropist George Soros. ... it's unclear where Baio "discovered" that Marc Mezvinsky was the nephew of George Soros, as this claim is demonstrably untrue. The billionaire had one brother, the late Paul Soros, who fathered two children, Peter and Jeffrey Soros. Therefore, George Soros has two nephews, Peter Soros and Jeffrey Soros, neither of whom employs the pseudonym "Marc Mezvinsky" or is furtively married to Chelsea Clinton.

myfoxmystere: It appears liberal buffoon Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666 has been feeling the heat after he read this post. He posted his usual lies and far left extremist propaganda on his hate filled Satanic garbage dump after his queer sniffing and snorting urges and binges. Word to Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666: THREAT--> twisting and adding to God's Prophetic Words only heaps more judgements against you on the day or night you take your dirt nap, which is coming sooner than you think.

Note to Myst3re: Mark Taylor is a fake prophet. His lies are NOT "God's prophetic words". And I did ZERO "twisting" or "adding". I quoted what you wrote about how you want HRC's grandchildren executed, you evil turd! You can SHOVE your Satanic death threats, @sswipe.

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym301.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Fake Dotard Prophet & Ex-Fireman Mark Taylor Wrongly (Surprise!) Predicted The Downfall Of George Soros

An ex-fireman who says God told him dotard donald tRump would be elected in 2016 is still selling himself as a "prophet". Even though he said God told him that dotard donald would be re-elected in 2020. So he was wrong. Oh, no... wait... donald tRump did win. But Joe Biden "stole" the election. So that means Mark is batting 1000.

Hmm. So God told Mark Taylor in 2018 that George Soros would be "taken down". Apparently his assets have be frozen? Presumably because he was involved in something criminal? Otherwise why would his assets be frozen?

Above is a picture of the @sswipe and fake prophet who made the false prediction. George Soros was not "taken down". Yet this "prophecy" from God (via Mark Taylor) was made over 6 years ago. What does the YouTube video say? I don't know. I clicked Mystere's link. I did end up on YouTube, but there was no Mark Taylor prophecy video. I see no message that says the video was removed either.

My guess? Mark Taylor (or whoever uploaded it) removed it because it didn't happen. Because the prophecy was fake. God never told Mark Taylor that George Soros would be taken down. Yet Mystere (due to being a total dupe) continues to believe that fake prophets like Taylor are in communication with God. He says, when I point out the obvious fact that these "prophets" are lying, that I am calling God a liar.

Because? I guess because God told the prophets and they are just passing the information along. So, if I call them liars (re the info that came from God), then I'm calling God a liar. But that's faulty logic, Mystere. Because God is not talking to "prophets" such as Mark Taylor or Robin Bullock or Kat Kerr. These people are lying for $$$$. They are NOT prophets. They are not in communication with God.

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym300.

Friday, April 12, 2024

WYM Has Been Reinstated After Being Locked For 18 Days Following False Allegations Of HATE

Someone reported to Google that this blog violated Google's policy regarding HATE. On March 25th I received an email from Google that said my blog had been removed. Though under the Blogger dashboard the blog showed as being locked.

Your blog titled "http://whozyomama.blogspot.com/" has been removed. Inbox.
Blogger no-reply@google.com.
Mon, Mar 25, 11:27 AM.
to me.

Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines (https://blogger.com/go/contentpolicy) describe the boundaries for what we allow -- and don't allow -- on Blogger. Your blog titled "http://whozyomama.blogspot.com/" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have made the URL http://whozyomama.blogspot.com/ unavailable to blog readers. Why was your blog removed? Your content has violated our HATE policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more. If we feel that a blog's content does not fit within the expectations of our Policy, we no longer allow it to be publicly available.

If you believe we made an error, you can request an appeal https://www.blogger.com/unlock-blog.g?lockedBlogID=**********. You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.

Today (18 days after the email that notified me WYM was locked), I received another email from Google.

Your blog titled "http://whozyomama.blogspot.com/" has been reinstated. Inbox.
Blogger no-reply@google.com
2:14 PM.
to me.

Hello, We have re-evaluated your blog against Blogger Community Guidelines https://blogger.com/go/contentpolicy. Upon review, the blog has been reinstated. You may access the blog at http://whozyomama.blogspot.com/. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.

Thank you for understanding? No, I don't understand. HOW could I when they never explained what on this blog violated Google's hate policy? And HOW could I understand how they determined my blog could be reinstated?

All I can do is assume there is NOTHING on WYM that ever violated the Google HATE policy. Given that I changed nothing. I wasn't able to change anything while WYM was locked. So EVERYTHING must be good and Google must have been incorrect to have locked my blog to begin with?

The above comment (from the trumpturd blog PTL) starts out with a quote from a comment I made. I wrote that "attacking with words is much different than falsely reporting policy infractions to Google and getting people's blogs locked".

The person who responds (after quoting me) says Google could not have possibly been wrong. OF COURSE, if my blog was locked for hate, that MUST mean there is hate on WYM. If not, then it must mean that the "Google admins are stone cold idiots" (comment made by someone who posts anonymously, but is known as "Qtard", though I have referred to him as NaziQ on this blog).

So, do I think the Google admins are stone cold idiots? No. I think ONE Google admin is a stone cold idiot. The Google admin that is friends with the person who reported my blog. He denies it was him, but I say this is clearly false. And I say that the facts say this wasn't a coincidence. The harasser who attacked my blog just got lucky and got this blog locked?

Maybe that could happen. But FOUR of my blogs have been locked. That's no coincidence. It is strong circumstantial evidence of a blog attack. And it suggests that someone at Google is in on the attack. I could be wrong, but I think that's what happened.

Then someone else looked at my blog as part of the review. Which makes sense. If one person determined my blog contained hate, someone ELSE should do the re-evaluation.

But I think it MUST have been the same person at Google that did the initital evaluations. HOW else could FOUR blogs be locked for HATE, and then one blog (so far) be unlocked after a re-evaluation determined there was no hate? Yeah, this is really fishy, IMO.

Looks like an admission to me that it was Mystere that took down WYM. Still, he denies it was him. It was probably one of my many other blog enemies, he says.

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-Q and Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym299.