LOL! What a dope. I guess Mystere doesn't have a problem with Madison being bisexual.
Madison must be bisexual because there are lots of women who say he sexually harassed them. Probably why Mystere overlooks the gay stuff.
BuzzFeed News spoke with more than three dozen people, including more than two dozen former students, their friends, and their relatives, who described or corroborated instances of sexual harassment and misconduct on campus, in Cawthorn's car, and at his house near campus. Four women told BuzzFeed News that Cawthorn, now a rising Republican star, was aggressive, misogynistic, or predatory toward them. Their allegations include calling them derogatory names in public in front of their peers, including calling one woman "slutty", asking them inappropriate questions about their sex lives, grabbing their thighs, forcing them to sit in his lap, and kissing and touching them without their consent. 2/26/2021. |
"David Madison Cawthorn (born August 1, 1995) is an American politician who has served as the US representative for North Carolina's 11th congressional district since 2021".
...but not anymore. After two years the voters decided they'd had enough. Not because of his terribleness, but because a group with no moral compass leaked a nude video.
In the video, a nude Cawthorn thrusts his pelvis into another man's face. The man? Apparently it's his cousin.
Here's another video that shows a male staffer touching Madison's crotch.
In the 4/29/2022 Daily Show clip below Trevor Noah covers all Madison's scandals up until the "nude thrusting video".
Hmm. Me, I'd say that Madison Cawthorn is the one whose moral compass is askew. But he's a bigly trumpturd who defends the ex-predisent. And hates on trans people. So, to Mystere, he's a good guy. In reality he isn't returning to the House due to his terribleness, but the deluded trumper Mystere blames the American Muckrakers PAC. Because they did the country a huge favor by helping Madison lose.
In this final video, comedian Steve Hofstetter breaks down the sordid history of the scumbag Madison Cawthorn. The evidence is overwhelming that Madison is a very bad dude. Even dotard donald was apparently completely weirded out by Cawthorn's antics. Yet continued to support him... because Madison was onboard with the lie that the presidency was stolen by Joe Biden.
tRump would undoubtly not have been weirded out at all if the videos were of Cawthorn with a female staffer touching his crotch. Or if the nude thrusting video was with a female cousin. Though Mystere (who insists he is a Christian and is anti-gay) apparently thinks nothing of this. That the video was released is what angers him. Which I doubt would be the case if similar videos were released featuring a Democratic politician.
It's safe to say that Mystere would be bashing that politican as gay and praising whoever released the videos. Because Mystere is a phony Christian and a bigly hypocrite. Me, I don't have any issue with Madison being bisexual or dressing in women's lingerie. It's the misogony, transphobia, hypocrisy that I have an issue with.
Myst3re (aka Edw@rd uptheEndo) has BBs for Brains.
What follows is a small portion of a transcript from a Rumble video featuring several rightwing "pastors". Robin D Bullock (aka Robin Bull$hit) is an extremely wealthy fake pastor who has Mystere (willingly) hoodwinked. Prophets and Patriots Episode 1: PROOF 2020 WAS RIGGED -- with Robin Bullock and Guests. Robin Bull$hit: Awhile back I gave a prophetic word. I said pray for Madison Cawthorn. This was way back. Because how they're going to try to do him is the way they're going to try to attack the prophets. Now, when he came in and brought insight into what's going on there in DC, then they all attacked him. Trained elephants and donkeys together attacked him. Until he's out. So now he's gone. Now you see what kind of attack is coming against the prophets. Steve Schultz: Jeez. Robin Bull$hit: So we're in the time of the great lie. Most of this political realm you're looking at is brought to you by Soros Inc. You're seeing all of this take place. Well, anyone that knows, as someone who said one time... who's got BBs for brains... the election was stolen. ... The Lord told me he [Joe Biden] was a jackal. ... it's the time of the jackal. |