Saturday, October 12, 2024

d0n-0ld tRump's Life Is A Complete Fraud. He Is Total Fake

The reality concerning d0n-0ld is that he is a loser and a c0n-man. The fake reality teevee program "The Apprentice" cemented his false persona in the minds of the American public. At least in the minds of the idiots that watched this program. When the truth is that d0n-0ld is a lucky loser. As revealed in a recent book.

Video: Sep 21, 2024. New book uncovers the truth behind Trump's business persona. With Trump introducing a new crypto startup, "Lucky Loser" authors Suzanne Craig and Russ Buettner join The Weekend to help disprove the myths of Donald Trump's wealth and success.

The image at the top of this post is of d0n-0ld and the a-hole Mark Burnett. This is the Turd that helped build the legend of a charlatan and fraud as a successful businessman and self-made Billionaire. When his money actually came from his daddy and Mark Burnett.

As the authors point out, d0n-0ld used the bigly "Apprentice" cash he was receiving to fund his failed business ventures. While he was raking it in pretending to be an uber-successful businessman, he was taking a large portion of that cash and sticking into money-losing properties. He loses money consistently because he has very little idea what he's doing.

The Weekend, 9/21/2024. Hosts Alicia Menendez and Michael Steele speak with authors Suzanne Craig and Russ Buettner about their book, Lucky Loser. Transcript excerpts below.


Michael Steele: ...tRump viewed the presidency as a get rich scheme and he views this campaign as a get rich scheme. All of those schemes are detailed in the new book, Lucky Loser. Suzanne Craig and Russ Buettner are Pulitzer Prize winning reporters for the New York Times. They are the coauthors of the book, Lucky Loser: How donald trump Squandered his Father's Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success". (0:26 to 0:56).


Suzanne Craig: He has been lucky and he lost a lot. He was born into a very wealthy family, his first stroke of luck. That alone brought him $400 million in inheritance and other amounts of money he got along the way. His second amazing stroke of luck was meeting Mark Burnett and getting on The Apprentice. People are really surprised. It is one thing when you have a rich dad, you inherit a lot of money. But, for Mark Brunet, you think, there is this television host -- how much could he be making? He struck this incredible deal with Mark Brunet -- not only would he get paid to host the show -- but he gets the product placement money ... he got hundreds of millions of dollars from doing that and from the licensing deals. It was almost like a second inheritance. (1:03 to 1:57).


Michael Steele: ...this is donald trump when he was first running for president in 2016. Let's take a listen to what the man had to say. (2:05 to 2:14).


d0n-0ld Audio Clip: It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy. I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of $1 million. I came to Manhattan. and I had to pay him back. And I had to pay him back with interest. ... My father gave me a very small loan in 1975 and I built it into a company that's worth many billions of dollars, with some of the greatest assets in the world. ... (2:15 to 2:46).

Michael Steele: Why do voters buy the storyline that somehow this guy came up from nothing and he clawed his way up the business ladder in New York. And made this fortune. He's won some, he's lost some. And yet, at the end of the day -- there is this thread of being the loser. (2:50 to 3:15).

Russ Buetner: Michael, that's the question of his lifetime, I think, that you raise there. Let's just start by saying that, everything he says there, in those bits -- is not true, at all. He did not start from nothing. His father was not a small timer. ... He started with the complete support of his father. I think that what's really made that [his false narrative] stick was -- first of all, him repeating it throughout the course of his life. He has been saying since he was a young man that his father was a small timer. He said that to make his own accomplishments seem more heroic. (3:16 to 3:48).

And he's been saying that he made that [small loan] into billions of dollars, which was not really true for years, if ever. But, the repeating of that [lie] and the fact that it's not easy to check on the opperations of a small privately held business -- there is no corporate board to check -- no public reporting. Meant that people repeated it for decades without any way to really check it. All the repetition through the years, on television and newspapers, it has had an effect that really has lasted. And The Apprentice ... escalated, amplified that claim -- and made him look so superpowerful, so super accomplished -- that he has created an impression that lives to this day. (3:48 to 4:34).

