Thursday, October 17, 2024

S0y B0y Mystere Incident Caught On Video !

Adam Francisco is a tRump supporting Hispanic man. As per Bing, "the last name Francisco is of Spanish or Portuguese origin. It is quite common in Spanish-speaking countries and also in the Philippines and Mexico".

I don't know about his claim that he is 7 percent Black. That could be true. But it is definitely false that he knows that Kamala Harris is 6 percent Black. I'm calling that a lie. You can click the image and watch his video. He does not say HOW he knows what percent Black Kamala Harris is.

Below is a video from his YouTube channel in which the tRump supporting Hispanic Francisco encounters a "soy boy".

Video: YouTuber Adam Francisco. VIRAL! One man Trump Vance rally in John's Pass TRIGGERS lefties. Aka the Soy Boy Incident.

Francisco says, "I think d0nald tRump loves us ... d0nald tRump loves you. d0nald tRump loves you too" 2:47. I call BS. d0n0ld loves only himself. He doesn't love his children. He does not love Melania.

Francisco claims "You should vote for the peaceful president, d0nald J tRump! The most peaceful president of our lifetime" 4:03. This is a false claim as well.

At 5:14 you can hear the alleged Soy Boy say "f*ck you". He passes while giving the bird to Adam. Then Adam says (in reaction to the Soy Boy walking by extending his middle finger) "look at this weird guy. He's never lifted a weight in his life".

This angers Soy Boy, who charges. Adam asks "are you really going to hit me? Do you want to go to jail for assault?". The soy doesn't hit Adam. As Soy Boy departs Adam asserts that he looks like the alleged tRump assassin and registered republican Thomas Crooks. "You look like Thomas Crooks ... We got that on camera, little soy boy". The image below shows Soy Boy charging.

Soy Boy does nothing when he reaches Adam, however. Below is a picture of Soy Boy doing nothing. Though, if it was me, I wouldn't have charged a tRump supporter. Given that it is tRump supporters who have a tendency toward violence. The leader of the Orange Turd cult himself has encouraged his supporters to "knock the crap out" of people who protest against him.

Soy Boy is closer in this last screengrab. Something I noticed about this image is the face of Soy Boy. To me it looks like Edward End0. Edward wrote about this incident on his Donkey's Revenge blog. In his post Edward implies that I am the soy boy in question.

He does this by including the image of Bernie Sanders I use as my Gravatar in his post. And he also includes a picture of my "house". "House" in quotes because I don't live there. It isn't my house, though Edward (aka Mystere) has used this image before. Apparently it's a house he thinks is near me and he uses it as a stand in for my real residence. Even though I've never seen this structure in my life.

But I say Mystere accuses me to cover for the fact that he is the soy boy. As Soy Boy charges you can see that it looks like he has a mustache. But, in the last screenshot, Soy Boy doesn't have a mustache. Though he does look exactly like Edward Endo. Take a look at this image and you tell me. I say it is Mystere.

But you might ask why Mystere would swear at (and give the bird to) a fellow tRump supporter? Obviously because Mystere hates Hispanic people. He refers to people who have Hispanic heritage using the slurs "Beaner" and "Greaser". Because Mystere is a racist.

What probably happened was that Mystere was walking by, saw a "greaser" and became enraged. He didn't even notice that Adam Francisco had a tRump flag and was wearing a tRump/Vance shirt. He only saw a hated "beaner". I think that sounds plausible. Especially given the video evidence as presented above in the form of a screenshot.

I would like to point out, however, that the soy boy insult is based on faulty science. As per the Copilot AI, "The term soy boy is often used as an insult to mock men perceived as lacking traditional masculine traits. It's based on the false claim that consuming soy products can feminize men by lowering testosterone levels or raising estrogen levels. However, scientific research has debunked this myth. Soy consumption in reasonable amounts does not affect testosterone.

Video: Feb 2, 2018. Soy Boys, a measured response by hbomberguy .

The "soy boy", aka a feminized man who got that way by eating soy products, is imaginary. Imagined by imbeciles. And believed by imbeciles like Mystere. Because it was picked up by the right for some reason. They like the "soy boy" insult. It's something they call Lefty men. In addition to "cuck".

"Soy turns you into a weak willed feminist that definitely doesn't even lift" 2:47. That's the summary of what they say on the right about soy. As per hbomberguy. Sounds like what Francisco said, yes? "look at this weird guy. He's never lifted a weight in his life".

"The psychologists found that, when a group of people are utterly committed to an idea, even if undeniable proof it is not true is presented, they can find a way to remain steadfast in their original false beliefs" 25:20.

This 100 percent describes trumpers like Francisco. Also trumpers like Mystere and Minus FJ. They cannot be swayed by undeniable proof that d0n0ld tRump is terrible. And (among other things) a narcissistic liar who definitely does not give a shit about them. They think d0n0ld is fighting for the common man. And that he even loves them.

This, in my opinion, is straight up delusional. I don't have any delusions about Kamala Harris loving me. She doesn't know I exist. I do think she would do a much better job running the country than the dementia-addled fascist strongman wannabe d0n0ld, however. Far better. For people who like democracy, voting for Harris/Walz is a no-brainer.

I take that back. It's the no-brainers like Mystere that support tRump. And people who yearn for fascism. Adam Francisco might get swept up in d0n0ld's mass deportation efforts and find himself deported to Mexico. Though he says he has been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. And no, Mystere, I do not wish him ill. I don't know what his deal is. Clearly he lied about Kamala Harris being 6 percent Black.

Sheeple are "people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led" That sound right. Surprising that he'd admit being a "sheeple" though. That word definitely describes trumpers, imo. Except maybe not "docile". It seems many tRumpers are pretty violent. Though, as per g00gle, docile means "ready to accept control or instruction; submissive". Sounds right again.

Post authored by the Anti-tRump Liberal/Progressive Leftist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym328.

1 comment:

  1. Evidence that the public is aware that d0n0ld tRump does not like his children. Well, the male ones, at least...

    This is dialogue from the September 28, 2024 airing of SNL...

    Bowen Yang playing JD Vance: Just this afternoon he [tRump] told me, "JD, you're like a son to me. Because I don't like you, and I'm stuck with you".

    There was bulletproof glass in front of d0n0ld to start. Then, when JD Vance took the stage, it was rolled away.
