"Oh, my" Mrs Mystere squealed. "Now I've got to get back to the kitchen. We're having pot roast tonight". Mister Mystere took a swig of his beer. Then he turned to look at his son. To his horror little Mystere was playing with a Barbie doll. "What the f*ck are you doing with your sister's doll, boy" Mister Mystere demanded. "It's my Barbie" little Mystere explained, a big smile on his face. "No, son" Mister Mystere yelled. Jumping up from his chair Mystere Sr snatched the doll from his son's hands.
"Boys do not play with dolls" Mystere's father angrily reprimanded his progeny. "Not unless they're fags. And no son of my is going to be a f@g". Little Mystere started crying. "I want my Barbie" Mystere blubbered. Tears ran down his cheeks. Mister Mystere's face grew red. His hands started trembling with rage. He clenched his teeth in anger. Then he unbuckled and removed his belt. "Come here, Mystere" the father commanded. Mystere, thinking he was going to get his doll back, approached his father with his hands out. "Barbie!" Mystere said, asking for the doll.
"NO, bad Mystere!". Mystere Sr swept up his son and put him over his knee. Quickly pulling down his britches, Mister Mystere gave his son several whacks with his belt. Mystere's ass turned a bright red. Little Mystere started balling. "Wahhh, wahhh" Mystere cried. Mister Mystere put his son down. Then he snapped the Barbie in half. Little Mystere pulled up his pants, ran to his room and buried his face in his pillow. Mister Mystere followed his son to his room. "I demand you stop your blubbering!". Little Mystere continued crying.
Then Mystere Sr sexually molested his son. "I am so embarrassed. I shouldn't be doing this" Mister Mystere told himself. Yet he couldn't stop. "This is your fault" Mystere's father said when he finished. "You will never tell your mother about this!". Mister Mystere hitched up his slacks and left his son's room. Little Mystere sobbed as he thought about how much his throat hurt and his butthole throbbed.
"Mom, I think I'm attracted to boys, not girls" a teenage Mystere remarked one day while helping his mother in the kitchen. His mother dropped the plate she was carrying. It hit the floor and smashed into a million pieces. His mother let out a shriek. "Oh, my G0d!" Mrs Mystere cried. Then she fell to her knees and started sobbing. "My son is going to Hell" Mrs Mystere cried, her voice quivering. What have I done, Mystere asked himself. "I'm sorry mom, it was a joke". "Homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord" Mystere's mother said, scolding her son. Then she slapped him across the face.
"I'm sorry, mom" Mystere assured his mother. Tears welled up in his eyes. That slap really hurt! He helped his mother to her feet. "I'm straight, I swear" Mystere lied. Mystere and his mother sat at the kitchen table and read the Bible. "I am so worried that you will burn in Hell" Mystere's mother told her son. What she didn't know was that Mystere had lain with a man as a man lies with a woman. It happened earlier that year, shortly after he turned 16.
"This is so wrong, Chad" Mystere told the boy lying on the bed next to him. Both Mystere and Chad were naked, having just made love. Chad turned to face Mystere. He kissed Mystere full on the lips, inserting a little tongue. "Is your dad still sexually molesting you?" Chad asked. "Of course not. It was just the one time when I was 7" Mystere replied. "And then a few dozen times after than. Off and on for a few years until I was 14. Then it seems he lost interest". Mystere's voice trailed off. It almost seemed to Chad that Mystere was disappointed that the molestation ended.
Mystere rose from the bed and quickly dressed. First he put on his bra and panti3s, followed by a shirt and his jeans. "That your sister's underwear?" Chad asked. He knew it was. Mystere stole them from her dresser drawer. Wearing women's underwear made him feel sexy and confident. "I can't see you again, Chad" Mystere said as he finished dressing. "Let me guess why" Chad replied. "Is it because you aren't a f@g?". "That's right" Mystere replied. "I'm not g@y, I'm a sinner".
"Please forgive me, God" Mystere whispered to himself. Then he left. Although he and Chad hooked up many times after that. Two years years later Chad dumped him when he went away to college. Mystere was heartbroken. Also angry. If he wasn't gay why did it feel like he couldn't go on without Chad in his life? He was such a gentle and attentive lover.
