Tuesday, October 15, 2024

d0n0ld tRump, The American Psycho Predisent

Josh Lucas as Craig McDermott in the 2000 film "American Psycho".

Donald Trump Symbol Analysis in the Novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis... Long before he became President in 2017, Donald J. Trump was a businessman, author, and celebrity. In American Psycho, he is the person Patrick Bateman idolizes above all others. Bateman talks about him constantly, citing incredibly specific details of his life of luxury, and is often distracted by the thought of seeing Trump or his wife Ivana out in New York City. ...

Ellis's inclusion of Trump as an idol in the novel (he never actually appears) grounds the book in a reality of late 1980s Wall Street New York and also shows the obsessive nature of Bateman’s mind. His love for Trump clearly indicates to the reader the things that Bateman values most in another person: wealth, success, extravagance, and beautiful women. litcharts.com.

Video: A New American Psycho. Starring Donald Trump as Patrick Batemen. Dec 4, 2017.

Video: American Psycho Morning Routine. March 15, 2012.

Anti-Psychopath PAC is dedicated to highlighting Donald Trump’s mental instability, bringing it to the forefront of national discussion. We're doing everything we can -- from television and digital ads, to billboards, to voter education programs -- to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House. We have to stop this psychopath.

The "American Psycho" President... In Bateman's original 1991 literary incarnation, the adulation is at its most prevalent. The word of Trump settles a multi-page debate between Bateman and one of his almost-interchangeable colleagues, Craig McDermott, concerning the crispiness of Pastels pizza. Upon hearing that "his hero" Donald Trump called Pastels pizza the best in Manhattan, Bateman concedes the argument, because "if the pizza at Pastels is okay with Donny", well then of course it's okay with him. He agrees to attend a U2 concert only upon finding out that Trump is a fan of the band... Nov 28, 2016.

Why did Minus FJ link to the YouTube Video "24 Years Later, I Finally Understand American Psycho"? Is he telling me that he agrees with George Conway that tRump is f*cking nuts?

For the record, I agree with the republican George Conway. tRump is a psycho. He fits the definition, which is "someone with a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and conscience, and a tendency toward antisocial and criminal behavior".

What does Jared Bauer (the narrator of the video Minus linked to) learn about American Psycho? He talks about it at beginning at approximately 13 minutes into the video.

...here the satire Taps into a prominent post World War II anxiety known as mass Society Mass Society refers to the way alienated populations in the industrial era become homogenized through their Reliance on mass media. Germany during World War II marked the dawn of mass Society the love child of broadcasting and herd mentality. According to one historical interpretation the Third Reich was able to effectively brainwash the population because mass media could facilitate a mass contagion of sentiment, TV and radio showed such potential for manipulation that some suspected it would do the same thing to the post-war populations, but with a different flavor of propaganda. Advertising, I mean if the Germans got brainwashed, why not us. (13:09 to 13:58).
So, I'm guessing that what Minus is saying by linking to this video is that I've been brainwashed by Mass Media. It's one of his strongest delusions. The "normies" or NPCs have been brainwashed. But he (being much smarter) can see through the propaganda. And, unlike me, he has not been brainwashed.

Except that he totally has been brainwashed by rightturd media. Many media outlets are pumping out with regularity pro-tRump propaganda. And Minus FJ laps it up with gusto.

"Patrick Bateman is a guy who's defined entirely by possessions and appearances. ... He doesn't know how to be much of a human, but sure knows how to consume. In fact, other people exist solely to be consumed..." (14:20 to 13:34).

Hello! This describes d0n0ld tRump. WHY d0n0ld is Patrick Bateman's hero. He was known as the rich Turd who liked gold bigly. ..."He bought the accouterments of wealth. ... he has this really expensive yacht, the Princess. ... he has the helicopters, that stuff gets him on these wealth porn shows, like Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous with Robin Leach".

That was a quote from one of the co-authors of the book "Lucky Loser", Suzanne Craig. d0n0ld tRump is the embodiment of consumerism. He liked to show off his wealth to the public by buying things. "Look what I have. I must be rich because I have a 29 million dollar yacht. I have helicopters. I own a 100 million dollar Boeing 757-200".

The hypocrite Minus admires tRump's extravagant consumerism, but disapproves of the consumerism of the average American. Though I'm sure he abstains himself. He doesn't rush out to buy the "latest thing" as soon as it is released. He makes do with what he has and uses it until it breaks and he has no choice to buy a replacement. Oh, wait. I'm thinking about myself. I have no idea if Minus does that.

Lately d0n0ld has been hawking products like NFTs, gold bars and coins, gold tennis shoes, Lee Greenwood Bibles, and 100k watches. While Minus may not have purchased any of these items, tRump's other cult members are buying them bigly.

Video: Jan 8, 2021. Trump Is "Delusional Psychopath". Dr. Lance Dodes joins Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss Trump's mental state...

Copilot: Maintaining a Boeing 757-200 can be quite costly. The annual maintenance costs for an aircraft operating 450 hours a year can be around $414,1501. This includes engine reserves, landing fees, and other routine maintenance. As for fuel costs, the Boeing 757-200 consumes about 5800 lbs of fuel per hour. At an average fuel cost of $4.25 per gallon, this would amount to approximately $7,675.78 per hour. 20:45.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym327.

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