Alicia Menendez: I also think it's amazing the way that the loan from his father was structured that he never gives the money back. It is a loan and then turns into an investment and is written off. (4:34 to 4:40).

Suzanne Craig: Right. It's incredible. It's a loan and then it's turned into an investment and written off. And people can read about it in the book. But we've talked to experts who thought that was illegal. His life is just incredible. ...really the effective thing that donald trump did is he bought -- the accoutrements of wealth. There were years that he lost money, but he has this really expensive yacht, The Princess. ... he has the helicopters, that stuff gets him on these wealth porn shows, like Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous with Robin Leach. (4:40 to 5:20).

Alicia Menendez: said he hit the jackpot with The Apprentice, but where I thought were you were going with that was -- he hit the jackpot in a way that allowed him to create himself as a businessman in the popular imagination. What he might have lacked in a way of business accumen -- he built, in a way of a brand, through that television show. (5:21 to 5:39).

Suzanne Craig: I think that supercharged what he had already tried to do. Keep in mind after Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, he did have a lot of business failures that i think really hurt him. When Mark Brunett comes along and cast him in the show. They looked at actual really rich people -- Warren Buffett was one of them. The producers decided that people like Warren Buffett and Jack Welch are actually busy ... (5:40 to 6:07).

**hosts laugh**

Michael Steele: ...those guys are really busy. Let's go to a guy who is not real busy, donald trump. And here is the thing that I find the most intriguing. A lot of it was such a fake. From the book -- we talked about trump lying about construction progress -- "donald trump kept the truth to himself. He did not have things underway -- because he did not have the money. He directed his construction supervisor to hire every piece of earthmoving machinery that he could find. the day the Holiday Inn board visited, dozens of bulldozers and backhoes pointlessly pushed mounds of earth around the 2.6 acre site in an elaborate ruse with no purpose other than to full his new business partners". (6:26 to 7:13).

That, ladies and gentlemen sums up donald trump. It is all fake, fake, fake. The fact that this is his story line and his ultimate legacy, and yet it has this veneer that he is a successful businessman, he is the tough guy, he is all of this, it is all fake. It is worse than smoke and mirrors. (7:14 to 7:43).

Russ Buetner: i could not have said it better, Michael. That was impressive. I think we see that, especially in the latter part of his life -- that was a scene from an early part of his life -- after The Apprentice money came in -- and tens of millions of dollars came in -- he tried to create large-scale businesses. He built the tower in Chicago with hotel rooms and apartments. What he did not tell the world is -- he that he had declared it worthless on his federal tax return. It was such a failure, he said it had no value to him at all. (7:43 to 8:14).

He spent millions of dollars, 2 million dollars remodeling the Old Post Office in Washington DC into a hotel. That lost money every year he opened it. A couple years ago he had to sell the thing because it was eating so much cash. So, he is getting all this money that he can use to look wealthy, and he is creating differences from that. He is having to support the businesses with his entertainment money. That is the illusion that you are getting at -- that is smoke and mirrors. (8:15 to 8:42).

Alicia Menendez: Sometimes our viewers, they are "why are we still talking about donald trump?". Part of it is his success is built upon lies, and part of our job is to debunk those lies. Especially given the consequences that those lies have. I love where you end the book, you write "as much as the illusion of success is the ultimate creation of trump's first 70 years, the illusion of his persecution may be his final masterpiece". (8:42 to 9:09).

Suzanne Craig: Right. This is a theme throughout his life. He has been a victim over and over. We see it coming back right when he stars working for Fred, the language he uses in all of the cases were somebody comes after him or they question him, which is that he is a victim. ... We do not go into the White House, but we go back 100 years and we tell this sweeping narrative. At the end of it you know the guy who will be in the White House. (9:10 to 9:43).

Alicia Menendez: The other thing you do is create a corollary with the American electorate and with the argument he's making to the American electorate -- which is that he is aggrieved, they are too, and that is why he ought to be their man. (9:44 to 9:52)

Suzanne Craig: Right. That's it. "They're coming after me. They're coming after you". (9:52 to 9:56).