Now what was Mystere going to do? He found himself wandering down to the bus station many nights. There he discovered he could pay homeless men for oЯal sex. The dirty hobo accepted the 10 dollar bill and reached for Mystere's pants zipper. Mystere slapped his hand away. "I want you to drop your drawers" Mystere sheepishly explained. "Whatever" the bum replied. Then the bum unzipped his jeans and let them fall, along with his underwear.
Mystere became well known at the bus station. The one near his home and others for miles around. Mystere got a job at a local radio station running errands for the staff. In the evenings he rode for hours, stopping at various bus stations where he paid dozens of men for sex. "What am I doing?" Mystere asked himself. He was so ashamed. Luckily he did not contract AIDS. Something he discovered after getting tested at a local clinic. It turned out he had a common STD that was curable after taking meds for a few weeks.
After that Mystere buckled down and put his nose to the grindstone. He cut together commercials at the radio station where he worked. His boss seemed satisfied with his work. Or so Mystere thought. Until the boss man called him into his office one afternoon. "Your work really stinks, Mystere" the boss said. "I have heard, however, that you are really good at giving BJs". Mystere obliged his boss and kept his job. Although the boss brought in an assistant who did most of the work.
That's how Mystere became his boss's boy toy. Bob (his boss) was 56 and Mystere was just 21. "I'm not g@y" Bob told Mystere every time. "Thats OK, I'm not g@y either" Mystere assured his boss. This went on for several years. Mystere stopped riding busses and blowing homeless men. His boss insisted. Bob was quite angry when he found out and gave Mystere a beating he never forgot. Mystere's boss was really happy with the work the assistant was doing so he decided to give Mystere a raise.
Mystere moved out of his parent's house and into an apartment. "When are you going to find a nice girl and get married?" his mother asked. Mystere's boss decided to give him a shot as the sports reporter. Being a big fan of the WWE Mystere jumped at the chance when the boss said an interview with the wrestler Rikishi would be his first assignment. Rikishi was putting on a performance at the Staples Center one night and Mystere arranged an exclusive interview in the locker room.
Mystere was nervous but he thought it went fairly well. The sound man packed up the equipment and indicated to Mystere that it was time to depart. "I'll take the bus home" Mystere told him. His co-worker shrugged his shoulders and drove off. Mystere wandered back into the locker room. Steam poured from the showers. Peeking inside, Mystere spotted a nude Rikishi lathering up. He was entranced. "You like what you see?" Rikishi asked as he continued stroking his enormous d0ng.
"I'm sorry" Mystere stammered. "It's OK" Rikishi replied. "Why don't you get undressed and join me?" the wrestler asked, to Mystere's amazement. Mystere quickly shed his clothing and joined Rikishi in the shower. They embraced and started kissing. Then Rikishi pushed down on the top of Mystere's head, forcing him to his knees. "Wow, you are really good at that" Rikishi remarked after Mystere finished.
"for a straight man, I suppose so" Mystere replied. "Yeah, I'm straight too" Rikishi insisted. "That's the first time I've ever done anything like that". After dating for a few months Rikishi paid Mystere's landlord so he could get out of his lease and they moved in together. Mystere kept his job for awhile, but his boss was not happy when Mystere told him he wanted to break off their relationship.
"There is no reason for me to keep you on if that is the case" Bob informed Mystere. But that quickly changed after Rikishi threatened to beat Bob senseless. Mystere was relieved. He had planned to tell Bob's wife about what was going on, but as it turned out, Bob was getting divorced. "That skank was sleeping around on me. And now my Mystere is dumping me!". Bob wept. A few years passed. Mystere continued to collect a paycheck, even after he decided he was going to stay home from now on.
Eventually Mystere found out he was being fired. One day Mystere was sitting on the couch watching cartoons and getting high smoking weed when the phone rang. "This is your new boss" a voice on the other end informed Mystere. "You're fired" the voice said. "What!" Mystere exclaimed, shocked. "Bob blew his brains out last week. I was going over the payroll and found your name. Everyone here says you haven't shown up to work in months".
And so Mystere became a househusband. After Rikishi proposed and he accepted. "It's just a legal agreement between two bros" Rikishi insisted as he slipped the ring on Mystere's finger. "This certainly doesn't make us f@gs". "OK", Mystere agreed. If it meant he could get high and watch TV all day he was for it. Plus the sex was fantastic! Given that Rikishi was hung like a horse.