According to the White Supremacist blogger, Minus FJ, it is Kamala Harris who is the "fraudala". He very much likes the allegation being promoted by rightturd commentator Candace Owens, which is that Kamala Harris is not actually African American. However, the truth is that it is d0n-0ld is the fraud.

Kamala Harris is a bi-racial woman whose ancestry primarily Afro-Jamaican and Indian. She is not putting on "blackface" and performing a "Minstrel Show" as the racist blogger Minus FJ alleges. The FACT is that d0n-0ld has put on "successful businessman" face and is putting on "I'm the real victim" show. He is a fabulist, which is "a liar, especially a person who invents elaborate, dishonest stories".

According to this liar, he is a successful rich White victim, and therefore in a position to fight for his downtrodden kin, the White people of the United States who are the "real" victims. This, imo, is an absurd perversion of reality that seriously makes me angry. "Kamala is lying about being Black" is the current "Barack Obama was really born in Kenya" false narrative.

And yes, Minus believes that debunked baloney as well. Barack Obama's Birth Certificate is a forgery, he says.

It appears as though (as per Candace) there are pictures of Kamala Harris as a child in pictures with Black relatives. Kamala says these "relatives" don't look happy. The reason? They aren't real relatives they and don't like Kamala (or didn't like her when the picture was taken. They are dead now). Apparently the scheme to lie about being Black has been ongoing for a several decades.

Well, in White Supremacist delusions. Meanwhile, in reality, d0n-0ld has been spinning tale tales about him taking a small loan of a mere 1 million dollars from his father (which he paid back with interest) and turning it into billions of dollars. Which is completely false. He never paid back that loan. His father wrote it off. But Turds on the right probably believe d0n-0ld's lies. That, or they admire the audacity of such a bold lie teller.

While they imagine that Donald Harris and Kamala Harris have been lying about being Black for decades. To take advantage of affirmative action policies. And these alleged falsehoods are only now coming to light that Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee for president. Even though she has been in public service for the most of her life. While d0n-0ld escaped such scrutiny. Due to him only working for his father and later himself.

Using money gifted to him by his daddy. And later gifted to him for his crappy "acting" in the FAKE reality teevee program where he pretended to be a wise CEO who possessed extraordinary business acumen. Which, as per the "Lucky Loser" book, is a totally false narrative. Meaning that isn't Kamala Harris who is the "fraudala". The REAL fraudala is d0n-0ld tRump.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym326.


  1. The difference in evidence is that Trump can show $$$billions in bank account statements, and Kamala can show zero African or African American gene hits on a $59 23andme DNA test.

  2. d0n-0ld is a grifter. The current grift is convincing gullible dupes to send him money for his campaign. Also for gold tennis shoes, Lee Greenwood bibles, NFTs, a 100k watch and other crap worth far less than what the huckster is selling it for. Kamala Harris is only selling campaign merch.

    She definitely should not be pressured into doing a DNA test. Warren took a DNA test and it accomplished absolutely nothing.

    Trump said he would give $1 million to charity if Elizabeth Warren took a DNA test.

    He didn't pay.

    1. Warren took a DNA test and established that she was a fraud.

    2. “I will give you a million dollars, to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian,” Trump said at the time. “I have a feeling she will say ‘no.’ “

      She took the test. She was shown to be 1/1,000th native American, proving than she was definitely NOT an Indian or of Indian descent.

    3. On Thursday, Ms. Warren called Bill John Baker, principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, to apologize for the DNA test, said Julie Hubbard, a spokeswoman for the tribe. She called it a “brief and private” conversation.

      Ms. Warren’s campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

      “I understand that she apologized for causing confusion on tribal sovereignty and tribal citizenship and the harm that has resulted,” Ms. Hubbard said. “The chief and secretary of state appreciate that she has reaffirmed that she is not a Cherokee Nation citizen or a citizen of any tribal nation.”

  3. btw, d0n0ld can NOT show billions in his bank accounts. He told the judge he has 500 million in his account temporarily before he has to give it to E Jean Carroll.

    1. Thanks for confirming Trump's financial reality. Can you now confirm Kamala's "Africaness"? Didn't think so.
